Traffic Deaths M agic V alley Idoho * F in al * • I960...............37. ..196 . ,1 5 6 1 . ........... « .............,-2 1 5 E dition The Magic Valley Newspaper Dedicated to Serving and PromolinR the Growth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties 195 ” T W I ^ F A L L sT idT h ^ F R I D A Y , oHWEir277l561^ . - ■ Saturn Flies High U. s . , Red Tanks U. S. Takes First Face Each Other Steps to Moon as At BCTlin Border Saturn Launched . BERLIN. Oct. 27 (U PI)—Amerii’an and Snvift tanks rolled up to opposite .tides CAPE CANAX’ERAL. Oct, 27 (U Pl)—The United Slates .sucCos.ifullv launched of the Berlin border today, and the U. S. Karrisnii was pul. oti the alert. The armv the miRhtie.st rocket ever buiit in America and pcrhiips the world tochiy and sent alert lasted two hours and I!.*) minutes. It .^started at TiilO p.m. (12:10 p.m. EDT) It on an eiKht-miiuite maiden fliKht out over the At!i\Hl\c. U nmvketl one of the big- and "ended al 7;45-p.m. (2Mr> p.m. EDT). Shnrtly aflcr '6 p.m. (1 p.m. EDT), Rest steps this natioir has yet taken toward the coiujiie.'«t of space and came at a tim e three Soviet T-54 tanks were pni.sod on the ea.sl, .•»ide of the border, facing four when East-W est relations over Berlin are laced with tension. The rocket launched American M-58 Patton ^------------------------------------------------------ to d a y w as a 460-ton space- ----------------- ' ’ tanks 500 yards away on age colossus named Saturn the other side. — a giant space machine * The armor conlronlAtlon cnmc Northwest U.S. Is lller U. S. rfffitjj troops cscoricd that stands as tall as a 56- Y ou’ll Read A bout IB Amerlcan-llccnsed car on « story building and Is tlckcicd in thfce-mlrjute trip Inlo Ea.-it Ber- carry teams of astronauts on Target for Fallout rcundtrlps tn the moon by (he llj for the third stralRht dny. cnrt of the decade. V Novel Pet Sunday The American Berlin Rarrison WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 (/P)—The jet air stream 'that Rlcrlcd at 5:10 p.m. (12:10 It was launched on l(s maiden They're fuunlej than pcopla pjn. EDT), and <5 nilnutM Inter may be bearing radioactive debris from the Soviet Un- flight nt 11:06 a.m. EOT and rose and one Magic Valley family has « West Berlin policc source r.ald ion.’.i superbomb explosion of^Iaat Monday appeared to- from the sands of this n’lsslle found they can be fine pew. tbe communlsC police unnounccd d a y to be headed into a rainy area of the U. S. North­ te.it ccnier fti a blinding burst you'll read all about It In the of flame and smoke. Tlmes-News Sunday Feature sec­ Uie lone crossing poliil between west. A weather bureau spokesman said the amount of Ihe Ea-it and West portloiw ot Defense department experts tion. the city was dosed “uiilll thlii radioactivity wouldn’t be much higher than that' after Mild the Saturn Is po^ibly twice If you're Interested In squares, Uilntr 1* clearcd up." other big Soviet nuclear tests. The weather bureau ad­ as powerful o.i roekeU now being you won't want to miss another But soon a/terw ards^n Amrr- mitted that the suspccted fallout cloud would cross the ased by the Soviet Union, article scheduled for the Sunday ]an military police car drove coast over W ashington and Bart Slattery, of the federal I"eaturo Sfection, Uirough thfc communist check­ spa£e agcncy's Information of­ Other items of Interest will in­ point at the Prlcdrlcli.siras.se Oregon Saturday morninR. fice, said sclejitlsts considered DependipiTupon wind shifts volve a community's efforts to crcBsinj- It went Into East Bei'- Former Aide the flight a success after the keep % leading cUlten. * plcXura Un and came out »BBln,ivilhoul the width of the cloud rocket haa been airborne for memorisi, efforts to re-estsbllsh iKflcuUy. eyewUncsses «ald. iUeif, the cloud might aU-H) reach about one minute. At that point, salmon run and a chicken thief. Witncsiies said Ihc communlKU Convicted on northern Cnlifornla and Nevada, the Saturn successfully passed You'll find all these top stories ' ..{hen barred other wcjitern vehl- and on the northern edge might the point where aerodynamic in your Sunday Feature Section (lu. We<t Berlin police snurcc.^ Four Counts pa.u over southernmost Canada. stresses and the chances of fail- In addition to all the usual good reported tJie rcdJi suggested that Lfcster Machtft and Robert List, re are the greatest. teadlng. Don't miss any of them. jSestrlans use the underground .WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 ICPS — weather bureau fallout experUs, When the rocket continued on nllway system to cross. A federal court Jury today con­ Raid the forcast is for rain in lU course. Slattery said, "Ail hell Three Jeeps with four armed victed former diplomat Irvin C. Oregon and Idaho, broke loose In the blockhouse." loldlers In each vehicle escorted Scarbeek of slipping secrets tc This would mean that some of He said -scientists and tech­ the military police car one block communist agents in Poland. 1ft debrLt in the fallout cloud nicians who had been aolemnly Snow Storm H alts deep into Ea-U Berlin wlthoi; Scarbeck. 41. was found Ruilly might be brought to earth In the quiet to that point leaped from cm Vhree ot the lour count* In rainy area. There waa a poealblU- thrtr chairs and began Ulklnit ty that the rain lone would be noLsely and congratulating each Veeps and with two on each »lde the Indictment. Search for Youth The Jury acquitted him of west of Washington, so that state other. vfjted the car back through the might experience little or no fall­ The noise generated by the BURLEY, Oct. 27—A new storm which encompassed lonlst checkpoint. charge of unlawfully removing a secrct dispatch from the U. S. out. rocket's I J mllilon-pound thrust mountains both to the north and south of Magic Valley At R:28 p.m. (12:26 p.m, EDT). The Jet stream believed to be engines was thunderous,'but not 16 minute.^ after the alert order embassy In Warsaw. with snow forced a halt in the search for Floyd Dorsey, Scarbeck, who faces a mjCil. carrying the nuclear cloud east­ nearly as loud a s expected. Baby- iris issued, American tanks rum­ ward was moving at 100 to ISO pink earplugs, the varied usually 19, Paul, who has been missing in the south hills since bled up to the western side of lum penalty of 30 years In prison and a $30,000 fine, showed miles an hour. worn by swimmers. *ere passed deer hunting there last Saturday. Sheriff H. 0. Warrell th e Friedrlchstraxse crossing Although the fallout cloud out to reporters In advance of had gone to Oakley Friday noon to talk with members point ioT the second time today. emotion as Jury foreman John C. Redmap announced the vtr- caught In the stream of high al­ the launching. of the search parties as they came out of the hills. State A U .' S. arniy spokesman who titude winds, 30,000 feet above Satum^s sole riflsslon 4*as to disclosed the alert said it was dlct after IS and a half hours Patrolman Broy Harding dioye to the Monument peak of deUbctaUons. the Barth, was not traveling with prove it could tly. SctenUsts had ttderefl because ol the Krioua- the full velocity of the Jet stream, said they would be satisfied with area early this morning, Dess of the altuation. Federal Judge Leonard it was moving more rapidly than Just one minute of flight on this where the young huntec . The first time they came up Walsh , laid Scarbeck should be had been expected on. the basis of first Journey, but to their deUgbt. las when three roUed to the was last seenr. to keep ion Meet held In custody pending a prc- earlier calculations. The earlier The Saturn boosUr rocket Is blgti tnlthe iky ae It fc ^ n s to, the tatterlag rocket flew the full searchers from gping,.^to order boundary and two itayed sentence rep^t. Ht dll not let estimates had indicated that the lean over on Its \ projected course dotra. the AUaaito Bilsstie ..................... for 'Which it was date for jtotenelng. t»l]pHt .F»ul(U>roceed over jpld- range In tbs fln t teat ol the liw A e e la r al Cape CaaaTeial., acheduled. " - • th&. mountains, be^U8e,^a:( Jutr foMb'd'8caA«arKimty (AP wltephoto) . Vv the storm. ■ '• Set- mlnu^trip lnto^^|^efljn.J)r Canada and * part or southern This added up to glowlal __ __. space.-«n apectaculkr..andby co- All h o ^ , tents and equip­ 'We do n t think the T evds'of Inddence it came at a Ume the m ent already In the a m were n ^ . ' j i ’ln other - / brought out this morning and It •fin tSA five umoreet , . ndioacUvitr will be significantly Communist party congress was RZUEBILY) OM el carriers were reported in the contanded that higher iit;th e Northwest than meetlnc In Hoecow. In the past was believed by tb« sheriff's of­ the ex-diplomat gave onlr tri* Snow, Rain Strike fice th at everyone who had beeu fifth district.( they bar* been after other ma­ Soviets'have tried to Ume their Amertaaa LeH-^ .— ning informaUCRV to pratect h\a jor Soviet bomb tests" MachU major space feats 0 coincide involved in the search is now out 32-year-old.
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