INDISCREET IDEAS OF A DEAN x xx xx .am1-XX xx xx n irïï » n n n xxi£ G 7 / i e WITNESS CHICAGO, ILL., APRIL 5, 1934 ANDERSON MEMORIAL CHAPEL At Seabury-Westem Seminary , y Y""1 V V "W ' w Q i x xx -x-x^Txrx ï y x y A A JÜL..,JUL 1 A A Circulation Office : 61401 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office : 931 Tribune Building. New York City Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS OF THE CHURCH ST. MARY’S SCHOOL MOUNT ST. GABRIEL 9t)t (feutrai ffiljeolngtral •Ha r c o u r t P l a c e S c h o o l Peeks kill-on-Hndson ©tminarg BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS FOR GIRLS Under the care o f the Sisters o f St. Mary. College preparatory and general courses. New Three-year undergraduate course Cambier, Ohio modern fireproof buildings. Extensive _ recrea­ of prescribed and elective study. In picturesque college community. Offers tion grounds. Separate attention given to pre-high school, general, college preparatory young children. For catalogue address THE Fourth-year course for gradu­ and advanced courses. Preparation for Col­ SISTER SUPERIOR. ates, offering larger opportunity lege Board Examinations. Strong art and for specialization music departments. Students have opportunity to hear distinguished lecturers and concerts Provision for more advanced by noted artists. Rate, $800. CHATHAM HA work, leading to degrees of S.T.M . LLl For illustrated catalog, address and S.T.D . A Church School in Southern Virginia ADDRESS Sarah Bedell Macdonald, Headmistress, for Girls 7 Lewis Hall R«v. Edmund J. Lee, D.D. Rector THE DEAN Chatham Virginia 4 Chelsea Square New York City Wtr Catsltn* Adiré»» the Dean AINT JAMES SCHOOL THE BEST SCHOOL Washington Cennty, Maryland Diocesan School for Boys Episcopal Theological School A postal to The Witness, 931 The Mother o f Church Schools CAMBRIDGB. MASSACHUSETTS Tribune Building, New York City, Affiliation with Harvard University offers on the English Plan *n a*ual opportunities in allied fields, such as will bring you information about Dr. Adrian H. Onderdonk philosophy, psychology, history, Headmaster sociology, etc. the schools of the Church. Please Per Catalogs« Address the Dean state whether, you are interested in a boy’s or girl’s school, give the:! DIVINITY SCHOOL IN age, part of the country preferred HOLDERNESS In the White Mountains. College Prepara­ PHILADELPHIA and price range. tory and General Courses. Music and Crafts, io r boys 12-19. All sports including riding. Undergraduate and Graduate Course» 200i acres of woods. New fireproof building. Privilege« at University of Pennsylvania Individual instruction. Home atmosphere. Address: , •MAN BARTLETT, 42nd end Locust Streets Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector TRINITY COLLEGE f Box W Plymouth, N. H. The Protestant Episcopal Hartford, Conn. Theological Seminary in Virginia CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL New York City For catalogue and other Information Offers a general cultural education, with address the Dean special emphasis on the Classics, Modern A boarding school for the forty boys of Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil­ the Choir o f the Cathedral o f Saint John BEY. WALLACE Ä. ROLLINS, D.D. osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, the Divine. Careful musical training and Theelerlcal Seminary Alexandria, Va. Biology and,, Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engjneer- daily singing at the Cathedral services. Small ing. P'or information apply. The Dean. classes mean individual attention and high standards. The School has its own building and playgrounds in the Close. Fee— $250'.6O per annum. Boys admitted^ 9 to 11. Voice Berkeley Divinity test and scholarship examination. Address The Precentor, Cathedral Choir School, School Wykeham Rise Cathedral Heights, New York City. New Haven, Connecticut 'Washington, Connecticut Affiliated with Yale University SAINT AGNES CHURCH SCHOOL Address DEAN W. P. LADD A. country school for girls FOR GIRLS St Sache» Street College preparatory and general New fire proof building ideally situated in 33 acres of the best residential section out­ courses side the city o f Albany, New York. Excellent college preparatory record. Moderate price. F a n n y E. D a v ies, Sports of all kinds. Miss Blanche Pittman, M.A. Head Mistress Loudonville Road, Albany, N. Y. 4 a Honor Christian School with the highest academic rating. Junior School _ from six rears. Housemother. Separate building. Upper School prepares for university or business. SOMERSET HILLS 1 gOTC. Every modern equipment. Catalogue, St. Katharine’s School Far Hills - New Jersey | Dr. i. J. Wicker, Box 104, Fork Union, Va. 1 Under the .'are of the Sisters of St. Boys from 7 to 17 years. Mary. A thorough preparatory school for Ml All Sports, Including Horsemanship ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE „ ¿„/.»teu a u a a t r: g;rls. Recommended Ml and Fencing. Unusual record for j hy leading colleges, Beautiful grounds Ml Scholastic Achievement. Viekslharg, Mississippi Outdoor sports, riding and swimming AbU for our rstalogne. nj REV. J. H. %. FAIR, An Episcopal school for girls. Accredited Director algh school and Junior College. Music, Art, SISTER SUPERIOR in Expression. Sports, riding and swimming. 827 Tremont Ave., Davenport, U For catalogue, address Mary Leslie Newton, M.A., Dean Stuart H all Virginia Episcopal School An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old tra- KEMPER HALL An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old tra­ KRNOVHA. WISCONSIN Lynchburg, Virginia ditions and high standards in the beau­ tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ Bader the cars o f the Sisters of Saint Prepares boys for college and university. tory, general courses, and secretarial Mary. An Episcopal school for girls on Splendid environment and excellent corps of courses. Two years beyond high school. North Shore of Lake Michigan, one hour teachers. High standard in scholarship and Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ from Chicago. College Preparatory and gen- j athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. trai courses. Elementary Grades, Progressive the mountains of Virginia. New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ Methods Used. Music, Art, Domestic Science. For catalogue apply to ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. Outdoor and Indoor Sports. Address, The Sis- Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. *me Superior, HMBMMBHMMBWIiB'lffillW. «1 Wl WriiiiTiY.. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Ir v i n g P . J o h n s o n r p T T T T 1 WT THP"NT17QQ Frank e- Wilson Managing Editor ^ n F j V V X X JL^I J 2j lO B e r n a r d I d d in g s B e l l W i l l i a m B . S p o f f o r d J o h n R a t h b o n e O l iv e « Literary Editor A National Paper of the Episcopal Church c * R u s s e l l M o o d ey G a r d in e r M . D a y Irwin St. J. Tucker Voi. XVIII No. 31 APRIL 5, 1934 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The «ubscription price is $2.00 a year ; in bundles of ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter April 3, 1919, at Idle postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under act of March 3, 1879. H E A M ER IC A N LEG IO N is up in arms against of the beauty of God’s meaning for the life of His T the Rev. W. Russell Bowie, rector of Grace human children is made to shine.” •Church, New York, who in a recent sermon con­ demned the Legion lobby in Washington as “ political ORD W AS P A SSE D ARO UND some months -banditry” and “a cancer upon the body of our Ameri­ ago that Toyohiko Kagawa, the founder of the can life.” An officer of the Legion has threatened to Kingdom of God Movement in Japan, had become so bring suit against the rector for $100,000, which disgusted with the indifference of Church people to prompted Dr. Bowie to call in the newspaper men. suffering and injustice that he had deserted the Chris­ Dr. Bowie reiterated his charge that through the tian forces and turned to peace work, literary work political pressure of the American Legion lobby “ tens and various schemes of social reconstruction. The of millions of dollars of expenses, bonuses and pen­ Japanese Christian Graphic now reports that he was sions for men who came out of the war in perfect present at the annual meeting of the so-called Kagawa health” were being withdrawn from the national Co-operators and there announced that he planned to Treasury. give practically all of his time this year to evangelistic “ In regard to these further demands upon the work for the Kingdom of God Movement. The news­ United States Treasury, I stand exactly where the paper quotes Kagawa directly as saying: “ It may be President stood when he said to the American Legion that not all the Church will unite in helping me; but at its 1933 convention: ‘No person because he wore while there are but three hundred thousand Chris­ a uniform must therefore be placed in a special class tians, including Roman Catholics, among sixty-five of beneficiaries over and above all other citizens.’ It millions of the Japanese people, even though the is the activity of the American Legion lobby in build­ Churches may not sustain me, Christ commands me ing up a ‘special class of beneficiaries over and above to preach the gospel of love.
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