THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FINLAND FOUNDED IN 1886 OFFICERS FOR 1972 Rolf Boström, President Eero Kae, Secretary Kalevi Kauranne, Vice-President Geological Survey of Finland, 02150 Otaniemi, Finland Toivo Siikarla, Past President Kauko Metiläinen, Treasurer T. A. Häkli, Councillor Geological Survey of Finland, 02150 Otaniemi, Finland Tauno Piirainen, Councillor JÄSENLUETTELO —31. 12. 1971 — MEMBERSHIP LIST KUNNIAJÄSENET — HONORARY MEMBERS Auer, Väinö, Prof. Emer. Sahama, Thure G., Prof. Rakuunantie 4 B, 00330 Helsinki 33 Yliop. geol. laitos, Snellmanink. 5, 00170 Helsinki 17 Hausen, Hans, Prof. Emer. Saksela, Martti, Prof. Emer. Armas Lindgrens väg 5, 00570 Helsingfors 57 Temppelikatu 21, 00100 Helsinki 10 Laitakari, Aarne, Prof. Wegman, Eugen, Prof. Karhusuontie 86 A, 00720 Helsinki 72 43 Faubourg de l'Hospital, Neuchätel, Suisse KIRJEENVAIHTAJA JÄSENET — CORRESPONDING MEMBERS Cloos, Ernst, Dr. Pettijohn, F. J., Prof. The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 18, Md., The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland- USA 21218, USA Flint, Richard, Prof. Ramdohr, Paul, Prof. Department of Geology, Yale University, New Haven, Mineralog.-Petrograph. Inst, d Univ. Heidelberg, Conn. USA Haupstr. 47—51, Heidelberg, Deutschland Sander, Bruno, Prof. Florin, Sten, Prof. Min. Inst. Universitätstr. 4, Innsbruck, Österreich Geol. Inst., Uppsala, Sverige Szädeczky-Kardoss, Elmer, Prof. Kranck, Ernst Håkan, Prof. Magyar Tudomånyos Akadémia, Geokémiai Kutato Mc Gill University, Montreal 2, Canada Laboratöriuma, Budapest VIII, Müzeum körut 4/a, Magnusson, Nils H., Prof. Magyarorszäg Öpik, Ar., Dr. Valhallav. 46, Stockholm O, Sverige Bureau of Mineral Resources, M.L.C. Building, London MehnertTakustrass, Kare l 6Richardt, Mineralog, Dr. Inst.Prof, . 1000 Berlin 33 Circuit, Canberra, Australia 88 ULKOMAISET JÄSENET — FOREIGN MEMBERS Adamson, Olge J., Fil. Dr. Cooray, Gerald P., Dr. Franzebråtveien 1, 1324-Lysaker, Norge Dept. of Geology, University of Ife, Ibadan, Nigeria Anger, Gerd, Dipl. geologe, Dr. rer. nat. Dahlström, Elis, Fil. Lic., Chefgeolog 3392 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Birkenweg 3, Bundesrepublik 21 c/o UN/TAB Casilla 197-D, Santiago, Chile Deutschland Dietrich, Richard V., Prof. Armstrong, Herbert S., Dr., President School of Arts and Sciences, Anspach Hall, Central University of Alberta at Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858, Canada USA \ Amstutz, G. C., Prof. Dr. Disler, Jürg, Dr. Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut der Universi- Suite 2001, 80 Richmond Street West, Toronto 1, Ont., tät Heidelberg, Berliner Str. 19 D-69 Heidelberg 1, Canada West Deutschland Dudék, Arnöst, Dr. Barbour, George B., Prof. Hradebni 9, Praha 1, Czechoslovakia University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Ebert, Heinz, Prof. Dr. Barkey, Henry, Geolog Rio Claro (Estado de S. Paulo), Faculdade de Filosofia, Norges Geologisk Undersökelse, Trondheim, Norge Caixa Postal 178, Brasil Y Behr, Hansjürgen, Mag. El-Hinnawi, Essam, Dr. Geol. Inst. Bergakad. Freiberg, Sachsen, Deutschland National Research Centre, Dokki, U.A.R. (Egypt) Blake, Weston Jr., Dr. Eriksson, Bo, Fil. Lic. Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, S.G.U., Stockholm, Sverige Ontario, Canada Eriksson, Kajsa, Fil. Lic. Bloomfield, Keith, Dr. Ängsvägen 6, 77600-Hedemora, Sverige Institute of Geological Sciences, Overseas Division 5, Eriksson, Tryggve, Fil. Lic. Princes Gate, London SW 1, England Oljeprospekting AB, Nybrogatan 3, 11434-Stockholm, van den Boom, G., Dr. Sverige Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung, Alfred Benz-Haus, Fediukovä, Eva, Dr. Hannover, Deutschland Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia, Hradebni 9, Boyd, Walter W., Jr. Praha 1, Czechoslovakia Kaivosrinteentie 2 G 55, 00440 Helsinki 44 Felici, Maurizio, Dr. Brognon, Georges, Directeur Général, Ingenieur Civil Via Ugo Ojetti 380, Roma, Italia des Mines Filby, Royston, M.A. Petrofina's Representative c/o Indreso, Avenida Toaö Geologisk Museum, Sarsgt. 1, Oslo, Norge Crisostomo, Lisboa 1, Portugal Franco, Rui Riberto, Prof. Brotzen, Otto, Fil. Dr. Alamade Glete, 463, Sao Paulo, Brasil Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, S-10405 Stock- Frietsch, Rudyard, Fil. Dr. holm 50, Sverige Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Stockholm 50, Bütler, H., Dr. Sverige Rheinhaldenstr. 105, Schaffhausen, Schweiz Fromm, Erik, Fil. Dr., Statsgeolog Carstens, Harald, Dr. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Stockholm 50, Statens Råstofflaboratorium, Ostmarknaeset, Trond- heim, Norge Sverige Chen, Kwan Yan, Fil. Lic. Fuster, José M., Prof. Department of Geology, National University, Peking, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, P. Castellana 84, China Madrid 6, Spain Choubert, Georges, Prof. Foyn, Sven, Dr. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 36 rue Geoffroy- Sorkedalsv. 93 D, Oslo, Norge Saint-Hilaire, Paris (5e), France von Gaertner, Hans Rudolf, Dr. Clark, Alan Horrel, B. Sc., Dr. S. Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung, 3 Hannover-Buch- Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada holz, Alfred Benz-Haus, Postfach 54, Hannover, Collini, Bengt, Fil. Lic., Laborator Deutschland Mineralogisk-Geologiska Institutionen, Kåbovägen 4, Gavelin, Sven, Prof. Uppsala 8, Sverige Stockholms Universitet, 11359 Stockholm, Sverige 89 Gevers, T. W., Prof. Kalliokoski, Jorma, Prof. Geol. Dept., Univ. of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Michigan Technological University, Dept. of Geology South Africa and Geological Engineering, Houghton, Michigan Gjelsvik, Tore, Dr., Statsgeolog 49931, USA Norsk Polarinstitutt, Middelthungsgate 27 B, Oslo 3, Kautsky, Gunnar, Fii. Dr., Byråchef Norge Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Stockholm 50, Gorbatschev, Roland, Fil. Lic. Sverige Mineralogisk-Geologiska Inst., Wahlenbergsvägen 18 Koark, Hans Joachim, Dr. B, Uppsala, Sverige Geol. Inst., Uppsala, Sverige Grip, Erland, Fil. Dr. Kobayashi, Hideo, Prof. Gideon Hydéns väg 11, S-141 45 Huddinge, Sverige Kyöyöbu, Hokkaido University, N-17, Sapporo, Japan: Günthert, A. W., Dr. Kranck, Svante Håkan, Ph. Dr. Wasserhaus 32, Münchenstein 1, BL, Schweiz Box 112, Hudson Heights, Que., Canada Hagner, Arthur F., Dr. Kruta, Tomas, Dr. Department of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Brno, Zahradnickå 9, Czechoslovakia 111., USA Kuenen, Ph. H., Prof. Hall, A. Jean, M.A. Geol. Inst., Melkweg 1, Groningen, Nederland Hejtman, Bohuslaw, Dr. Kullerud, Gunnar, Dr. Katedra Geologia, Albertov 6, Praha II, Czechoslovakia Head Department of Geosciences, Purdue University, Hessland, Ivar, Prof. Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA Geol. Inst., Stockholms Universitet, Stockholm, Sve- Kulling, Oscar, Fil. Dr. rige Ostermalmsg. 44, Stockholm, Sverige Heurtebize, Georges, Géologue Landergren, Sture, Laborator, Docent Labor, de Geologie de la Sorbonne, 1, Rue Victor Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Stockholm 50„ Cousin, Paris 5e, France Sverige Hietanen-Makela, Anna M., Dr. Leake, B. E., Dr. U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Coast Branch, 345 Department of Geology, Queen's Building, University- Middlefield Road, 94025 Calif., USA Walk, Bristol 8, England Hjelmqvist, Sven, Prof. Lelubre, Maurice, Prof. Geologiska Institutionen, Lund, Sverige Laboratoire de Géologie-Pétrographie, Allées Jules- Holtrop, J. F., Dr. Guesde, Toulose, France c/o Buizerdlaan 13, The Hague, Holland Linnman, Gunnel, Fil. Lic. Homma, Fujio, Prof. Stormästarevägen 15, Lidingö, Sverige Institute of Petrology & Geology, Imperial University, Loberg, Bengt, Docent, Fil. Dr. Kyoto, Japan Min. Inst., Sthlm Univ., Kungstensgatan 45, Stockholm Horikoshi, Ei, Dr. VA, Sverige The Department of Mine, Kyushu University, Kyushu, MacLeod, John, M. Sc. Japan 23 Avalon Place, Hamilton, Ont. Canada Jaanusson, Valdar, Fil. Dr. Marklund, Nils, Fil. Lic. Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Paleozoologiska sektio- Geol. Inst., Uppsala, Sverige nen, Stockholm 50, Sverige Martignole, Jacques, Dr. Joensuu, Oiva, Fil. Lis. L'Université de Montreal, Canada The Marine Laboratory, University of Miami, 1 Ricken- Martna, Jüri, Fil. Lic. backer Causeway, Virginia Key, Miami 49, Florida, Scheelegatan 3, Stockholm K, Sverige USA Martinsson, Anders, Fil. Dr., Dos. Johansson, Hans G., Statsgeolog Paleobiologiska avdelningen, Box 564, S-75122 Upp- S GU Fack 10405 Stockholm 50, Sverige sala 1, Sverige Jönsson, Jon, Fil. Lic. Meier, Otto, Fil. Dr. The National Energy Authority, Laugar veg 116, Sindrevägen 8, Djursholm, Sverige Reykjavik, Island Melcher, Geraldo, Prof. Joplin, Germaine Anne, Dr. Alameda Franca 1329, Sao Paulo, Brasil Dept. of Geophysica, Australian National University, Misär, Zdenék, Dr. Canberra, A.C.T., Australia Katedra Geologia, Albertov. 6, Praha 2, Czechoslovakia! 13 14993—71 90 Moore-Lewy, Georg, B. Sc. Shuaib, Saiyed Mohamed, M. Sc., Dr. Woodtown Park, Rathfarnham, Co. Dublin, Ireland Mineralogy Department, University of Punjab, Lahore, Neumann, Henrich, Dr. W-Pakistan Geologisk Museum, Oslo 45, Norge Skålvoll, Harald, Statsgeolog Noe-Nygaard, Arne, Prof. Norges Geologiska Undersökelse, Trondheim, Norge Ostervoldgade 7, Kobenhavn K, Danmark Stephansson, Ove, Fil. Lic. UlOjakangas, Richard, M.A. Geologiska Institutionen, Box 555, Uppsala 75122, Dept. of Geology, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Sverige Minnesota 55812, USA van Straaten, L. M. J. U., Dr. Paulitsch, P., Prof. Dr. Geol. Inst., Melkweg 1, Groningen, Nederland Technische Hochschule, Institut für Mineralogie, Suisse, M., Géologue Ovagadougou, Haute Volta Darmstadt, Deutschland Svensson, Nils, Fil. Lic. Persson, Lars, Fil. Kand. S.G.U., Stockholm 50, Sverige Mineralogiska Institutionen, Sölvegatan 13, 22362, Sverdrup, Thor, Statsgeolog Lund Sverige Norges Geologiska Undersökelse,
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