BOARD OF DRECTGRS APRL 15, 1937 12:00IPIiIrI NOON[eIIi MULT-PJRPOSEMULTI-PURPOSE CONFERENCECONFERENCE ROOMROOM JEAN PLAZA The UrbanUrban LeagueLeague ofof PortDandPorUand URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 280-2600 AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Finance 2. Fund Raising 3. Program and Planning 4. Personnel 5. Nominating REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORT OF THE CHAIRPERSON ITEMS OFDF INFORMATIONINFORMATION 1. Report of the President 2. Financial Report 3. Letter from Don Frisbee and Herb'sresponse 4. EOD Congratulatory Letters 5. Letter to Larry Frager 6. Proposal toto thethe JuvenileJuvenile ServicesServices ComniissionCommission 7. Testimony to State Legislatureon South Africa 8. Letter from Natale SicuroSicuro andand Herb'sHerb'sresponse 9-9. Letter to Natale Sicuro 10. Whitney M. Young Learning Center Flyer 11. Employment Placement List 12. ESI Stock Certificate 13. Letter from Walter Morris and Herb's response 14. Los Angeles UrbanUrban LeagueLeague ProgramnieProgramme Book URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 18, 1987 The March meeting of the Urban League Board of Directors, held in the Multi-Purpose Conference Room, Urban Plaza, 10 North Russell Street, was called to order at 12:18 P.M. by Chairperson Linda Rasmussen. The following Directors were in attendance: Donny Adair, Bobbie Gary, Avel Gordly, Tom Kelley, Shirley Minor, Linda Rasmussen, Joel Smith, Irwin Starr, Bob Sutcliff, Peter Thompson, Thane Tienson, Jack Vogel and Valerie White. The following Directors were absent with excuse: Bridget Flanagan, Jeff Millner, Larry Raff and Nancy Wilgenbusch. The following Director was absent without excuse: Skip Collier. Staff in attendance were: Herb Cawthorne, Carol Sutcliff, Ray Leary and Pauline Reed. The minutes of the February Board meeting were approved. FINANCE COMMITTEE The Finance Report for the period ending February 28, 1987 were mailed in the Board Book and Carol Sutcliff discussed same. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE Jack Vogel reportedreported thatthat thethe CoimnitteeCommittee hashas receivedreceived a report from Ray Leary on the EOD dinner. Donations from Fred Meyer, Inc., Portland Trailblazers,Trailblazers, KATUKATU -- ChannelChannel 22 andand PeterPeter CorvallisCorvallis Pro- Pro- ductions helped make the event a success. Jack also reported that the membership drive is slated to begin soon. Pacific Northwest Bell has agreed to print 25,000 copies of the next issue of THE DRUM, as well as 25,000 membership envelops which will be enclosed in it. That mailing will be going out in a couple of weeks to approximately 20,000 people who are currently on the mailing list. PROGRAM AND PLANNING COMMITTEE Avel Gordly reported thatthat thethe ConunitteeCommittee isis stillstill hearinghearing programprogram reports, the most recent being the Adult and Senior Service De- partment. The Homeless Program is next on the Committee's agenda. Avel circulated copies of a memorandum received from Jean Gould, Multnomah County Health Services. This memo is a follow-up to the conversation Avel & Pain Smith had with Jean concerning the teen pregnancy proposal which was discussed at the previous Board meeting. Avel further reported that Youth Service Center staff asked her to review a proposedproposed planplan fromfrom NultnoinahMultnomah CountyCounty forfor thethe coordination of services to youth. After reviewing the plan, Avel shared her questions and concerns with staff. She suggests that the League look closely at how affirmative action will be addressed. She also is concerned that in the creation of the new system, which hopefully will be better coordinated and offer better services to youth, that a situation does not develop where there are fewer programprograit dollarsdollars andand therethere isis aa top-heavytop-heavy bureaucracy.bureaucracy. Avel introduced Resolution #87-600. It was moved and seconded (Gordly/Adair) that the Urban League join the Human Services Coalition of Oregon. The motion passed. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Donny Adair reported that the Committee has reviewed the personnel policy. Herb wants to bring in a staff person who has expertise in this area to assist in the completion of the manual. A topic not presently covered is "smoking" and Herb has been asked to include a "smoking/non smoking" procedure in the manual. When staff is finished, the policy is to come back to the Committee and it will then be presented to the full Board. Donny further reported that Herb has submitted his short-term goals and\ the same have been included in the Board Book. Herb has also written a summary on programs in his "Report to the Board." NOMINATION COMMITTEE Irwin StarrStarr reportedreported thatthat thethe CoimrtitteeCommittee willwill bebe meetingmeeting nextnext week.week. Linda asked how many slots are open and Herb responded that there are approximately 8 slots which will need to be reviewed. Some members are eligible for nomination to serve another ternterm and others are not, having served two complete terms. Irwin and Herb asked Board members to submit names of prospective members toto thethe Conurtittee. Committee. PRESIDENT'S REPORT * Reviewed the synopsis of his written report to the Board. * Reported that he will be meeting with Don Frisbee on Friday to kick off the capital fund drive. * Reported that he had a meeting with Larry Frager, a gentle- man who has sent aa checkcheck forfor $10,000.$10,000. Mr. Frager wants 3 $1,000 of this money to go to the Black United Front for their education program. Irwin proposed a resolutionresolution bebe sentsent toto Mr.Mr. Frager.Frager. It was moved and seconded (Starr/Gary) that a "Thank You Resolu- tion" be sent to Larry Frager for his gift; Herb and Linda have authority toto proceedproceed withwith thisthis actioncthbehalfactionribehalf ofof the Board. The motion passed. * Reported that $400,000 will be coming to Multnomah County as a result of the "homeless" legislation passed in Washington, D.C. The League needs to get the word out about its Homeless Program and how effective it is in this community; sometimes we cannot serve a particular client, however, through networking, needs are met. * Reported that the LeagueLeague mademade itsits presentationpresentation forfor $275,359 to the United Way AllocationAllocaion PanelPanel andand thankedthanked BoardBoard members who were ableable toto attend.attend. * Reported that Pam Smith, DirectorDirector of Conununication,Communication, willwill bebe leaving the League toto gogo toto workwork forfor JesseJesse JacksonJackson inin Washington, D.C. CHAIR REPORT * Thanked Thane for coordinatingcoordinating thethe salmonsalmon dinnerdinner onon February 228th. 8th. Everyone had a good time and are looking forward to doing it again. The meeting adjournedadjourned atat 1:101:10 P.M.P.M. Su m ted by: Reviewed and Approved by: FLINE;LINE J 6RDL(1 Administrative Assistant Secretary, Board of Directors THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND The Report of the President April 1987 McconnellMcConnell Clark Robyn Govan, the Program Officer for the McConnell Foundation Clark Foundation, has informed the Urban League of the Foundation's continuing interest in funding the Financial ServicesServices TechnologyTechnology AcadeniyAcademy effort oneone more year, however, at a reduced amount of support. One major organizational goal of the program is close to achievement: transition into the Portland Public Schools with the latter taking thebudgetary responsibilities. In the coming year, the Urban League will provide stronger support services in counseling, parent involvement, student tutoring and learning. The grant application will be far more creative, in terms of the Urban League's participa- tion, and the gradual reduction of Urban League administrative responsibility will take place over the course of the next year. The Board of Directors can be proud of the Urban League's development of this program, and much of the success with students can be attributed to the counseling and adminis- trative leadership provided this program. Youth Service Gladys Hedgmon, Carol Sutcliff and I met with Center Transition Gladys McCoyMccoy and the new Director of Human Services for the County. The Youth Service Centers will be transitioned to the county as of July 1st. This immediate change should not cause any drastic alte- rations of the basic Youth Service centerCenter program. A process has been developed to provide consultation as to the final configuration of the Youth Service Center administration within the County organiza- tion. In the course of the meeting, the Urban League raised a number of issues. First, that evaluation needs to focus beyond numerical achieve- ments. Our Youth Service Center has achieved all of its numerical goals, with the exception of a season- al shortfall in youth employment.Ultimately, we will achieve, and in some cases, greatly exceed all our goals numerically. The qualitative evaluation needs to be worked into that system. Secondly, the Urban League is frustrated by the constant interference in staff direction by Youth Service administrators. We would like to seesee thisthis discontinued and have an appropriate contractor 2 relationship with the County. The meeting was positive and constructive. Adult and Senior The new grant for Adult and Senior Services has Servicesvices been submitted to the County. This year, we are being allotted $166,238 to serve 975 seniors in the Northeast community. The Board of Directors can expect some reorganization within
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