Please view our parish website at ☎ ✆✁✝✞ ✞✁ ✟✠✡✂☛ ☞ ✌ ✆✝✍✎✁✍ ✁✂✄ pocoparishes.org ✏✑✒✓✔✕ ✖ ✗✕✘ ✙✚✛ ✓✔✕ ✜✘ ✢✣✑✤✔✥ ✚✛✦ ✵ ✶✶✷✸ ✹ ✺✻✼ ✼ ✼ ✽ ✾✶✿❀✸✶ ❁ ✽ ❀✴✴✶❂❃ ✶ ❄✶❂❃ ✼❁ [email protected] ✲✳✴ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❆ ❈ ❈ ❆ ✻✴ ✼ ✾ ❀✸✸ ✶❃ ❂✼ ✻❂ ✿ ✳✴✶ ✳✴ ✶ ✻ ✸ ❀✼ ✻❃ ✬✬✭✮✬✯✰✱ ✧★✩✪✫ [email protected] We are on Facebook! Search for us on Facebook as: pocoparishes ❉❊ ❋●❍■ ❏ ❑▲▼ ◆❖❑ St. Anthony St. Jude PO Box C PO Box 385 612 W. First St. 111 River Rd. Usk, WA Newport, WA 99156 99180 Mass: Sunday, 11 am Mass: Saturday 4:00pm ❆ ❈ ◗✶✶✷ ✿✻✹ ✺✻✼✼ ❘ ❙ ❀✶✼ ✿✻ ✹ ❚ ❯ ✴ ✿✻✹❁ ✱✩ ✻ ❽ ❆ ❅❈ ✿✳✴✻❃ ✳❂ ❘ ❙✾❀✴✼✿✻ ✹✼❁ ✰✮★ ❱ ❆ ❲ ❳ ❈ ✳❂✲✶✼ ✼ ✳❂✼ ❘ ✱✼❃ ✻ ❃ ❀✴✿✻✹❁ ✪ ✮ ✱✩ ✻ ❁ ❙ ❀✶✼ ✿✻ ✹ ✻❂ ✿ ❱ ❆ ❳ ➉ ❅❈ ❇ ✳❂✲✶✼ ✼ ✳❂✼ ❘ ✻ ❃ ❀✴✿✻✹❁ ✰❘✰✩ ✬ ✶ ✲✳✴✶ ✺✻✼ ✼ ❆ ❨ ❈ ❯ ✴ ✿✻✹ ✼ ✻✲❃✶ ✴ ❃ ✾✶ ✱✩✻ ✺✻✼ ✼ ❳ ❆ ❳ ✶✽✴✶❃ ✻✴ ✹❻✺✻ ❂❃✶❂✻❂✽ ✶ ❘ ❼✶❂✶ ❃✳❂✶ ❆ ❆ ❩✻✴ ✼ ✾ ❬✲✲ ✽✶ ❘ ✬✬✭✮✯❭❪★❁ ❆ ❆ ❳ ✺❀✼ ✽ ❘ ❹ ✻❂✶ ❃✳❂✶ ❆ ❫✴✼ ❘ ❙❀✶✼ ✿✻✹ ❚ ❯ ✴ ✿✻✹❁ ❴❵❛❜❵ ❝❞ ❡ ❢ ❛❜❵ ❣ ❞ ❆ ❱ ❆ ❳ ❯ ❂✻❂✽✶ ✳ ❀❂✽ ✸ ❘ ❼✶❂✶ ❃✳❂✶❁ ❼✶❂✶ ❼✳✼✼✶ ❁ ❚ ❳ ❳ ❤ ❆✐ ✶✽✴✶❃ ✻✴ ✹❘ ✾✶✸✸✶ ✹ ❀ ❈ ❙✳ ❼✻✴✴✶❃ ❃ ❥❦❧ ♠♥ ♦ ♣❦q q❦st ✉ st ✈s ✇s ✈①❝ q② ③ ❣ q♦❝② ♦ q♦❝✇♦ ❝ ❽ ❆ ✿✳✴✻❃ ✳❂ ❘ ❼✶❂✶ ❼✳✼✼ ✶ ④④⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑨ ❞♦② ②❝✉ ♦ ❝♠ ❡❢ ❤ ❈ ✶✽ ❃✳✴✼ ❘ ❙✳ ❼✻✴✴✶❃❃ ❤ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❲ ✻ ✿ ✶✼ ✺ ❂ ✼ ❃✴ ✹❘ ❩✴✶✼ ⑩✻❃ ✾✹ ❶❀✼✼ ✷✳ ✾✸ ❆ ❷ ❆ ❸ ❅ ❆ ❶❀✸✸ ✶❃ ❂ ❘ ✸ ✸ ❀ ✽ ✾ ➄♠ ➊ ➎❦② ♦❣♥ ❱ ❆ ❆ ❲ ❳ ✾✳ ✴ ❘ ❹ ✴ ❁ ❶✶ ❄ ✽ ✾✸✳✼✼ ➅ ❩ ❬ ❶✳ ✬✱✭ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❷ ❆ ❸ ❅ ❆ ❺ ❀✽✾✻✴ ✼ ❃ ✽ ✺ ❂ ✼ ❃✶ ✴✼ ❻❼✴✶✶❃ ✶✴✼ ❘ ✸✸ ❀ ✽ ✾ ❳ ❲ ✬✩❭ ❩✻✴✷ ❃ ❆ ❱ ❆ ❱ ❆ ❲ ❸ ❅ ❆ ❯ ❂✻❂✽ ✶ ✳ ❀❂✽ ✸ ❘ ✾✻ ✴ ❁ ❺✿ ❀ ✽ ✾ ❆ ❽ ✺✶❃✻✸ ❂✶ ❯ ✻✸✸✼ ❁ ◗ ❽ ❾ ❈ ❿ ❆ ❈ ❯ ❀❂✶✴✻✸ ✴✴✻❂ ✶ ✶❂❃✼ ❘ ✶✸✸ ✶ ❼✴✻✾✻ ✪✪✱★✰ ❾ ❆ ❈ ❳ ❅ ❼✴✳ ❀❂✿✼ ✻❂ ✿ ❶✸✿ ✺✻ ❂❃ ❘ ❙✳ ❃✶ ✾✶❂✼ ➆ ⑦ ❝ ② ②❛ ➄ ①t✈❝➃ ③ ❝ ❞ ❅ ❆ ❆ ❃✻✸ ❃ ✹❘ ❫✳✼ Please sign up downstairs ➍ ⑧ ⑨ ➇ ❴②♠③ ❜❧ ✈ ♠♥ ❆❾ ❱ ❈ ❇ ❷ ❆❈ ❆ ⑩ ❂ ✾❃✼ ✳✲ ✳✸ ❀ ❀✼ ❘ ❼⑩❁ ❫ ❂✶✼ ❤ ❱ ❆ ❆ ❾ ✶✽❃✳✴✼ ❘ ✾✴ ✼ ❃ ❂✻ ◗✻ ✻✴ Finance Council: Steve Kiss ❆ ❱ ❆ ❱ ❆ ❲ ❱ ❆ ❆ ❾ ❩✻✴ ✼ ✾ ✳ ❀❂✽ ✸ ❘ ✾✻ ✴ ❁ ✾✴ ✼ ❃ ❂✻ ◗✻ ✻✴ ❱ ❆ ❆ ✐ ✾✻ ❂ ❘ ❼✻ ✸ ❹ ✻ ❄✻ ❩✴✻ ✹✶✴ Religious Ed Coordinator: Erin Kinney ❅ ❾ ❈ ❳ ❤ ❆✐ ❩✴✶ ✻✴✶✼ ❩✴✳ ✴✻ ❘ ✾✶✸✸✶ ✹ ❀ ➀ ❆❾❆ ❆ ❳ ✶✸ ✳ ❀✼ ❺✿❀✽✻❃ ✳❂ ❘ ✻✼ ✾✻ ❙✶✲✲❃ ➄♠ ➊ ➋♦❧t ❝❧ ✈ ➅ ❩ ❬ ❶✳ ✭✰✱ ➁①❧ ➂❝ ✈➃ ❦♣ ➄ ❦❧❧❦ ② ❿❲ ❲ ❽ ❲ ✰✩✯ ❪❃ ✾ ❄✶ ➅ ❩ ❬ ❶✳ ✰✪ ❽ ➌✳❂✶❁ ◗ ✪✪✱✰✪ ❤ ❱ ❱ ➀ ❲ ✱✪❪✱ ✶ ✸✶✴✽ ✴✶ ✶✷ ✿ ➆ ⑦ ❝ ② ②❛ ➄ ①t ✈❝➃③ ❝ ❞ ❱ ❆ ❽ ❀✼ ✽✷❁ ◗ ✪✪✱✱✪ ➍ ④ ⑨ ➇❢ ✈ ➊ ♠♥ ➊ ➆ ⑧ ❝ ②②❛ ➄ ①t✈❝➃ ③ ❛❜❵ ❣ ❞ ♠ ❦ ➄ ①t ✈❝➃② ❦♣ ➇♣❧ ②♠ Finance Council: John Redinger ⑨ ❞❦♠♥ Contact: Stan Bluff ♦❝➈♥ Choir: Erin Kinney Prayers for the Ill To better facilitate this list it will be FINANCIAL UPDATE October B irthdays completely deleted on October 6th unless you contact the office at St. Anthony’s for the week 447-2685 and ask for your loved one to of Nicole Johnson…..……...10/13 remain. October 6, 2019 Paula Dirks……….…….10/27 Izabella Ann Gavin Ivie Income Gladys Bishop Lon Lee $ 4,537.00 Mary Beth Murphy….…....10/28 Mary Boisen Neil McBratney "if you do not see your birthday Gary Brooks Isaac McG listed, please let us know." Carl Burrell Charles Nelson Timothy Carr Hannah Rheigans Johnnee Curtis Yesenia Sandoval Gail Davaz Nancy Sanger Don Deerwester Rich Scredon Tom Fascko Michele Springsteen Matt Finnegan Christina Tefft Warren Foersch Roman Vasquez PRAYER CHAIN CONTACT Dave Floyd Rosie Yepez Gail Davaz @ 509-292-2601 Cheryl Henriksen Tony Yepez Jim Hines Nellie Graham @ 509-951-1020 NORTHWEST EUCHARISTIC MARIAN CONFERENCE Please join us for this event to be held on Friday, October 18 starting at 5:00 p.m. and concluding at 7:45 p.m. on Saturday, October 19 from 9am-7:45pm at St. Anthony Parish in Newport (location: 612 W 1st Street). The weekend will be a gathering of local and nationally known speakers and artists with the goal of "re-charging your soul and increasing your prayer reflection." For more information on this special event, please contact: Marie by phone (425) 327-8753; or mail: 568 Snug Harbor, Sandpoint, ID 83864.Scholarships available. NO ONE is turned away due to inability to pay full cost. Donations are welcomed For more information, please check out our website: pocoparishes.org. There is a link to the flyer on the front page. Each church has flyers already available at each door. What is a “doctor of the Church”? Institutions of higher learning confer doctorates on those who make significant contributions to a particular disci- pline. Likewise the Church, as an institution of higher enlightenment, confers the title “doctor” on those who have significantly illuminated Christ to his disciples. Doctor is derived from the Latin docere, “to teach.” While all saints are recognized for their exceptional holiness, popes or an ecumenical council may bestow the honorary title of “doctor of the Church” to saints with exceptional wisdom and learning. These rare individuals have contributed profoundly to a greater understanding of the faith, making a monumental theological or doctrinal impact on the Church. The Church has thirty-six doctors. Saint Gregory of Narek was the most recently named in 2015. Saints Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, and Gregory the Great were the original four. Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225– 1274) was accorded the distinctions “doctor angelicus” and “doctor communis” for his purity of life and clarity of thought that were thought to stretch beyond the confines of the human intellect. Saint Catherine of Siena (1347– 1380) became a “shuttle diplomat” as she developed peace treaties between warring political factions in Italy in the fourteenth century. Saint Teresa of Ávila (1515–1582), whose feast day is October 15, remains the hallmark of those seeking to engage in a more mystical spirituality. Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1696–1787) was named a doc- tor the quickest of all, a mere eighty-four years after his death. These doctors proved themselves to be trust- worthy guides for both protecting and developing the great treasure that is our faith. —The Redemptorists Catholic Parishes of Pend Oreille County Dear Friends, Thank you very, very much for your continued participation in this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal. Your generosity is inspiring and is a testimony of your faithfulness to the local Church, which we call the Diocese of Spokane. This coming Friday and Saturday (Oct. 18th and 19th), St. Anthony’s will host the Northwest Eucharistic Marian Conference. Because of this, there will not be a 10 am Mass on Friday. In addition, I’ve asked Fr. Ken Krall to cover for me next weekend. We welcome Fr. Krall, as always, with open arms! October is traditionally a month dedicated to Mary under the title “Our Lady of the Rosary.” I know many of you have a devotion to praying the Rosary regularly, if not daily. Many Saints had a devotion to the Rosary and drew innumerable graces from it. Those graces are waiting for us, too, when we pray this beautiful prayer. Speaking of prayer, let’s continue to keep one another in loving thought and prayer. It keeps us closer to one another and opens the way to happiness. I wish you all a blessed Sunday. Fr. Vic WINTER COATS & SOCKS NEEDED The Knights of Columbus will be collecting items for the “Coats for Kids” Program during the month of October. Please bring any size, slightly used or new, coats, jackets, gloves mittens or hats and place them in the downstairs storage area in St. Anthony’s basement. We are also collecting for The House of Charity Sock Drive. New socks needed only please. Any questions regarding either the “Coats for Kids” or The House of Charity Sock Drive may be di- rected to Jim Hines at 770.883.5494. Please Be Considerate Using the Kneelers This Fall. Using them as footrests is a cleaning and stability problem for us and your clothes. .
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