Inventory of volume 16. Lady Annie Brassey Photograph Collection, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California Sixteen ..... Page One Ve,rl Dyk~ e~ttached la The originEtl :srass shack which \vas the fi!'st \TolcB.-DO Eouse Hotel,rir.:: of Kiluea voltra.y~.o, islaYlc1 of tlS,;,7aii, 1'1..0.• , TI. ~0hotog., o'Tal 21hot.o n H 5 x 7 • Ib A "{Tolaano ''"1f'intin~, pTob2.. bly Kiluee, by Jules Tavernier* n.d., TI. unouog.,.v, . ~ '" 1_, /S"r X?.2- .... " '" 28. Lgva flow he8.din.:p: tovlarc1s Hj.lo, Hawaj.. ~t perh8/~s 1884 cr 1887 .. n. :0hotog",9 1/8n x 6 3/4n .. 2b Rainbow }I'alls to the rear of the ci ty o~ Hilo, Hawaii, n.d .. , n. 1Jhotog.,9 1/8a x 6 5/8n • 3 !!"odel of a double outrigger canoe and in front a single out:rigger canoe.. Gauoes 8.re c2yllec1 ·VAl,.. ::"l .. d.,. n .. p~","·"ho+oC1" Lr ~.:::>. 'J 9 -"-,,4 X 6 '/R"j '--' .. A v-voman i:1. riding hgbi t caJ..led a E'A 'U--a are.wing either by Bur~ess or Enoch "'iood TlerrJl-. nsd .. , n ~hoto~ 7/St! -~ .. .i::-'-- ~.)., 8" x 4' , , . 4b Native type 'weE':,ri'ng a heed lei of -vvhi te ginger blossoms and a neck lei of the same. The leaves are fragrant and I!luch :?rized even tod.ay called HT:TAII.En., n .. d.., ~J.L.. ~"ho~o~\.) ....1. u t:) .. , 6-"-"2 x Qv 3/11"/, • 'Dosed studio -r,ortrF;..i t of nat:Lve t~.'""0es 8-S they would be sitti.ng at 8. nati\.Te i"es.st c2vlled 2, !tluauit.,The wooden bowls are of Xoi wood. nlld .. , n .. 1Jhotog .. , H ll 078,1 ?hoto 5 X 7 .. 50 E8."?!!2.iian i:~i" 2.. flor~l ~atterned "9iece I have seen. <.,ri['nip in hand.. of '.'Ihalebone--iyory Lei is of fr8.J!.T8.nt IITAI1E)I Lei in hair is yelJovv I:=:::U,~A. tl ned., D .. ~hotog .. ,6 3/8?t X 8 3/4 • 6a Posed. studio Dortrai t of .s. female and ·('18.1e hula de~:ncer--V\ioman"" is same 8.S in above (?) 9hoto .. Holding gourd-fe8.ther f.·:tnd coconut shell rattles called.. 1ILI-ULI$ \Vearing yellow ILIT,.'lA leis. n.d. J n. photog., Oval phot 0 5 n x Tin" 6b Em~jeror Norton of San Framcisco is known to have come to Hawaii--if this is he it is a great find.! Note dogs, he always had two or t~"lree .. BlLTDmer and Lazarlls.. (I do not thj_nk this is Eo:rton,) ·:~?:J...~N .. !J.• d .. , Yl. -yhotog., 6 .;l":.3 --',;"y 8 -'1,;/4" .. ~a Five Hawaiian 'llen,perha:ps members of the leeislature or a government office. n,d.., n .. photog .. , \ 17b 'Posed studio 1Jhoto of hula d.ancer .. TI:e famed grQ~_ss skirt did not a~)pear for several years. n .. d. ,:tl. photog .. , 7a Posed studio nhoto of ~?AHU d..ru...i"TI. dancers (gourds). L/ Lady Brassey Collection ...... Volv..r'TI6 Sixteen ..... :?a[;e Two 8b Two native tYT16S--8. vroman and her daughter. i .... f'I.t...- 1 n .J...n n~ "f).i.:.v vOt:, .. , 5 2" X 7, 2 • 9a The Reef or Oahu Prison built in lew-eli district of Honolulu in 1857. Site later of Love's Bakery-- Salvation Army ~[!hrift Shop site 1977. n" dOl, n. photog., 8 3/4" x 6 5/8". 9b Honolulu from the harbour. Right center roof and tower of Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Tower to left extreme ta~lest--Bngine Go. Ho 4 Fire Dept at junction of Union and Hotel Street.. Beyond (2 blocks awc,-y) the tower of l=i'ort Street Church at Fort and Britannia Streets. ]JIuch of the foreground VVE~S filled in through the years,the Y1ew (1977) Federal Buildj_ng v{oulcl be at the bottom o~ the photo .. , n. ds, n. photog", 8 3/4" x 6 3/8". lea The city of Kailua-Kona!' ECJ\;'Iaii. TV10 story building with a balcony was built as the resmdence of Governor Kuakini in the 1830's. Later the residence of Princess Ruth--nOVlT a museum called HlTLrL~E '?alace. lOb A vievi! from the HReeff~ or Prison looking up Nuuanu Valley-towards the ?R-li. The low hill on the right is ?acific Heights -full of homes in 1977. lla Honolulu Harbour from the "Reef" looking towards 7raikiki -in the greag distance is Diamond Head. This area at bottom ~vas filled-in n the lSeOs 2~nd became the TIl@"in terminus of t~:.~e Oahu Railv~lay and Land Co ....ti~t the left Nu-u..anu Stree"11l enters the picture, n.d., n. photog., 8 3/4n x 6 in .. lIb This is the in:mecl.iate left portion of "9hOto no 124, (lOb) in the front of the -oris)Yl kr.:.ovrD. as the HReei'n. This are1::;" in ancient time vIas called LELEO. ',Vhere the two-story house i§ in t~~e right !Jo:rti on this is the i~tersection of K.ng and Be~etania Streets. Of modern times. T~e two:"story residence was built by and lived in by 'rr.T. Ra~Nlins who hacl 3, tal2-oV'l and soa1! vlorks factory to the ri:t::ht. TIs d. ,n. !:Jhotog., 8 3/4" x 6 3/8". 12a To the left the Rawlins home again. Homes mostly of native Havv2..,iians. T~~ken as "part of th.e :nanorarna from H tl1.e Prison lmovm as the I1Reef • 12b Building in centre of photo is the old Customs House building occu!)ied in the u-pper story by J. !vlort If- to, 08.t ,1 Sailnaker. He rJll8.S later Postcaster General of Hawaii .. rrO\ver to the left centre is from Honolulu Iron ':YorKs" Land filled in to most of ocean area in later years. Stone buiJ_ding to right is C. Bretj1ler and COffi:pany l-u..mber and stora-ge shed.n .. d., (ca .. l870)? "no uhotog.,8 7/8" x 6 3/8". 13a Bleak uncultivated PUYlchbovvl .. To le£,t eclge the "Da.rlifL~ent or Legislative ~Stlilcling built in 1812 by Lady Brassey Collection .... Volulne Sixteen .... ~ ?ar~e T,~lree 13a cont td.. K~ng J{~t:8ehameh8, V .. [·Jow (1977) State Court .:-:totise .. Kawaiahao Church with the tower v'it.!.ich was not ori' the church long.. That is the 'Hhi te wooden '_area 8,OOV8 the clock. La.'Yld fill i:l bottom f:~Jrea in later time. At the DY'esent (1977) this ocean area Wc>S filled in and the new Federal Building 'lJouid ap'.·qear at the bottom of the :page j,.TI ~he s~"'Ue vie\v today. n.d .. , n. l!ho~og .. , 8 7/8'" x 6 tn. 13b Corner of :B'lort and Hotel Street in Honolulu .. Hale '[!ai Kii(The House of Pictures or 1?hotos) was run by Ghase, l\lontano and then Burgess .. Ivlost of these photos v'Jere taken by Chase .. Movine lJ_p the street tovvarcls the stee-ple the large clum:p of irrees was the residence of Reverend Spmuel I,'~,ills Da::n .. on, "9ublisher of t~e l11 Useanens nev,.Ts·oa-per, "The Friend .. The steeple is on Fort Street Church. The long roof to the riGht center is on the Roman Catholic Church. The white gable just to the front of it wit~: the r,7~ndo~vs is the residence of Alfred de Forrest Cartwright, his brother ...G... lex8-::1der Jay Cartwright lived a block avvay-he it v'lill be reme~bered is the man ~&w acknowled~ed and credited 'i~r..:t"h -F' 'Y1~'"Y\""'" tbo 0'<""> o-f BAS"RB·l\~"'{" '--rn c:. i 1 -~r-"-' tv...!.. '.l._ .•. 0 ch_nJ.. .. u.:"', ;.L..... ,:.;o.m...... 0 .... :1. •• ..:J ,.. nL.u. .L. re vs _n ..LO~, e .... right are P8,paia .. Those at t,he bottom center are- Pride of Indla.n.d., n.:?hotog.,8 7/8n x 6 tn. 14a By ~lacin,g 132-133 (13b-14a) to.gether you continue a panorama.. The house \vi th the man;T gables is the Dowsett-Itrlonsar:rat resi de:::ce. Ioight roof at the head of the street to the left, a phaTIn~cy ana disyens~TY built about 1842 fOT Dr. Thomas Charles Byde Rooke, father of Queen Ern.ma, consort of KamehaTrreha IV. ~he to\ver is on ~':ngine Gomnany No. 4 of the Fire De1)2:.:rtrne:r.,t to ~~h~ s is Uni on ~)-:::::-'€'?t. The hori_zontal street is Hotel Street .. 1'1;8 mov.ntai::1 to ··C:~e rear is Punchbovl,Tl .. In 1950 the interior became the National Memorial Cemetery of tr~e ?acific" A magnificent eX8,TI1lJle ~ k ~f' ' - - .. r OI a \.JUI_-cone vOl-canaen.ct., n. pno""(;og., 8 '"'/8'"I, 'x 0 "41. " .. 14b Iola:gi l?alace built in the late 18308 as the residence of K~nP.",' Kamehameha III by Kamehameha IV, V, IJunalilo, aDd KElaka.ua 'Nho in 1879-80 began construction of the Italianate ouilc1ine noV'! being restored. as g llUS8U.ill in 1 r-.ry'7 - ~ - 1 """''':'''O!Y' I'< '"'!St. r-1. H ,..l.. 'j Ii. n. d. .. , n.. p.nv u ,~_-,., 'oJ r '" . X 04 • 15a The corner of Ki ne: Street and "!'lO:i:izontal is PlL."1chbowl Street. Kawai_8,hao Church with wooden stee~le, later removed small fence just inside the gate is the fence surrounding the tomb of KIng J.iunalilo which is jlJ~st Ol.lj" of the'· y.;icture to the ri,ght co To the left at gree.t distance are the fences surroundin~~ the "mission homes!?.
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