04 Livestock’s role in water depletion and pollution 4.1 Issues and trends such as power for hydroelectricity generation Water represents at least 50 percent of most and support of recreational activities to a highly living organisms and plays a key role in the diverse set of user groups. Freshwater resourc- functioning of the ecosystem. It is also a criti- es are the pillar sustaining development and cal natural resource mobilized by most human maintaining food security, livelihoods, indus- activities. trial growth, and environmental sustainability It is replenished through the natural water throughout the world (Turner et al., 2004). cycle. The evaporation process, mainly from the Nevertheless, freshwater resources are oceans, is the primary mechanism supporting scarce. Only 2.5 percent of all water resources the surface-to-atmosphere portion of the cycle. are fresh water. The oceans account for 96.5 per- Evaporation returns to ocean and water bodies cent, brackish water for around 1 percent. Fur- as precipitation (US Geological Survey, 2005a; thermore, 70 percent of all freshwater resources Xercavins and Valls, 1999). are locked up in glaciers, and permanent snow Freshwater resources provide a wide range of (polar caps for example) and the atmosphere goods such as drinking water, irrigation water, (Dompka, Krchnak and Thorne, 2002; UNES- or water for industrial purposes, and services CO, 2005). 110 000 km3 of freshwater fall on Livestock’s long shadow earth in the form of precipitation annually, of 93 percent of water depletion worldwide (see which 70 000 km3 evaporate immediately into Table 4.1) (Turner et al., 2004). The irrigated the atmosphere. Out of the remaining 40 000 area has multiplied nearly five times over the km3 only 12 500 km3 is accessible for human use last century and in 2003 amounted to 277 million (Postel, 1996). hectares (FAO, 2006b). Nevertheless, in recent Freshwater resources are unequally distrib- decades, growth in the use of water resources uted at the global level. More than 2.3 billion for domestic and industrial purposes has been people in 21 countries live in water-stressed faster than for agriculture. Indeed, between 1950 basins (having between 1 000 and 1 700 m3 per and 1995, withdrawals for domestic and industri- person per year). Some 1.7 billion people live al uses quadrupled, while they only doubled for in basins under scarcity conditions (with less agricultural purposes (Rosegrant, Cai and Cline, than 1 000 m3 per person per year) see Map 28, 2002). Today people consume 30–300 litres per Annex 1 (Rosegrant, Cai and Cline, 2002; Kinje, person a day for domestic purposes, while 3 000 2001; Bernstein, 2002; Brown, 2002). More than litres per day are needed to grow their daily food one billion people do not have sufficient access (Turner et al., 2004). to clean water. Much of the world’s human popu- One of the major challenges in agricultural lation growth and agricultural expansion is tak- development today is to maintain food secu- ing place in water stressed regions. rity and alleviate poverty without further deplet- The availability of water has always been a ing water resources and damaging ecosystems limiting factor to human activities, in particular (Rosegrant, Cai and Cline, 2002). agriculture, and the increasing level of demand for water is a growing concern. Excessive with- The threat of increasing scarcity drawals, and poor water management, have Projections suggest that the situation will worsen resulted in lowered groundwater tables, dam- in the next decades, possibly leading to increas- aged soils and reduced water quality worldwide. ing conflicts among usages and users. Under As a direct consequence of a lack of appropriate a “Business as usual scenario” (Rosegrant et water resources management, a number of al., 2002), global water withdrawal is projected countries and regions are faced with ongoing to increase by 22 percent to 4 772 km3 in 2025. depletion of water resources (Rosegrant, Cai and This increase will be driven mainly by domestic, Cline, 2002). industrial and livestock uses; the latter show- Withdrawal of freshwater diverted from rivers ing a growth of more than 50 percent. Water and pumped from aquifers has been estimated consumption for non-agricultural uses is pro- at 3 906 km3 for 1995 (Rosegrant, Cai and Cline, jected to increase by 62 percent between 1995 2002). Part of this water returns to the eco- system, though pollution of water resources is accelerated by the increasing discharge of Table 4.1 wastewater into water courses. Indeed, in devel- Water use and depletion by sector oping countries, 90–95 percent of public waste- Sector Water use Water depletion water and 70 percent of industrial wastes are (.......... Percentages of total ..........) discharged into surface water without treatment (Bernstein, 2002). Agriculture 70 93 The agricultural sector is the largest user Domestic 10 3 of freshwater resources. In 2000, agriculture Industrial 20 4 accounted for 70 percent of water use and Source: Brown (2002); FAO-AQUASTAT (2004). 126 Livestock’s role in water depletion and pollution and 2025. The use of irrigation water, however, of adequate stream flows, especially during dry will rise by only 4 percent over that period. The seasons. Improper land use can severely con- highest increase in demand for irrigation water strain future access to water resources and may is expected for sub-Saharan Africa and Latin threaten the proper functioning of ecosystems. America with 27 and 21 percent, respectively; Water cycles are further affected by deforesta- both regions have only limited use of irrigation tion, an ongoing process at the pace of 9.4 mil- today (Rosegrant, Cai and Cline, 2002). lion hectares per year according to FAO’s latest As a direct consequence of the expected assessment (FAO, 2005a). increase in demand for water, Rosegrant, Cai Water also plays a key role in ecosystem and Cline (2002) projected that by 2025, 64 per- functioning, acting as a medium and/or reactant cent of the world’s population will live in water- of biochemical processes. Depletion will affect stressed basins (against 38 percent today). A ecosystems by reducing water availability to recent International Water Management Insti- plant and animal species, inducing a shift toward tute (IWMI) assessment projects that by 2023, dryer ecosystems. Pollution will also harm eco- 33 percent of the world’s population (1.8 billion systems, as water is a vehicle for numerous people) will live in areas of absolute water scar- pollution agents. As a result, pollutants have an city including Pakistan, South Africa, and large impact not only locally but on various ecosys- parts of India and China (IWMI, 2000). tems along the water cycle, sometimes far from Increasing water scarcity is likely to compro- the initial sources. mise food production, as water will have to be Among the various ecosystems affected by diverted from agricultural use to environmental, trends in water depletion, wetlands ecosystems industrial and domestic purposes (IWMI, 2000). are especially at risk. Wetlands ecosystems are Under the “business as usual scenario” men- the most species-diverse habitats on earth and tioned above, water scarcity may cause a loss include lakes, floodplains, marshes and deltas. of potential production of 350 million tonnes of Ecosystems provide a wide range of environmen- food, almost equal to the current total United tal services and goods, valued globally at US$33 States grain crop production (364 million tonnes trillion of which US$14.9 trillion are provided by in 2005) (Rosegrant, Cai and Cline, 2002; FAO, wetlands (Ramsar, 2005). These include flood 2006b). The countries under absolute water control, groundwater replenishment, shoreline scarcity will have to import a substantial propor- stabilization and storm protection, sediment and tion of their cereal consumption, while those nutrient regulation, climate change mitigation, unable to finance these imports will be threat- water purification, biodiversity conservation, ened by famine and malnutrition (IWMI, 2000). recreation, tourism and cultural opportunities. Even countries with sufficient water resources Nevertheless, wetlands ecosystems are under will have to expand their water supplies to make great threat and are suffering from over-extrac- up for the increasing demand. There is wide- tion, pollution and diversion of water resources. spread concern that many countries, especially An estimated 50 percent of world wetlands have in sub-Saharan Africa, will not have the required disappeared over the last century (IUCN, 2005; financial and technical capacity (IWMI, 2000). Ramsar, 2005). Water resources are threatened in other ways. The impacts of the livestock sector on water Inappropriate land use can reduce water sup- resources are often not well understood by plies by reducing infiltration, increasing run- decision-makers. The primary focus is usu- off and limiting the natural replenishment of ally the most obvious segment of the livestock groundwater resources and the maintenance commodity chain: production at farm level. But 127 Livestock’s long shadow the overall water use1 directly or indirectly by the livestock sector is often ignored. Similarly, the contribution of the livestock sector to water depletion2 focuses mainly on water contamina- tion by manure and waste. This chapter attempts to provide a compre- hensive overview of the livestock sector’s role in the water resources depletion issue. More spe- cifically, we will provide quantitative estimates of water use and pollution associated with the main © FAO/9286/H.D. NAM segments of the animal food commodity chain. A worker gives water to pigs raised near chicken cage We will successively also analyse livestock’s on farm at Long An province – Viet Nam 2005 contribution to the water pollution and evapo- transpiration phenomenon and its impact on the sents 60 to 70 percent of the body weight and is water resource replenishment process through essential for animals in maintaining their vital improper land use.
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