FRTOAT, JW fB 8 , 18Bf FAOfe • 1-r jHaturbrnlrr CttrnittB If^rolii Mlsa Eugenia Brodeur of Ptoley ATtrac* Daily Nat Praaa Ron nofwr TuifctogtoiA jw a f ^ Bt. Margaret Mary Ifo th m ’ Tha Waathar lira. Harry Neill of Portadown, CIrcl* has sleeted tbs following street, who la to be nssirisd W«Bhlngton Loy*l Oimnf* Northern Ireland, arrived to New Itolat And #tudant o f R o b ^ morrow morning In St. James’s For tha Week Ending Ferseaet el 0. & WentbM OaNaa N a 117, will hold lt« monthly DoeUner. win be h * « d on WDRC officers for the coming season: Jane t, 1951 York yesterday aboard the liner Lsader, Mrs. Alphonse Real*; co­ church to Eklwsrd Morisrty, was A b o u ^ o w n meeting tonight *t * ® ‘ *°^|* *" S. S. Washington. She plane a tonight At 10:30 on the Hartford honored with a surprise miscel­ Orange hall. The Orange d e g w School of Mualc program. leader, Mrs. John Corbett; secre­ AvWso Today—Cloudy, ocoaalonal rain, laneous shower at tte home of the win be conferred on eeveral can(U> three month# stay with her brott- and ThoraA# TalanU o f Now Brit­ tary, Mrs. John Wilson; treasurer. 10,206 bridegroom's psrentSN^n Tanner cooler: Bnnday, oonsIdemMe eloud- datee. The Nutmeg Dletrlct meet­ er-to-law and alster, Mr. and M » ain will play A riolto duet, Swoot Mrs. John Daniels; historian and m ErraUi James Crealey and fainJJyiL,®' “ street. The party wis given by H im * w M b « ip«cld w tfag «f Mm HmIIm - anker e l the AndH toeea, eecnetonal Hght min. im* MS rrtday. ing will follow. to Oldon Stylo" by Albort Stoea- ptibueityi Mm. Henry Demeusy; renn ef Olteatottans Summit street , Mrs. Neill, who sel. Thoy will be accompanied by librarian and coiiUct, Mrs. Oliver the members o f St. Margaret Amorieem Socioty at Mm CIuMm u m , 135 EMridtP Manche$ter~-~A City ef ViUoge Charm JUM 1*. lu M iiu ^ has numerous friends In toam. I* Benoit; welfare, Mre. Henry La- Mary Mothers' Circle, of which (3u4f«« Win i * •••ten »t The Connecticut CTub of Upeala Norman Hall at the piano. Roger, College Alumni Assocletlon will looking forward to seeing and re­ the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Chappelle; representatlvea, Mrs. Mrs. E. J. Moriarty la a member. StTMt. Saturday ovuniim. Jh im 9, at 8:00 P. M. A l S r ^ ilt t ln t ^ 8, » »nd 7 o’clock. newing acquaintances. * Dominic D1 Battisto, Mrs. Peter hold an all-day family picnic a* the Turklnglon of 66 Phelps road, la iHumbarc oru urgod to ba prosMt. VOL. LXX, NO. 211 (CtaeelBed Adverttataig on Pac* 1*) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 9. 1951 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS Roberta cottage, Rldgew o^ Beach. • freshman at Manchestor High PUkaitis. A pot-luck supper will Tb«' Joy gfo^P Pvt. Donald L. Fay, eon of Mr. be served at tha homa o f Mrs. tiM North Church wlU Clintotu Sunday. A pot-luck din­ school. and Mra. Jamas R. hitve A WeBle At th« hom« of Nr*. ner will be eerved. John DantoU on Wednesday, June PRANK PIANA, Birch street, has completed alx Kenneth Arthur Laison. #o« of 20, and the final meeting o f the m o o from nrtW m to four Chlldren'a Day will be obeerved weeks of basic training at Fort Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson of 33 season will be held at the Comer ?SS5t. Luncheon will be scr\-c<l at the Second Congregational Dtx and Camp Jay, New York. He Auburn road, will recetvs hla House In Farmington. Is saslgned for a three months REWARD At on* o'clock. church on Sunday, »"• Bachelor of Science degree, Sun­ not on Sunday. June 10. T h e r e in co\irsc at Fort Benning Harrison day. June 10, from the School of Epwortb Leaguers of ths South Will be paid to anyone be only one service, which will be Finance School, Indiana. Civil Engineering, Purdue Univer­ Methodist church will be guests of farnishing hifomiation Bradley Asks Wider UN Role in Korea War held at ten o clock. sity, Lafayette, Indiana. He was Mr. and Mra. Bernard Campagna. lei^ing to the arrest and IMPilUAL 8. Thomas Leons, son of Mr. arid graduated from Mancheater High Sunday afternoon arid evening at conviction of person or per­ Trinity Past Noble Grands will Mrs Salvatore Leone, of 21 West achool with the claaa of 1945 and their summer home at Haddam ANNUAL STRAWBERRY SUPPER . WALLPAPER meet with Mayflower Rebekah street, win receive ^ reserve com- served two years with the Army. Neck. The group will leave,the sons committing theft or I FBAIt OOARANTEE Lodge of Rockville. Tuesday. June mlBSion in the U. fL Army Quar­ His parents will leave by plan* to­ church at 3 o’clock. A pot-luck w iilfolly. and nnlawfully . H. M. SMITH 12 at S o’clock. Those attending termaster Corps when he Is gradu­ morrow. morning to be present at supper will be. followed by a devo­ damaging property of the VonioR Coator boagrocatloRal Churth Rome Message British Diplomats Vanish MA NOBTH N A E « BT. are reminded to bring gifts for the ated from the University of Den­ the commencement exerclaea. tional service. La Vivien Hints 'M . S-1S8A ar A71A "merry-go-round." ver this month. A veteran of - I ’'- Allan W. Oatea, aon of Mr. and TUESDAY, JUNE 12th Reds Quit Triangle World War II. he has completed Pvt. Bernard A. Dubois, of 124 JARVIS Shifts Search Wonien to Revolt the Reserve Officer Training Corps Mrs. Harold Gates of 311 Wood- High street, has arrived at In- SITTINGS— 5:30 and 6:30 ^ ® Denies Trip bridge street, received his B.A. de­ program at the large Colorado dtantown Qap M lllU ry Reierva- REALTY COMPANY school. gree at the 130th commencement ADULTS $1.25— UNDER 12 60c Ix>s Angeles, Jiuie 9.— — exercises recently at Washington Uon. Penna., to begin hla fourteen For Diplomats Paperhonging CI8ARS - PIPES weeka baalc training cycle with Write or Call The Above Women of the world, arise! Main PnintH in Korean Eigiitiiift Lighters — Watche# Mr. and Mrs. Edward Copeland University. Washington, D. C. A RESERVATIONS There's going to be some kind Pull Forces graduate of Manchester High the 5th Infantry Division. During Named Company At Is Political REASONARLE RATES aocks —- Wallets who recently aold their home at his training there Pvt. Dubois wlU Manchester 2-4824 Rockville 5-3765 of a distnff-side revolution with­ 169 Main street, moved yestsrday school in 1944, Mr. Oates served 5 Dover Road— Tel. 4112 French Police, After in n month, says Vivien Kellems. Ysngdok ’ * ■ can For An Esttaiato for two years In the Navy before be assigned to the 10th Infantry Back Toward Arthur Drus Stores tn their new house on Charter Regiment, 5th Infantry Division. Combing Paris, ThinK The fonneetleiit muniifiiettir- s t a t u t e m iles London, June 9—(/P)— Gen. RockvHI* 5-5374 Oak street. entering college. er told the Rotary ehib yester­ , WONSANJ Omar N. Hradley said today ■TU »; Two Missing British day "W’e are on the verge of a P y o n g g a n g mass elvll dls<ibedlenee. I ean't the United States would wel­ Aides Are in Italy tell you something I know Just NORTH come more participation in now, blit I predlet that In a West Central Front, Korea, '*5‘«tsLy$iopyong/ ' ’ Tongchon KOREA Uie Korean war by other London, June 9— i/Pl— The hunt month there will be a vast, mass June 9—i/T)— Chinese Coraniun- ! / Singo««n, ^ United Nations countriee. Chang |on for two missing top-drawer British eriisaile of women to get you Ists today began to ahaiulon The chairman of the U. S. com­ di-ar, sweet men out of the mess their “ Imn T ria n g le " In North bined Oilefs of Staff told a news ■ diplomats widened suddenly from you’ve got us all Into." 0 .)J : T. V • i Koiong Kon-a In the face of strong I'nlt- conference President Truman’a ad­ France to Italy today after the Miss Kellems gained national ed Nations attacks. promlnenee by refusing to with­ ministration Is running Into politi­ Foreign Office disclosed a tele' The Chinese Reds were fall­ cal opposition on this question. gram to a relative of one of them hold taxes from her employes’ ing hark toward Kiimsong, 11 "W e’re always being asked hoW was sent from Rome. salaries. miles east of I’ yonggang. I’ yong- • Singye J ■//* L . ' 'v r HALE’S JUNE BARGAIN DAYS f 4^Kanteng much help other countries are A British embassy official In gang Is the top anchor of the Rome said that even though the triangle. Its other tips are giving In Kori'S, ” he said. KUMHWA' message did come from the Italian \ Kumhwa on the east and Choro- Hwang po A l the same lime, Bradley said city It was not conclusive evidence 9 Fliers Die won on the west. Sibyon CHORWON the U. .S. was aware of the big TYPE 140 the missing men had been there. Eighth army forces raptured I * “.V forces Britain Is luilng to fight TYPE 140 42x36 LADY PEPPERELL Nevertheless, some French police two ridges ns Red resistance MOUNT KOOAl^ Comnninlst terrorists In Malaya YornKon and other areas of the Far East. MILLINERY DEPT. FINEST LUXURY MUSLIN SHEETS officials, after a thorough combing Donald Duart DfacLean (left), 38, and Ouy Francis De Nlnnc.v 111 5 Crashes slackened.
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