.. 1892. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 5071 tion of the House of Representatives, disagreeing to the a.mend­ CORRECTION. mentsof the Senate to the bill(H. R. '7093)makingappropriations Mr. DICKERSON. Mr. Speaker, I am recorded as notvoting for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June ~0, 1893, and on page 5046 of the RECORD. I wish to state that I was at that for other purposes, and asking a conference with the Senate on time engaged by order of the House in the Committee on Bank­ the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. ing and Currency in pursuance of an investigation proceeding Mr. COCKRELL. I move that the Senateinsistonitsamend­ before that committee, it having permission to hold its sessions ments and agree to the conference asked by the House. during the sittings of the House. If I had been present I should The motion was agreed to. have voted "no" on the several motions for recess and to ad­ By unanimous consent, the President pro tempore was author­ journ. ized to appoint the conferees on the part of the Senate; and Mr. ANTIOPTION BILL. HALE, Mr. ALLISON, and GORMAN were appointed. Mr. HATCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and REPORT OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 21 pass the bill (H. R. 7845) defining "options'~ and "futures, im­ The PRESIDENT pro temp(Yre laid before the Senate a. com­ posing special taxes on dealers therein, and requiring such deal­ munication from the secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, ers and persons engaged in selling certain products to obtain transmitting, in accordance with the act of incorporation of the license, and for other purposes. ~ American Historical Association, the annual report of that as­ Mr. TAYLOR of illinois. I rise fo r the pur pose of demanding sociation for the year 1891; which, with the accompanying pa­ a second to the motion. per ~, was ordered to lie on the table and be printed. Mr. HENDERSON of Iowa. That can not be done now I COAHUILLA MISSION INDIANS OF CALIFORNIA. think. He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec­ The SPEAKER. The bill will be read first , after which the retary of the Interior, transmitting, in response to a resolution Chair will ask for a second. of the Senate of the 26th ultimo, a communication of the 2d instant The bill was read, as follows: from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and its inclosures; Be it enacted, etc., That for the purposes of this act the word " options •· which, on motion of Mr. VEST, was ordered to lie on the table shall be understood to mean any contract or agreement whereby a party thereto, or any party for whom or in whose behalf such contract or agree­ and be printed. ment 1s made, acquires the right or privilege, but is not thereby obligated, CO:MMITTEE SERVICE. to deliver to another or others, at a future time or within a designated pe.­ riod, any of the articles mentioned in section 3 of this act. Mr. BRICE. I respectfully ask that the Senate relieve me SEc. 2. That for the purposes o! this act the word "futures" sha.ll. be under­ from further service upon the Committee on Post-Offices and stood to mean any contract or agreement where by a party contracts or agrees Post-Roads. to sell and deliver to another or others at a future time, or within a desig­ nated period, any o! the articles mentioned in section 3 of this act, when at The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Ohio asks the time of making such contract or agreement the party so contracting or that the Senate excuse him from further service upon the Com­ agreeing to sell and make such delivery, or the party for whom he acts as mittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Is there objection? The agent, broker, or employ6 in making such contract or agreement, is not the owner of the article or articles so contracted ox agreed to be sold and deliv­ Chair hears none, and the request is ~ranted. ered, or has not theretofore acquired by purchase, and is not then entitled to Mr. HARRIS. I ask that the Cha1r fill the vacancies on the the right to the future possession o! such article or articles under and by various committees occasioned by the death of the Senator from virtue of a contract or agreement for the sale and future delivery thereof previously made by the owner thereof: Provided, however, That no pro-vision Virginia, Mr. Barbour, and also the- vacancy occasioned by ex­ or requirement of this act shall apply to any contract or agreement for the cusing the S:mator from Ohio [Mr. BRICE} from service upon the future delivery of any of said art1cles made for and in behalf of the United Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. States, or of any State, Territory, county, or municipa.lity, with the duly authorized o:tncers or agents thereof, nor to any contract or agreement made The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to the re­ by any farmer or plante:r: for the sale aM. delivery at a fUture time, or within quest of the Senator 'from Tennessee? The Chair hears none. a designated period, of any o:l' said articles belonging to said farmer or planter The ChairappointstheSenator fromOhio [Mr. BRICE]asamem­ at the time of making such contract or agreement, and which have been grown or produced, or at said time are in actual course of growth or pro· b er of the Committee on InterstateCommerce, to fill the vacancy duction, on land owned or occupied by such farmer or planter; nor to any caused by the death of Mr. Barbour, late a Senator from Vir- contract or agreement made with any farmer or planter to fUrnish and de­ liver to such farmer or planter at a future time, or within a designited. period, any of said articles which are required as food, forage, or set>d by such g~~~ Chair appoints the Senator from Virginia [Mr. HUNTON] farmer or planter, his tenants, or employes. as a member of the following committees: District of Columbia, SEC. 3. That the articles to which the foregoing sections relate are raw EducationandLabor, SelectCommittee toinvestigate Condition or unmanufactured cotton, hops, wheat, corn, oats, ry6, barley, grass seeds, flaxseed, pork, lard, bacon, and other edible product of swine. of PotomacRiverFrontofWashington;and to Establish the Uni­ SEC. 4. That special taxes are imposed as foliows: Every dealer in "op· ver.:;ity of the United States, to fill vacancies caused by the death tions ,. or "futures," as hereinbefore defined in this act, shall pay annually of Mr. Barbour, lat9 a Senator from Virginia. the sum of $1,000 as a. license fee for conducting such business, and shall also pay the further sum of 5 cents per pound for each and every pound of The Chair aDpoints the Senator from Virginia [Mr. HUNTON] raw or unmanufactured cotton, hops, pork, lard, bacon, or other edible as a member of the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to product of swine, and the sum of 20 cents per bushel for each and eveu­ fill the v.acancy caused by the resignation from said committee bushel of any of the other articles mentioned in section 3 of this act, the right or privilege of delivering which to another or others at a future time, I- of the Senator from Ohio [Mr. BRICE]. or within a designated period, m.a.y be acquired by such dealer in his own Mr. MITCHELL. I move that the Senate do now adjourn. behalf or in behalf of another or othel'S under any «options " contract or The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock and 25 minutes p. agreement as defined by section 1 of this act, or under any "futures" con­ tract or agreement as defined in section 2 of this act, or under any transfer I m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, June 7,1892, or a.s&ignment of any such "options" or "futures" contract or agreement: at 12 o'clock m. which said amount or amounts shall be paid to the collector of internal revenue, as hereinbefore provided, and by him accounted for as required in respect to other special taxes collected by him. EYery person, association. copartnership, or corporation who shall in their own behalf, or as agent, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. broker, or employ6 ol another or others, deal in "options .. or make any "options" contract or agreement as hereinbefore defined, or make any 1\IOND.A.Y, June 6, 1892. transfer or assign:m.ent of any such "futures" contract or agreement, shall be deemed a dealer in "options ; " and every person. association, copartner­ The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. Prayer by the Chaplain, ship, or corporation who shall in their own behalf, or as agent, broker, or Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. employ6 of another or others, deal in "futures" or make any "futures •· contract or agreement as hereinbefore defined, or make any transfer or as­ The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read the Journal of the pro­ signment of any such "futures" contract or ag1·eement, shall be deemed a ceedings of Saturday. dealer in "futures." Mr. COOPER. I raise the point of order that there is no SEQ. 5. That ev-ery person. association, copartnel'Ship, or corpm-ation en­ gaged in, or proposing to engage in, the business of dealer in •·options" or quorum present, M1·.
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