Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Panel Date: Wednesday 11 November 2009 Time: 2:00pm Venue: Edwards Room, County Hall, Norwich Persons attending the meeting are requested to turn off mobile phones. Membership Mr J Carswell (Chairman) Mr R Bearman (Spokesperson) Ms D Irving Mr B Borrett Mr M Kiddle-Morris Mr B Bremner (Spokesperson) Mr W Nunn Miss C Casimir (Vice-Chairman) Mr M Scutter (Spokesperson) Mrs D Clarke Mr B Spratt Mr G Cook Mrs A Thomas Mr T Garrod Mr P Wells Mr B Hannah Mr A Wright Parent Governor Representatives Mr P East Dr L Poliakoff Church Representatives Mrs J O’Connor Mr A Mash Non-Voting School’s Forum Representative Mrs B Carrington Non-Voting Cabinet Member Mrs S Hutson Non-Voting Deputy Cabinet Member Mr I Mackie Education Non-Voting Co-opted Advisors Mrs S Cooke Primary Education Mr P Large Secondary Education Mr L Poulson Post-16 Education Mrs H Rowlinson Special Schools Mr M Sale Norfolk Governors Network For further details and general enquiries about this Agenda please contact the Committee Officer: Kristen Jones on 01603 223053 or email [email protected] A g e n d a 1 To receive apologies and details of any substitute members attending 2 Minutes To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Children’s (Page 1) Services Overview & Scrutiny Panel held on 16 September 2009. 3 Members to Declare any Interests Please indicate whether the interest is a personal one only or one which is prejudicial. A declaration of a personal interest should indicate the nature of the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. In the case of a personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter. Please note that if you are exempt from declaring a personal interest because it arises solely from your position on a body to which you were nominated by the County Council or a body exercising functions of a public nature (e.g. another local authority), you need only declare your interest if and when you intend to speak on a matter. If a prejudicial interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed unless members of the public are allowed to make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter, in which case you may attend the meeting for that purpose. You must immediately leave the room when you have finished or the meeting decides you have finished, if earlier. These declarations apply to all those members present, whether the member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area. 4 To receive any items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency 5 Public Question Time Fifteen minutes for questions from members of the public of which due notice has been given. Please note that all questions must be received by the Committee Officer by 5pm on Friday 6 November 2009. Please submit your question(s) to the person named on the front of this agenda. For guidance on submitting public questions, please view the Council Constitution, Appendix 10, Council procedure rules. www.norfolk.gov.uk/reviewpanelquestions 6 Local Member Issues/Member Questions Fifteen minutes for local members to raise issues of concern of which due notice has been given. Please note that all questions must be received by the Committee Officer by 5pm on Friday 6 November 2009. Please submit your question(s) to the person named on the front of this agenda. 7 Cabinet Member Feedback 8 Demonstration of Foster Carers web systems Scrutiny Items 9 Scrutiny Programme (Page 11) Report by the Director of Children’s Services Review Items 10 Children’s Services Performance Quarter 2 2009-10 Report by (Page 15) the Director of Children’s Services 11 Children’s Services Financial Monitoring Report 2009/10 as at (Page 36) 30 September 2009 Report by the Director of Children’s Services 12 Service and Budget Planning 2010-13 (Page 45) Report by the Director of Children’s Services and Head of Finance 13 Review of Subsidised Letting Charges (Page 73) Report by the Director of Children’s Services 14 School Organisation Issues: 3-year Junior Clusters (Page 81) and Cringleford CEVA Primary Report by the Director of Children’s Services 15 Consultation on a set of principles to consider when investing in (Page 110) Norfolk Schools for the 21st Century Report by the Director of Children’s Services 16 Strategy for Special Educational Needs (SEN): Complex Needs (Page 116) Schools (Change of Designation) and Specialist Resource Bases (Implementation) – Statutory Public Notices Report by the Director of Children’s Services 17 DCSF Consultation on Proposed Changes to First Admission to (Page 151) School Director by the Director of Children’s Services Group Meetings Conservative 1:00 pm Colman Room Liberal Democrats 1:00 pm Room 504 Chris Walton Head of Democratic Services County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Date Agenda Published: 3 November 2009 If you need this document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact Kristen Jones on 0344 800 8020 or 0344 800 8011 (textphone) and we will do our best to help. Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Panel Minutes of the Meeting Held on Wednesday 16 September 2009 Present: Mr J Carswell (Chairman) Mr R Bearman* Ms D Irving Mr B Borrett Mr J Joyce Mr B Bremner** Mr M Kiddle-Morris Mr A Byrne Mr J Mooney Miss C Casimir (Vice Chairman) Mr M Scutter*** Mrs D Clarke Mrs A Thomas Mr G Cook Mr P Wells Mr T Garrod Mr A Wright * Green Spokesperson ** Labour Spokesperson *** Liberal Democrat Spokesperson Parent Governor Representatives: Dr L Poliakoff Church Representative: Mr A Mash Non-Voting School’s Forum Representative: Mrs B Carrington Non-Voting Cabinet Member: Mrs S Hutson Non-Voting Deputy Cabinet Member: Mr I Mackie Education Non-Voting Co-Opted Advisors: Mrs S Cooke Primary Education Mr P Large Secondary Education Mrs H Rowlinson Post-16 Education 1 Apologies and substitutions Apologies were received from Mr P East, Mr B Hannah (Mr J Joyce substituting), Mr W Nunn (Mr P Wells substituting), and Mr B Spratt (Mr J Mooney substituting). 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2009 were agreed by the Panel and signed as an accurate record of the meeting subject to the following amendment: Members requested that 11.6 be added to the minutes to reflect the fact that “Mrs Clarke said that she would let the Panel know, in light of the debate on this item, whether or not she wished to sit on the working group.” 3 Declarations of Interests Members declared the following interests: Mr Cook Personal – Governor at Stradbroke Primary, Gorleston Mr Joyce Items Personal – Member of Adoption/Foster Panel 11,12, Personal – School Governor at 13 Reepham/Foulsham Mr Mackie Personal – Governor at Dussindale Primary School Mr Mash Item 12 Personal – Represents church schools Dr Poliakoff Personal – Governor at City of Norwich School and Recreation Road Mrs Thomas Item 11 Personal – Member of Adoption/Foster Panel Mr Wells Personal – Governor at Chapelbreak Infant School Mr Wright Item 8 Personal – Governor at Blenhem Park Community Primary School 4 Items of Urgent Business 4.1 The Chairman called on Mr Scutter who had an item of urgent business. He asked if children at Norfolk schools were fingerprinted for services such as school meals or taking out library books and, if so, could this subject be explored in more details. 4.2 The Director of Children’s Services agreed to look into this and report back to the Panel about this subject. 5 Public Question Time There were no public questions. 6 Local Member Issues/Member Questions There were no Local Member issues/Member questions. 7 Cabinet Member Feedback 7.1 The Cabinet Member reported that she was pleased with the results from Key Stage 2 and GCSEs and credited teachers, head teachers, parents, and Children’s Services staff for these positive results. 7.2 The Cabinet Member had recently attended the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme presentation at the Abbey Conference Centre and wanted to make Members aware of the outstanding work of Norfolk’s children and young people through their innovative projects. Items for Scrutiny 8 Scrutiny Programme 8.1 The annexed report (8) by the Director of Children’s Services was received. The report contained details of the forward plan of scrutiny items. The Panel was requested to note the forward plan and agree to the appointment of a working group to undertake a scrutiny review of the recruitment and retention of head teachers. The Panel was asked to consider if there were any items which they wished to put forward for future scrutiny reviews. 8.2 During the discussion the following points were made: While the constitutional rules were accepted, the valuable contribution which could be made by non-elected Members of the Panel was not being realised. It was suggested that non-elected Members of the Panel should be invited to join the working group as full Members and not as co-opted Members. It was added that working groups should draw on the talent of Panel Members and not allocate Members of the working group along party political lines. It was suggested that all candidates state their relevant experience which made them ideal Members for the working group. The Chairman clarified that the Panel was not to decide which individual Members would join the working group but just decided the number of members and whether or not membership would be politically proportionate or not.
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