Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 12-24-1954 The Ledger and Times, December 24, 1954 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, December 24, 1954" (1954). The Ledger & Times. 2240. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2240 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r ,..riesommmurNsimpouprimairm•••••"1"` • .,aaallippila* „. ;ER 21, 191 ,.ather. Althoug ed him at the ias treated far y h engag ther was an Selected As A Best All Rouid Kentucky Community Newspaper Largest Largest Circulation In The Circulation In The City; Largest City; Largest Circulation In Circulation In The County The County Maasi6id &At IN OUR 75th YEAR Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, December 24, 1954 MURRity POPULATION 8,000 Vol. LXXV No. 30-4 Hallos I Leath •••imenag- VFW Baskets Highways Are Made Ready Jammed With ce::60 00 Over 4130 persons will have a Travelers happier Christmas this year be- • cause of the local VF1V post. 0 Yesterday several mambeis of itt By UNITED PRESS the post and auxiliary gatberel Highways, railroads and air- at the VFW Hall in the Tuck,- planes were jammed today wilja building and fixed baskets for happy holiday travelers hurryidg many needy families in the cite to celebrate Christmas with their and colyty. loved ones. get-Kindly John Shroat, Commander of the Temperatures were across the nation, raising post said that over four hundred mild hopes that a predicted toll of a70 persons in the many families being traffic deaths from 6 p.m. tonight aided will be affecied. to midnight Sunday would not be Included in the baskets will reached. be fruit, groceries, sugar.cande Rail and air terminals sienoes the balloons, toys, cocoanuts and pop- nation reported a land office bur- corn. iness as the last minute holiday The post raised money for the rush began. annual effort by staging the pro- The Pennsylvania Railroad add- 15 spac- duction, You Can't Heat Fun" ed 700 special trains. and recently ial trains, many of them hauling soldiers home for the holidays were The baskets will be delivered added to the Santa Fe system. today by the post. The basket• At Dallas, Tex.. a ticket agent have been prepared fre- speciac said he was getting requests gar a families with the ru Harr of ihil- tickets to places he hadn't hied dren in eack famile berm knowe of since last Christmas. Commaridei Shrew said that he United Air Lines reported Ltd wished to thank all persons who Christmas traffic the "heavaret in aided in any way -to make he history" and added 30 extra fliehts Christmas baskets poeirible for the holiday week. Extra flights were also added by American, Braniff, Eastern, Northwest, Traes Pilgrims, Flock To World. Capital and other aielines. Jerusalem Overseas, all troop mess halls id Europe were ordered to dish up a Christmas Day menu of roast torn JERUSALEM Israel V — Pil- turkey, dressing giblet gravy, cran- grims began flocking to tilts City berry sauce, mashed potatoes, but- today to spend the Christine. sea tered fresh lima beans, lettuae and son in the Holy Land tomato salad, fresh celery iarios, pickles, hot The first group of 120 arrived stuffed olives, sweet mincemeat pie a this morning, about two thirds of roils, fruit cake, fruit, owaisayeand nide there from the Waited &WM Gap- la mode, and Latin America. They will tour the region fni Little Girl Gives three days latidev thee visited Mount Tabor and Nar.areth and Christmas Spirit are due to cross no-man's-land into h. wonderful thing STTRL1NG Jordan Friday By ROBERT J. United Press Staff Ceerespeadent Buses and taxis about Christmas is that each discharged other WASHINGTON AP — "Ma names groups of Israel's Cnristian p.1- Jane what's yours'a!e giim before new Jerusalem's gay- year, without fail, it works The man aiding the crowded ernment olices where they picked street car looked down. The voice up documents permitting them to its miracle over again. With came from a stunning blonde with cross the lines Friday for trips to wavy hair, bright blue eyes and-- Bethlehem the approach of the Holiday it developed—she was just five M-imily groups from Acre. Nara- years old reth. Galilee and ather villages Season, the spirit becomes The man put down his paper lined Up impatiently aweiting per- and grinned. mission to cross Into Joidan to see refreshed, the heart uplifted, "My name's John," he replied. Mends and relatives 1aey hay The ice was broken Ttee 'talked not seen for a year. and the world suddenly is all the way downtown. with sev- eral passengers listening — ani full of smiling people, burst- smiling. Biggest Volume Of The man learned his companrin Mail Handled ing with good will towards was en route to the dentist to have her teeth cleaned. Her cats name was Mazie — "Her real name IS WASHINGTON +llt --Postmaster their fellow-man. Mary but that's my mother's name General Arthur E Surnmerficld so we have to call her Marie" She says the Post Office Department in Santa Claus but her apparently will handle the biggest believes doesn't. She wants emth volume of Christmas mail In its 3t is in this atmosphere bi other history thii year heel shoes. a teddy bear and a bike for Christmas. He said Tnurecray are reports of good cheer and brotherly The man said pe worked in a bit from 239 of the nation's largest office, has a cat, too and his dot poet offices also indicate that the love that we wish our friends job will be handled more quickly had puTples last Chrietmus. He and efficiently than ever before a very Merry Christmas and had a dentist, too, and just loved Postal experts expect a 3 per to have his teeth Cleaned. cent increase in mail volume aver It The streetcaa rolled into the tae .53 record Summerfield said a Rich and Happy New Year. downtown area and the Mother sit- he is confident that once sia n ting icross the aisle gathered her there will be no Christmas mail daughter and son. undelivered on Christmas 1)ay Jane biuke away from her moth- Men who send business mail by er. ran back threw her arms parcel post praised the Post Office around her new friend, and said Department for "outstanding effi- loudly: ciency and dispatch" in handling "My phone number is Oliver this year's big Christmas nisei of 4-3547: mall. That end of the streetcar erupted The Parcel Post Association, into laughter. Tie little girl go. mailers which represents business off, leaving in her wake a blush- Surn- throughout the nation. sent ing adult, a collection of Mill. letter of congratula- merfield a grinning faces, and a warm feeling tions. as if all the little girl' in the world had been riding on that one The Staff of The Daily Ledger & Times Wishes Everyone a'Merry -Christmas And A Happy New Year, streetcar. WEATHER Frank Holcomb, D. L. R. J. McDougal Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Williams REPORT Hugh Smith Divelbiss On Program Guy Leroy Smith Tommy Garrison Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Edward Smith John Kenil James Harmon Frank Holcomb and 0 L Divel- bliss had charge of the program Killebrew Bobby Workman Mrs. Anton Herndon DO-WN Burnie yesterday at the Murray Rotary William Earl Kirkland Tommy Parker Mrs. J. B. Burkeen Club meeting- Live A film produced by General William Hornbuckle Motors was shown the group S,itithewest 51Centucky — Fair aiai dipecting the changes brought colder today with.. a high of 50. about by science and industry r Visiting Rotarians were Rudolph Fair and a little colder tonight Joe Overbey Michael Rayburn Glen Dale Edwards Larry Austin lowest 28 Christmas Day increes Riley, Jack Weaver and Turley ing cloudiness. (Mamie of ram Joe Young Charles David Richardson Danny Workman Joey Ray" Stewart of Paris, Tennessee and B F Harwood of Padecih Wil- beginning late afternoon. Tommie Young Ronnie David Miller Jimmie Roberts Bucy liam Thomas WEB:1th was a guest TEMPERAVURES Joe Bob Brewer John Darnall John Winter Allen Lovett of his father. Dr Hugh McElaith 63 Guests ni Luther Robertson were High Yesterday Bryan Anderson Jimmie Walls Low Last Night- 28 Ralph Ray and Rune Cooper. 'PAGE TWO THE LEDGER AND TIM,E8, MURRAY, KENTUCE/ • FRIDAY. 24. •1954 Thieves Escape WaOk• ,aid every ...MO- Cin t t Wind. Floods Usher .•••••••••.........,6 tHE LEDGER & TIMES Cooper Not In HopkinsVille th14,o into excpt the Winter In turope 'MUSK= BY 'DOER • 71KEb PUBUSHING COMPANY Lae pd.!, 's office. The robb.,- vault in Walker's of- -ensolidatioa ad a. Murray Ledger The Calloway Time', and r. • HOPKINSVILLE 1/4 —Thiev-mr 1044 from a LONDON • 121 Hurricane Candidate smashed Ilan doors., open bee but missed $200 in the viol! and flu ids tilt north Ind Octot...r W. 111K and the West Kentucklen lasuial broke snu • several • 'police said the /1•4itieses broke in- -- safes and e•caped with rain and blinding fr.; in the 'south about $1214 just before daylight to a safe at the bus station and ushered waiter. int, WA.:HIN ;TON IP - - Sen. .I.Ht .; Europe Le. JAMS C WILLIAMS, PUBLISHER ;oday ii breakins at the Chris- took about $870.
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