Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-19-1958 The Ledger and Times, April 19, 1958 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 19, 1958" (1958). The Ledger & Times. 3299. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3299 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PRIL 18, 1958 Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper First... Largest with Circulation In The City Local News Largest and Circulation In Local Pictures The County • United Press IN OUR ,/9th YEAR Murray,. Ky., Saturday Afternoon, April 19, 1958 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXIX No. 94 MOVE TAKEN ON MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT ' Iii :Areet Parking For City .U.S.MustConvinceWorld Is Hailed As Progressive Step The Murray City Council mat od the courssil on its second night voted to lease a lot to be oiad,:ng and is now law. This, Of H - Bomber Necessity ueed for munictpal or off street is the ordinunoe whah sets the parking. tax rate---ftr the -city. The action came alter a leng- The prioilege tax ordinance By WILLIAM GALBRAITH Officials said U.S. representa- but the United States and other thy discussien. Gaylon Thorman, was also passed on its first United Press Staff Correspondent tives at a U.N. Security Council members of the 11-nation Sec- Jr. and Doody Russoell repre- reading. This crdinence sets the WASHINGTON t —The Unit- meeting set for Monday will urity Council agreed to postpone sented a number of businessmen -..m.urit of the priVile.ge tax. ed States today mapped strategy explain, that Russia forced the the meeting until Monday at the East side of town who A peee.on f r cerein ccdeS ap convince the world that Amer- United States to remain on a 3 p.m. on would aid read torn the H-bomber flights are essen- constant nuclear alert because First congressional reaction had- inzi.leated they to be set up was rent of the lot how- tial to guard against the threat et stubborn Soviet refusal to came from Senate Democratic the ctty on the Murray Real Et..ate Bard, of sneak Soviet nuclear attacks. negotiate a cheat-proof disarma- Whip Mike Mansfield (Mont.) for the first. five yews., ever no atificei Was esken -be- ment agreement. and Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn.) The kit in question is t h e muse Its request falls within Thus, the government officials who backed up the Bartholomew Beale property where the A. B. he welt of rht: Murray Plan- anct bond reteroment in a enk- said, American planes must be report. The proposed educthional Missing Girl Beale home now stands on East -.'rag Otoreteieion and will be tneedlong of Ina fund in a local bank $90.00 ready to take off instantly with In Europe, Western observers Memorial Baptist Main Street. herialed in due course. eadh week f o r the first 91% Home death - dealing H-bomb - loads voiced the opinion that Soviet Church is pictured althve. This Comes Back The council, in its action last A ecmmittee was set up to $1130.00 each week Seen & Heard whenever suspicious 'blips" show Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev view is hem Tenth Street and ire/1 th; and rages., indicated i______wektongn -ter—eety SPRINGFIELD, -V1O-- eft — A up on radar screens. - - instigifed- Gremyko's blast -to shows the. present sanctuary to the totter until the borsch are to lease the 1...t for a period of Ptel Mitchell, chairman and wiser" Priscilla Reds Denounce Flights draw attention at home and the r.ght and the new addition reit ed. The money to retire "tacker ..en years at a rent of $200 per f the pol.ce commettee, Merritt Whsteemb, the 20-year The Soviet Union on Friday abroad away from possible in- to the left. these bends is to be set aside (Polly) month, w.tth an option for an- Marine, chairmen cf the fire , student vitt ) return- Around Murray denounced the H-bomb flights ternal opposition to his leader- The new adicktion will be bete re any tether expanses are ekt college titer -five years at the same corienittee arid Ben Grogan as 17-month "life as "provocative', and endangering ship. forty-inithe feet by one hundred, met. ed home after a este of rent. a third merrfber, wire appealed world peace. Soviet Foreign Min- These observers noted the tim- twenty-tour feet, two stories The bonds will go on sale .f tate pre.enses,". went into to, study the problem with The merchants on the east ister Gromyko called on the ing of the Gromyko statement, !fol. It will house the offices, &hound the first of June. It is s eclutien today. Miteheril as chaieman. Earl Littletos is having a tough side of town, from the Dank of Security Council for a speedy that it coincided with the an- pastor's etudy, four modern hoped by the church thot the Her father, U. S. Attorney A street marker will be plac- 'out with the flu. He got over Murray eagt, said they would meeting to hear the complaint nouncement of the "retirement" nurseries and departments and ground breaking cerensety can Lcues G. Weiltocenb, told news- ed at the intersection of South .me- attack- but is back in bed pay $150 of the $200 rent for and halt the flights by planes of of ousted Defense Minister Mar- eloss neve for all age grxitaps be held Sunday, June 1, 1938. men the wa-s tired aad under a 14th and Main streets. with another. period of five years. After the U.S. Strategic Air Command. shal Georgi Zhukov from mili- tlircugh the y J Mg adults. Howard McNeely heads the ernotiortal "rain and The council aushorized t It e time, the city would hove Gromyko's statement followed tary life and with new attacks Ile .:mated Coe -f the building Bu:tIcking Comnettee a n d Bill „.rentio, wan!'ed to be left hat purchase of ten mere parking Diuguld'e is sporting a new de- rent. a report by. Frank H. Bartholo- on the Malenkovellitolotov "anti- is $80,000 to $82,000. The church Dodson is Chwirmin of the Fin- atone to "make plane for the ,o pay :he entire meters. Work is also prograesiing livery truck. t he United ance Otheriallsee. R. W. Key .is future." mew, president of party clique" will issue Bruachvay Bon& in Arter the lease is constunated, toward the Metal:alien of the Press, which appeared in news- the amount ,if $90.000 to pay the architect. Potty's dramatic return at old pl:ce male on t h e fire We almost got stuck with another the city will level :he lot, pave papers on April 1 -and April 8. for the construction. These rminight Thuraday when s h e cquepenen: of the city. The city cat this week. A little kitten The pastor me Rev. T. A. it and Ai:tall parking meters. Bartholomew's dispatch e x - bonds reek qtrieley walked in the front di.or has new equipmen: for the po- took refuge from a bunch of pay 5% interest and Thacker. seated that he sees in 7tie rate on 'ha off street pork- plained the SAC "fail safe" Murray Hospital I may be A her te me here and greeted dogs on the front step and he bought by firme, or- this action by the Memorial rig lot will be less than :hat of !.ce YEA C 171. system under which alerted ganizatons her tla titer apparently ended a Elhs was given temporary relief by or ineldusals. The Ohurch "an expression of the he meters on the c..ty streets. Mayor reported that he planes head north toward the storybook- romance between the placing him in the utility room Friday's complete record follows: vskiable property of the church congregation's faith in God, faith Paving and inetalla.iiot of w uld be en active day, with ' pole with H-bomb loads when brit young &nth College co- out of reach of the dogs. The Ceineus 37 stands behind each bond issued. in our communety and faith in parking meter: is expected to the army from April 26 to May suspicious images show up on ed and a penn.lees ex-context. door was left slightly open se Adult Beets 65 let ackkt ion, the church h a s our oven integrity. Such faith cost about $8500. 10 arid that. mayor pro-teen Joe radar warning screens. The girl met Richard S. he could leave if the urge hit Ernergerscy Beds 28 lessily and morally bound a- will surely merit the approval Meyer Whites Elks spoke out Dick its-uid be in charge during Under the "fail safe" plan, the Thatcher, 21, while he was em- him and it did. Pateents Adrretted 5 ired to set aside for interest of _all." for the iseoiryal perleng lot 'hot period. Aisne/et erglained, the Ift-treesibs Patients Dismissed 2 ployed as a countermen for a ere automatically return to their before the itoelog took place on of the New Citizens 0 restaurant across the college in isfAse Mullaney, director bases unless, on reaching a pre- he issue. Patients admitted from Tuesday Hecht Lackey Is Beam Snaps In Nor'hemp': oe • Mass The casual 'Thturray Training School is a determined point, they are given He said "with the convertence 4:30 p.m.
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