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(5) The number and type of vehicles, including the carrying capacity or gross vehicle mass ofthe vehicles involved in the application; (6) The type of public transport service envisaged, as contemplated in section 1(l)(Lxiii) of Act 22 of2000, with regard to the transportation ofpersons, personal effects, or both; (7) The points between, picking-up and setting down points and the route or routes along or the area or areas within which the road transportation is conducted or the proposed road transportation is to be conducted; and (8) The timetable and scale of charges in respect of scheduled services. In terms ofsection 37(3) ofAct 22 of2000, and 52(3) ofAct 3 of2005 read with Regulation 10 ofKZN Public Transport Regulations, written representations in sextuple supporting or opposing these applications must within 21 (twenty-one) days from the date ofthis publication, be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to: The Secretary, KZN Public Transport Licensing Board, Private Bag X9135, PIETERMARITZBURG. 3200. OR 291 Pietermaritz Street, PIETERMARITZBURG. n01. A copy of such representations must be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to, the applicant at the advertised address in (3) above. Full particulars in respect of each application are open to inspection at the Board's office. 4 Extraordinary Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal 14 May 2009 SCHOLAR APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ROAD CARRIER PERMITS OR OPERATING LICENCES IN RESPECT OF SCHOLAR TRANSPORT Notice is hereby given in terms ofsection 14(l)(a) ofthe Road transportation Act, 1977 (Act 74 of 1977) and section 37 ofthe National Land Transport Transition Act, 2000 (Act 22 of2000) ofthe particulars in respect ofapplication for public road carrier permits and/or operating licences received by the KZN Public Transport Licensing Board, indicating: - (1) The application number; (2) The name and identity number ofthe applicant; (3) The place where the applicant conducts his business or wishes to conduct his business, as well as his postal address; (4) The nature ofthe application, that is whether it is an application for the grant ofa new permit or operating licence in respect ofscholar transport. (5) The number and type ofvehicles, including the carrying capacity or gross vehicle mass ofthe vehicles involved in the application; (6) The type ofpublic transport service envisaged, as contemplated in section 1(1)(Lxiii) ofAct 22 of 2000, with regard to the transportation ofpersons, personal effects, or both; (7) The points between, picking-up and setting down points and the route or routes along or the area or areas within which the road transportation is conducted or the proposed road transportation is to be conducted; and (8) The timetable and scale of charges in respect ofscheduled services. In terms ofsection 14(2) ofAct 74 of 1977, read with regulation 4 ofthe Road Transportation Regulations, 1977 and section 37(1) ofAct 22 of 2000, written representations in quadruplicate supporting or opposing these applications must within 21 (twenty-one) days from the date ofthis publication, be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to: The Secretary, KZN Public Transport Licensing Board, Private Bag X9135, PIETERMARITZBURG. 3200. OR 291 Pietermaritz Street, PIETERMARITZBURG. 3201. A copy ofsuch representations must be lodged by hand with, or dispatched by registered post to, the applicant at the advertised address in (3) above. (9) These applications will be heard as from 3RD June 2009 and applicant will be notified when to attend. Full particulars in respect ofeach application a re open to inspection at the Board's office Fromlvan 2009/04/23 toltot 2009/04/23 Fromlvan G4 toltot G4 14 May 2009 Extraordinary Provincial Gazette of KwaZulu-Natal 5 OP.1311828. (2) MASlKANE SG ID NO 4610230347082. (3) DISTRICT: PIETERMARTIZBURG. POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 1332, GREYTOWN, 3250 C/O GREYTOWN TAXI OWNERS ASSO. P 0 BOX 1097, GREYTOWN, 3250. (4) NEW (LATE RENEWAL). (5) 2 X 15 PASSENGERS. (6) THE CONVEYANCE OF TAXI PASSENGERS. (7) AUTHORITY: AS PER ANNEXURE "A" ATTACHED - GREYTOWN TAXI ASSOCIATION GREYTOWN TAXI ASSOCIATION GREYTOWN - DURBAN 21006S21004R10054506 KZNBRCLDY003000 GREYTOWN (ORIGIN), DURBAN METRO (DESTINATION) 20 1. GREY TOWN TO DURBAN FROM APPROVED TAXI RANK IN GREYTOWN TO APPROVED TAXI RANK IN ALICE RANK NO.22 ON RETURN TO GREYTOWN, SARGEANT STREET DESCRIPTION: FROM TAXI RANK IN GREYTOWN, PROCEED ALONG R33, TURN LEFT M20 PIETERMARITZBURG, TURN LEFT TO M13A TO PINETOWN, JOIN CITY M.31, JUMP THE ROBOT, OFFLOADING PASSENGERS, CONTINUE, TURN RIGHT TO LEOPOLD STREET, TURN LEFT M.13, JOIN N3, PROCEED ALONG TO ALICE RANK NO.22, OFF LOADING AND LOADING PASSENGERS, TURN RIGHT ALICE STREET, TURN RIGHT AGAIN TO JOIN N3 TO GREYTOWN, SARGEANT STREET RANK. GREYTOWN - ESTCOURT 2202C72202EN10054514 KZNBRCLDY0030000 GREY TOWN (GREYTOWN) (ORIGIN), ESTCOURT (ESTCOURT/WEMBEZI) (DESTINATION) 21 2. GREY TOWN TO ESTCOURT FROM APPROVED TAXI RANK IN GREYTOWN TO APPROVED TAXI RANK IN ESTCOURT DESCRIPTION : FROM TAXI RANK IN GREYTOWN, BELL STREET, TURN LEFT INTO DURBAN STREET, PROCEED ALONG, OFFLOADING AND LOADING PASSENGERS ALONG THE ROUTE, TURN RIGHT INTO R103 ROAD, PASS MOOI-RIVER, OFFLOADING AND LOADING ALONG TO R103, CONTINUE TO ESTCOURT, JOIN LORM STREET, TURN RIGHT TO DRUMMON STREET, TURN RIGHT TO CONNOR STREET, TURN LEFT INTO ALEXANDRA STREET, INTO RANK, OFFLOADING AND LOADING PASSENGERS, RETURN THE SAME ROUTE TO GREYTOWN, SARGEANT STREET TAXI RANK GREYTOWN - PIETERMARITZBURG 2202C722068T10054519 KZNBRCLDY0030001 GREYTOWN (GREYTOWN) (ORIGIN), PIETERMARITZBURG (PMB/MSUNDUZI) (DESTINATION) 22 3. GREYTOWN TO PIETERMARITZBURG APPROVED TAXI RANK IN GREYTOWN TO APPROVED TAXI RANK IN PIETERMARITZBURG DESCRIPTION: PROCEED ALONG SARGEANT STREET, TURN LEFT TO SHEPSTONE STRET, PROCEED ALONG THE ROUTE TO JOIN R33, PASS SEVEN OAKS, LOADING AND OFFLOADING PASSENGERS ONLY, CONTINUE TO MPOLWENI, OFFLOADING ONLY, CONTINUE ALONG THE R33 TO PIETERMARITZBURG, JOIN CHURCH STREET TO MARKET SQUARE, OFFLOADING PASSENGERS, RETURN TO MASUKWANA TAXI RANK, DORPSPRUIT
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