eye ‘A part of my THE SUNDAY EXPRESS MAGAZINE soul goes into Boredom Made the making NEWDELHI,LATECITY Me Do It of asubtle JANUARY3,2021 performance’ Pandemic proved ennui 18PAGES,`6.00 could be the gateway to —Pankaj Tripathi (`8BIHAR&RAIPUR,`12SRINAGAR) re-engaging with the world ACTOR DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI,JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI,NAGPUR,PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PAGES 13, 14, 15 PAGE 16 REGULATOR TO MAKE ASTATEMENT TODAY KEYROUNDOFTALKSTOMORROW SUNDAY Farm groups warn: If STORY DayafterOxford’s,expertpanelclears PAGE 9 demands not met, will J&K:NEW FACES, NEWPOLITICS indigenousBharatBiotechvaccine enter Delhi on Jan 26 Meet some of the new DDCmembersinJ&K ANANYATIWARI Late-stage trial Won’ttake NEWDELHI,JANUARY2 data pending, WITH THE government still to Time to build ‘BJP vaccine’, decide on twooftheir four key decision in demands, farmer unions op- MNCs, spread ‘public interest’ says SP chief; posedtothe newagriculture laws Saturdaythreatenedtolead Farmer groups in Delhi on India influence attracts flak atractor rallyintoDelhi on Saturday. Amit Mehra PRABHARAGHAVAN January26ifthe demandsare NEWDELHI,JANUARY2 notmet by then. in world: Modi ASADREHMAN Thegovernment and farmer of acentralMSP Act, covering 23 AN EXPERTpanel under India’s LUCKNOW,JANUARY2 unions arescheduledtomeet crops growninthe country. DIPANKARGHOSE topdrug regulator on Saturday again on January4to decide on At their lastmeeting on NEWDELHI,JANUARY2 recommendedrestrictedemer- SAMAJWADI PARTYpresident demandstorepeal the three December 30, the Centreagreed gency approval forCovaxin, Akhilesh YadavonSaturdaysaid newly enacted farm laws and to “decriminalise” stubbleburn- THE NEW decade is forthe Bharat Biotech’s Covid-19vac- he would nottakethe “BJP’s vac- provision of legal guarantee on ing by excluding farmers from “building of newmultinational cine candidatethat is currently cine”, and that when “our govern- the minimum supportprice for the ambit of the ‘Commission for companies within India”, and undertesting in the country. ment” comes to power, everyone procurement —farmer unions the Air QualityManagement in the time is perfect for“India’s in- The expertpanel has now would be vaccinated forfree. arepressingfor theenactment CONTINUEDONPAGE2 fluence to spread across the recommended restrictedclear- Following criticism, he sub- world”, Prime MinisterNarendra ance fortwo vaccine candidates Healthworkers during avaccinedry run at Guru TegBahadur Hospital, in NewDelhi on sequentlytweeted that he had Modi said on Saturday. in as manydays—onFriday,it Saturday. Praveen Khanna INDELHI,1LAKHVACCINESADAY:MINISTERPAGE3 “full confidence” in the ability of HowIndia managed the recommendedsimilar approval scientists, but he would nottake UP farmer kills himself Covid-19pandemicshouldbea forCovishield, the variant of the the BJP's “political vaccine”. subject of “documentation and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine that “Main tohnahi lagwaunga ‘to oppose bills’; third research”, the Prime Ministersaid is being manufactured under li- abhi vaccine.Maineapnibaat keh at the virtual foundation stone cence in India by Pune-based Free vaccine for 3crore di. Aurwoh bhi BJP lagayegi uska laying forthe permanent campus Serum InstituteofIndia. bharosa karungamain? Arre, jao suicide at protest site of IIM Sambalpur.Odisha Chief The recommendations in healthcare, frontline bhai. Arre, apni sarkar ayegi, sabko MinisterNaveenPatnaik wasalso favour of Covishield and Covaxin free vaccine lagegi. HumBJP kavac- sinceNovember28.“Wereceived present at the ceremony. pave the wayfor Drug Controller cine nahin lagwasakte (I will not SUKRITABARUAH information thatapersonhad CONTINUEDONPAGE2 General of India (DCGI) Dr VG Justastep staff: Health Minister getthe vaccine now. Iamtelling NEWDELHI,JANUARY2 diedatthe protestsiteinthe Somani to clear thetwo candi- awaynow youabout myself. Am Igoingto morning, following whichapo- dates foruse in the country’s im- of vaccinating thethirdpriority trustavaccine givenbythe BJP? AFARMER in his 70sfromUttar lice vehicle wassent. He wasde- INSIDE minentmass vaccination pro- KAUNAINSHERIFFM group —persons aboveage 50, Oh, getlost. When our govern- Pradesh’s Rampur district killed clareddeadon arrivalatthe near- gramme. CLEARANCE BY the NEWDELHI,JANUARY2 and persons belowage 50 with mentcomes, everyone willget himself Saturdaymorning at the esthospital,” said SP,City II FORMER HOME The DCGI is scheduledto CentralDrugs Standard associated comorbidities. the vaccine free),” the former Ghazipur protestsitenear the Ghaziabad, GyanendraKumar. makeastatement to the media Control Organisation's DAYS BEFORE the mass immu- “In 1stphaseofChief Minister saidatapress con- Delhi-UP border.Inapurported In his ‘suicide note’, Singh MINISTER BUTA on the Covid-19vaccine at 11 am expertpanel takesavac- nisation programme againstthe #COVID19Vaccination, free ference in Lucknow. suicide note,hewrote that he wrotethat his death would be SINGHPASSES AWAY on Sunday. cine candidate justastep novelcoronavirus is rolledout, #vaccineshall be provided Asked about Saturday’s vac- wastakingthe step “tooppose his contributiontothe agitation. PAGE 5 Since the beginning of the away from obtaining fi- Health MinisterDrHarsh across the nation to mostpriori- cination dryrun in the state, he the farm bills”. “I have come to Delhibecause pandemic in February, the novel nal regulatoryapproval. Vardhan announcedonSaturday tisedbeneficiaries that incl[ude] said mockingly,“What Corona? According to the Ghaziabad the three farm laws…are notin BCCI CHIEF SOURAV coronavirus has sickenedover1 Once DCGI takesthisfi- that healthcareworkers and 1crore healthcare&2crore Who has Corona here? The gov- Police, Kashmir Singh Dass, from favour of farmers. These arenot GANGULY SUFFERS crore, and killednearly 1.5lakh nal step, mass vaccina- frontline workers will getthe frontline workers. Details of how ernment is notacceptingthat Pashiapur villageinRampur, was beneficial to all farmers of India. ‘MILD’ HEARTATTACK people in India. tion can begin as soon as vaccine forfree. further 27 cr[ore] priority bene- thereisCorona. Then whyare foundedhanging from the ceiling Farmers want the government PAGE 18 The SubjectExpert the government is ready. The Ministersaidthe govern- ficiaries aretobevaccinated theydoing this dryrun? When inside atoiletatGhazipur, where to take these bills back. The CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ment is still working on details CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 farmers have been protesting CONTINUEDONPAGE2 don’t bother for scars any more. Getdazzling To get blemish free skin use Glamour with... NO SCARS.Ithelps to reduce Long Lasting and remove,scars and marks. Premium QualitySoap Nothing makes awoman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful.This belief pavesthe wayto real beautyinside which reflects outside. No Scars beautysoap helps making your skin look softand radiant. 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Committee, talksabout thechallenges of SCANTHISQRCODETO It all startedwhen aUK What do fliers arriving promoting the Olympics in 2021. DOWNLOADTHEAPP woman postedapic in India need to do? J&K withdraws jobs FROMPAGEONE Won’t take ‘BJP tiful temple built by me. Thisis noticeafter protest nothing new.” vaccine’,says SP On lawand order in thestate, he said: “HasUPseenthe high- Expertpanel clears indigenous over ‘discrimination’ chief; attracts estnumber of fake encounters or not? Has the statenot seen “meanwhile, the advertisement flak fake encounters on the basis of ARUNSHARMA is deferred/withdrawn”. did the government accept religion and caste?Has the state Bharat Biotechvaccine JAMMU,JANUARY2 The Jammu Kashmir Service Corona? Theyonlyacceptit had the mostcustodial deaths or SelectionBoardhad on Fridayis- when the Opposition does not? Has the NHRCservedthe Committee’s (SEC’s) recom- “inpublic interestasanabun- tedtothe SEC overthe past24 doses aretobegiven 28 days FOLLOWINGPROTESTSbyun- suedanadvertisement for136 something.” mostnotices to the stategovern- mendation for“restricteduse in dant precaution, in clinical trial hours,or whether thepanel had apart. Covaxin has been devel- employedagriculturegraduates posts in Kashmir and 20 in On the arrangementsfor the ment or not? The UP govern- emergency situation” of mode”, the MinistryofHealth made itsrecommendation af- opedbyBharatBiotech in col- in Jammu, accusing the UT gov- Jammu. The advertisement trig- inoculation exercise, the SP chief ment has been instructed to give Covaxin came in light of “infec- and FamilyWelfareinastate- terperusing
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