THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION • •«) SunO*?, carrier delivery, IS cent* weekly, Vol. XLVI.—No. 292. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAYWJORNING, APBIL 3, 1914. —SIXTEEN PAGES. copies on the streetB and at mewastandB, 5 ceata. Atlanta Wins Her Fight for a Regional Bank VILLA TAKES TORREON Winners of Prizes Offered by Walter Rich Cities Chosen With Atlanta Are: For Best Essays on Recent IV el fare Exhibit Richmond, Dallas, Boston, New AFTER DAYS OF BATTLE Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Kansas City, Minneapolis and AND APPALLING LOSS San Francisco. Dictator Huerta's Last Stronghold in North Cen- 111 AGENT HELD LARGE TERRITORY WILL BE SERVED tral Mexico Was Captured BY THE ATLANTA REGIONAL BANK by the Rebel Forces About BY |XIC REBELS 10:30 O'Clock Last Night. District Known as Number 6, and Will Comprise Edward A. Powers Arrested All of Georgia, Florida and Alabama, East BATTLE IN PROGRESS at Parral on the Charge of FOR ABOUT TWO WEEKS; Passing Counterfeits of ( Tennessee, Southern Mississippi and South- HUNDREDS WERE KILLED Rebel Money. eastern Louisiana—District Contains 372 Na- Chihuahua, Mexico, April 2—-Edwaid tional Banks Which Have Accepted the New Many Prisoners Were A Powers, United States consular agent at Parral, was arrested by the System—New Orleans Included in the At- Taken by Villa, But Part rebel authorities at Parral today on Left to right. Miss Sarah Alston, eighth grade Ira street school; Charles Henry, of Bovs' High vof the Huerta Garrison Es- charge of passing counterfeits of, the school; Miss Catherine Isabel JIackett, of the Girls' High school. Miss Hackett won the U. D. C. lanta District. rebel fiat mone>. Powei s tele- caped—Villa Pushed His gi aphed to Marion Xer. American prize when in the se\enth grade and also the silver loving cup guen by the D. A. R. Picture of Miss consul here, of his plig nd Letoher Alston by Hirshburg & Phillips; of Henry by Francis E. Price. By John Corrigan, Jr. Campaign With a Celerity said he would demand 4he immediate Washington. April 2. — (Special t — Atlanta ha^. been "-elected Hitherto Unknown in Mex- release of Powers. Two Other 4mericaaa 4rrest«d. ATLANTA'S BUSINESS MEN AND BANKERS ELATED a-, oue of the financial centers of the new ourrencj svstcm of the ican Warfare. E. E Johnson, cashier, and F. A. United States. Hawkins, assistant manager of the JuaieA Mexico. Apr^l -' — Ton-eon Alvarado Mining and Milling compa- The reserve bank organization committee completed its work n>, both Americans, weie arrested on OVER VICTORY IN BATTLE FOR REGIONAL BANK; fell completely into the" hands of the today and announced its selection of the follow ing cities as sites rebels at 10 JO o clock tonight, ac- similar charges yesterday and Consul cording: to announcement made here Letchei is looking after their interests. for the organization of federal reseYve banks: It is asserted that the men are not BIGGEST THING CITY EVER GOT, THEY DECLARE tonight b> Genei al Venustiano Car- guilt> The fiat currency was cheaply jltlanla, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond i an^a. printed and soun a large number of Tne news fii st was announced to counterfeits appeared. For a time even to Atlanta's fighting spirit and its the fighting spirit of oui cit \ and I Chicago, St. Louis, 'Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas and San This telegram was received earJy 'never-sai -die' spirit. I have al- the world when the bugler in front officials could not tell the genuine am proud of it and of all th |se \vho last night by R. N. Berrien. Jr., At- ways felt that we would succeed in the had to do with the Battle w 'jged for Francisco. of Carranzas residence blew the stac- from the spurious. lanta correspondent for The Wall regional bank battle. And I teel that the new bank." j * atto notes of \ictory. The paen, Car- The Americans w ho were arrested, Street Journal. New York: l the city will maintain it with marked C. I£ Currier, president AtUJnta Na- Included in the Atlanta district, which is known as No. (>. are it is said, bought the money in good ranza said, was sounded here e\en "Atlanta has been awarded a re- results, for ceifraJruly a city which fights tional bank. faith for the purpose o£ paying em- gional bank. District No. 6 includes like Atlanta fought for the bank, can "Atlanta's facilities afforded an ai - the states of Georgia. Alabama, Florida, one-half of Tennessee. before it was heard in Torreon, Villa ployees, and Mr Letcher expects little territory comprising Florida, Geor- support it successfully " gument entirely too strong for all the eastern part: one^half of Mississippi and the southeastern part delaying out of compliment to his difficulty In straightening out the gia. Alabama, east Tennessee, south- other competitors. We are ideally Bank Properly located as a distributing point. chief. trouble. ern Mississippi, and southeastern of L,otisiatia, including the city of Xew Orleans. Louisiana, including- New Orleans "The entire south will be greatly Many Prisoners Captured. No Comment at WaahlnKton. Placed. helped, and the , farmer will profit and Nashville. Please express con- The meager bulletins excitedly an- Washington, April 2. — Officials here Captain James W English, president along- with the banker and business FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA did not comirifent toniight 6n the case gratulations to witnesses woo testi- Fourth National bank. nouncing T" ictoi y after the bloodiest fied in Atlanta's behalf. Consider f WILL HAVE A CAPITAL OF $4,641,415 of Consular Agent Powers, of whose "I never felt any anxiety over the Continued on Page Four. series of battles known to modern the most complete glvftn in behalf ai rest no official nptice had been re- prospects of Atlanta obtaining the The federal reserve bank of Atlanta will ha\e a capital <>f Mexico said that yilla captured a large of any city. BARR. regional bank. ceited. It was taken for granted that (Signed) "Managing TSditor." number of prisoners and that the flee- 1 "No other city outside of the coun- $4,641,415, being 6 per cent of $77.350.913, the combined capital and Consul Letcher would do all necessary try's largest metropolis is of more im- ing federal remnant was being pur- to protect Powers' interests, an4 that Atlanta-a>riikeB& today to realise tne portance than Atlanta. The- b,ank. pras 1 surplus of the 372 national banks in the district. As more banks ^ bued. ejcont orr th * aituatitm-* would 'be glorioiia fadt that' sne *"& Jto "ftteeoma properly placed when put in "'bur city. If will help Atlanta both financially W-CENJ GAS" Wihether Velasco, the federal com- made to- the state. ^de^ ar&neut tomor- the financial and commercial center join, the capital will be increased by 6 per cent of the capital and and commercially." mandei, was captured was not stated. row. • , ot the- a&txth. Robert F. Maddox, vice president surplus of the new member banks. Including the state banks and There was heavy fishting- *> Jay, It la SfeaB Atldnta is quite aware that at American National bank, and a member undei stood, a,nd the end cam* when, present—regional bank or not—she Is of the clearing: house committee on the BATTLt WILL OPEN trust companies "which have applied for membership since April i, after capturing the three remaining the business center of these southern regional bank: states, 'but the coming of the regional "I am gratified beyond words. The the total capital of the new bank will be increased to $4,70.3,780. i barracks held in the city by thfy fed- JOHN LIND LEAVES bank means that Uncle Sam places her new bank will fix Atlanta as the finan- "erals, the rebels stormed the trenches as the flourishing- center of commerce cial center of the section. The city The map given out by the committee along with its ofhcial and barbed wire entanglements of will be* recognized in every financial and finance this side of Ma-son and Canon Del Guarache. and business center, and its importance announcement shows that New Orleans, Nashville. Chattanooga, Dixon's hisboiic boundary line Troops In Barracks Taken. will be given vivid emphasis by the ^ Constitution reporter last night operations of the regional bank. Tiie prisoners captured ai e believed Knoxville and all of the cities in Alabama and Florida arc in the interviewed the leaders in the regional "The selection of .Atlanta was wise. Atlanta Consumers' League to have been the defenders of the bar- bank figiht for Atlanta. His first ques- It will be of untold benefit to the en- Atlanta district. rack.s, while the troaps in the canyon tire south. Of all the other bank sites, Wilson's Special Knvoy tion was: Will Ask $5,000 Appropri- w hlch forms an egress from the hill- I know of no other choice that was ATLANTA DISTRICT ''What was the greatest influence more logical " girt city were able to, escape. Sails for United States. that had to do with Atlanta's selec- ation to Secure Probe by "MOTHER" JONES DESCRIBED. When General Herrera made his first tion for a bank*7" Tribute to The official announcement describes furious onslaught against the city and Return Taken to Mean Railroad Commission. And the invariable answer was Atlanta Spirit. APPEALS TO VILLA the Atlanta district as follows : captured the bull ring six da> s ago. 'The Atlanta. Spn it'* the fedeials retained these barracks Huerta Will Not Yield. ' Asa G Candlei. pi esident Centi al \s Asa G. Caiidler put it to the le- Bank and Trust corporation FROM PRISON CELL "District No.
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