Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-22-1950 Bee Gee News September 22, 1950 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News September 22, 1950" (1950). BG News (Student Newspaper). 950. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/950 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Wanted: Photog- raphers Bee Qee Official Student Publication Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green. Ohio VoL 35 Telephone 2631 Friday, September 22. 1950 No. 1 Two Local Frats Taken By Nationals . — — ■ * Date Announced Installations To Take Place Korean War Postpones Building For First Tryouts The Korean outbreak has sharply curtailed the proposed In September And October I building plans for the University, according to a release from Of 2nd Musical Beta Sigma and Phi Delta, local social fraternities, have ? Pres. Frank J. Prout. Immediately after the crisis began in NEWS Renters been accepted as chapters of Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Delta the Far East, President Truman suspended all building loans, Tryouts for the second an- 1 of which the University was to have received approximately nual student musical will be Theta, respectively. $1,500,000. At the Phi Kappa Psi convention at Old Point Comfort, Record 12 Pages held in the Main Aud. Monday Va„ Aug. 24, Beta Sigma was accepted as the 54th chapter If Plans called for an addi-t~ and Tuesday evenings from of the national social fraternity. They will thereby become tional five dormitories and a Today's issue of the NEWS, Kohl Hall addition to be built 7:30 to 9 p.m., Dir. Charles ~^the 13th national fraternity Debaters Set conceived and composed be- Fasnaugh announced today. on Bowling Green's campus. from that source of appropri- fore many of its readers were ations. The intention of the ad- Both freshmen and upper- More Users The last weekend in Septem- ministration is to get rid of the even registered, sets a new classmen are eligible to try ber will see the new national frame-type buildings as quickly as For Heavy high for number of pages in formally installed. possible. one issue. All this among the out for singing, dancing and Drain Area's Phi Delta became the 111th Other construction already un- flurry of preparing for anoth- speaking parts. There will be chapter of Phi Delta Theta and der way is going along on sched- New Season er semester's tussle with text- both a singing and a dancing chor- the 14th national fraternity on campus at the Phi Delta Theta ule. Two of the three boilers in University debating teams books and professors us. the new boiler plant have already Only a fractional part of the Water Mains convention at the Edgewater Ho- are formulating plans for a Tryouts for the orchestra will tel in Chicago, Aug. 30. been tested. Plans call for the regular staff was present to make- New York City has nothing on abandonment of the old plant be- banner year. The planning of be announced later. Representatives of Beta Sigma up over two thirds of the paper. Bowling Green when they report hind the Ad. Bids;, on Oct. 20. strategy began the first day That included selling and making- The musical, written by Edith who attended the Phi Kappa Psi The smokestack will be taken Bowling Green opened its up ads, writing news stories, copy Ludwig and designed by Gordon an "insufficient supply" of water. convention were Norman Minnich, down after the new plant has been doors. reading, proofreading — all the Beck, will be presented for three With the return of some 4,000 Robert Brown, William Buck, and Robert Pettegrew. The conven- proven satisfactory. Although this is a big year steps that go into making a college nights over Homecoming Week- students, the already diminishing The Music Bldg. located be- newspaper a success. supply took a sharp divo due to tion also voted to locate chapters as far as events are concerned, end. at the University of Toledo and tween Williams and Shatzel Halls it is hardly to be expected that This year students will find the the added demand. Bowling Miss Ludwig's script won the the University of Buffalo. is expected to be completed the squads will be able to measure NEWS at its regular distribution Green's supply has recently been around Thanksgiving. Work on it up to the excellent record they set points—the heavy tables on each annual student musical contest termed "critical" by D. T. Mc- Founded in February, 1947, has been held up pending the cul- last season. side of the University bookstore. conductcd by a student-faculty I Knight, manager of the City Beta Sigma last year had a mem- mination of a strike at the plant The stellar competition of the The NEWS will continue to be student musical committee. Water Dept. bership of 35. Present officers which is furnishing the pews and coming season will be the National semi-weekly, appearing every The first annual student musi- For the past several years this are: Norman Minnich, president; altar. Trim is being put on today. Pi Kappa Tournament which will Tuesday and Friday, sometime cal, "Barbara of Seville," was pre- situation has arisen at this time Willium Fischer, vice president; Several requests have already be held in Oklahoma. around 11 a.m. sented last October. of year, caused by the 24-hour Dale Quellhorst, secretary; and Last year the squad copped production of a local plant and Virgil Murphy, treasurer. Advis- honors in the Ohio Men's cham- the infiltration of students udded ers to the fraternity are Owen D. Pictures Scheduled pionship of the Pi Kappa Delta to the townspeople who use it. Montgomery, assistant professor Sophomores and juniors who Province, and the Ohio Novice Seven-Point Agenda However, when the first frost hits have not had their class pictures contest. Members of the teams the ground, the situation is ex NEWS Meeting taken should report to the ten- took many individual honors. pected to be alleviated. ait courts back of the stadium Bowling Green was one of the The student body is requested All persons interested in from 3:30 to 5:30 Monday five schools to represent this dis- to cooporate with the city in the working on the BEE CEE Planned For Senate NEWS are requested to attend afternoon. trict at the West Point National next 10 days in the consumption Students interested in work- Invitational Debate Tournament. of water. General conservation an organisation meeting Mon- By ROGER D. BONHAM day night at 6:30 in 315A. ing on this year's KEY, the They were ranked as one of the routines should be followed. Student Senate will convene Monday to hear Pres. Lou This meeting is for editorial, school annual, should attend eight best teams in the country. So far, it has not approached the organisation meeting which The women's debate team is Daigneau present a proposed 7-point agenda for the early photography, and business phas- the crisis prevalent in New York es of the paper. is scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday stronger this year than it hns been part of the fall semester. not so long ago. Students can night in 303A. All editors for the past several seasons. Two of the issues will be problems held over from last still shave. of Business Education, and Ashcl should plan to be present. About a dozen experienced women Bryan, Bowling Green business- Any student interested in debaters are back. year, the rest will be new proposals. The meeting will be man. taking pictures should contact The team is led by Pat Swine- held at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Room of the Nest and will Phi Kappa Psi was founded in Tom McHugh, Howard Hahn, or ford, president of the local Pi be open to the public. World Situation 1852 at what is now Washington Kappa Delta chapter. She at- leave his name at the Key of- A proposal to raise the Stu- and Jefferson University. Ohio tended the West Point conference. fice which is located at the dent Union fee will be pre- chapters are located at Case, Ohio south end of the Lab school Other veteran debaters include Pat Hits Enrollment Changes Listed s e n t e d by President Daig- State, Ohio Wesleyan, and Wit- ' • basement. Sikes, Vondale Swaisgood, Mari- Enrollment for this year has tenberg. lyn McClintock, Adelle Khilken, neau. A similar bill was de- been made for wedding cere- feated at the final Senate meet- dropped from the record high of Harry Coleman, Leland Dorsey, Doris McCartney, Lois Wright, In Faculty Roll Robert Bull, Dr. Elden T. Smith, monies. Gloria Johnsonbaugh, and Lee El- ing last year when the Senators last year. However, Reg. John W. This year's faculty list changed failed to agree on the amount of Bunn said that this was to be ex- and Willard Wankleman, associate Formal installation of Beta Sig- lison. professor of art, represented Phi ma fraternity into Phi Kappa Psi Lou Fernandez and George to the extent of 26 additions, 23 the raise. pected in view of the current world resignations, and 7 leave-of-ab- situation and the lower number of Delta at the Phi Delta Theta con- will be the first function ever to Maragakes head the men's squad.
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