CTHE TUFTS DAILYJ Medford, MA 02155 Wednesday, November 14,1990 ’ Vol XXI, Number 46 WHICH WAY TO THE POWER STATION? New sorority gains recognition by KRIS MUFFLER toward being a really strong year and initiated the proceed- Daily Editorial Board campus organization,” said Car- ings of becoming a colony, Krinsky The Committee on Fraterni- ynne Bruno, vice-president of the said. ties and Sororities voted unani- colony. ‘‘I think we’re rapidly “We chose Phi Sig and they mously Friday to recognize the becoming that now.” She added choose us,” Krinsky said. Tufts chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma, that she was pleased the commit- Tufts’recognition of the group a national sorority. The group, tee decided so quickly. as a chapter would mark the re- which may be officially recog- Bruno, along with colony presi- constitution of the second Phi nized as a chapter after a year’s dent Teal Cook, gave a presenta- Sigma Sigma chapter. Phi Sigma probation, is now a Tufts sorority tion at the meeting Friday de- Sigma’s Beta chapter existed at colony. scribing their goals and activi- Tufts from 1918 to 1922. Cur- Representatives from the Phi ties. The group outlined the rently thereareover 85 Phi Sigma Sigma Sigma colony, including changes Phi Sigma Sigma has Sigma chapters and pledge colo- Tufts students interested in form- made in their national constitution nies ~Uonally;according to Bruno. ing a Phi Sigma Sigma chapter at recently and the proposed addi- The group was recognized this Tufts and a field representative tions to the local constitution. year by both the Inter-Greek from the national organization, “I’m very excited about being Council and the Pan-Hellenic met with the CFS Friday to dis- recognized,” said Social Chair Council before they went before cuss their petition for recogni- Alissa Krinsky. “I think we can CFS . tion. really contribute positively to the “This was our last imwment, Greek system here at Tufts.” but it turned out not to be an “They seem really solid, very The group, which will be the impediment at all,” Cook said. organized and they’ve worked fourth sorority at Tufts if it is According to Cook, the col- really hard,” said Associate Dean officially recognized as a chapter ony will be participating in rush of Students Bruce Reitman, a CFS next year, was formed last year this January. Since it currently member,atFriday’smeeting.The after the Pan-Hellenic Council has 37 members, about half the committee debated for only ‘saw a need for another sorority. average membership of each of moments before deciding to rec- the sororities at Tufts, the colony ognize the colony. Interested women went to will also engage in continuous The other members of the organizational meetings, then open bidding. committee include Provost Sol formed a special interest group, “We’re trying to get the mem- Gittleman, Assistant Director of Bruno said. She explained that bership up to what we think is an Student Activities Cathy Harder- the group was required to meet acceptable level,” Cook said. She Bernier, Director of Student Ac- explained that open bidding is a Photo by Julio Mota regularly, elect officers and per- This sauirrel hasn’t caused anv blackou ts... vet. tivities Marcia Kelly and student form philanthropic activities in process similar to rush but less and alumni representatives from order to be eligible to form a formal because members will be campus groups. sorority. accepted throughout the year rather Leo Gross, Fletcher “I’m thrilled [about the deci- The group contacted Phi Sigma than during a specific rush pe- sion] because it’s one more step Sigma, a national chapter, this riod. professor, dies at 87 Professor Leo Gross, who has ceive an honorary doctorate of Barnes ho ids press.co iference to been affiliated with Fletcher law from the University of Copen- School of Law and Diplomacy hagen. increase h .s outreach co students for almost 50 years, died Thurs- Gross was a prolific writer on day at the age of 87. the subject of international law by KRIS MUFFLER was advertised and open to the Gross, one of the world’s lead- and produced books and numer- Daily Editorial Board Tufts community, was held in ing international law scholars and ous articles, ranging from an Tufts Community Union Sen- Hotung Cafe. Attendance was a specialist in political science, award-winning examination of the ate Resident Julian Barnes held a relatively small. was appointed a full professor at International Court of Justice to press conference last night, initi- Fletcher in 1944. many works on the United Na- ating what he plans to be a regular “I’m going to try and hold Born and raised in Austria, tions. In 1984, he published a element of new personal attempts these monthly, but I’m not mak- Gross received a doctorate in two-volume work titled Essays at student outreach. ing any promises,” Barnes said, political science from the Uni- on International Law and Organi- “A little more than six months adding that he will definitely hold versity of Vienna in 1927. He zation, which represented more ago, I campaigned for the posi- press conferences next February, came to the United States three than 40 years of his writing. tion of TCU President on the March and April. He explained years later as a Rockefeller Fel- An honorafy vice president of premise of student outreach, which that the timing of reading period low and earned a law degree from the American Society of Interna- is why I am here tonight and why and finals in December make it Harvard University. tional Law, Gross also served for I intend to hold such press confer-’ Photo Julio Mota unlikely he will hold a press many years as book review editor ences on a more regular basis for Senate President Julian Barnes conference next month. Gross became a faculty mem- for the American Journal of Inter- the remainder of the year,” read for the Administration to be more The Senate recently passed a ber at Fletcher after serving five national Law. He was also a Fel- Barnes’ press release, which he sensitive to the effects on-going bylaw to their constitution man- years as chief of the League of low of the American Academy of distributed at the event. budget cuts will have on the qual- dating that every senator partici- Nations’ International Institute of Arts and Sciences. In the release, Barnes addressed ity of education and life at Tufts, pate in at least two hours of stu- Intellectual Cooperation in France. While he was teaching, Gross issues that the Senate is currently and he criticized the ideologi- dent outreach per semester. Ac- Gross held honorary doctorate was a consultant to the UN and dealing with including student cally unbalanced composition of ceptable student outreach pro- degrees of law from Tufts and US Department of State, and safety, budgetary priorities, so- faculty members on the faculty grams include going door-to-door, Harvard. In addition, he was the advised numerous governmental cial life, and graduation require- committee on fraternity life. holding class council meetings or second non-Scandinavian to re- officials. ments. Barnes specifically called The press conference, which holding press conferences. ices Coordinator Randy Driscoll, of parking spaces at the Univer- ,&pus beginning in 1993 if students, makes^ some campus The decision on which mem- sity. The commission, appointed Defense Department policies policies and advises the UConn 1 Inside bers of the Tufts community will by Parking and Administration barring homosexuals are not board of trustees on others. be allowed to use the parking Services, will meet Nov. 28 to changed. The issue now goes to the board Features p. 3 ........................ spaces will be based on statistical discuss who will use the parking Senate leaders said policies of trustees, which probably will Best of three periods -- Geoff Edgers information concerning what spaces and to offer Driscoll input. barring homosexuals from receiv- discuss it early next year, board gives the play-by-play his The Greal groups have the greatest need for Roommate Battle with “Big Al” Mota. Theuniversitylost 193 spaces ing Reserve Officers’ Training Chairman Andrew J. Canzoneni additional parking, Driscoll said. in the Jackson lot due to construc- said Monday. The Senate’s vote * Corps scholarships and from being Arts ................................ p. 5 “We are hoping for a decision tion of Aidekman and the new commissioned as officers violate may carry some weight with the 1990 Tony Awanl-winning Roben on the new parking spaces within dormitory. UCOM’Santi-discrimination poli- board, Canzonetti said. Morse brings his one-man show, TN, a week or so, but we have not The new parking spaces were cies. If the resolution is approved back toBoston fora limitedengagement. made a decision on whether it officially completed last week and The objective of Monday ‘s by the board of trustees, UConn will be residential students, fac- Driscoll isnow analyzing thedata decision is “to change the policy will join a growing number of Sports ............................ p. 7 ulty and staff or commuter stu- on University parking needs. to allow ROTC to be a full and universities in the nation pressing Dave Saltzman reveals the frighten- dents who will use the new spaces,” Driscoll is currently focusing good citizen on campus,” said for a change. ing link between Exxon Oil and Days oj Driscoll said. Peter L. Halvorson, a professor of see UCONN, page 11 Thunder.Love that Tom Cruise! The university formed a new see PARKING, page 9 I geography and chairman of the THE TUFTSDAILJ Letters to the Editor Don’t collect leaves Some would complain that leaves are to break up the green.
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