WalL’S iCe cre aM 2018 TAKE PLEASURE SERIOUSLY expertly crafted indulgence i cAm S A €6 LlN Ob mK 1 Wl'¥ hA¥ bE ¦ wKi¡ cSe¢ wH r AiRs Or VeR 10+ 9 ¨aR¥© EeR D iCeD o SpOiN tH sA Of MADE IN I Ca GLOUCESTER t­OuOu Th U EST. 1922 W oW tH bIGGE¥ I CaM ¬rA s Call 0330 335 1879 to speak to someone today 1. Euromonitor Data 2017 1 Impulse and take home ice creaM Why you ShoulD Be selLiNg iCe CReam iN 2018 oF THe uK Ice creAm HAS GReaT CasH maRginS populaTIoN 1 buys iCe cReam 3 Unlock an estimated profit annually 90% £6,000 Ice CreAm HAS HIgheR ReTAiL saLes vaLue OveR THe summeR 4 39% thaN oTHer snaCKinG opTIoNs proFiT on 12 iCe cReams2 Are solD eveRy secoNd ReTurN £1.90 £1.00 (If buying into 9+3 season starter promotions) ice creAm Dri ves fooTfalL anD inCRemenTaL saLes5 1. Kantar Total Market Penetration 52Wks to 08.10.17 2. Kantar Food on the Go Panel, L12 WE 11.09.16 3. Based on selling at the recommended retail price: accounts for promotional plan & illustrative electricity prices. Based on MAT to 17/12/17 selling 9 Impulse and 3 Take Home Ice Creams per day, and not including cabinet cost. 4. Retailer X, Value Sales, 26 WE 15.11.16 5. Kantar Total Market 52 WE 03.12.17 S L ¶e Ea Wi wL'¥ I 21È 1 t­ t 1Å ¶E Ea A M e ¢ Wl’S1 1. °Ag²M As¥C 2. °Ag²M ´ItE 3. ¶AlPo Ra¡E 4. ¶Ad²R¨ 9º »AkE 5. Wi¥E 6. Ea¥ 7. °Ag²M ¿Ub cAm 8. °Ag²M ¿Ub r Pb R¨ 9. Ol O ÁOt¶ 1. ¶oRtT sTÂwB r¨ 1Ä. °Ag²M N 1Å. °Ar¥ Ic Cr ÂM These account for 62% of all impulse ice cream sales1 Wl’S Is 7% f e Ç IuL¥ I CaM °aRt 2 BkE bE°oNt A oE WL’s Is mS GwI¡ At 6% 2É% P Y Âr2 1% fNe 70% 1. Nielsen, Convenience Value Sales 16Wks 15.07.17 2. Nielsen, Impulse Market, Value Sales 52Wks 15.07.17 T­ P fE W¢ T sE I Ca T­ p Fe i StE CaO T­ p Fe C¬iN EcUIo 1. Make your cabinet visible by placing at the front of store 2. Support the cabinet with POS 3. Stock the cabinet with our Cabinet Captains sEs ²PlT Recommended planograms below: b¨ Us¦G ÌS Range board 1 Increase stopping power, desirability and purchase intent by displaying the rangeboard on top of the cabinet +23% Impulse strips Stick the main impulse strip onto the cabinet. Choose the correct range for your store CfEiOr Tl e IuL Ze HvIt TfF Aa FeZ O iOn 2 FeZ O iOn Price roundel Close the Basket label lid stickers Use basket labels for stockholding of bestsellers CIsP / aC FeZ O iOn 1 Ask your rep for POS or order over the phone 0330 335 1879 1. Unilever IRI store profi ler reports 2016 ALWaYs sToCK THese 9 iCe cReAms To mAxImIse YouR saleS These 9 ice creams are worth 47% of the total UK Singles sales1 NO.1 NO.2 NO.1 ImpuLse ImpuLse InnovaTion Ice Cream Ice Cream 4 In tHe uK2 In tHe uK4 In 2017 maGnum cLasSIc maGnum whiTe maGnum The fastest selling douBle RaspBerRY ice cream in units3 NO.2 InnovaTion NO.1braNded cone In 20175 In tHe uK7 ben & jeRry’s ‘wiCH feaSt CoRneTTo sTRAWbeRRy Sells 2x faster than Mars and Sells 1.8x faster than 3x faster than Snickers6 Cadbury Flake brand6 NO.1 NO.1 NO.2 ADulT ReFreSHmenT KidS impuLse KidS impuLse Ice Cream8 Ice Cream6 Ice Cream9 calIppo oraNgE tWisteR soleRo exoTIc Outsold the nearest competitor by 9 to 1 units8 1. Nielsen, Total Market Value Sales 24Wks to 07.10.17 2. Nielsen Convenience Unit Sales MAT to 25.11.17 3. Nielsen, Convenience Unit Sales 52WE 15.07.17 4. Nielsen, OOH Value Sales YTD to 15.07.17 5. Nielsen, Convenience Value Sales YTD to 14.10.17 6. Nielsen, Convenience, Unit Sales, MAT 15.07.17 7. Nielsen, Convenience, Value Sales, MAT 15.07.17 8. Nielsen, Holiday Ice Lolly Convenience, Units, MAT 15.07.17 9. Nielsen, Convenience, Value Sales MAT 18.11.17 ALWaYs sToCK THe FReEZeR WItH THE Recommended RaNGe Convenience Maxi Vision Slimline 12 Basket Maxi Vision Slimline 18 Basket L Su Maxi Vision Slimline 12 Basket Maxi Vision Slimline 18 Basket Single baskets = 4% greater availability1 Place Magnum premium products at eye level in the middle shelf to encourage trade up Place fastest selling products in largest bottom shelf baskets (i.e. Magnum Classic and Magnum White) Call 0330 335 1879 to speak to an ice cream expert or 0161 366 2500 for freezer information 1. Study run in retailer X. AOD Nielsen 25.03.17 to the 17.06.17 s Li¡ sUtNs Or Ve¢ sR TÇE ­Me ²Pgh caNeT A PREMIUM SANDWICH PROPOSITION You can double the value of your impulse basket by putting ‘Wich Cookie Dough and ‘Wich Chocolate Fudge Brownie into the basket instead of Oreo Sandwich1 Slim Upright Cabinet Dimensions = 400 x 506 x 1920mm NEW MAGNUM Price£1 Marked Pack CARAMEL & NUTS SNACK BAR Your No.1 ice cream brand2 is now available in a snack format Vanilla flavour ice cream with caramel sauce, coated with milk chocolate, peanuts and wheat crispies Magnum Snack Bar Exclusive to Impulse Ice Cream is a true 180 calories alternative to a confectionery bar Call 0161 366 2500 or visit Snacking Cylinder www.wallsrefrigerationsolutions.com for cabinet information, deals and Dimensions = 450 x 450 x 890mm (450mm diameter footprint) help with maintenance and repairs. 1. Retailer X, Value Sales, 26 WE 15.11.16 2. Nielsen, Convenience Unit Sales MAT to 25.11.17 STocK THe maIn tAke Home iCe cReAm pRoduCTs ALongsIde your impulse iCe cReam Ice Cream eaTen AT tHe desseRT oCcaSIon IS 70% oF iCe cReam 1 is eaTeN aT the desserT ocCASioN 1 growinG aT 2% year on yeaR The No.1 DeSseRt bRaND wITH The Top 3 TaKe Home iCe cReams In THe uk 2 VOTED SELLS AT 2.7x THE RATE No.1 VANILLA ICE CREAM OF THE NO.1 HÄAGEN�DAZS Chosen by the judges on ICE CREAM4 Channel 4’s “Tried & Tasted”6 No.1 3 No.23 No.33 LUXURY ICE CREAM LUXURY ICE CREAM LUXURY ICE CREAM HFA APPROVED - HALAL FOOD AUTHORITY No.1 premium ice cream based on value sales3 Viennetta is the The No.1 brand in Wall’s Soft Scoop No.1 family dessert ice cream free-from with 40% of the Vanilla is the Carte D’Or Vanilla is the based on value sales3 free-from market5 No.1 standard ice cream3 No.1 Vanilla Ice Cream4 1. Kantar Consumer Insights Data 2017 2. Nielsen, OOH Market Value Sales 26Wks, 21.10.17 3. Nielsen Convenience Market Value Sales MAT to 18.11.17 4. Nielsen Convenience Value Sales MAT to 18.11.17 5. Nielsen, Total Market Value Sales MAT to 04.11.17 6. Chosen by the judges to be the vanilla ice cream to have on your ‘Ultimate Shopping List’. Tried and Tasted: The Ultimate Shopping List, a TV show on Channel 4. TAKE PLEASURE SERIOUSLY Over 1/3 of households buy Magnum in the UK 2 Magnum Classic is the No.1 and fastest selling impulse ice cream in units3 Magnum is 37% of total impulse IS THE ice cream sales4 NUMBER ONE ICE CREAM BRAND1 GROW YOUR ICE CREAM OPEN, WAIT, CRACK SALES BY EXTENDING Squeeze the tub and crack the thick Magnum chocolate shell that envelops the delicious velvety vanilla ice cream INTO LUXURY TUBS... mixed with chocolate shards. A rich and intense chocolate experience in every spoonful. ...because luxury tubs are growing faster than any other ice cream sub sector 5 Magnum Classic Tub was the No.1 NPD in luxury ice cream 20176 1. Nielsen, Convenience Unit Sales MAT to 25.11.17 2. KantarWorldPanel, Total UK, Penetration, 52WE 16.07.17 3. Nielsen, Convenience, Unit Sales, 52WE 15.07.17 4. Nielsen, Total Market Value Sales, 22.04.17 – 15.07.17 5. Nielsen, Convenience Value Sales MAT to 25.11.17 6. Nielsen Convenience Value Sales MAT to 18.11.17 NEW CHOCOLATE hazelnut praliné TAKE PLEASURE SERIOUSLY take pleasure seriously expertly crafted indulgence Intense chocolate and hazelnut ice cream dipped in milk chocolate with caramelised pieces of hazelnut. Magnum is supported with a media campaign valued at over £8m WHY SELL MAGNUM All Impulse sticks and tubs are Gluten Free Maltesers Cadbury Dairy Ice Cream Milk Ice Cream Magnum outsells Made with 100% Cadbury Dairy Milk Stick sustainable, high Product 110 90 10 0 Ice Cream by 17 to 11 quality cocoa beans Volume (ml) 100% Rainforest Sustainability Alliance X X Certifi ed cocoa Gluten free Yes No No Data collected November 2017 1. Nielsen Unit Sales MAT to 25.11.17 W­¢ S l N & Îr¢’¥ BEN & JERRY’S THE HAVE MORE THAN NO.1 50% DESSERT ICE CREAM OF THE LUXURY 3 IN THE UK ICE CREAM MARKET4 73% of B&J ‘Wich sales were NEW new to impulse ice cream1 No.2 innovation in 20172 100ml 120ml NEW NEW NEW NEW 500ml ok hocolate l aramel These four Ben & Jerry’s variants have been Co ie C udge ha f C F ew Chew ough rowni k d Ch HFA APPROVED by the HALAL FOOD AUTHORITY D B e ba BEN & JERRY’S DOES GOOD With social mission at it’s heart Ben & Jerry’s has been increasingly vocal on the issue of the refugee crisis, and so, Home Sweet Honeycomb B&J ‘Wich Oreo5 was created to carry an all-important, timely message Ice cream type Dairy Vegetable fat that it’s time to come together for people in need of a Fairtrade ingredients safe place to call home.
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