U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Aug. 6 . 1M 7 am CMS Ripped: Tigers FM8ALE CM8 CAM CAM HMULE HM8AIE FM8ALE CAM CAM CAM Debt limit: Government bills / page FM8ALE F0R8ALE HM8ALE F0R8ALE rout Yankees in series CHRYSLER Cordobo 1976 D O D G E Aspen. Good PLYMOUTH wagon 76. Sell Your Car 1976. Good condition, for ports. Good motor, V-8, runs good, auto­ opener / page 15 dspandoble cor. $4S0. new radiator. Coll be- matic air, power 643-2929 offer 5:30. brakes, steering. Air Bluegrass: Traver Hollow is distinctive / page 11 CHEVY Copris Clottic 646-6077. ___________ shocks. 8350/best offer. 4 Lines — 10 Days 1979. Dependable cor. PLYMOUTH 6old Duster 649-9253 otter 5. ' 80S charge, each addi­ High mileage. Must 1974.8400 or best otter. sell. 8900.643-2929 after 649-W2. Anvtimel tional Una. You can 5:30. ITRUCK8/VAN8 cancel at any time. H O N D A so Accord. 4 CHEVY 1953. Belolr 4 door, air, 5 speed, 1 IF0H8ALE SORRY. door, runs good. Por- owner, excellent condi­ NO REFUNDS OR tlollv restored. tion. 82300. 646-5803. CHEVY 1978 4 d o o r ADJUSTMENTS 8700/best offer. 875- pickup truck. 3 plus 3 N E W 0889 anytime. Silverado. Excellent M UNEm tLD condition. 30k. P IN TO 77, 76, 73. Moke 1 Ig^im im s^Am RNI8AU 86500/best otter. 643- CUSSIFIED cor. Ports. Best offer. 2929 otter 5:30. 528-6573, 569-4161. 1987 SABLE 643-2711 CHRYSLER C o rd o b a 4 DR. "LOADED' 1975. Running condi­ TVib Omif«r You Can anrlifstrr) M andifistRr A Cily ol V i IIh(J(; Ch,irni HrralJi tion. 8275 or best otter _atter6j^227W ;_^^ Daal mh... GENEVA CLYDE D A TS U N 210 1982. 59,000 CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. miles. Coll between 6- - #, i w r ■ R O U T E 83, V E R N O N 10pm. 643-6433. LUXURY VANS DODGE Von 1978. New 30 Cents S> Buksk Ragai *. *6495 point, good running 20 VANS A CAMPERS S3 Century 4 Dr. *6995 condition. Coll 9-6, S3 Chevy S-10 XCeb '6295 81500,646-6051.________ IN STOCK 53 Skylertc 4 *. *4995 TOYOTA Supra 1984. IMMEDIATE STK. #74075 Reagan hails decade-low jobless rate 54 Celebrity 4 er. we *7495 Loaded, sunroof, DELIVERYI S4 Skyhewk 4 dr. w» *5995 leather, rust protec­ 54 0ldcClere4df. *7495 tion. 24,000. 1 Owner. HURRY IN By Matt Yancey now have jobs than was the case at of U.S. households. That rate, S3 Mere. Merquit 4 dr. '7695 646-6051.______________ FOR BEST AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE The Atsoclatad Press has fallen a full percentage point. the beginning of the year, the Labor which combines the civilian and ” W e should all keep today’s good S8 Chev. Ceprlce 4 nr. '8495 1979 FO RD T -B IR D 92,000 SELECTIONI The administration on Thursday Department’s monthly household military labor forces, dropped to 5.9 employment news in mind as we S8 Eccort m>eck '6195 miles. Loaded. 81500 or WASHINGTON — Civilian unem­ said it was sticking by its prediction consider this legislation after La­ best otter. 643-0369. survey showed. Over the last 12 percent last month. S8 Cemero mat '9195 ployment dropped to a decade-low of continued moderate economic bor Day,” when House and Senate - ROUTE 83 months, the nation’s jobless rate Most economists discount that Unemployment 55 Dodge Oeytone '11,4% 6.0 percent last month, the govern­ growth through the 1088 election negotiators must resolve differen­ SS Century 4 dr. '10,295 VERNON CONN. has fallen a full percentage point. rate, which includes the approxi­ ment said today, and President year and beyond. ces in their two versions. Brock $ 8 9 9 9 ° ° * A separate business survey mately 1.7 million-member U.S. SlO SSCevaller4dr '8395 TRUCK8/VAN8 Reagan hailed the figures as It used the new jobless figures to said. “ The true test of an effective S7 Spectrum 4 dr. '8495 ^ MOTORS, INC. showed a seasonally adjusted non­ armed forces contingent in the F0R8ALE ■‘pointing to a solid start for the push Reagan’s so-called Economic trade bill will be one that enables S7 Chevette 2 dr. '5495 CADILLAC • OLDSMOBILE # PONITAC • CMC TRUCkS farm payroll growth of 300,000 new United States. The jobless rate for economy” in the months ahead. Bill of Rights. the United States to maintain our jobs in July, including a jump of the civilian labor force dropped to Appearing before White House ” It was the right decision to take 872-9111 LOADED WITH ALL THIS 70,000 factory positions despite a 6.0 percent last month, down from productive, competitive economy, reporters about two hours after the to the country the message I have loss of 40,000 auto industry jobs. 6.1 percent in June. that continues to generate ex­ Labor Department reported a July during the past six months, that EQUIPMENT Of today’s report, Reagan said: “The economy is performing panded employment opportunitite employment gain of 470,000 jobs, deficit spending, tax increases and for all Americans.” •Low»f door ond rockar ponal protac- •Aaro hologan haodlomps ’’This breakthrough does not well,” the president said. “ All of tiva urathona cooting Reagan hailed the report, which protectionism threaten our hard- Referring to the 5.9 percent Cjwnuii.nveouTii TOYOTA a Raclining tvrin comfort soots occur in a hyper-inflated economy this is excellent news for the •3.0 litar EFIV6 angina recorded a 0 .1 percentage point won prosperity,” Reagan said. ” I CHttvaLcn r a c u n v e v e h ic le s a^rwar windows but Is based instead on strong American economy and for the calculation, Reagan said, “ I think AND SELECT USED CARS... •MuHi-porl alactronic fual injaction drop in the Jobless rate. believe this is a message the It’s particularly important to point SOME S.S« nNANCINO OR LESSI •Elactronk AA4/PM starao wHh four growth and steady job creation.” American people.” • Elactronic Engina Confrott (EEC-IV) spaokars The job gains were spurred by an American people are responding out that this breakthrough of the 6 He called the unemployment ■Two million more Americans to.” •4-ipaad oulomotic ovardriva unusual, seasonally adjusted 87 VOYAQER •15.595 •laothar-wroppad staaring %vhaal report ’’remarkable news.” now have jobs than was the case at percent mark does not occur in a •Nitrogan gos-prauurad shocks ond •Twin comfort soofs growth In manufacturing payrolls Labor Secretary William E. hyper-inflated economy, as it did in ASONOJ FMAMJJ 87 LeBARON struts Reagan zeroed in on the lower of the beginning of the year, the Labor OT8 Tufbo •12.295 • Anolog insirumanfotion with that m ore than offset a decline of Brock, meanwhile, said in a state­ 1979, but is based instead on sound ISM W7 • Powar raefc-ond-pinion itaaring spaadomafar, fochomatar, angina two monthly unemployment rates Department’s monthly household 87 PLY VOYAQER •15,895 190.000 in the previous month. ment that Congress should reflect growth and steady, long-term job AAlf-86 JuW S7 JVWV7 •Powar front disc/raor drum brakas coolont tamparotura g o i^ , tual the Bureau of Labor Statistics survey showed. And over the last 12 87 RAMCHARQER Two million more Americans creation. The below 6 percent 4M •17,595 •Tintad gloss gouga ond trip odomatar releases, based on a random survey months, the nation’s jobless rate 7.0% li 6.1% II 6.0% I •Mock sidawdll tiros with daluxa figure is remarkable news.” 86 THUNDERBIRO •9,695 •Sida window damistart whaal covars 88 DODQE r/ulmum '11,405 • Intarvol windshiald wipars •Intarvol windshiald wipars 86 RELIANT S.W. •9,685 •Powar windows •Tih staaring whaal 88 DODQE 4MW/PMW '12,995 •Powar lock group •Fingartip spaad control Leaders 66 LASER Tuibo *11,695 •Stoinlau stool axtandad Ufa axhoust •Elactric raor wirviow dafrostar 86 DODQE syslam •Automatic poriking broka ralaesa Negotiators sign CHARQER '7,695 •Extro-quiat sound insulotion •Tinfad gloss •Oigitol clock 88 CELEBRITY >7,795 • 5-mph impact bumpars front/raor near pact •Front ond raor floor mots 88 PLY. HORIZON m •6.995 •Duol poMtar mirrors •Air cofNiitioning 86 CHY. QTS Turtx. '10,295 86 600 Conv. (d Tax & Reg. Not Included town-8th accord; •13.895 for peace 85 VOYAQER •9.295 Price includes factory incentives 85 COUQAR •8.995 62 PONTIAC J2000 •2.995 79 BUICK SKYLARK •2,795 GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - The questions remain 84 LeBARON 4 dr . N)o4 •6,595 presidents of five Central Ameri­ 82 HORIZON /MORIARi^Y BROTHERS/ can nations today return to the 4 4r. AC. Auto •2,995 negotiating table to try to smooth Bv Alex GIrelll agreem ent calls for the district not HOURS: over differences on how to bring Associate Editor to continue with the North Main 875-3311 O ff N iVtNINGS — peace to the region. •m 9 P.M. Street sewer after Nov. 3. the date ggCAM tRIDAY A SATURDAY ~3T5~Cant9r St. In Washington. House Speaker An agreem ent was signed Thurs­ of the town election. If it appears 1978 C H E V Y NOVA 4- CAM CARS Tn. 6 P.M. Monchastor, Connacticut Jim Wright said he received a day night by negotiators from the then that the agreement is headed door. Mint condition. FOR SALE FOR SALE • 4S-BI3B r report that the five leaders had town and the Eighth Utilities for approval. $2000. Call 646-9602. FOR SALE reached oral agreement on the District culminating a seven-month I f the accord is approved and the basics of a peace accord submitted effort to reach accord on an town gets sewer jurisdiction, it does by Costa Rican President Oscar exchange of assets and responsibil­ not plan to build the sewer the same Arias.
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