Since 1894, America has been celebrating Labor Day, observed this year on Sept. 4. It is a holiday honoring the Nation's workforce which produces the commodities and LABO provides the services essential to the growth, development Special note and security of our country. Effective 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 5, DAY The idea of setting such a day aside was first suggested 1978, the current telephone number by Peter J. McGuire in 1882. He was then president of the at USA United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, the hospital, 951061, will no and was an active leader in the Knights of Labor. longer be in use. The prefix 913 At about the same time, that great poet of the common followed by the extension number i American, Walt Whitman, was writing of the worker and the hospital will be used. the significance of "the strong day's work." Yesterday's Gazette contained the Labor Day also recognizes how the labor movement has complete listing of the new tele- bettered the lot of the worker, changing him from a mere phone numbers at the hospital. chattel of the mine, factory or mill into a vigorous worker The emergency number will remain for democracy. It is this that makes the difference between the same: 95444. the dictatorship and the democracy. In the former, the worker labors for the government; in the latter, for himself and for a better nation. In times of war and peace, the American workforce and military force have met the challenges of the day-the former supplying the latter with the best equipment and Dateline. technology to combat any threat to freedom and national WASHINGTON (AP) -- Another effort security. Such continues to be the legacy of the American will be made to avert a nationwide worker. mail strike when the postal service and three of its unions return to the negotiating table. The bargainers, with the help of seasoned labor mediator James Healy, will be working against a Sept. 15 deadline. If there is no agreement by then, the talks go to binding ar- bitration, with Healy deciding the unsolved issues. Vol. 33 No. 165 U.S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Friday, September 1, 1978 WASHINGTON (AP) -- A published report quotes a federal investigator as say- ing half the money the government 's Washington offices pay for supplies obtained through the General Services Administration may be lost to cor- Violence continues to flare in Nicaragua ruption. The Washington Post says federal offices in the area, through the GSA, MATAGALPA, Nicaragua (AP) -- Nation- streets. And, while government hel- "Sister Martha, who also is a Red spend $37.6 million a year on office al Guard units moved into Nicara- icopters circled overhead, she went Cross volunteer, said she feared a supplies. ua's third largest city yesterday from barricade to barricade telling slaughter. Scores of refugees But the Post quotes federal inves- rebels fighting against the the 0Vrout young rebels that their fight crowded a rescue station, which was tigator Vincent Alto as saying the government of President Anastasio was futile. She shouted to them: running out of blood plasma, food government may actually receive only Somoza. "'Don't kill yourselves uselessly! and medicines." half of that amount in supplies. Rebels fired, retreated behind Don't throw your lives away!' In the capital city of Managua, 95 barricades, and fired again at the "Hundreds of civilians bearing miles away, a strike called by busi- WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Labor Depart- oncoming soldiers. bundles of belongings dodged the nessmen to pressure Somoza out of ment will issue the August unemploy- Associated Press correspondent crossfire of rebels and government office was limping along. ment statistics today and the White Tom Fenton was there. troops and fled the city. Various sources estimated the House is looking for some good news. He reported: "A Roman Catholic "The number of casualties is not strike to be from 50-67 percent ef- The administration's analysts are nun, Sister Martha Frech, said eight known. But Red Cross volunteers say fective. expecting unemployment to stay in tanks were backing up the troops. there were many killed and hundreds A spokesman for the strike organi- the 6-6.2 percent range for the rest "The rebels had sandbagged the wounded. zers said it is gaining support in of the year. outlying cities and that he expects The July jobless figure stood at Buoys should not be tampered with it to grow stronger in the capital. 6.2 percent. Two very important buoys have been required to relocate the ends should placed in Guantanamo Bay about 600 they be lost is extensive. All Local man injured seriously incident yards offshore just north of the sign marking the cable crossing on boaters are directed to stand clear A motorcycle-automobile accident Tarawa Road. the Windward side. These buoys are of these buoys and to leave them in early yesterday morning resulted in The driver of the car, Fireman made of sections of four by four, place. Base Police and Port Control serious injuries to an FTG man. Apprentice Jeff Barber of the Ship about two feet long and painted have been asked to watch for boaters Chief Operations Specialist Harold Repair Department was apprehended international orange. They mark the in this area and to investigate any Stiles, whose left leg had to be and charges filed. severed ends of the cable which is apparent tampering with these mark- amputated below the knee, was riding Chief Stiles has been in the Navy supposed to carry power to Leeward. ers. They are not valuable--you can his motorcycle shortly after midnight since 1962 and at FTG since May The buoys themselves are not valu- easily make your own! Please leave when the accident occurred on Sherman 1976. He and his wife Gail live at able, but the time and effort them where they are. Avenue near the intersection of Nob Hill. Couple finds it pays to stay in the Navy "If you're good, it pays to stay sion on Crane Hill, were reenlisted that the bonus be paid to them in year tour and have already extended in" -- a phrase often unheeded by there yesterday at 9 a.m. in the de- one installment so they can buy some it to November, 1980, because, as those enlisted personnel unfamiliar partment head's office. The cere- land in either Florida or Washington Bill says, "We really enjoy it down with the Navy's reenlistment incen- mony was conducted by Captain Wil- and invest what's left over in time here.the Navy's been good to me. tives. liam E. Zidbeck, commanding officer, certificates. I've grown up a lot." For Electronics Technician (Radar) NAS, who reenlisted Bill, and Ensign The size of the SRB Zone A (first- Bill, who hopes to go to Officer Third Class Pamela M. Lawrence, 21, Richard C. Herbel, Naval Station time reenlistment) cash award is de- Candidate School during his new en- kept the news of and her husband, ETR3 George W. personnel officer, who did the hon- termined by a multitude of variables listment, said they quiet," "Bill" Lawrence, 25, staying in for ors for Pam. which are: time in service, paygrade, their SRB prospects "pretty inner five more years each will pay to the length of reenlistment and the SRB which for Pam amounted to "an since so many people has- tune of $24,000 ($12,000 each), a The $24,000 the Lawrences will re- award level, of which there are six. struggle, tune that may be more aptly de- ceive is their maximum Selective Re- The levels are continually varying sled her about reenlisting." scribed as a symphonic cresendo of enlistment Bonus (SRB) entitlement among rates and NECs due to manning is off, the cash. and normally such bonuses are paid levels. The more undermanned or Now that the pressure The Lawrences, who are assigned out in annual installments upon the critical a person's rate or NEC is, Lawrences may find that it certainly if only for the together at NAS in the Anti-Aircraft anniversary of re-enlistment. How- the higher will be that person's does pay to stay in, Warfare Center's Electronics Divi- ever, the Lawrences have requested award level. last laugh. The maximum SRB award is $15,000, and that is only for those personnel with Nuclear Power Operators NECs. For all other personnel the ceiling is $12,000. Both Lawrences readily admit that the $12,000 bonus offered to each of them "played a very significant part in our decision to reenlist," but stress that they wouldn't have gone through with it if they weren't hap- py with the Navy to begin with. The former Pamela Schunk, a native of Dunkirk, N.Y., entered the Navy in December, 1974, and Bill, who hails from Dothan, Ala., joined the next month. They were stationed to- gether in the Ground Electronics Maintenance Division at NAS, Jack- sonville, Fla., where they were mar- ried Aug. 7, 1976. They reported to Gitmo Aug. 23 last year for a two- t j1 1 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, September 1, 1978 *Live firing- Friday 6:15 a.m. - 5 p.m. of the upper Bay North of Saturday 6f15 a.m. - 2 p.m. Caracoles and Granadillo Sunday None Schedfled Points will be off limits. Monday noon - 5 p.m. For further information, con- The Conde and Hicacle Beach tact the Special Services for publication is uoon thru"h Frday (excluding holidaya. Deadline areas between Saint Nicholas Marina, COMNAVBASE Duty Office previous the wrking day knfide emergency announementa ilb acepted anyLaerrl0 onhecpblcComunityfff annomenmtsx fle :1 will .
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