J a i t r n a l o f ) t JKusir Juatrrm g J t t a h r a s A QUARTERLY DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF MUSIC VOL- XII 1941 Parts l-IV • EDITED BY M r. T . V. S u b b a R a o 4 ANP D r. V. R a g h a v a n The Music Academy, Madras ' Kasturi Buildings’, Royapettai. Madras Annual Subscription:— Wand Rs. 4; Foreign 8 shs. Post Paid. NOTICE All correspondence should be addressed to Dr. V. Raghavan, Joint Editor, Journal of the Music Academy. Articles on musical subjects are accepted for publi­ cation on the understanding that they are contributed solely to the Journal of the Music Academy. All manuscripts should be legibly written or pre­ ferably typewritten (double-spaced—on one side of the paper only) and should be signed by the writer (giving his address in full). All articles and communications intended for publi­ cation should reach the office at least one month before the date of publication (ordinarily the 15th o f the 1st m o n th in each quarter). The Editor or the Academy is not responsible for the views expressed by individual contributors. All advertisements intended for publication should reach the office not later than the 1st of the first month o f each q u a rte r. All books, moneys and cheques due to and intended for the Journal should be sent to Dr. V. Raghavan, Joint E ditor. ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES. P er issue. COVER PAGES: Full page. H a lf page. Back (outside) Rs. 25 Front (inside) „ 20 Rs. 11 Back (D o.) „ 20 5) II INSIDE PAGES: 1st page (after cover) „ 18 „ 10 Other pages (each) ... „ 16 ?> 9 Preference will be given to advertisers of musical instruments and books and other artistic wares. Special positions and special rates on application. 5 % discount fo r cash with order. The Journal of the Music Academy, MADRAS OPINION T h e O r ie n t a l L i t e r a r y D ig e s t , P o o n a , w r it e s :— “A journal of all-India character, solely devoted to music has been a serious and long-standing desideratum. Though the Sangita a quarterly, published from the Maris College, Lucknow, and the Journal of the Music Academy, Madras (JMAM) were started in 1930, both had, un­ fortunately, to be suspended after issuing a few excellent numbers. The reappearance of the JM AM will therefore be welcomed by all thoughtful lovers of Indian music and culture with no small amount of gratification. The volume under review, though dated 1934, was published only a few months ago, and the promise of soon bringing out the volumes due for each of the years I934 to *938, resumes the thread of its publication from where it was broken. Though naturally it is devoted chiefly to South Indian Music, there are features which make it indispensable for serious students and lovet^ of music throughout the length and breadth of India. Publication of original articles on music by experts, and of classical works on Indian music are instances in point. Authoritative reports of the annual conferences of the Music Academy, Madras, are to be found only in the pages of this journal, and embodying as they do the discussions on important topics by experts and acknowledged authorities, they cannot be overlooked by serious students of Indian music. 3{c * Sk Sic This alone should suffice to draw the attention of all scholars, societies and institutions concerned with Indology to this important journal. * * * * We wish the journal a long and brilliant career of service to the cause of Indian music. Let all lovers of Indian music make common cause with those in charge of the Journal to see its growing prosperity.” The Journal of the Music Academy, Madras SELECT OPINIONS The Indian Express: “ The resumption of the Journal is an event of the first magnitude in the musical world. The very capable Board of Editors may be trusted to produce issues of the quality as the one under review.’* The Hindu: “ The revival of this valuable Journal devoted to the study and promotion of Indian Music will be welcomed by all lovers and exponents of the art.” The Madras Mail: “ We are glad to note the revival of the Journal of the Madras Music Academy (a quarterly devoted to the advancement of the science and art of music) * * * Fulfilling as it does a real need of music lovers, we are sure all lovers of art and culture will support it.” H. H. The Maharaja of Dharampur: “ * * H is H ig h ­ ness is also delighted to read the* articles in your magazine which are undoubtedly very interesting and instructive. He is also pleased to read the proceedings of the Academy’s M usic C onference * * The Adyar Bulletin: “ The resumption of the publi­ cation of this journal devoted to the promotion of research in the field of music must be welcomed by all lovers of Indian culture. The Journal fulfils a real need as it is the only Journal of its kind in India.” S. N. Bhattacharya, Benares Hindu University: “ A glance at the Index for the last ten years’ articles in your Magazine revals to me the keen interest in Music taken by the South Indians. There is no such Journal in North India.” 9 CONTENTS Pages The XVth Madras Music Conference, 1941: Official Report .. 1—23 Sanglta and Sahitya: SangTtaratnakara Vidvan Ariyak- kudi Ramanuja Ayyangar 23—26 Folk-Music: Questionnaire: Prof. G. H. Ranade 27—28 Classical Music: Questionnaire: Prof. G. H. Ranade .. 2 9 -3 0 Syama Sastri: Sri T. V. Subba Rao .. 31—32 Do. Sri T. T. Krishnamachari 32—35 Comparative Music—European and Indian: Sri C. S. Ayyar 36—37 The So-called ‘ Akalahka * or the Sanglta Sara Sangrahamu: Dr. V. Raghavan 38—42 Xlth All-India Oriental Conference— Presidential Address to the Music Section: Sri T. V. Subba Rao 43—56 Compositions of Pallavi Doraiswami Iyer of Tanjore, Part II: Sri C. S. Ayyar _ .. 57—66 Venkatamakhin and the 72 Melas: Dr. V. Raghavan .. 67—79 The Raga Madhyamadi: Prof. G. H. Ranade 80—84 My Impressions of the 15th Conference of the Music Academy, Madras: Prof. G. H. Ranade 85—88 The Natl’s Song in the Sakuntala: Sri O. C. Gangooly.. 89—91 Do. Dr. V. Raghavan .. 92 Sanglta Kamalakara, An Unknown Work on Music: Sri P. K. Gode 93—95 Music Contributions in other Journals: Dr. V. Raghavan 96—98 Editorial •. • • .. !)9—100 THE MADRAS MUSIC CONFERENCE, 1941 £ O f f ic ia l R e po r t The Opening Day 22—12—41. The Fifteenth Session of the annual Music Conference conducted by the. Madras Music Academy was held at the Senate House of the University of Madras. Maharajah Sri Rajah Rao Venkata Kumara Mahipati Surya Rao Bahadur, C.B.E., Maharajah of Pithapuram, opened the Conference and Gandharva Vidyabhusana, Ganakala Visarada Prof. D. Venkata- swatni Naidu, Principal, Maharajah’s College of Music, Vizianagaram, presided over the deliberations of the Experts’ Committee. Tlie Proceedings commenced with prayer. W e l c o m e S p e e c h On behalf of the Music Academy, Rao Bahadur K. V. Krislmaswami Aiyar welcomed the Maharajah of Pitha­ puram and other guests. Presenting an address of welcome to the Maharajah, Mr. Ivrishnaswami Aiyar said : “ We are deeply grateful to you for your kindness in consen­ ting to inaugurate the present session. Your profound love for Arts and Letters and generous help extended to educational institutions are well-known. As tbe head of an ancient and renowned Zamindary in our Province, you have promoted learning and culture with uncommon zeal. Your presence in our midst is a source of encouragement to us and we hope it will result in your taking a kindly interest in our activities. Our principal aim has always been to work for the advancement of the Art and Science of Music. To this end we consider no task more important than to set up the highest standards of taste and appreciation. Your discerning sympathy and active co-operation will strengthen our hands in this endeavour.” Mr. Ivrishnaswami Aiyar then requested the Maharajah to open the Conference. OPENING ADDRESS BY A ' T h e M a h a r a j a of P it h a p u r a m Declaring the Conference open, the Maharajah of Pitha­ puram said: “I thank the Music Academy for the honour they have done me in inviting me to open this Conference. Knowing nothing of the scientific aspect of music, I was first surprised and amused and felt reluctant. But friends’ kindly insistence on my acceptance of the invitation obtained my consent. My only justification for being here now is my admiration for music. I request that my statements may be understood in this light only and taken for what they are worth. Though blissfully ignorant of the science, I heartily appreciate and intensely enjoy music. I like it when it appeals to the ear. When sounds are produced by fine instruments or songs are sung in melodious voices, music is really enchanting. It is one of the finest of the Fine Arts. Many are the merits claimed for it. It acts like a tonic. Wonderful are its effects on the body and mind. , It is soothing to the nerves and gives peace to the mind. In some cases even diseases are cured.
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