Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03531-7 - Making Citizens in Africa: Ethnicity, Gender, and National Identity in Ethiopia Lahra Smith Index More information Index absent maids, 203 autochthony, 22 Abyssinia, 10 , 46–47 , 54 , 142–44 autonomous regions, 74–75 , 76 , 80 , 82 Addis Ababa, 1 , 68 , 80–81 , 203 Axum, kingdom of, 47n3 , 50 EPRDF takeover, 78 Azernet Berbere area, 127 Finfi nee as Oromo name for, 66 , 159 Adwa, battle of, 51 , 60 , 173 Bafena (consort of Menilek), 172 Afaan Oromo Bahru Zewde, 48 , 57 , 62 , 172 , 190 See Oromo language on coup d’ é tat attempt, 69 Afar language, 102 , 109 , 150 on Gurage categories, 122 Afar region, 55 , 107 , 109 , 163 , 177 Bakaffa, Emperor, 172 Africa Bale highlands, 143 , 145 , 153 , 165–66 constitutions, 25 , 26–27 focus group responses, 114–17 democratization, 25–31 Bale rebellion (1963–1970), 70 , 145 political reform, 2–3 Barentu people, 143 Ake, Claude, 33 Barkan, Joel, 29 Aksumite kingdom, 48 Baylis, Elena A., 137n45 All-Ethiopian Socialist Movement behereseboch (MEISON), 72 See Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Amhara ethnic group, 1 , 52–54 , 58 , 65 , 166 Bender, M. Lionel, 148 Amharic language, 93 , 97–100 , 108 , 111 , Benishangul-Gumuz region, 52 , 55 , 109 , 200 113 , 117 , 195 Oromo ethnic group and, 147–48 , Bible translation projects, 101 , 149 152–55 , 165 Bogaletch Gebre, 182–83 Amharization, 64–68 , 77 , 86–87 , 150 Boothe, Ken, 112 contestation of, 66–68 Borana region, 143 , 165–66 language policy, 97–103 focus group responses, 114 , 115 , 117 Anderson, Benedict, 94n4 borders and emerging regions, 7 , 11 , 21 , Anywaa ethnic group, 2 , 4 , 45 , 55 , 67 46 , 76 , 138 Arsi-Oromo ethnic group, 171 , 184–86 Gurage zone, 134–36 Asmarom Legesse, 143 languages of instruction, 109–10 assimilation, forced, 53 , 64–68 , 86 boundary markers, ethnic, 177 Aster Ganno, 149 Brief Almanac of Ethiopian Nationalities, ateete mobilizations, 185 76 , 125 authoritarian traditions, 9 , 25 , 84 Brietzke, Paul, 70 243 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03531-7 - Making Citizens in Africa: Ethnicity, Gender, and National Identity in Ethiopia Lahra Smith Index More information 244 Index Bulcha Demeksa, 164–65 nationalities and, 169–71 , 178–84 , Butajira (town), 128–29 187–88 possible confl icts with ethnic rights, census, 1994, 66n79 , 124 180–84 , 187–88 census, 2007, 92n2 , 97n11 , 98 , 98n12 , as unequal, 169–70 99n13 See also women Chenchen area, 135–36 citizenship, legal, 2–4 , 31 , 45 , 202 Chernetsov, Sevir, 54 , 58 incomplete, 9 , 46 citizen creation, 6–12 , 14 , 22 , 93 in western democracies, 20 “acts of citizenship,” 25 zega category, 9–10 language policy and, 117–18 citizenship, meaningful, 2–16 , 42–43 citizenship defi nitions, 4 , 22 Article 39 of Constitution, 82–84 , 121 , democratization and, 8 , 13–14 , 21–22 , 130 , 141 , 161–62 24 , 28 battles over shape and meaning of, ethnic identity and, 8 , 30–31 , 38 86–88 as forward-moving process, 139–40 citizen understandings of, 5–6 , 16 global factors, 22 , 25 , 32 , 40 , 42 , 196 competing visions of, 5 , 9 , 12–13 language policy and, 92–93 defi nitions, 3 , 19–20 Oromo ethnic group and, 141–42 , dual, 34–37 , 79 , 200 166–68 equal, 2 , 73–74 participation in, 3–4 , 10–11 , 32 , 96 , Ethiopian understandings of, 194–204 113–14 , 197–200 federalism and, 78–84 women and, 86 , 169–70 , 179 , 187–88 , in highlands, 46–51 , 53–54 190–91 hybrid, 10–11 citizenship, unequal, 2 , 87 , 167 land tenure as basis of, 49–50 Amharization, 64–68 , 77 , 86–87 , 150 language of, 192–93 gendered nature of, 169–70 language policy and, 91–96 , 108 , language policy and, 91 , 95–96 117–18 legacy of, 21 , 23–25 liberal forms of, 20 , 35–37 women and, 39–42 liberal views of, 32–34 , 41 city-states, 80 as practice, 3–4 , 22 , 38 , 196 civil liberties, 26–27 racialization of, 65 civil society organizations, 178 , 182–84 revolutionary and contested, 70–78 civil wars, 74–75 , 77–78 , 197 as status, 3 , 35–36 , 38 , 46 Clapham, Christopher, 47 , 69 , 75n106 , studies of, 2–3 , 19 194 theories of, 24–26 , 31–38 , 31–42 Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD), See also citizenship, expansion of ; 84n126 citizenship, gendered ; citizenship, Cohen, Gideon, 112 legal ; citizenship, meaningful colonialism, 3–4 , 51 , 53 citizenship, expansion of, 5 , 6–12 , 140 , lack of in Ethiopia, 7–8 , 34–35 192–93 overthrow of Iyasu and, 57 critical moments for, 12–13 communalism, 33 , 35–36 , 79 language policy and, 108 community dialogue, process of, 181–84 Siltie referendum as, 121 , 131–32 community of interests, 59 women and, 170–71 Constituent Assembly, 79 citizenship, gendered, 39–42 , 85–86 Constitution, 1931, 59–60 community dialogue, process of, 181–84 Constitution, 1955, 62–63 competing claims with ethnicity, 169–71 , Constitution, 1987, 74 , 76–79 178–79 language policy, 105 , 111 disparities, 174–76 Constitution, 1995, 6 , 10 , 15 , 40 , 62–63 , federalism and, 41–42 , 169–70 , 181 79–81 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03531-7 - Making Citizens in Africa: Ethnicity, Gender, and National Identity in Ethiopia Lahra Smith Index More information Index 245 Article 5 language policy, 107 , 111 incomplete, 84 Article 39, 82–84 , 121 , 130 , 141 , meaningful citizenship and, 8 , 13–14 , 161–62 21–22 , 24 , 28 provisions of, 44–45 political institutions and, 25–26 , 31 women and, 170 , 171 , 174 Demographic and Health Survey of Constitution, Eritrean, 63 Ethiopia (2005), 176 Constitution, Oromiya Regional State, Dereje Feyissa, 67 158 , 162–63 , 180–81 Derg regime, 70–78 , 84 , 195 Constitutional Drafting Commission, ethnographic work, 124 78–79 Institute for the Study of Ethiopian constitutions, African, 25 , 26–27 Nationalities (ISEN), 74–76 , 84 , constitutions, state, 162–63 124–25 , 129 contestation, 4–6 , 20–21 , 32–33 , 38 , 193 land relations, 71–72 , 195 of Amharization, 66–68 language policy under, 103–11 constitution of Ethiopia and, 44–45 Oromo ethnic group and, 151–52 Haile Selassie sets stage for, 64 women and, 173 language policy, 94–95 , 108 Deveaux, Monique, 181 revolutionary era and, 70–78 Development through Cooperation Siltie referendum, 120–21 , 137 Campaign ( zemeccha) , 72 , 104 Coontz, Stephanie, 209 Donham, Donald, 10 , 54–55 , 65 , 87 Council of Constitutional Inquiry, 81 , 129–30 , 137–38 education, 68 , 72 Council of Ministers, 51 , 99 civics curriculum, 44 Council of Representatives (COR), 78 , 146 under federalism, 106–7 court registers, 99 implementation of language policy, Crummey, Donald, 48–49 , 52 , 56 , 62 108–11 on gadaa political system, 143 , 144 language policy and, 91–92 , 97 , 150–51 on Mentewwab, 172 medium of instruction (MOI), 100 , cultural factors, 26 , 33 , 54 108–10 language policy, 115–16 meserete timhirt (foundational political culture, 58 education), 76–77 , 104–5 variability of resources, 187–89 Oromo language and, 150–52 women’s citizenship and, 171–80 parent-child learning, 115 women’s concerns and, 39 , 41 , 187–89 suppression of non-Amharic languages, yelu ññ eta, 192 , 201–2 101–2 See also multiculturalism teacher training, 153–54 , 192 , 208 Cushitic languages, 98 , 105n37 , 106 , 156 women and girls, 149 , 172 , 175 elections Daud Ibsa, 165 Africa, 25 , 26 , 27 decentralization, 6 , 25 , 29 , 71 Ethiopia, 2005, 197 language policy and, 106 , 110 , 112 Ethiopia, 2010, 5 democracy Kenya, 23 , 205 challenges in sub-Saharan Africa, 29–30 Embabo, Battle of, 52 as dominant political model, 25 emperors, 48–49 , 57–59 , 194 ethnic identity and, 37–38 See also specifi c emperors ethnicity decisions and, 120–21 engineering, institutional, 25 , 31 , 79 Oromo ethnic group and, 165 Englebert, Pierre, 37 democratization, 4–6 , 193 , 195 English, 113 , 152 , 155–58 , 167 in Africa, 25–31 Era of the Princes, 48 contestation as barrier to, 38 Eritrea, 47n3 , 51 , 61 , 63 democratic recession, 27 Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF), failed transitions, 36–37 74 , 75 , 77 , 146 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03531-7 - Making Citizens in Africa: Ethnicity, Gender, and National Identity in Ethiopia Lahra Smith Index More information 246 Index Eritrean referendum, 140 Oromo ethnic group and, 141 , 161–66 Ethiopia See also Siltie referendum ethnolinguistic and religious Fekadu Gadamu, 123 composition, 6 , 8 feminisms, African, 169 family-based analogy, 59 imperialism, 60–61 , 64 , 86 gabbar (tenant farmer), 49 , 52 , 55–56 , international image, 60 , 63 61 , 64 lack of European colonization, 7–8 , gadaa political system, 143–44 , 182 , 189 34–35 , 46 , 97 Gambella, 55 , 67 , 137 military incorporation of southern Gebru Tareke, 47n3 , 55 regions, 46 Ge’ez language, 97n11 , 99 , 148 as one-party state, 28 , 71 geography, focus on, 47 political regime eras, 6 ; See also history Geschiere, Peter, 22 of Ethiopia Gojjame region, 60 , 70 Ethiopia Tikdem (Ethiopia First), 71 Great Tradition nationalists, 47 , Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 53 , 57 , 140 , 159 62–63 , 65 Greater Ethiopia: The Evolution of a language policy and, 100–101 Multiethnic Society (Levine), 53 , 67 Oromo language as target of, 149–50 Greater Ethiopia thesis, 50 , 86 Ethiopian People’s Democratic Movement Greenfi eld, Richard, 53 , 68 (EPDM), 77 group-based rights protection, 33–34 , 44 Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Gurage ethnic group, 14–15 , 113 , Democratic Front (EPRDF), 75 , 122 , 189 78–79 , 81 , 84 , 142 , 195 response to
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