Russian Entomol. J. 12(4): 385398 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2003 A preliminary list of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera) of Vietnam Ïðåäâàðèòåëüíûé ñïèñîê íàåçäíèêîâ ñåìåéñòâà Braconidae (Hymenoptera) Âüåòíàìà Khuat Dang Long1 and Sergey A.Belokobylskij2 Êõóàò Äàíã Ëîíã1 è Ñ.À. Áåëîêîáûëüñêèé2 1 Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Ha Noi, Vietnam. 2 Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg 199034 Russia and Museum i Institut zoologii PAN, Wilcza 64, Warsaw, Poland. 1 Èíñòèòóò ýêîëîãèè è áèîëîãè÷åñêèõ ðåñóðñîâ, Õàíîé, Âüåòíàì. 2 Çîîëîãè÷åñêèé èíñòèòóò Ðîññèéñêîé Àêàäåìèè íàóê, Ñ.-Ïåòåðáóðã 199034 Ðîññèÿ è Ìóçåé è Èíñòèòóò çîîëîãèè ÏÀÍ, Âèëü÷à 64, Âàðøàâà, Ïîëüøà. KEY WORDS: Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Vietnam, checklist, distribution. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Âüåòíàì, ñïèñîê, ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèå. ABSTRACT: The Vietnam braconids fauna is re- especially S.A. Belokobylskij have published several viewed and a checklist of publishing species with local papers associated with braconid species, in some way and world distribution provided, up to now 257 species they have contributed essentially to the knowledge of the from 21 subfamilies are recorded from Vietnam. Of this Braconidae of Vietnam. Although it were the modest number of braconid species 97 species proved was results undertaken for the Braconidae as one from the described from Vietnam fauna only. largest group of Hymenoptera, many braconids de- scribed by them either as new to science or species ÐÅÇÞÌÅ: Ïðåäëîæåí àííîòèðîâàííûé ñïèñîê known first for the fauna of Vietnam. îòìå÷åííûõ âî Âüåòíàìå âèäîâ íàåçäíèêîâ-áðàêî- During period 19861991 within the bilateral agree- íèä ñ óêàçàíèåì ïðîâèíöèé, ãäå îíè áûëè çàðåãèñò- ment of Vietnam National Center for Natural Sciences ðèðîâàíû, è ñ îáùèì ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèåì. Âñåãî âî and Technology on one part, and the Academy of Âüåòíàìå îòìå÷åíî 257 âèäîâ èç 21 ïîäñåìåéñòâà, Sciences of the Soviet Union (now the Russian Acade- èç êîòîðûõ 97 âèäà èçâåñòíû òîëüêî èç ýòîé ñòðàíû. my of Sciences) on other part, numerous of entomolog- Introduction ical collecting trips were organized in the different provinces of Vietnam. The majority of the insects had The braconid fauna of Vietnam is certainly diverse been collected in the following regions in Vietnam: but poorly studied yet. However systematically the first West-northern, East-northern, Central (North), Cen- braconid species from Vietnam were reported in the tral and Central (South). However many specimens of beginning of 20th centure [Cameron, 1910a, 1910b; braconids are still non-identified. Turner, 1918, 1919a, 1919b, 1920; Kieffer, 1921]. The The first summarizing survey of the braconids was literature on the Braconidae of Vietnam is rare and compiled by K. D. Long (1998) as a complementary list scattered. This information is trying to facilitate the of braconid wasps from Vietnam, this paper listed 72 assessment of the status of the study on braconid species, species of braconids belonging to 10 subfamilies of the the conservation and development of many braconids Braconidae except 53 species of the Apanteles genus being the diverse group of the Hymenoptera as parasi- which have been reported by same author before [Long, toids for the biological control of pests. We collected in 1993, 1995]. this paper the species of Braconidae which was recorded In the period 19882002 there were 28 articles from Vietnam still 2002. published with information about Braconidae from The braconid wasps in Vietnam were collected but Vietnam, of that 21 by Belokobyskij [1988, 1990a, still non-identified from the 1970 and at that time the 1990b, 1992, 1993a, 1993b, 1994a, 1994b, 1994c, braconids were collected mainly by singling and rearing 1995a, 1995b, 1995c, 1996, 1998a, 1998b, 2000a, from larvae of different pests on rice field, and probably 2000b, 2000c, 2000d, 2001, 2002] and Belokobylskij only a smaller portion of it were identified. The first and Con [1988], 6 by Long [1993, 1995, 1998a, 1998b, more or less large taxonomical-faunistic results associ- 2002], 1 by Tobias [1990] and 1 by Tobias and Long ated with the braconid species of Vietnam were pub- [1990]. About 90 species of Braconidae were described lished from 1988 [Belokobylskij, 1988]. The first author by them as new to science, and most of the rest were first of this paper and two Russian experts V.I. Tobias and recorded for the fauna of Vietnam. In this paper we do Printed in 2004. not include Dacnusa sibirica believed to be a parasitoid 386 Khuat Dang Long and Sergey A.Belokobylskij of legume leafminer Liriomyza sativa (Agromyzidae) Vietnam: Tonkin, Than-Moi. [Hung, 2002; Lam et al., 2002] because that species was DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, determined by not specialists. Otherwise we have not Nepal. seen a specimen of the parasitoid and on basis of publishing information it can probably be from the Subfamily Alysiinae Leach, 1815 genus Opius Wesmael. 4. Cratospila alboapicalis Tobias, 1990 To summarize our present knowledge (up to the Tobias, 1990: 100. beginning of the 21th century) of the braconid fauna of Vietnam: Gia Lai. Vietnam, a list is presented in the systematic sequence DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam. of the 21 following subfamilies completing them with 5. Orthostigma multicarinatum Tobias, 1990 the number of the species recorded from Vietnam and Tobias, 1990: 102. in parenthesis the number of the generic names. We Vietnam: Gia Lai, Thanh Hoa. included in the list for every species the page of first DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam. citing of species for Vietnam; the distribution of species in Vietnamese provinces or (if it is impossible for old 6. Orthostigma tumidum Tobias, 1990 Tobias, 1990: 104. descriptions) original geographical label (? if no Vietnam: Thanh Hoa. detail information); for some species host (if it was DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam. reared in Vietnam) and ecological data; and world distribution of species. The known species of Vietnam 7. Phaenocarpa cameroni Papp, 1967 (Pentapleura fauna belong to (in brackets number of genera, after : flavipes Cameron, 1910) number of species): Cameron, 1910: 8; Papp, 1967: 146; Shenefelt, 1974. 1. Agathidinae (2): 3 Vietnam: Tongking. DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Malaysia, China (Taiwan). 2. Alysiinae (3): 5 3. Brachistinae (1): 5 8. Phaenocarpa testaceiventris (Cameron, 1910) 4. Braconinae (9): 14 Cameron, 1910: 7; Papp, 1967; Shenefelt, 1974. 5. Cardiochilinae (2): 2 Vietnam: Tongking (Bakbo, N. Vietnam). 6. Cheloninae (2): 4 DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Malaysia. 7. Dirrhopinae (1): 1 8. Doryctinae (15): 62 Subfamily Brachistinae Foerster, 1862 9. Ecnomiinae (1): 2 9. Schizoprymnus (Sch.) calurus Papp, 1993 10. Euphorinae (10): 16 Papp, 1993: 134. 11. Exothecinae (15): 45 Vietnam: Bian (Mt. Lang). 12. Gnamptodontinae (1): 1 DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Laos. 13. Helconinae (3): 3 10. Schizoprymnus (Sch.) doryphorus Papp, 1991 14. Ichneutinae (1): 1 Papp, 1991: 84. 15. Macrocentrinae (1): 1 Vietnam: Fyan. 16. Microgastrinae (8): 73 DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam. 17. Miracinae (2): 4 18. Opiinae (3): 3 11. Schizoprymnus (Sch.) irrepertus Papp, 1991 Papp, 1991: 85. 19. Orgilinae (2): 2 Vietnam: Bian (Mt. Lang). 20. Rhyssalinae (1): 1 DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam. 21. Rogadinae (4): 9 12. Schizoprymnus (Muiriella) odrinus Papp, 1993 Subfamily Agathidinae Haliday, 1933 Papp, 1993: 149. Vietnam: DiLihn (Djiring). 1. Baeognatha javana Bhat et Gupta, 1977 DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam. Long, 2002: 294. Vietnam: Bac Ninh, Ha Noi, Ha Tay. On soybean; hosts: 13. Schizoprymnus (Sch.) tortilis Papp, 1984 Maruca testulalis, Etiella zinckenella (Pyralidae). Papp, 1984: 157. DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Indonesia. Vietnam: DiLihn, Bian (Mt. Lang), Fyan, Dalat. DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Laos. 2. Euagathis abbotti Ashmead, 1900 (dubiosa Turn- er, 1919) Subfamily Braconinae Nees von Esenbeck, 1812 Turner, 1919: 432; Shenefelt, 1970b; Simbolotti, Achterberg, 1995. Vietnam: Houei Sai, Haut Mekong. 14. Amyosoma chinensis (Szepligeti, 1902) DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Malay- Long, 1998: 32. sia, Thailand. Vietnam: Bac Ninh, Ha Noi, Ha Tay, Hung Yen, Thai Binh, Thanh Hoa. Rice field; hosts: rice stemborers Chilo 3. Euagathis forticarinata Cameron, 1899 (vari- suppressalis, Scirpophaga incertulas (Pyralidae), Sesamia abilis Enderlein, 1920) inferens (Noctuidae). Enderlein, 1920: 175; Shenefelt, 1970b; Simbolotti, Achterberg, DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, China, Korea, Japan, Indo- 1995. nesia, India, Oman. A preliminary list of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera) of Vietnam 387 15. Annectobracon eventus Chishti et Quicke, 1995 27. Zaglyptogaster vitalisi (Turner, 1919) Chishti, Quicke, 1995: 74. Turner, 1919a: 430; Shenefelt, 1978; Quicke, 1984. Vietnam: Tonkin: Hoabinh. Vietnam: Vieng Vai, Haut Mekong. DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, China, Thailand, Laos. DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Laos. 16. Bracon onukii Watanabe, 1932 Long, 1998: 32. Subfamily Cardiochilinae Ashmead, 1900 Vietnam: Ha Noi, Ha Tay. Rice field; hosts: rice stembo- 28. Cardiochiles philippensis Ashmead, 1904 rers Chilo suppressalis, Scirpophaga incertulas (Pyralidae). Long, 1998: 32. DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Japan, Korea, China, Philip- Vietnam: Bac Ninh, Ha Noi, Ha Tay. Rice field; hosts: pines. rice leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Pyralidae). 17.Bracon (Habrobracon) serinopae (Cherian, 1929) DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Ma- Shenefelt, 1978: 1611. laysia, China (Taiwan), Nepal, India. Vietnam ?. DISTRIBUTION: Vietnam, India. 29. Bohayella nigriceps Belokobylskij, 1993 Belokobylskij, 1993: 52. 18. Bracon strandi Cameron,
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