./' REPUBUQUE DE OF VANUATU ANUATU JOURNAL OFFICIEL OFFICIAL GAZETTE 30 OC'fOBRE- 1995 NO. :10 30 OCTOBER 1995 SONT PUBLIES LES TEXTES...... SUIVAl'lTS NOTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION LOI NO. 18 DE 1995 SUR LE VANUATU NATIONAL CULTURAL CONSEIL CULTUHEL NATIONAL DE COUNCIL (Al1ENDMENT) ACT VANUATU (IvIODIFICATION). NO. 18 OF 1995. - ARRETES --OHDl<:RS ARRETE NO. 24 DE 1995 HELATIF AUX BANQUES (DROITS PRESCRITS). ARRE'fE NO. 28 DE 1995 SUR A LA LOI RELATIVE AUX ASSOCIATIONS _ A VOCATION RELIGIEUSE (ENTREE EN VIGUEUR). -' SUSPENSION DE CONSEIL HLJNICIFAL DE LUGANVILLE. PHYSICAL PLANNING - NOTICE OF INTENTION '1'0 DECLARE LAND IN SANHA PROVINCE TO BE PHYSICAL PLANNING AREAS. SO]vll>lAIRE PAGE CONTENTS PAGE APPOINT11ENT 1 LEGAL NOTICE 2 - 3 ANZ BANK (VANUATU) L~rD .~. BALANCE! SHEErr AND PROFI'r AND LOSS ACCOUNTS 1+ - 7 I' • REPUBLIC OF VANUATU VANUATU NATIONAL CULTURAL COUNCIL (AMENDMENT) ACT NO. 18 OF 1995 Arrangement of Sec~lons 1. Amendment of section 1 of Chapter 186. 2. Amendment of section 3. 3. Amendment of section 5. 4. Amendment of section 6. 5. Commencement. REPUBLIC OF VANUATU Assent, 17/10/95 Commencement 30/10/95 VANUATU NATIONAL CULTURAL COUNCIL (AMENDMENT) ACT NO •. 1 B OF 1995 An Act to amend the Vanuatu National Cultural Council Act [CAP. 186]. BE IT ENACTED by the President and Parliament as follows ,- AMENDMENT OF SECTION 1 OF CHAPTER .186 1. The Vanuatu National Cultural Council A~t·TcAP~i86] in this Act referred to as the "principal Ac~' is amended in section 1 by inserting after the definition of "Council" the following new definition: - "commercial filming" means the taking of motion pictures for reproduction on film, television, video cassette or any other means for profit or rewa"d or In the course of a business. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3 2. The principal Act Is amended in section 3 by repealing subsection (1) and substituting the following subsection - "(1) The Council shall consist of the following member .• - (a) six members appointed by the Hinister of whom - (i) one shall be a representative of the Ministry responsible for Cultural Affairs nominated by the Minister of Cultural Affairs; (Ii) one shall be a representative of the National Council of Chiefs nominated by the National to~n~il of Chiefs; (iii) one shall be a representative of the National Counci I of Women nominated by the National COllnetl of Homen; - 2 - (Iv) one shall be " representative of the Vanuatu Cultural Centre; (v) two shall be persons whom the Minister considers have relevant experience in matters relating to museums, public libraries or archives; and (b) the director,". AMENDMENT OF SECTION 5 3. The Principal Act Is amendmed in section 5 by deleting subparagraphs (0, (il) and (iii) of paragraph (d) and substitutlug the followiug subparagraphs - "(0 the V"nuatu Cultural Centre, Including the National Museum, the -National Library, the National Film and Sound Unit and the National Cultural and Historic Sites Survey; and (11) the National Archives." AMENDMENT OF SECTtON 6 4. Section 6 of the Principal Act is amended in section 2 - (a) by deleting the full"top at the end of paragraph (k) and substituting a. semi-colon; and ··(b) by adding after paragraph (k) the following new parngraph - "(1) regulate and control ·commercial f Hming concerning cultural subjects.". COMMENCEMENT 5. This Act shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Gazette. REPUI3LlQUE DE V0i'lU0.1LJ 1 L,OJ_ NQ,18 DE 1995 SUR LE qJi'lSEJJ" G.V.L IllR.f;.L. 1'l0.TWtt0L .01;:_ IIf1NlJ A TU. (MOP If U;:rlI ..I,QIi) 1 Sommair:e 11C1difiC"II.ioll de I "'.II:;'cl0 1 du (:11.'1pil:.l-O In6. t1ndiric>',I.i.nn c.le J~~l.rt.icl.e !:J. 4. M()dif.ic;:\I,iOll df:~ l',~11,t.icle 6. 1:). Frli.r6c:'! C~!"l viquet!! --~L_. 1 RE:PVJ3klQVJ;: QI:_ 'laHUa w Promulguee: 17/10/95 Entree en vigueur: 30/10/95 kQJ tm,J 8 PI: 19.9:; :'l_VH k~ (:Q",SEI",=- !:;U1-_IYREJ~ NATIONAL QJ;_ '1f)",W'lLU (tlP[):U:J!;:_aLLQlil Portant modification de 1a Lol il1stiLuant Ie Conseil cultul-e1 n,ational de Vanuatll (CAP, 186):~ Le PrAsident de la RApublique et Ie Parlement promulguent Ie texte suivant : MODIFICATION DE L'ARTICLE 1 DU CHAPITRE 186 1. L'article 1 de la lot p(.rtant institution dll Consell cuI t.urel natj()jli~l de Vanu"t;u (CAP. 186), ct··'"pl',es de nominee 1a "Lol cadre", est rnodif Ie par l' insel"Uon, apr'es 1:1 de-fini tiDn de l' "r:~>(erc'i.c:p fint,ncier", de 18. nouvelle def i ni ti on Sli i. VAn I:.A .~ "f''.1.1Iflf',qr-:l a". nul. c(',mrnel'(:J.'::"'lt-,-,,, (le~~lgn(-:1.,'" ]" en,"oglstl'ernenL cj" )m(:\qf:1~~ mobiles pour '{lali.ser (.fe~~ r,i.lms~ t~'16film~:-;, c(lsseI:.Lf~s vid60 ou tOlls au Lr",'" moyens rapporLal1L des prori. Ls ou n3COlnpense en ,argent ou (lans Ie cadre d'une activite commerciale ;". MODIFICATION DE L'ARTICLE 3 2. L'ar'ticle ,3 de \.;::, 101. cadre est modifi6 pa 1- 1a suppression du p"ln~qr"lphe l), 1~~nJpl.ac6· pal' 10 pc\l'aqrapi1e suivant ".l) U" Consel} se compose des membn!s suivants ---a) s,i)< Inoillbl'es tlOlllilleS pal' 1e ~1inist.I'e et. qui son I.. '"' l'E'pn('sent:.ant; du Minisle'I'(' I'e,;,ponsable des Affa:i,l-es cuI t.lll-e110s desiqne pal­ le mi n is 1:.1'0 (I",:; Af f ,1 i. I'(,)S cu] t.," e 11 es ; u) UII l'epn':'sf!nLant. du COllsei] naticII',,) ctes cl,efs desiqn6 parle COllsei] l1aLiol1al des I------------------che-f's ;._------------------------ Ii j) un repr6sEHIt.ant du Conseil nat.ional des femmes d6s:i.9n6 pa 1"10 Consei 1 na t iona1 des r~rnrne~:; ; i v) II n t'" P I' <5" e n tan t dueell t I' (,1 cui t u ,-" 1 do V,antla Lu ; '", .. v) I'" t I)': P Fl Ii':, t J' \',,, Co q U (> 1 " ~1.i I" i !o I. I' n i u q p (:;rHlq:)(!3!"f:1I1J.e~., ~)n ce qui c::onc:Pt'lle If;!S rnusE~osl Ir.y:', ~,ih.l i,-)!.Ilf\(flIOS uu ;~t-r'hi\lf:'~':' p!'bliqtln:~ ~ E'I b) Jed iter:; LpI r I " " . MODIFICATION DE L'ARTICLE 5 L' ar tic] C:l r:", dn l;'l loi C;·l.dl·f·~ pst lTlodifi(1 (Jr') .7'tbr()9f~ant lAS ali rH.:)':-1.S .i.), i j) Q t i.ii) clu p."rilg,'aph" d), t'ernp 1. aCf.1S P~:l r .I. e~3 ~ljnea~:; r.~ujvr.tnt.·-" .~ "i) Ie CE1nLrn c:u.1l:.ut"(:ll df~· Vanuatu. y corflpr-is 10 t'1USE~D n.::.ti,Dnal" 1.'1 b.ibl inLhequ(:'l nationale. 1<:" d.i,vision nt~L.i·(Jrlnl(·'. (Ill r-i.l", nl, (.Ju ~;:,()Il et. IE\ "l'uPO!":J'"ilpl).ie cie::; ~:~.i.Lp~:; ---h-i... s.Lor-iqun:.:~ ()L c'u] t.lIr'Ed~, nationaux 01:. MODIFICATION DE I.'ARTICLE 6 -1. I (:") pAr'.qqr aphf:1 '/) do J ';:\1- lit.: 1e 6 mod.i fiA ,:"() ',:~I' ·::.uppt il1l"nl.. I.f! f)u.i.nL h l~\ rin d(~ 1. '.::'-\lil'l(~8, k), 1"')lIIr>1.'\cA 1''',\1'' '"l po.i.nt .... vi r'9ulEl ; Elt. h) en ajoUI"illL_<"r)I'''~'3 l',,,li.nAa k) Ie 110UVEll al.i.I1"" su i_ van t. "J ) l'eglB"",nt.Br aL corltl-Bler Ie filmage a bu t. COOlmn r c.i ~ 1 des c hOS(~1S CU 1. t.U I' ell. 83 .' " ENTREE EN VIGUEUR t:;. La presAntfJ Lui. r~ntrf·)I.;:.\ 011 v:igueut' 18 Jour de s,::, Pdt ,-,Cion au JOllrrlal of·Fici0l,. REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU ARRETE NO. 24 DE 1995 RELATIF AUX BANQUES (DROITS PRESCRITS) Vlsant a ce -que les droi ts prescd ts soient verses a la Commissim:L en application de l' article 21 de la Loi relative aUX Banques (CAP. 63)* LE MIN ISTRE DES FINANCES VU les pouvoi rs que lui confere l' article 24 de la Loi relative aux Banque (CAP. 63). A R RET E DROITS PRESCRITS EN APPLICATION DE L'ARTICLE-21 1. a) Toute compagnie visee a l' article 21 1) de la Loi relative aux Banques (CAP. 63) doit verser un droit prescrlt de 4.000 dollars. b) Toute compagnie visee a 1 'articTe-21 "2) de la Loi relative aux Banques (CAP. 63) dolt verser un droit prescrit de 5.000 dollars. ENTREE EN VIGUEUR 2. Le present Arrete est cense etre entre en vigueur 1e 28 aoOt 1995. FAIT a Port-Vila 1e 5 septembre 1995. 1----------------------------- * N'existe pas en franyais. LOI NO. ~ DE 199~ ~ELATIVE AUX ASSOCIATIONS ~ VOCATION RELIGIEUSE (ENREGISTREMENT) ARRETE NO. 28 DE 1995 SUR ~ LA LOI RELATIVE AUX ASSOCIATIONS ~ VOCATION RELIGIEU~~ (ENTREE EN VIGUEUR) Rendant executoire la Loi No.9 de 1995 relative aux associations A vocation religieuse, LE MIN ISTRE DE LA JUSTICE, DES AFFAIRES CULTURELLES, RELIGIEUSES ET FEMININES VU les pouvoirs que lui confere l'article 16 de la Loi No.9 de 1995 relative aux associations A vocation religieuse, ARRETE: ENTREE EN VIGUEUR DE LA LOI NO. 9 DE 1995 1. La Loi No.9 de 1995 relative aux associations A vocation religieuse (enregistl'ement) entre en vigueu-r-a-'la date de sa publication au Journal officiel.
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