JOURNALS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OHIO House of Representatives JOURNAL CORRECTED VERSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014 HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014 2869 TWO HUNDRED NINTH DAY Hall of the House of Representatives, Columbus, Ohio Tuesday, December 2, 2014, 9:00 o'clock a.m. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Pursuant to House Rule No. 23, the Clerk called the House to order. Representative Hackett was selected to preside under the Rule. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Representative Brenner moved that the House advance to the sixth order of business, being motions and resolutions. The motion was agreed to. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS Representative Brenner moved that Sub. H.B. No. 343-Representative Stebelton, be taken from the calendar and re-referred to the committee on Rules and Reference. The motion was agreed to without objection. Representative Brenner moved that the House revert to the second order of business, being introduction of bills. The motion was agreed to. On motion of Representative Brenner, the House recessed. The House met pursuant to recess. Prayer was offered by Pastor Thomas Wise, Director of the Ohio Prayer Caucus Network, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The following guests of the House of Representatives were recognized by Speaker Pro Tempore Huffman prior to the commencement of business: The St. Ignatius High School boys soccer team received H.R. 533, presented by Representatives Patmon-10th district, Rogers-60th district, and Anielski-6th district. The Tippecanoe High School boys cross country team received H.R. 518, presented by Representative Adams, R.-80th district. 11th and 12th grade government and CAREER students from Clearview High School, guests of Representatives Ramos-56th district and Lundy-55th district. Mark and Corey Ferrill, guests of Representative Hackett-74th district. Students from the Kent State University Columbus Program, guests of Representative Clyde-75th district. 2870 HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014 REPORTS OF STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEES AND BILLS FOR SECOND CONSIDERATION Representative Driehaus submitted the following report: The standing committee on Education to which was referred H. B. No. 303-Representative Hayes, et al., having had the same under consideration, reports it back and recommends its passage. RE: STUDENT RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION GERALD L. STEBELTON ANDREW BRENNER JOHN BECKER TIMOTHY DERICKSON BILL HAYES MICHAEL HENNE TONY BURKLEY STEPHANIE KUNZE RYAN SMITH ANDY THOMPSON The following members voted "NO" HEATHER BISHOFF DENISE DRIEHAUS DEBBIE PHILLIPS JOHN PATTERSON The report was agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed and placed on the calendar. Representative Driehaus submitted the following report: The standing committee on Education to which was referred H. B. No. 304-Representative Hayes, et al., having had the same under consideration, reports it back and recommends its passage. RE: STUDENT ACCESS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES Representative Stebelton moved to amend the title as follows: Add the name: "Brenner." GERALD L. STEBELTON ANDREW BRENNER JOHN BECKER TIMOTHY DERICKSON BILL HAYES MICHAEL HENNE TONY BURKLEY STEPHANIE KUNZE RYAN SMITH ANDY THOMPSON HEATHER BISHOFF DEBBIE PHILLIPS The following members voted "NO" DENISE DRIEHAUS JOHN PATTERSON The report was agreed to. HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014 2871 The bill was ordered to be engrossed and placed on the calendar. Representative Phillips submitted the following report: The standing committee on Rules and Reference to which was referred Sub. H. B. No. 343-Representative Stebelton, having had the same under consideration, reports it back as a substitute bill and recommends its passage. RE: EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT RECEIVED A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA MATT HUFFMAN DOROTHY PELANDA ROBERT HACKETT JIM BUCHY ANDREW BRENNER BILL HAYES DEBBIE PHILLIPS DAN RAMOS TRACY HEARD The report was agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed and placed on the calendar. Representative Rogers submitted the following report: The standing committee on Public Utilities to which was referred H. B. No. 319-Representative Grossman, having had the same under consideration, reports it back as a substitute bill and recommends its passage. RE: NATURAL GAS COMPANIES-INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT RIDERS PETER STAUTBERG RON AMSTUTZ LOUIS W. BLESSING KEVIN BOYCE NICHOLAS J. CELEBREZZE JACK CERA MARGARET CONDITT MIKE DUFFEY CHRISTINA HAGAN SEAN O'BRIEN JOHN M. ROGERS MARK J. ROMANCHUK CLIFF ROSENBERGER MICHAEL STINZIANO LOUIS TERHAR ANDY THOMPSON The following member voted "NO" JIM BUTLER The report was agreed to. The bill was ordered to be engrossed and placed on the calendar. 2872 HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014 Representative Phillips reported for the Rules and Reference committee, recommending that the following House Bill be considered for the second time and referred to the following committee for consideration: H.B. No. 673 – Representative DeVitis TO MODIFY THE LOCATION OF THE "SGT. 1ST CLASS DANIEL B. CRABTREE MEMORIAL ROAD." To the committee on Transportation, Public Safety, and Homeland Security MATT HUFFMAN BILL HAYES ANDREW BRENNER JIM BUCHY DOROTHY PELANDA ROBERT HACKETT TRACY HEARD DEBBIE PHILLIPS DAN RAMOS Representative Sears moved that the House and Constitutional Rules requiring bills to be considered by each house on three different days be suspended as to the second consideration of the House Bill contained in the report of the committee on Rules and Reference. The motion was agreed to without objection. The report was agreed to. Said House Bill was considered the second time and referred as recommended. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS Representative Phillips reported for the Rules and Reference committee recommending that the following resolutions be read by title only and approved: H.R. No. 532 – Representative Hottinger Honoring the Granville High School girls cross country team as the 2014 Division II State Champion. H.R. No. 533 – Representatives Patmon, Rogers, Anielski Honoring the St. Ignatius High School boys soccer team as the 2014 Division I State Champion. H.R. No. 534 – Representative Anielski Honoring Joseph Bistritz on winning the 2014 Division II State Championship in boys cross country. HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014 2873 H.R. No. 536 – Representative Antonio Honoring Jeffrey W. Patterson on being named the 2015 Ohio Superintendent of the Year. /s/MATT HUFFMAN Matt Huffman, Chair Representative Sears moved that the Rules and Reference committee report on resolutions be agreed to and that the resolutions contained therein be approved. The motion was agreed to. Representative Sears moved that the following resolution be brought up for immediate adoption, read by title only and spread upon the pages of the journal. The motion was agreed to. The question being on the adoption of the resolution, reading as follows: H. R. No. 516-Speaker Batchelder. Relative to the election of Niraj J. Antani to fill the vacancy in the membership of the House of Representatives created by the death of Terry Blair of the 42nd House District. WHEREAS, Section 11 of Article II, Ohio Constitution provides for the filling of a vacancy in the membership of the House of Representatives by election by the members of the House of Representatives who are affiliated with the same political party as the person last elected to the seat which has become vacant; and WHEREAS, Terry Blair of the 42nd House District, elected as a member of the House of Representatives of the 130th General Assembly, died June 26, 2014, thus creating a vacancy in the House of Representatives; therefore be it RESOLVED, By the members of the House of Representatives who are affiliated with the Republican party that Niraj J. Antani, Republican, having the qualifications set forth in the Ohio Constitution and the laws of Ohio to be a member of the House of Representatives from the 42nd House District, is hereby elected, effective December 2, 2014, pursuant to Section 11 of Article II, Ohio Constitution, as a member of the House of Representatives from the 42nd House District, to fill the vacancy created by the unexpired portion of the term of said Terry Blair, ending on December 31, 2014; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the pages of the Journal of the House of Representatives together with the yeas and nays of the members of the House of Representatives affiliated with the Republican party voting on the resolution, and that the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall certify the resolution and vote on its adoption to the Secretary of State. 2874 HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014 The question being, "Shall the resolution be adopted?" The yeas and nays were taken and resulted - yeas 53, nays 0, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were: Representatives Adams, R Amstutz Anielski Baker Becker Blessing Boose Brenner Brown Buchy Burkley Butler Conditt Damschroder DeVitis Derickson Dovilla Duffey Green Grossman Hackett Hagan, C Hall Hayes Henne Hill Hood Hottinger Huffman Johnson Kunze Landis Lynch McClain McGregor Pelanda Perales Retherford Romanchuk Rosenberger Ruhl Scherer Schuring Sears Smith Sprague Stautberg Stebelton Terhar Thompson Wachtmann Young Batchelder-53. The resolution was adopted. Niraj J. Antani was escorted to the bar of the House by Representatives Huffman, Sears, Amstutz, Grossman, Buchy, Heard, Phillips, Strahorn, and Clyde, took the oath of office administered by Speaker Batchelder, and entered upon the discharge of his duties. State of Ohio County of Franklin I, Niraj J. Antani, do solemnly swear to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and faithfully to discharge and perform all duties incumbent upon me as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives, according to the best of my ability and understanding; and this I do as I shall answer unto God. /S/ NIRAJ J. ANTANI NIRAJ J. ANTANI Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of December, 2014 /S/ WILLIAM G.
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