r - . 2 INSIDE: FUND BRIEFS: RAISER ON BOARD Who's who ... One of our own... Campus c~mpout, building plans, bar news, & a· gem of a grant ... A hint of the future is reflected A Law School graduate with w hile plans are being L aw professor Eric 0 nee again Seattle Univer- on the cover, where Dean Jim an enviable fund-raising record drawn up for a new law building, Chiappinelli has taken over the sity School of Law graduates Bond is pictured standing at the has accepted a key post on the the Law School already has a chairmanship of the Building have surpassed the state average corner of Columbia and East 12th, development staff of Seattle presence on the campus at Committee, replacing Jim Bond, in passing a Washington State the proposed site for the Law University. Broadway and Madison. Dean who served until he returned to Bar exam. Among those certified School on the Seattle University Albert L. Thurmond '86, Jim Bond reports that we now the deanship. Professor Wallace to sit for the July 1995 exam, a campus. With the aid of a 1986 presently major and planned gift have a suite of four offices on the Rudolph joined the committee total of 82.4 percent of SU Law law grad, featured in the next officer I general counsel for the fourth floor of the renovated this fall. Continuing members of graduates passed the bar, com- column, a multi-million dollar Seattle Art Museum, will serve Pigott Building, home of the the committee are: James R. pared to the state average of 79 campaign will aim to transform as senior development officer Albers School of Business & Pappin '96, a student represen- percent. the site into a state-of-the-art, with responsibility for managing Economics. tative who is also a practicing ar- And our first-timers did ex- student-centered law building. a multi-million dollar campaign "The Dean of Business, Jerry chitect; Frank Morrison '74, ceptionally well. Of those who Another ambitious plan is to support construction of a new Viscione, has graciously agreed alumni representative; Associate graduated in May 1995, 85 per- revealed on pages 4 & 5, where home for the School of Law on to let us camp out in their Dean Donna Claxton Deming; cent passed the bar. creation of a National Alumni the Seattle University campus. offices for the next few years," and Professors Betsy Hollings- Another noteworthy figure is Council is discussed and mapped The building is scheduled for Bond said. worth, Mark Reutlinger, Rich- that Seattle University School of out. And you're asked to take occupancy by fall term 1999. While no permanent staff are ard Settle, Julie Shapiro, and Law graduates did exceedingly part in nominating regional Reporting to Vice President currently assigned there, Dean Anita Steele. The other members well on the professional respon- representatives. for University Relations Linda Bond occasionally works in one are Judy Mahoney, director of sibility portion of the exam, Coming soon to a bookstore Hanson, Thurmond will work of the rooms and the Law Clinic corporate relations for Seattle where a total of 97 percent of the near you is a book by Professor with Law School and University uses another to support some University, and Professor Virginia graduates passed. David Skover that big name re- staff to identify, cultivate, and programs in Seattle. Parks, Albers School of Business For a list of those SU gradu- viewers are calling a major schol- solicit support from individuals, "While the offices are cur- & Economics. ates who passed the bar exam, arly work certain to transform the foundations, and corporations in rently used on an as-needed Chiappinelli reports that he is see page 8. way we look at the First Amend- the Northwest and beyond. H e basis, I expect we'll be there "about 90 percent certain that e% Q?b 0"1, ment. Seepage 12. also will coordinate campaign more as our relocation draws the law school will be located at Another nifty book, this by a events, work with volunteers, nearer," Bond noted, adding that the corner of 12th A venue East law -graduate-turned -storyteller, and handle a range of other currently he spends some time and East Columbia." T he State of Washington is described on page 7. Winner of duties to ensure successful two or three days a week on the "We have just issued invita- Higher Education Coordinating the national Aesop Award for completion of the Law School University campus, and increas- tions to a select group of nation- Board recently awarded the 1995, this book offolktales of jus- building campaign. ingly attends social functions ally known architectural firms Seattle University Law Clinic tice is so good you'll want one for In addition to his work at the there on weekends. inviting them to submit propos- a $24,840 State Work Study/ yourself and one for an adversary. Seattle Art Museum, the Seattle In addition, he has begun als for the building," he said. Federal State Student Incentive Our law clinic also received a native and graduate of the Uni- hosting small breakfasts for "We anticipate selecting a team Grant. national award recently- the versity of Washington has held graduates who have been espe- by early in the new year. Con- The money will be used to ABA's 1995 E. Smythe Gambrell executive fund-raising positions, cially loyal friends of the Law struction should start in the fund the clinic's new community Award for Professionalism- for a over an 18-year career, with the School as a way of keeping them spring of 1998 and we anticipate service project that allows four first-of-its-kind program that Seattle Symphony Orchestra, the up to date on transition matters. moving in by July 1999." students to work at the Pierce teaches ethics by having students Museum of Flight, the Collins The Law School Offices on Chairman Chiappinelli and County Dispute Resolution take part in the State Bar Group Capital Campaign the fourth floor of the Pigott Professors Bond, Hollingsworth, Center, a non-profit agency that Association's ethics probes. See Consultants, and the Fred Building are in Suite #432. and Steele recently traveled to provides mediation and concili- the story on page 8. Alongside, Hutchinson Cancer Research If grads in the Seattle area Chicago and Washington, D.C., ation services either free or at you'll also see a commentary on Center. would like to meet with Dean to look at some new law school low cost to needy citizens of how to improve legal education Dean Jim Bond is enthusiastic Bond in the Seattle office, buildings. Pierce County. that one of our 1991 grads about the addition of Albert they should call his office in "We wanted to get a sense of Clinic director Betsy penned for the ABA]au mal. Thurmond to the SU/Law Tacoma, (206) 591-2273, to what those schools did right," Hollingsworth said she was The stories on page 10 are sure School team. set up an appointment. Chiappinelli said, "as well as a especially pleased to receive the to interest litigators: one profiles "Albert will play a key sense of what things could have grant because collaboration with a top-notch trial attorney, a 1974 role in our effort to raise funds been done differently. the Dispute Resolution Center Law School graduate, who now for our new building," he said "We saw law school buildings would provide training and heads the state's criminal defense in a recent interview. "We are at liT Chicago-Kent, Loyola, education in an area of the law attorneys; another contains an ex- extremely fortunate to have John Marshall, and Northwest- that is increasingly popular with cerpt from a call-to-arms to attracted to our staff an accom- ern in Chicago and Catholic, students. criminal defense attorneys by plished individual who under- American, and Georgetown in "There are few opportunities Professor Janet Ainsworth. stands both the Law School and D.C. for students to get this kind of the community on which we "Perhaps the most striking hands-on training in negotiation will rely for a majority of our thing in those designs," he and dispute resolution, so the support. Albert's distinction as noted, "was that some schools project is mutually beneficial," 'one of our own' merely adds to clearly designed their buildings she noted. our delight at his acceptance of around student needs while oth- Elson S. Floyd, executive this pivotal position." ers designed them around fac- director of the HEC Board, said Thurmond begins his duties ulty needs. It is absolutely clear that projects chosen for funding at the University December 15. to us that we will take the were projects which would result former approach and start our in "relevant research and infor- Editor: process by considering classroom mation on the value of college Joan Watt and student space." student involvement in service to Associate Dean their communities." Managing Editor: Carole Schaffner MaSH" ':gOO t;I1V"'E""ROME ptur: Manager Add[e;;·. ,. · t:J AN ENV Publications & App.IC' WING PI Information Services ocw REVIf ACTION Associate Editor: Lucy Allard co fLE UNII Executive Director /NSTITU. Career Services & OOL BL( Alumni Affairs 'IL/ TY. MIX Contributors: OX. 1.1 Robert C. Cumbow '91 Kate Graham '97 c Judy Lemos '98 Shelly Speir '97 Linda Zahrly © Seattle University, 1995 All rights reserved Correspondence from graduates and friends is welcome. Send Albert Thurmond '86 letters and comments to: Eric Chiappinelli Office of Alumni Affairs Seattle University School of Law 950 Broadway Plaza Tacoma, WA 98402 3 WELCOME TO PROFESSIONAL HONORS FOR THE CLASS OF 1998 Two CLASS OF '97 STARS Well-rounded & well-versed ..
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