FOLD How to play 2QHSHUVRQUHDGVWKH³'LG<RX.QRZ"´ DQG³7\SHVRI([RSODQHWV´FDUGVWRthe group. Each person gets a game card. Group members review the information on their cards. The game begins when one player reads aloud the information on their card and asks their game question. The player holding the card with the answer to that question responds, shares the information on their card, and reads aloud their own game learning.org - of Exoplanet question. - The game continues until all cards have Trading Cards been shared aloud with the group. www.universe Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD Did you Did you know? know? Scientists are searching for planets similar to Earth and signs of life. A key ingredient for life is liquid water, like Exoplanets are planets outside of our oceans or lakes. solar system that usually orbit another star. They are also known as extrasolar The habitable zone is the area around a planets. star where it is not too hot and not too cold for surrounding planets to have We know of thousands of exoplanets in liquid water. the Milky Way galaxy. Scientists have found water molecules Exoplanets are detected and studied by in the atmospheres of some exoplanets. telescopes on the ground and in space. %XWWKH\KDYHQ¶WIRXQGOLTXLGZDWHU\HW Exoplanets range from rocky (like Earth So far, Earth is the only planet we know and Mars) to gas-rich (like Jupiter and of with life. learning.org Saturn). - of We GRQ¶WKDYHSLFWXUHVRIPDQ\ - Proxima Centauri is the closest star to exoplanets because they are small and our own. It hosts the nearest faint. It is difficult to capture their exoplanets. images with current technology. www.universe Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD Types of Exoplanets Rocky Worlds Rocky worlds, also called terrestrial, are mainly composed of rocks, heavier elements, or metals. They have a solid surface and are between 1/2 to two Exoplanets come in a variety of types and WLPHV(DUWK¶VUDGLXVLQVL]H sizes. Gas Giants They range from gas giants larger than Gas giants are similar to Jupiter but Jupiter, to small, rocky worlds about as big much ODUJHU7KH\GRQ¶Whave hard around as Earth or Mars. surfaces. Instead, they have swirling gases (hydrogen and/or helium) around They can be hot enough to boil metal or a solid core. locked in a deep freeze. Neptune-like Worlds Some exoplanets orbit multiple stars. Neptune-like worlds are a subset of gas Others are free-IORDWLQJDQGGRQ¶WRUELWD giants that are similar in size to Neptune star at all. or Uranus. Like gas giants, they have hydrogen and helium atmospheres and While there are many types of exoplanets, cores made of rock and metals. learning.org four types are featured in this card deck« - of Super Earths - Super Earths are larger than Earth and smaller than Neptune. They are not necessarily similar to our home planet. They can be made of gas, rock, or a combination of both. www.universe Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD Beta Pictoris b A gas giant discovered in 2008. It is one of two known planets in its system. Approx. star temperature: 7,780 °C Distance from star: 9.10 Orbital period: 21 Earth years Habitable zone: No Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What exoplanet has a year that is 20 Earth days long? www.universe g Ceti Beta Pictoris b Tau Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD HD 10647 b A gas giant discovered in 2006. It is the only known planet in its system at this time. Approx. star temperature: 5,760 °C Distance from star: 2.02 Orbital period: 2.7 Earth years Habitable zone: Yes Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What rocky world has a year that is 18.8 Earth days long? www.universe 1 h 1 - HD 10647 b TRAPPIST Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD HD 40307 c A Neptune-like world discovered in 2009. It is one of five known planets in its system. Approx. star temperature: 4,700 °C Distance from star: 0.08 Orbital period: 9.6 Earth days Habitable zone: No Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What gas giant was discovered in 2006? www.universe HD 40307 c b 10647 HD Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD KELT-6 b A gas giant discovered in 2014. It is one of two known planets in its system, the other being KELT-6 c. Approx. star temperature: 6,000 °C Distance from star: 0.08 Orbital period: 7.8 Earth days Habitable zone: No Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What exoplanet is 0.3 away from its star? www.universe 1229 b 1229 - KELT-6 b Kepler Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD KELT-6 c A gas giant discovered in 2015. It is one of two known planets in its system, the other being KELT-6 b. Approx. star temperature: 6,000 °C Distance from star: 2.39 Orbital period: 3.5 Earth years Habitable zone: Yes Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What exoplanet has a year that is 3.5 Earth days long? www.universe 20 b 20 - KELT-6 c KELT Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶VFRQFHSW Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD KELT-19 A b A gas giant discovered in 2017. It is the only known planet in its system at this time. Approx. star temperature: 7,230 °C Distance from star: 0.06 Orbital period: 4.6 Earth days Habitable zone: No Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What exoplanet has an orbital period of 1.7 Earth years? www.universe f Ceti Tau KELT-19 A b Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD KELT-20 b A gas giant discovered in 2017. It is the only known planet in its system at this time. Approx. star temperature: 8,700 °C Distance from star: 0.05 Orbital period: 3.5 Earth days Habitable zone: No Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What TRAPPIST planet is in the habitable zone? www.universe 1 e 1 - KELT-20 b TRAPPIST Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD Kepler-62 f A super Earth discovered in 2013. It is one of five known planets in its system. Approx. star temperature: 4,650 °C Distance from star: 0.72 Orbital period: 267.3 Earth days Habitable zone: Yes Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What gas giant was discovered in 2015? www.universe 6 c 6 - Kepler-62 f KELT Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD Kepler-1229 b A super Earth discovered in 2016. It is the only known planet in its system at this time. Approx. star temperature: 3,450 °C Distance from star: 0.3 Orbital period: 86.8 Earth days Habitable zone: Yes Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What gas giant was discovered in 2008? www.universe b Pictoris Kepler-1229 b Beta Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD Proxima Centauri b A super Earth discovered in 2016. It is one of two confirmed planets in its system. Approx. star temperature: 2,770 °C Distance from star: 0.05 Orbital period: 11.2 Earth days Habitable zone: Yes Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What Neptune-like world Proxima was discovered in 2009? www.universe Centauri b c 40307 HD Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD Tau Ceti f A super Earth discovered in 2017. Along with Tau Ceti g, it is one of four confirmed planets in its system. Approx. star temperature: 5,070 °C Distance from star: 1.33 Orbital period: 1.7 Earth years Habitable zone: Yes Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - What super Earth is in a five planet system? www.universe 62 f 62 - Tau Ceti f Kepler Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD Tau Ceti g A super Earth discovered in 2017. Along with Tau Ceti f, it is one of four confirmed planets in its system. Approx. star temperature: 5,070 °C Distance from star: 0.13 Orbital period: 20 Earth days Habitable zone: No Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - :KDWH[RSODQHW¶VVWDUKDV a temperature of 2,770 °C? www.universe Centauri b Centauri Proxima Tau Ceti g Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD TRAPPIST-1 e A rocky world discovered in 2017. It is one of seven known planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. Approx. star temperature: 2,270 °C Distance from star: 0.03 Orbital period: 6.1 Earth days Habitable zone: Yes Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - :KDWH[RSODQHW¶V\HDULV 7.8 Earth days long? www.universe 6 b 6 - TRAPPIST-1 e KELT Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD TRAPPIST-1 h A rocky world discovered in 2017. It is one of seven known planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. Approx. star temperature: 2,270 °C Distance from star: 0.06 Orbital period: 18.8 Earth days Habitable zone: No Earth diameter learning.org Game Question - of - :KDWH[RSODQHW¶VVWDUKDVD temperature of 7,230 °C? www.universe 19 A b A 19 - TRAPPIST-1 h KELT Answer: ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD GJ 179 b A gas giant discovered in 2009. It is the only known planet in its system at this time. Approx. star temperature: 3,150 °C Distance from star: 0.05 Orbital period: 6.3 Earth years Earth diameter Habitable zone: No learning.org - of - Bonus Card GJ 179 b www.universe ,PDJH$UWLVW¶Vconcept Exoplanet Trading Cards FOLD FOLD HD 40307 b A super Earth discovered in 2009.
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