DIRECTORY. J DURHAl\L RYTON. 321 ~elson Robert, confectioner Ryhope & Silksworth Co-operative, 1Todner John, hair dresser Pallister John George, grocer Industrial & Provident Society Ltd. Watson P. & Sons, butchers Parkinson Thomas,assistant overseer, (John Richardson, sec. ; Henry Watson Frederick, shopkeeper 9 Gordon terrace Johnson, treasurer; Peter Morris, Watson Jn. Edwd. butcher,Ryhope st Pattison Joseph Robson, registrar of manager), Ryhope street Welsh Susannah (Mrs.),gro.Ryhope st births & deaths for the sub-district Ryhope Village & District Club Ltd. Westmorland Robert, hair dresser, 79 of Ryhope, Sunderland union, 2 (John G. Blackburn, sec) Ryhope street The Village Ryhope Workmen's Club (Joseph Willcock John Norman, boot maker, Pattison M. A. (Mrs.), deputy re- Fee, sec) . Ryhope street gistrar Scott John, shopkeeper, 77 Ryhope st Williamson Frank,ftorist,29 Ryhope st Purnell Joseph, boot maker Shaw William Frank, Albion P.H Williamson Ralph, grocer Ramshaw Thos. farmer, Willow farm Sisters of Merc>y Training Home for Willson Waiter Limited, grocers ·Reah Joseph, carter Girls Young Men's Christian Association Richardson Robert, joiner, Station rd Smith Frederick, carter (Benjamin Richardson, hon. sec) Robertson John Higgin M. D. surgeon, Snowden George, farmer & medical officer Ryhope & Tun- Snowdon Hy. Jn. butcher, Ryhope st BURDON. stall district & public va.ccinator Sunderland Borough Asylum (James Gregson Col. James Dalton J.P. Bur- Bishopwearmouth district, Sunder- Middlemass :M.D., F.R.O.P.Edin. don hall land union, Church ward medical supt.; Anthony J. Hall, Gibbon Matthew, farmer Robinson Andrew, shopkeeper clerk & storekeeper; Miss Margaret Greenshields Edwd.frmr.Burdon Moor Robinson William, dairyman, The Harper, matron) Lowe Henry, farmer, Old Burdon Grange dairy Snnderland Cemetery (Thomas Wm. Maw Jn. frmr. Tunstall Lodge farm Butter Alfred M. B. & C.M. Edin. sur- Ilolam, supt.) (letters should be Penk David, farmer geon, Gray terrace addressed Sunderland) Smith Robert, farmer, Thrisley house Ryhope Coal Co. Limited (Thomas Sunderland & District Farmers' & Snowdon Hy. John, farmer, Burn hall Hall, mana.ger), Ryhope colliery Butchers' Auction Mart Limited Sunderland & South Shields Water Ryhope Colliery Reading Room (John (Henry Thompson, sec) Co.; works B. Settle, sec.), Ryhope street Sunderland & South Shields Water Thompson Richard, farmer Ryhope Poplars Social Club Limited Co. (G. Bennett Gibbs, sec) Waddell Chas. estate agent, Burdon (Robert Loraine, manager) t Taylor George, painter :RYTON is a parish and pretty village on an eminence on embwttled we~s,tern tower and will seat 350 persons. A the south bank of the river Tyne, and near the road from parish room for parochial and other meetings was opened NewcaSitle to He:rllam, with a sta'tion on the Newcas1tle in I8gz. There is a Congregational chapel, erected in .and Carlisle ·section of tthe Nortlh Eastern :~:ailway, 281 1847, with sittings for 28o persons, and a Wesleyan miles from London, 7 west from Newcastle and 8 west chapel here, and in the centre of the village stands a. .from Gateshead, in the Chester-le-Street division of the stone cross, restored in 1795. The cemetery consists of , county, west division of Chester ward, Gateshead union, five acres with one mortuary chapel, and is now under ,petty sessional division and county court district, rural the control of the Urban District Council, acting as deanery of Chester-le-Street, archdeaconry and diocese Burial Board. The charities amount to about £37 -of Durham. The parish as originally constituted out yearly. There are several collieries in this parish, -of Ryton old parish (Oct. 7• 1834) comprises the town- worked by the Stella Goal Co. The Ecclesiastical Com­ ~hips of Ryton, Crawcrook and Ryton W oodside. The missioners are lords of the manor. Hedgefield House ~'Local Government Act, r858" (zr and 22 Vict. c. g8), is the residence of Lieut.-Col. Frank Robert Simpson was adopted here April 24, 1863, but under the pro­ J.P. The Towneley family, William Rutherford Lamb visions of the .Act of 1894, the parish is now governed e~q. of Goldsborough Hall, Yorks; Archibald Dunn esq. by an Urban District Council. The church of the The Wood Houge, The .Avenue, Branksome Park, Bourne­ Holy Cross, standing on a woody height on the south mouth, and Col. Sir David Alexander Kinloch bart. bank of the Tyne, is an ancient building of stone, in C.B., :M.V.O. of Gilmerton, Drem, Scotland, are the the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of chief landowners. The soil is gravel and sandy; sub­ lthree bays, aisles, south porch, and a western em­ soil, various. Chief crops, wheat, barley and green lbattled tower l'ith octagonal broach spire 120 feet high, crops generally. The acreage of the township is 1,194 -covered with lead, and containing a clock and four acres of land, 26 of inland and 42 of tidal water, and 7 bells: several of the windows are stained, including a of foreshore; rateable value, £65,536; the population memorial window to the late Ven. Archdeacon Thorp in 1901 was 4,7o8, and in Igii, 6,382. The area of the D.D. who was rector of this parish for fifty-five years : in Urban Digtrict is 5,I69 acres; rateable value, £65,SS3; ·the chancel is the marble effigy of an unknown ecclesiastic the population in Ig::n was 8,452, and in I91I, 12,948, with a book in his hand and his feet resting upon a lion, Yiz. : Ryton, 6,382; Ryton Woodside, 3,043; Crawcrook, .and there are mural brasses with illuminated shields of 3·52 3. :arms to the Bunney family, of whom was Francis Bunney, • rector of Ryton, ob. 1617: on the south wall is a cast from The estimated population in 1914 Was 14,000, VIZ. : the tomb of Bernard Gilpin, "the reformer of the north" Ryton, 6,6oo; Ryton Woodside, 3,6oo, and Crawcrook, :and rect·or of Houghton-le-Spring, I'556-83: there are also 3·• 800· memorials to the Anderson, Simpson and Thorp families : The population attached to Holy Cross parish church -the church was in I886 well restored at a cost of upwards in 1901 was 3,839, and in 19II, s,238. of £3,000, contributed by Miss Easton, of Nest House, ll Sexton, John Newton. Gateshead, and of Layton Manor, Yorkshire, and by Thoma.s Spencer esq. of The Grove, Ryt·on: elaborately Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office -earved oak benche1s ihave been placed in the nave and (letters should have eo. Durham added). Miss Janet aisles, a new organ chamber and two vestries erected, an A. Thomson, sub-postmistress. Deliveries, 7.20 a.m. oak roof placed over the chancel, a reredos and pulpit & 3 & 6.15 p.m.; dispatched ro a.m. I2 noon & 2, 6 & of oak and boxwood have also been provided, and the 8 p.m.; sundays, delivered at 8.IS a.m. & dispatched -east window filled with stained gla!s in memory of at 8 p.m Emma E_aston: a brass tablet was placed in Igoz in the Town Sub-Post Office, Crook Hill. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann church, m memory <:f local me~bers of the. volunteer Bell, sub-postmistress. Deliveries, 7.20 a.m. & 3 force wh~ t?ok p~rt m the war m South Africa: there p.m.; dispatched 8. 30 a.m. & 4.40 p.m ~re 350 s1ttmgs : m the churchyard are some open altar tombs with baluster supports a!t the angles. The register Wall Letter Boxes.~H~dgefield, cleared at_ 8.30 a.m. & dates from the year I58r. The 'living is a rectory, net 4-I5 & 7· 1.'l ~.m.' ~unda:vs, 8.45 a.m.' Run Head, ·yearly value £587, including- IO'i acre's of .g-lebe, with resi- cleared at 8.4:> & 11.3o a.m. & 4·45 & 7-I5 p.m. week dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Durham, and held since days only; Barmoor, 9 & II am. & 4 & 7.15 p.m. week 1910 by the Rev. Thomas Randell D.D. of Trinity days only; Lane Head. 9:I5 & II.I~ a.m. & 5-I5 & -Golle~;e, Dublin, B.D. of St. John's College, Oxford, 7·3o p.m. week da"'s only' St. Mary s terrace, 9·I5 & B.C.L. of University College, Durham, M.A. of London I I. IS a.m. & 5- IS & 7.30 p.m. week days only University, and surrogate: of the total tithe rent- I --charge a sum of £78 I7S· 6d. has been given to the URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. endowment of Greenside, together with 6o acres of ~feetings held the secJnd wednesday in each month at 6 glebe: Thomas Seeker, Bishop of Bristol 1735-37 and p.m. at the offices, Ryton. Archbishop of Canterbury IJS8-68, was rector of Ryton 1Jrevious to his appointment to that see. St. Hilda'!'! Members. -chapel of ease. Hedgefield, opened in 1892, is a building \ Chairman, John Bell Simpson J.P oQf stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle and an Vice-Chairman, Robert Middleton J.P I Dt'RHAM 21 • .
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