INDEX TO VOLUMES I THROUGH X Index to Volumes I through X Mary C. Holliman • Family names are in all-capital letters, and come before other entries using the family name. Where possible, dates of birth and death, or other information that helps to identify a person, are given. • Two or more people with the same family and given names are indicated by a (1), (2), etc. after the given name. In some cases, they may actually be the same person, but the text does not make that clear. Wives are listed under their maiden names, when known, with a cross reference to the husband. • Information in the endnotes has not been indexed herein. However, the footnotes accompanying the two articles "The Diaries of James Armistead Otey" in volumes 6 and 7 have been included. • Only the page range is given for persons frequently mentioned in the diaries published in volumes 6 and 7, such as Otey's sister Lizzie or his friend Alex. A ADKINS (Atkins), continued A. Blacjk Company, 6: 87-8, 114, 123 Mary, or Newport, VA, 1: I9 Admirality Court (British), 10: 27 A. Knabb & Company, 6: 22 ABBOTT, Francis Harris "Frank", 7: 96 adze(s), 4: 130 Abbs Valley, southwestern VA, 2: 85; 8: 61 Africa, -n, 10: 45-6 Abingdon, VA, 4: 93-5, 97, 100-l; 5: 24, 26; 7: 28, countries of, 10: 43, 45-6 30; 8: 10, 13; 9: 6, 13, 59; 10: 6-7, 15, 40, 45 peoples of, 10: 4 3, 45-6 abolition, -ist, 4: 9, 16-17, 26 salt trade, 9: 74 weapons, 10: 4 3-4 aboriginal occupation, southwestern VA, 4: 3-4, African Americans, 4: 77, 153-6; 10: 49-79 125-51 in frontier culture, 3: 83, 85 Academic Hall, Christiansburg Institute, 6: 4 3-4 Methodist congregation/members, 10: 49-50, Accommodation (in rrontier culture), 3: 83 55, 58, 62, 64-6, 68-7I Account of Gentlemen of Elvas, Portugese history, missionaries, 10: 57 8:83 Acculturation (in frontier culture), 3: 83 preachers, 10: 55 see also free blacks Acoste (province), 8: 87 Act of Suspension (Presbyterian), 3: 76 African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), 10: 55-8, 65-71 ad valorem tax, 4: 15 missionaries, 10: 56-8, 71 ADAIR, James, 18c trader to Cherokee, 4: 141 pastor, -s, 10: 5 7, 69 Adam Harmon ford, on New River, 6: 126 AG l, see General Archives of the Indies ADAMS Agricultural Experiment Station, 6: 114 John Putnam (b. 1866), 6: 86; 7: 88, 99, agriculture in Virginia, 4: 12, 24-5, 40 103, 118-19, 120, 131 Ajacan (aboriginal land), 8: 96 Liz, Otey's cousin, 7: 88, 131 AKERS, LL, killed in battle 1864, 4: llO Richard Henry (1841-1896), 6: 124 Alabama, 4: 67, 69; 5: 23, 66; Richard Putnam, an owner of Kentland Alaska, 4: 126 ; 9: 56 Farm, 6: 126; 7: 117 Albany, NY, 5: 8, 12-I3 Thomas Kent, an owner or Kentland Albemarle Farm, 6: 126 County, VA, 1: 63, 75; 4: 26, 84 ADDAMS, Jane, educational reformer, 6: 47 Courthouse, 5: 17 Adelbert College, Ohio, 2: 70 Sound, NC, 3: 37 Adena culture. 4: I 28, I 32-3 ADKINS (Atkins) ALBERT family. 1: 57, 58 ALDERMAN, E. A., president, Univ. Virginia, 1: 50 family, of Newport, VA, 1: 18 81 INDEX TO VOLUMES I THROUGH X ALEXANDER (ALLICKSANDER),John D., ANDERSON, continued Confederate captain, 8: 19 Joseph Mason, VP.I. class of 1909, 7: 97 ALGER, Horatio, 8: 41 Thomas, slave in "cavalcade", 5: 38-40 Algonquian Powhatans, 4: 137 Anderson and Borden, manufactured Otey's Allegheny (Alleghany) cultivator, 7: 100 Chapter of the NSDAR, 7: 54 Andersonville (military prison), 9: 14 County, VA, 3: 64; 4: 94 Angels Rest Mountain, Giles County, VA, 2: 67 Hotel, 7: 89 animism, 4: 138, 140-2 Mountains, 2: 10; 4: 19-20; 5: 6, 23, 34, 38-9 Ann, Fort, New York, 5: 11 Ridge, 2: 10-11 Antietam (battlefield), MD, 9: 8, 11 Springs, VA, 3: 48; 10: 34 Antiques Road Show, The, 10: 40 trans-, 4: 14, 25 anti-slavery movement, 4: 15-16 Allegiance, Oath of, +: 117 ANTOINETTE, Queen Marie, 10: 28 ALLEN Apoplexy, 3: 63 Ann (Mrs. T.), visited Otey, 7: 117 Appalachia, 4: 2, 67-70, 73-4, 77-9; 5: 23-45; 7: 135 Mrs., Lizzie Black's wedding guest, 6: 87 Appalachia: A History, 7: 4, 135-9 Richard, Bishop, 10: 55-6 Appalachian ALEX, Liz "Lizzie", Alexander Black's cook, 6: 108 Indian cultures. 4: 128 "Alex" -see Alexander Black Mountains, 2: 78-9; 4: 7, 133; 5: 66 ALEXANDER, Mr., 2: 44 region,+: 134, 139, 143, 155-6; 7: 135 Alexander Black house, 7: 78, 116 Regional Commission, 4:67; 7: 135, 137-8 Alexandria, VA, 5: 28-9, 67, 71; 9: 4 Southern,4:68, 127, 139 "Alliance"-see Farmer's Alliance State University, 7: 135 "Allie" -see Alexander Black Studies Association, 7: 137-8 ALLISON, Capt., wounded, August 1864, 4: 110 Trail, 4: 67, 80 Altavista Booker Building, 6: 20 APPERSON ALWOOD, William Bradford, V.A.M.C. agriculture, families, 6: 104 6: 114-15, 118,-19, 126 Harvey Black (1890-1948), Dr.John S.'s son, AM&O, see Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio Railroad 7: 129-30 Amazon, British battleship, 5: 8 John S., Dr. (1837-1908), 6: 86-7, 127; 7: 129 AMBLER, Charles Henry, historian, 4: 10 Kent, (1892-1945)7: 86 AME, see African American Methodist Church Miss, John S.'s daughter, 6: 87 America, -n, 10: 6, 25, 27-8, 50 Apperson Park, Blacksburg, VA, 7: 86 Colonization Society, 4: 49 Appomattox, VA, 2: 88; 5: 68, 87; 9: 14 Methodism, 10: 54, 56 apportionment,4: 9, 13-14, 18, 20-1, 27, 70-1 political party, 4: 17 APVA =Association for the Preservation of Revolution, see Revolution, American Virginia Antiquities Viscose Plant, 1917, 3: 48 ARBUTHNOT, Elizabeth "Bessie" (b. 1871), m. Bell, American 6: 120, 123;7:89 journal of Science, 2: 65 Archaeological Society of Virginia, 6: 24; 9: 60 Knives, 10: 41 archaeological Review, The, 7: 30 studies, Southwestern VA,+: 3-4, 125-51; 8: 77-8 Amherst County, VA, 2: 41-2; 3: 6; 4: 84; 5: 32; time periods, 9: 59-60 10: 21, 23 Archaic Period, 4: 127-30, 138; 9: 60 AMISS Archey (slave), 4: 54, 63 Edwin I., Blacksburg attorney, 9: 19, 52 ARGABRIGHT, ARGABRITE Lewis, purchased Blacksburg lots 16 & 17, 2: 20 family, 2: 15 Amiss Hotel, Blacksburg, 7: 123 Wesley, purchased Blacksburg lot 41, 1840, Amos, friend ofT. Raney, 8: 23 2: 21; 9: 51 ANBUREY, Lt., British prisoner, 5: 16 William, purchased Blacksburg lots 45, 46, 47, "Anchor and Hope" estate on Reed Creek, Pulaski 1827 2: 9, 14, 21; 9: 51 County, VA, l: 11 "Argus", newsletter regarding Campbell/Shelby ANDERSON controversy, 7: 31-3 Edward Randolph, V.P.l. class of 1912, 7: 97 ARMENTROUT, Frances (1843-1925), m.Joe Eldred, Rev.,mid 1800s, 8: 11, 13, 22 Linkous, 6: 84 Frank McDaniel, V.P.l. class of 1912, 7: 97 ARMFIELD, John, slave trader, 5: 28-9 82 INDEX TO VOLUMES I THROUGH X ARMISTEAD B family papers, 2: 60 B&O, see Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Maria Carter, papers of, 2: 60 Back Creek Armory, Blacksburg, 9: 25 Bath County, VA, 3: 53, 58, 62-4, 69-70, 72, 78; Armstrong Creek (battlefield), 9: 10 4: 37-8, 46-7, 51, 56-9, 63 Army of Cloyd estate, near Dublin, VA, built by Col.Joseph, the New River (Confederate), 9: 10 1790, 6: 106, 120 Northern Virginia, 3: 12, 76 in Pulaski County, VA, 3: 77-8 the Potomac (Union), 9: 11 Mountain, 4: 59 Tennessee, 8: 18 Backcountry, see frontier ARNOLD, Benedict, 5: 9 "back settlements" (region of "Old South"), 4: 69 ARNOW, Harriette, author of 4: 79 The Dollmaher, Baer family papers, 2: 63 ARONHIME, Gordon, historian, 7: 42-3 BAILEY, BAILY arrowheads, see also projectile points, 9: 67 Asher, wounded August 1864, 4: 110 ASBURY, Francis, bishop, circuit rider, 7: 139; Joshua, raised money for Christiansburg 10: 50 Institute, 6: 52, 54 Ashe County, VA, 4: 115 Baily Morris Hall, Christiansburg Institute, 6: 39, Ashley River, SC, 4: 80 49, 53-5 "Association"-see Virginia Baptist General BAKER, Howard, U.S. Senator, 7: 138 Association "Bal"-seeJames Ballard Shepherd Association for the Preservation of Virginia Balcony Falls, on James River, 6: 16-17 Antiquities, 6: 2, 123; 7: 3, 23-6, 53-4, 57; Bald Knob, near Mountain Lake, VA, 6: 115 8: 31, 36-7; 10: 42 BALDWIN ATKINS, see also Adkins Cary Marx (1858-1935), m. Hugh Caperton Fred, captured in Civil War, 4: 104 Preston, 7: 49, 58, 61-3, 67, 69-70 Jim, traded sheep, August 1890, 6: 119 John B., delegate, Virginia assembly, 4: 24; Atlanta, GA, 2: 69; 8: 26 5:87 Atlantic Judge Briscoe, owner of Spring Hill Fann, 1: 5 coast, 4: 136 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 5: 79 Mississippi & Ohio Railroad, 5: 68, 70, 75, ballad(s ), folk, 9: 27-4 2 79-80, 89 Baltimore, MD, 2: 69; 4: 12, 24-5; 36,67, 69-70, Ocean, 4: 7, 126 86,88,92 Creoles, 4: 154-6 Conference of the AME, 10: 57, 66 atlat~4: 130, 142;9:64 Conference of the MECS, 10: 52, 61 Augusta County, VA, 1: 5, 10; 2: 8, 29, 46, 53; Conference, 3: 68 3: 42, 69, 85-6; 4: 24-5, 83, 103; 5: 26, 34, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 4: 12, 16, 108; 5: 67- 65-89; 30; 102; 10: 2, 77-80 7: 9: 72, 86-95 "Aunt Criss" -see Christina Kyle Baltimore Sun, 8: 42 "Aunt Margie"-see Margaret Gordon Kent Bandera, notary, 8: 85 AUSTIN Bane family house, plantation, 6: 105, 118, 121-2, Moses, Stephen F Austin's father, 2: 81 131-2 Stephen, Moses's brother, 2: 81 Bank of Blacksburg, 6: 87-8 Stephen Moses's son, 2: 81 F, Bannister Parish, Pittsylvania County, VA, 7: 61 Austinville, VA, 3: 76; 9: 81 Baptist Church lead mines, 2: 76-89; 3: 76 Blacksburg, 7: 94, 98 zinc mining, 2: 88 of Kentucky, 7: 29 Automobiles, impact on Bottom Creek, 3: 48 BARBER, Michael B., archaeologist, 3: 85; 8: 78; AVERELL, William, Union general, 2: 76, 86 9:61, 74; 10:46 Averill's cavalry, 4: 108 BARBOUR, James, delegate from Culpeper, 4: 25 awl, bone, 9: 77 BARFIELD, Eugene B., archaeologist, 3: 85; 8: 78; ax( es), 4: 130 9: 62, 74 AYERS, Edward, historian, 10: 2, 77-80 BARGER, BARGUER family, 2: 6; 8: 33 Casper, killed at Draper's Meadow, 2: 7; 7: 7, 17 Philip, killed in Indian raid at Sinking Creek, 1: 7- 8; 7: 9-10 83 INDEX TO VOLUMES I THROUGH X BARGER,BARGUER, continued Battle of, continued William, part ownerofBlacksburg lot, 1830, 2: 21 Hanging Rock, VA, 9: 14 BARLOW, Gordon, 10: 46 Hawk's Nest, WV, 9: 9 BARNES, Raymond, 6: 19 King's Mountain, 1: 14-15; 7: 3, 27-9, 33-9; BARNETT 10: 2, 5-13, 15 Fannie, Otey's neighbor, 6: 128 Leetown, WV, 9: 14 Henry C., Otey'sneighbor,6: 128; 7: 91 Lewisburg, WV, May 1862, 9: 10 Barnett farm, along New River, VA, 6: 128 Loup Creek, WV, 9: 10 BARNWELL, Nathaniel, letters fromJohn Smith Lynchburg, VA, 9: 14 Preston, 2: 59 Malvern Hill, 9: 8 BARRETT, Marian Amelia ( 1904-1984), Middle Creek, KY, 8: 9 m.
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