, t tt Volume XXXI Number 7 FIVE CANDIDATES GIVE PARTY VIEWS IN COLLEGE FORUM nience. Untried Yearling Football Team Line Drives by Home Team Gov. Cross Attacks Republicans then on Tuesday, Defeats Wesleyan 9 to 0 STATISTICS. in Trinity Wesleyan Legislature-McCook Scores NovembPr at Middletown Count in Traditional Price-Raising Policies First Downs,. 25 11 Battle Here DE DISSE SCORES Yards Gained by Rush- ATHENAEUM IS HOST MANY DANCES FEATURE ing, ............. 335 135 Cardinals Threaten Goal Line Forward Passes Tried, 10 13 EIGENBAUER STARS Socialist, Communist and Socialist­ SATURDAY'S PROGRAM in Second Quarter; Forward Passes Com­ Labor Groups Represented 0'1\'lalley Stars pleted, . 5 2 Kellam, Sampers Also Tally as in Public Symposium Five Fraternities and Corrunons Cardinal Line Wilts in Club Entertain-Alumni Yards Gained by For- Second Half Back in Force The initial triumph in the most wards, ........... 58 35 "The Republican campaign in Con~ successful week-end Trinity has ex­ Number of Punts,..... 5 12 On Saturday November 3, Trinity's necticut is a thinly-disguised attempt The week-end of the Wesleyan perienced in many years was achieved Average Distance of football team added another victory to to fool the people of the state again game was enlivened by dances at five by an untried and surprisingly strong Punts, ........., ... 40.4 32.3 its list by conquering the represent­ into trusting a party which has re­ of the fraternities and at the Com­ freshman football team last Friday. Runbacks of Kicks, atives of Wesleyan, 27-0. A record­ peatedly failed them in every crisis mons Club. Among the fraternities Wesleyan's first-year men went down Yards, ........... 146 42 breaking crowd turned out to see the in the past," Governor Wilbur L. entertaining were Psi Upsilon and in defeat by a count of 9 to 0. Trin­ Fumbles, . 1 1 two rival institutions play a hard­ Cross said at a public forum of the Alpha Chi Rho, who gave tea dances ity's Cubs had the game well in con­ Own Fumbles Recovered, 1 1 fought, bitter contest, which was re­ Athenaeum Society in Alumni Hall after the game. There w~re evening trol throughout, except in the last few plete with thrills of every type. Al­ last Wednesday night. Other candi­ dances at Delta Kappa Epsnon, Delta moments of the first half when Wes­ Penalties, Yards Lost,. 20 10 though the field was somewhat muddy, dates who addressed the audience of Phi, and Sigma Nu. leyan opened up and carried the ball the crowd was brought to its feet over 400 were Colonel Anson T. Mc­ At the Psi Upsilon dance cllaper­ threateningly close to the Blue and many times by the spectacular runs Cook, running for Congress in the ones included Professor and Mrs. Gold's goal line. A first quarter push, of both teams. The Blue and Gold First District on the Republican Herrick, Mr. and Mrs. William Grain­ not unlike those which have been seen Martens, Kearns Awarded continually had the upper hand with ticket; Devere Allen, Socialist candi­ ger, and Mrs. Frazier Scott. Charles in most of the varsity games this N. E. Basketball Mention the exception of the second quarter, date for United States Senator; Alvin Millard's Orchestra supplied the year, put Trinity within scoring dis­ when the Scarlet, by means of passes 11. Gully, Socialist-Labor candidate music for the affair. The Alpha Chi tance. DeDisse plunged the line for John Martens, captain-elect of Trin­ and long runs, threatened Trinity's for Governor ; and Isidore Wofsy, Rho dance was chaperoned by Mr. and the initial score and place-kicked the goal time and again. Communist candidate f or Governor. Mrs. Hart of Wethersfield, Mr. and extra point. Late in the same period ity's basketball team, has been awarded the position of forward on Kellam Scores. President Ogilby presided and intro­ Mrs. Calderwood of Springfield, Mr. a Wesleyan back fumbled, and, re­ the All-New England Intercollegiate The Hilltoppers' first score came duced t he speakers. and Mrs. Ainley of West Hartford, covering behind his own goal line, Basketball Team for 1934. He was early in the first period as the result and Mr. and Mrs. Pinney o'f Hartford. allowed Trinity two additional points. Cross on the Labor Board. cf a sustained drive from their own The Kent-Schuyler Orchestra pro- The game appeared to be sewed up described as one of the fastest ""or­ v;ards in the East in the writmp, 40-yard line. Kobrosky kicked off for Governor Cross, who is a candidate vide ' ,nu~ic. until just before the whistle blew at Trinity and the ball was returned to for re-election on the Democratic At the dance given Saturday eve­ which appeared in Spalding's Official the half, when the young Cardinals the 20-yard mark. After attempting, ticket, called attention further to ning by Delta Kappa Epsilon, Dean Basketball Guide. Thomas Kearns, completed a nicely-executed pass and unsuccessfully, to run the ball, Bur ­ Republican efforts in the last two ' and Mrs. Hood, Professor and Mrs. Trinity guard, received honorable reached their rival's 3-yard marker. ton kicked to Marquet on his own General Assemblies to block measures Means, Professor and Mrs. Mitchell, mention for a position on the same 40. Then followed thre ~ first downs proposed by himself which were in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wessells, Mr. and Both Teams Threaten. team. The lineup of the All-New 1 in quick succession with Kobrosky and substantial agreement with statutes Mrs. Frederick R. Tansill, and Mr. Both teams came hack in the second England Team is as follows: E.igenbauer doing most of the ball promised by the Republican party in and Mrs. Glover Johnson served as half with determination to score. Louis Bush, Forward, Mass State. carrying. Kellam then took the ball earlier campaigns. "And yet in this chaperones. The music was furnished First Wesleyan, then Trinity, would John Martens, Forward, Trinity. on an end r un and went over the campaign," continued the Governor, by Buster Johnson and his Southern threaten the otheT's goal. Both teams John F. Martin, Center, R. I. State. line standing up. Weber converted the "this party has the temerity to claim Knights. tightened their defense when a pos­ John Grinnel, Guard, Tufts. extra point. rewards for legislation forced through (Continued on page 3.) sibility for scoring presented itself. Nichols Holmes, Guard, Williams. The last period was a duplicate of the K obrosky again kicked off and in spite of their opposition, and also Johnson ran the ball back to the 35- to favo1· in this campaign measures second quarter as Wesleyan opened yard stripe. H,untress made 8 thTough identical with ones defeated by them­ up. Merrell shot a pass which was center and Co"ultas annexed a first selves in the last Assembly." The lateraled to Horn, 'Vho dashed down down. Huntress went through center Labor Mediation Board, which in its MATRICULATION ADDRESS the sidelines for 35 yards where he SIX NEW .MEN ADMITTED again for 20 yards but the succeed­ thirty-nine years of existence settled stepped outside on, Trinity's five­ TO ATHENAEUM SOCIETY ing plays were smeared and the only one dispute, is now being made DELIVERED BY REV. BELL yard stripe. Another fumble on the quarter ended with the ball on the a false issue by the opposition, the fourth down, when a score seemed Wesleyan Radio Debate Assured 35-yard line. Score: Trinity 7, Wes­ Governor claimed. "And why? Be­ imminent, proved disastrous to the One Hundred Fifty-Four New -Inter-Class Debates leyan 0. cause I appointed Joseph M. Tone as Middletown yearlings. The sturdy Men Sign Book at Annual Planned Wesleyan nut the ball in play, but Labor Commissioner. And I appointed Blue and Gold frosh carried the ball Exercises aiter two attempts failed, Burton Mr. Tone because I wanted results." to the 45-yard line as the game ended. Last Tuesday, at the first tryouts punted out of bounds on Trinity's "The attitude of the Republican (Continued on page 5.) 40. Eigenbauer made 9¥.! yards party toward efforts for social legis­ One hundred and fifty-four new of the season, twelve men came before the Athenaeum Society. Of these, around end and Sampers added first lation," continued the Governor, "may names were added to the list already six were tentatively chosen, their down. Kobrosky made 5 yards through best be discovered by inspecting the in the Matriculation book on Wednes­ names not announced. On November guard which, coupled with an offside record of that party in the last two day, when the annual Matriculation DE DISSE PRESIDENT penalty, produced another first down. sessions of the legislature. While 6 the aspirants will be definitely accepted or rejected. On this night, The ball was lost on downs and then numerous organizations in the state Day Exercises were held. OF FRESHMAN CLASS also, another opportunity will be given Wesleyan opened up its attack. A who have the public interest trul~ The Reverend Bernard Iddings Bell, pass, Burton to Huntress gained 12 at heart were fighting hard to pre. former warden of St. Stephen's Col­ Morgan and Wils,>n Also Chosen those who either failed to niake the grade last week or did not try out. yards. Johnson made 11 yards on a vent the House of RepresentativeB lege, gave . the address, in which he Officers-Movies Shown cut-back through tackle, and Huntress from voting away the water power at First Meeting Each candidate will be required to spoke of the true significance of a followed with 11 yards around end.
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