TUlSBtlAri, fiCBBUABT 10,194t g^AUlS TW ISLV9 iianrtr^atjfr Eornins l|rral& Averagt DaQjr Clradatioa life.** **In W ashlngtoo." h* 9aM.I the the Meath ef daaoaqr, IMS Member* of John Mather Chap­ Emerfeuey Doctors "rather than having a committee | ter, Order of DeMolay. are re- Church Group on un-American activities, v . Report $1,44)0 About Towli queatad to meet at the Maaonlc should have a commlttae on Axner- 9,452 Tample thla evening at aeven Dr. A. E. Diakan and Dr. lean actlvltiaa> which would l i m ^ eoM r la Ralph LeChausse are the phy- ' Gives Program Received by Y IT ef tha A o«t T i i n t o CJiaptWt Or«ler o f tho o'clock, from whence they, will mant the ideal* which ar* astah-l RED MEN'S Sootoriiiltar. win meet tomorrow proceed in a body to the Watklna clans of the Manchester Medi­ llshad fo r all parsoeu In thla democ­ o f < cal Aaaoclatlon who will re­ Maneheiter—^A City of Village Charm •oonlnc In tho M m o iiIc Tomplo. Funeral home, to pay final re- racy by the bill of rtihta." Ho when • number of condldotea wlU •pecta to Charlea 8. Macey, who spond to emergency calls to­ Brotherhood Is Theme also said that tha attempt to con­ Over 400 Letters Being S tO U U U K E PRICE rouR c e r n i f : morrow afternoon. (TWENTY PAGES) feo WtiiUod. Mr*. ChrisUn* Duke WM a member of the Chapter'* trol Communism by outlawing the U) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1948 oad her committee wm aerr* re* Advlaory Board. Of Meeting at South Communist party and dany its f«4- Mailed This Week in <i««imenU ot the eodal Ume fol* Methodic Church lowern right of the ballot, w m only Local Campaign loirtnc the buslnea* eeaslon. The flrat aeaaton o f the *Teacher Readings of a "good” 20 below to strengthen the seal of tho *rrainlng claaa w ill take place thla aero were reported this morning at with Communist leanings. A large group of men from Tern The Srst returns in the Com­ Wapplng Orange will meet t^ evening at eight o'clock at the 6 In surrounding arcM. Many res­ After the meeting, held In the Oil Goes Up in Smoke pi* Beth Sholom and their Rabbi, chapel, all adjourned to the ban munity T Drive have given Co- BINGO night In the Community houee. it Second OongregaUonal church. ident* here say that thla morning Chairmen Raymond B. Cooper And I . Anderson Blames Grains and Cotton w ill he **111001” night, and a bo* The Religloua EducaUon commit­ WM the coldest of the winter yet, Leon Wind, were present at the quet haD for refreshment* served Mark HoUnea a eonCdent feeling •Octal w ill follow. tee will meet there tomorrow eve­ according to their temperature In­ by a committee with Robert Loom Featnring Something Different Every TaeMay Brotherhood program last evening that there wUI be ample fund* coL ning at the Mme hour. dicators. Is as chairman, assisted by Mal­ at South Methodist church m lectad in tb* drivt to enabi* major lira. *n»oic** R. Brown of 54 colm Hewritt and Henry Arnold. Evening, nayiiig Starts Promptly at 8 p. m. guests of the Men's Friendship This W M followed by fellowship repair* and .anovatlona to ba Jenaen etraet received new* y ^ Ihe Independent Athletic Club PMt PocahontM ’ Mrs. Pauline 'Mass Speculation among all present during which maue and a broadaoed out pro­ iaHny of the death of her father, Paganl, announce* a kitchen bingo Club. Prices Show aSome held a ■ucceMful pre-Lenten dance time the guests of the evening gram to ba planned for the com­ And You Don^t Stay Late. Stephen J. WWlama o f W alling­ at her home. 160 Charter Oak Edward Macauley, president of l^(hiy evening at the American were' taken through the entire ing year. *Ib data, th* mail cam­ ford, foUoadng a heart attack. L«gion Home on Leonard street. street, tomorrow at eight o'clock the Friendship Club, welcomed those present and Introduced Her­ church building. A t thla time Mr. paign hM collected over 91,400, Dancing WM enjoyed to the music for the benefit o f Lakota Council, Ashton played several selections The Woodland Park aeaoclktlon No. 61, Degree of PocahontM bert J. McKinney, chairman of the sdth 37 contribuUoM having been For Trade Break of Herb Gordon and hU orcheatra. upon the ranreh organ. haa dadded'to hold a pot luck aup- which was recently organized. A committee arranging, for the made. Over 400 letters will have been Rallying Tendencies ^ April 17, and all member* wUl social Ume with refreshmenU will event After Mr. McKinney had Mr*. E. W. Graham, organlu- n n k e r b Hail' mailed out by tho end o f this be urged to attend. It waa an­ tlon chairman of Mother* Circle*, follow the games and member* extended greetings to the guests, week, and the majority o f tha Secretary Tells Senate nounce today. The decUlon w m and Mr*. A. W. Oates, co-chairman, and friends are Invited. Saul Sllversteln, president of the Services Listed For ’ Main Street Trade Unions • 7 node at a meeting held at the x direct attenUon of mother* of chil­ Temple body, resronded. Remarks collectloM srlll b* made wtthln Committee E. T. May­ Plunge Limit Before Friday. At that Ume card* were dren from Infancy to about nine were made by Rev. W. Ralph tw o weaka. ^ e house-to-house Miss Jane M. Wlgren daughter ty*rd, Jr., minister of South Ash Wednesday canvM In A pril wUI complete tho nard of Chicago Big- Midday; Reaction of pUyad and refreahmenta were year*, to a meeting Friday evening o f Mr. and Mrs. Charlea L. Wlgren, DOORPRIZE Vote to Ask Back of Inflation church, and Rabbi Leon Wind of ■erred. fo r the purpoae o f organising a cam paign. 15 Stephen street, haa been named the *Femple. Group singing w m Timp Trader Who Price Break Felt in new Mother* Circle, aponaored by Tom orrow morning, Ash] to the Dean's list at Westbrook led by Robert Gordon, baritone of Advertlaement— ____________ __ the Holy Innocent* Circle, and for junior college, PorUsmd, Maine. the South church choir, with Fred­ Wednesday, ashes will be dl*trl-| BINGO AT ITS BEST . Made Large Profits Higher Wage Markets ' A round mothers of primary children. The Viewed as Broken The Hat is composed of student* erick I. Rogers at the piano. buted at the close of the seven-] Freahly I'oaated Shur-Flne Cof- mecUng will be held at eight with a B or better average for the In Past Few Days Wdrid; Some Wheat. George G. Ashton, minister of mu­ .thirty mesa and agnlit at the cIo m tm at Pinehurat—lb. 4»c. o'clock Friday evening In the K. preceding quarter. Mis* Wlgren, a sic, played a group pt numbers of the seven-thirty devotlooe t » 37 Bodies Defy Labor And Com Recover 4 o f C. home on Main street. graduate of Manchester high Washington, Feb. 11— (/P) Big C o llu s io n to BaJ on the piano to the pleasure of morrow evening at 8L Bridget** TO N IG H T school, is a senior at Westbrook, First Teeth everyone. • church. The aervlee to the eve-j r e d ISr o ss L-^racking commodity prices Govem m ent’a W age Cents Bushel From The Robertson P. T. A. Is antl- where she is enrolled In the medi­ Drawn From Spectacu- j nlng will consist of the Roearyj flig h t these congressional f e n d e r a n d b o d y clpaUng an attendance of more Principal Speaker I Freezing Policy; Attlee Day’s Low in Chicago cal secretary curriculum. Rev. Dudley purr, minister of and Benediction. lor Break in Commod­ than 160 persons at Its flrat pot developments today: South Congregational church, On Friday evening the StAUonsI Faces RebelUon Now luck aupper and meeting thla eve­ 1. Srcretary of Agriculture WORK EM t Hartford, w m the principal of the Cross will be held at seven-1 ity Prices in Week\^ New York, Feb. 11—</P)— ning In Lithuanian hall, Golway speaker. M|x Burr w m chaplain thirty. Anderson told a Senate com­ street The meal will be served In Increase Noted London, Feb. 11,—(O —Thlrty- Grain and cotton prices SoHnenc and Plagg. Inc. o f the 169tji Regiment from H art­ mittee that E. T. Maynard the upper hall promptly at 7:50. ■even trade unlonA defying the New York, Feb. 11—(fl’)— showed some rallying tenden­ SM Oaater Street ford county In the recent w ar and (rf Chicago is the big-time An excelelnt program will follow. In Charity Costs served three years In the South Labor government’s wage freeatog The post-war inflation has, cies at mid-day after plung­ Paclflc,1md w m known through his apecnlator who made ’’profits had its back broken, and the! ing the limit earlier. They b*tW M U 9800,000 and 9400,000 to policy, voted today to demand war ^rvlce to many present. American consumer can sit Charity costa in Manchester for PRESTO LOGS the last few days.” Ho said maoa higher pay fo r 9,000,000 memhera. were the leaders in a down­ Ip'his address Mr. Burr attacked Mailt ea -with I maa henea esM due te the oB ehnitagr aa aaieteroSaei ameoat ef the heatlag tael gees ap to the month o f January were up Atlantic ■peculation by amall trad ers la to The Citofederatlon of BhlpbuUd-| back today and say to him­ ward idunge of commodity the committee on un-American ac- WILL KEEP YOU WARM f f h .
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