E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1999 No. 34 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE In this environment, it made sense to pro- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the vide a disincentive to an older generation of pore (Mr. HEFLEY). gentleman from Oregon (Mr. WU) come workers to remain in the work force. The gov- f forward and lead the House in the ernment would take care of this older genera- Pledge of Allegiance. tion by ensuring a level of financial support we DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Mr. WU led the Pledge of Allegiance now call a social insurance system. In turn, PRO TEMPORE as follows: new positions for younger workers were cre- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ated, giving them the wherewithal to become fore the House the following commu- United States of America, and to the Repub- financially independent from government as- nication from the Speaker: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, sistance. Taxes from these workers would be- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. WASHINGTON, DC, come the mechanism to fund the benefits pay- March 4, 1999. f ments to the retirees. I hereby appoint the Honorable JOEL ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Sixty-five years later, it is time to revisit the HEFLEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on PRO TEMPORE premise underlying this penalty. With record this day. low unemployment rates, the annual earnings The SPEAKER pro tempore. The J. DENNIS HASTERT, limit is an outdated disincentive that we cannot Speaker of the House of Representatives. Chair wishes to announce that the one- afford to keep. We need the expertise and f minutes will be limited to 15 on each side. wisdom that these workers can provide, but we make it punitive to compensate them for PRAYER f this value. It is time we change this provision The Chaplain, Reverend James David REMOVING SOCIAL SECURITY of the Social Security Act. The Senior Citizens Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- EARNINGS TEST Freedom to Work Act of 1999 does exactly er: (Mr. KUYKENDALL asked and was that and addresses one of the most unfair pro- We are grateful, O God, for the many visions of all, the penalty for working. I urge all blessings that have come from Your given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend of my colleagues to join me in supporting this hand, and we begin this day with ap- his remarks.) important, and long overdue, piece of legisla- preciation for the gift of friendship. Mr. KUYKENDALL. Mr. Speaker, I tion. With our families and with our col- rise today to urge Members' support of f leagues, there can be that kind of rela- a piece of legislation that will be intro- tionship that transcends all the divi- duced shortly in the House. That legis- SCHOOL MODERNIZATION sions of position or responsibility, that lation is called the Senior Citizens' surmounts the differences that sepa- Freedom to Work Act of 1999 and it re- (Mr. WU asked and was given permis- rate people from each other. For moves the earnings limitations that sion to address the House for 1 minute friends who support us when the day is now exist in our Social Security laws. and to revise and extend his remarks.) done, we offer our praise. For friends For 1999, this limit penalizes retirees Mr. WU. Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak who encourage us when we are discour- with above $9,600 in earnings. For ex- in favor of school modernization. In aged, we offer thanks. For friends who ample, if the Social Security recipient communities like Astoria in Oregon, forgive when we miss the mark and for is under the age of 65 and they earn there are elementary schools with only friends who stand near us when we are $20,000, they would lose $5,200 from one electrical plug in each classroom. alone, we offer these words of gratitude their Social Security benefit. It is a No new elementary schools have been and thanksgiving. This is our earnest little better if you are age 65 to 69. built there since 1927. This is simply prayer. Amen. Then you would only lose about $3,500 not an adequate 21st century learning f in your Social Security benefits. environment. This restriction on outside earnings In my congressional district, commu- THE JOURNAL dates back to the original Social Secu- nities like Astoria and McMinnville The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rity law. In 1935, unemployment in the need the resources to modernize school Chair has examined the Journal of the United States exceeded 25 percent, net buildings and provide schools with up- last day's proceedings and announces new business investment was a nega- to-date technological tools. In other to the House his approval thereof. tive $55 billion, and national wages had rapidly growing communities such as Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- declined from $50 billion in 1929 to $30 Beaverton and Hillsboro, schools are nal stands approved. billion. suffering from that growth. There, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H959 . H960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 4, 1999 classroom overcrowding creates dif- But what they are going to do is they minute and to revise and extend his re- ficult learning environments and exac- are going to take away the interest. So marks.) erbates student discipline problems. working men and women in this coun- Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, the Schools there need the resources to ex- try pay in their hard-earned dollars President's budget is fraudulent. That pand and maintain education quality. through the FICA tax into Social Secu- seems to be the devastating verdict of Congress can make it more afford- rity, it earns interest that they are the nonpartisan Congressional Budget able for local school districts to refur- supposed to be the beneficiaries of, and Office. CBO took a look at the Presi- bish old school facilities and construct along come the Republicans and they dent's budget and they were appalled new school buildings by paying the in- are going to steal the interest. at what they saw. Double counting, terest on local school bonds designated I hope America is watching closely slick accounting, arithmetic gym- for construction and repair of school when this legislation comes to the nastics, things like this have not been facilities. The agenda is clear but it re- floor, because while they say they are seen since the advent of rain forest quires a real commitment by Congress. going to protect the principal, lo and math and faddish politically correct We must work hard to meet that chal- behold we see that JOHN KASICH and schools. lenge. others have a proposal to take it and Social Security is not saved. In fact, f use it for tax cuts or to take it and use Social Security would remain insol- it for spending proposals that they vent despite the figures the President's BREAST AND CERVICAL CANCER have. If you are going to protect Social budget says looks good on paper. And TREATMENT ACT OF 1999 Security, you got to protect the prin- spending busts the spending caps that (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was cipal and the interest. Congress worked so hard to pass only 2 given permission to address the House f short years ago. Spending goes up, way for 1 minute and to revise and extend LET US WORK TOGETHER TO SAVE up. And so the security of Social Secu- her remarks.) SOCIAL SECURITY rity goes down, way down. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, it One would think that the White (Mr. HAYWORTH asked and was is estimated that this year alone ap- House would avoid this kind of slick given permission to address the House proximately 44,000 women will lose accounting. Double counting of imagi- for 1 minute and to revise and extend their lives to breast cancer and an ad- nary money is guaranteed to get them his remarks.) ditional 15,000 will die from cervical in trouble with the CBO and all other cancer. As these treacherous diseases Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, did you hear the one about the liberal who budget analysts and economists. Con- continue to spread in women, research- gress is eager, though, to work with ers work diligently in hopes of finding markets the politics of fear? I am reminded by the previous speak- the President to stick with our historic a cure for cancerous cells and in hopes er that in this Chamber, 2 years ago, balanced budget agreement. But the of providing solutions to improve and we heard that the elderly would be President's budget just does not pass extend the lives of cancer patients. Yet thrown into the streets and that the straight face test. Mr. Speaker, we with all this new technology and new schoolchildren would be starved. That need to go back to work. medications, scores of low-income just was not true. And yet in the name women, mothers, daughters and wives, of political hyperbole and fear, the lib- f will never know the benefits of this erals pull out the only card they know new research because they simply can- to market, to try and scare the H-E- EDUCATION not afford treatment for their poten- double-hockey-sticks out of seniors.
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