Jj A 1 j ;( ! . SUGAR 96 Degree t 3ATH3R BUREAU, DECEMBER 31 Last 24 hours' rainfall, .09. Test Centrifugals, 3.625c; Per Ton, $72.50. 1; Temperature, Max. 76; Min. 67. Weather, showery. 83 Analysis Beets 8s l&d; Per Ton, 574.50. ESTaBuShEO JULY ?. 1856. XLHI., tlUJMUi.UiU, HAWAII TERRITORY, MONDAY, 1, 1906. SIXTEEN 730 JANUARY PAGES. PAGES 1 TO 8. j,i.im m.m,. ")UNCEMtNT I- V' .a " K ft ilGNATION " r IN BY I i . r 1. x v, .4.. ft t - People Clear 'Away the Barricades vatement to Centra! Union 4' . - Y 4 ' - - Troops in Control --Strike ,i;egation After Sunday v Called Off. " --vV- rning's Sermon. i' 5 (Associated Press Cablegrams.) ess at the close that to the Colossians following it 26 MOSCOW, January 1. The last remnant of the insurgents has times, the apostle's letter to the Phil- - ,ST morning. Rev. ippians mentioned himself 117 times. surrendered. - aid, D-- , an-- t 1. - The prize mentioned in the text, ac- TROOPS IN CONTROL. xetirement from', cording to the original, was the calling nira'. Union church, upward of God. There was an idea of " . Troops occupy the troubled districts. s in words to mean tenseness, of straining upward for the - in apostle's declaration. m would take effect lri7- the CLEARING THE BARRICADES. It is not well to allow our minds to grcgation might findit b? fixea Thrfuture is the The populace are clearing away the barricades. , but not later than greater concern. A sculptor looked at urcfl year 011 August a figure he had carved and pronounced STORIES OF BLOOD STRETCHED. 5- - " vs. 1 I 1' i ' ' at it perfect. Then he said there was ' i nothing left for him but ,to die. And Fatalities have been exaggerated in number. it. ated no reason for his he was right. When.""- - achievement t was contained In STRIKE CALLED , p. thar overtakes ambition with a man the end EEV. VvTil. MOEEIS KINCAID, D. D., WHO RETIRES FROM PASTORATE OFF. I ing tat it was the re- - has come. .'" OF CENTRAL UNION CHURCH. I The Workmen's Council has called off the strike. to go away which Dr. Kineaid quoted a speaker at the ?ion 0 ' it- llv formed. There was recent church unity congress as saying ' notii of fault-findin- g. that one hot church in a community 1 SUSPECTED ASSASSINS CAUGHT. f deferences between would do more good than a dozen cold METHODIST COIF menbers of the flock churches. is announcement. The It was passion for Christ and com ras an eloquent exhor- - passion for men which made a church BOISE, Idaho, January 1. Shoshone county, the scene of the I m 1 . t 1 1 I church, I powenui. len memoers in enirai CONCLUDES L Unbn at the MPf Coeur d'Alene riots in 1899, has offered $10,000 reward for the cap new year, to arise to ''Union Church thus inspireel for effort of its strength and would do more to uplift th commun ture of the assassins of former Governor Steunenberg. Five sus- tho unliftln' of the , than a thousand members without announce-gregstio- enthusiasm. pects have been arrested. , Kitcaid'3 n jsvas in sub- - He liked the word sympathy better than cooperation or fraternity, because Sishop Hamilton Delivers an Interesting Address it was a word that embraced the whole DE WITTE'5 PROBABLE )'S IESKJNATION. SUCCESSOR. I world. The church was told to look at Closing Session-Ot- her Churhes Thanked r frinds, allow me a upward because the world was on a J re-:hur- ci. th reference to rhy -- lower level and by the uplifting of the ST. PETERSBURG, January of Premier De Ijsay It now church the world wouiu bV"elevated. for Fraternal Overtures, i.Reports e pastor ;of a church What a tremendous power for elevat- Witte's retirement are revir ". Durnoro, Minister of the Interior, tain1 line ,of action It ing this community would not that is reported as should tike the con-i-s church become if its thousand mem- likely to be his successor. o confidence, bers were seized by the impulse of the .The Methodist Church Mission Con- to attend and the Bishop to preach e past has been a it' text and press toward the goal for the ference, the first to be held in this the sermon. "Had there been room," n with ine that the prize of the high calling? would Territory, has met and finished it3 la- said Mr. Wadman, "the services A STRONG PLEA FOR THE for me t go back to Dr. Kineaid described Central Union be held here, but as our church is not pres-a- adjourned. The final session : the end of the t Church as "eminent in situation, emi- bors and large enough to accommodate the con- DEFENSE THESE ISLANDS the latest, it is nent in equipment and eminent in the. was held yesterday morning. It began gregations of both, and Central Union OF tire from the pastor-- number of brilliant men among its at 11 o 'clock, Bishop Hamilton presid having kindly offered us the use of h. It has seemed to members. " ing. Due largely to the untiring work their church, we will hold the services Lt Bhoiild give you was I There a large congregation there." He also announced that the r of Pastor J. W. Wadman, who has also f It is sincerely to be hoped that the present session of Congress that yoii may call a most of the seating capacity be Pu-- n Bishop would deliver a lecture at of-ou- been acting as Superintendent, of the may witness some practical action looking to the development r e the beginning of ing filled. II. F. Wichman sang Kip ihou College on Friday night. The past year, the time or sooner. ling's "Recessional." Conference for the v;oir then sang for an anthem "Chris- - naval and military defenses in the Hawaiian Islands, p One time to jdwell on the was ripe for the session of the Confer- tian Herald," by Coombs, In a very project which is specially urgent is the dredging of Pearl Harbor, I.b.-cv-e received from ence and the local Methodistsi were acceptable manner. MLss Bell's suc which, in the nature of things, is destined to become one of our most 41 "individual TOURIST BUSINESS becoming more fortunate, it is generally conceded, in cess with the choir is important in Pacific improve- OA Js I have passed ac- naval bases the Ocean. The required securing Bishop John' W. Hamilton, noticeable weekly. Miss Wadman's Central Union companiments likewise" well ment of Pearl Harbor has already been too long neglected, and D. D., LL.D., to preside. were all (fmonj the pleasant- - CONTINUES GOOD '" ' The present condition of the church renderA. should receive immediate attention if we are to retain our naval iitful af my life, in Following singinjr of "Onward, may be gathered in brief fromhrfol-lowin- g the prestige in the Pacific and gain our proper proportion of the grow- rfeflect upon the days Christian Soldiers" in three languages delightful taken from theriport of the ing commerce of those waters. Lying midway between our West- Inhere vith .1 at once English, Korean and Japanese Ll Will "The quarantine on the steamers was Treasurer the Secretary of the tmioJLi UOI thofV.U.b TTtlJ Vk ' ' Bishop John W. Hamilton, D. D.f ern seaboard and the Philippines, Hawaii occupies a position of thought by many to put a stop to Conference: Baptisms 571, last year 132, increase 439; members 810, L1L.D., president of th& conference, de- - extraordinary importance to naval and commercial interests in the Honolilu the one .some of the tourist business," said last ' year 419, increase 401; churches 12, llvered the sermon, taking for his text .v was to bring the Manager Gray of the Young Hotel last Pacific. Properly fortified and provided with a naval base capable last year 6, increase 6; value of church the latter part of the 22nd verse of the 1 famuni:y into purer night, "but I am not so sure that It for our warships, Hawaii 1 property $36,510, last year $23,220, in- fourth chapter of the Gospel Accord- - of affording shelter, repairs 'and supplies U gospel of after all. People are coming- here with the crease parsonages 6, last year ing to St. John, "For Salvation is of be a powerful factor in the whole system of national defense, right along, and they will continue to $13,290; pvould 2, increase 4; value of parsonages $12,-65- 0, the Jews." The Bishop stated that he but jr Qahu is left undefended it would be a source of weakness ve mcde mistakes, come. I have reservations ordered from - last year $8750, increase $3900; had prepared another sermon for the ... i twenty-fiv- e to attack ?re is one comfort about people who are on occasion, but at the sight so many thcr than of strength, offering an attractive invitation way." total amount paid on buildings $12,175, of man often profits the x las rear $30, increase $12,145; num- foreigners he had decided to take the from the enemy's fleet. Pearl Harbor is peculiarly adapted to the suc- - f-- fees thai by his ber Sunday schools 23, est year 11; text above stated. needs of a great naval base, and with the proposed improvements A. He ' . - scholars 1279, last year 521; number of reviewed .the history of the Jews, a Ml 1 f ,1. i-- 4 fli--i iVtt T1 fit you to NEW YEMTS HT 111 ue one 01 hu juiwiu nitnr.ctc li ft no'ffrins' for preaching plaees or stations 44, last saying that they were really a much win ine iiiul simita ex-- ?r should Le :gour "relations year IS; pastors or evangelists 16, last smaller nation than was generally sup The first need is to dredge the harbor, and that done it on the fact that year ; total senevoient receipts mis- - posed.
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