Programs of Studies Agriculture

Programs of Studies Agriculture

AdmissionPrograms of Studies Agriculture Programs 6 of Studies 40 41 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Agriculture +QQ 42 43 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Agriculture Agriculture Course Associate * Master +8|8 $|VCQ]IVJ Agricultural Economy $8HQJQI78$$R$+7 Extension $8HQJQI78$$R$+QR%H @V$ $8HQJQI78$$R$ $VIVJ+8HQJQI7 Agricultural Economy Engineering-Environment and Natural Resources Economy Agricultural Economy-Natural Resources Economy $8R%H:86VJ1QJ Agricultural Engineering- Water $8$$R#VH$$ $8$$R$*$7 Agricultural Engineering-Agricultural Economy $8$$R$8R%H:QJ:JR Extension Agricultural Engineering-Agricultural Entomology Agricultural Engineering-Agricultural Extension and 8R%H:R8R%H:QJ Agricultural Engineering-Agricultural Extension and 8R%H:R86VJ1QJ Agricultural Engineering-Agricultural Machineries Mechanics Agricultural Engineering-Agricultural Management Agricultural Engineering-Agricultural Management- Agricultural Management Agricultural Engineering-Agricultural Management-Farm Management Agricultural Engineering-Agroecology Agricultural Engineering-Agronomy $8$$R$QJQI7+*$ $8$$R$QJQI7+*$R +*$ $8$$R$QJQI7+*$R Agronomy $8$$RR+7 44 Course Associate * Master +8|8 $8$$RR{V @ +7$7 Agricultural Engineering-Animal Sciences-Animal Husbandry Management $8$$RR{V @*$ $8$$RR{V @} $8$$RR+7} $8$$R*R7 V8$$ Agricultural Engineering-Farm Animal Sciences $8$$RR{V @ Agricultural Engineering-Food Industries and Sciences-Food Materials Chemistry Agricultural Engineering-Food Industries and Sciences-Food Materials Microbiology Agricultural Engineering-Food Industries and Sciences Agricultural Engineering-Food Industries and Sciences-Food Industries Engineering Agricultural Engineering-Food Industries and Sciences-Food Materials Technology $8$$R?:CH1VJHV $8$$R?R+7$7 *$(`VV $8$$R?R+7$7 1V`+#V`Q`I $8$$R?R+7$7 +#V`Q`I $8$$R?R+7$7 $V G#V`Q`I $8$$R?R+7$7 +Q R+@$($7 $8$$R?R$VVJ.Q%V +QR%HQJ $8$$R?R $*$7 Agricultural Engineering-Hydraulic Structures $8$$R&$:|$V $8$$R{8$$R{; U + $8$$R<:QJ $8$$R+*$ $8$$R++:$7 $8$$R++Q VHQJ 45 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Agriculture Course Associate * Master +8|8 $8$$R+7+$VIVJ *$ $8$$R#|VCQ]IVJ $8$$R#|VCQ]IVJ R$:C Extension $8$$R#|VCQ]IVJ R8HQJQI1H:C Extension $8$$R#|VCQ]IVJ R86VJ1QJ Management $8$$R#|VCQ]IVJ R86VJ1QJ Agricultural Engineering-Seed Technology and Sciences Agricultural Engineering-Soil Studies $8$$RR$:QJ 80:C%:QJ $8$$RR*$7 *$7 $8$$RR7 Chemistry $8$$RR+71H:JR +Q VHQJ Agricultural Engineering-Water Resources Engineering $8$$R: V`R&$:|$V Agricultural Entomology Agricultural Machineries Engineering Agricultural Machineries Mechanician Agricultural Machineries Mechanics Agricultural Machineries Technology $<:QJ Agricultural Meteorology Agriculture $Q`Q`V7 c:1`R{V @*$($7 c:1`R+7*$($7 J1I:C+$ ]1H%C %`R _?7$ _+$:QJ]]C1VRH1VJHV *R7 8$$R|$+QR%HQJ *R7 8$$R+Q R?0V($7 *R7 8$$R#1G8$7 Sources :*$ 46 Course Associate * Master +8|8 :*$($7 Environment Technology 801`QJIVJ R*V`7 801`QJIVJ R801`QJIVJ+QCC%QJ 801`QJIVJ R801`QJIVJ $$$c:1`R$:C +($7 $$$c:1`R+ Medicine Technology $$$c:1`R$+QR%H Technology $$$c:1`R?+QR%H Technology Farming and Gardening Machineries Technician +? Fisheries Fisheries Technology Food Industries and Sciences Food Industries and Sciences Engineering Food Industries and Sciences-Food Materials Technology & `1V]]C1VRH1VJHV &|$ V8$$ Food Industries Engineering and Sciences-Food Industries Food Industries Engineering and Sciences-Food Materials *R($7 Food Industries Engineering and Sciences-Food Materials Sciences Food Industries Engineering and Sciences-Food Materials Technology Food Industries Technician Food Materials Technology Forest Sciences Q`V ;} %`#VQ%`+Q VHQJ:JR%]]Q` ]]C1VR Science Forestry Technology ?*$ ?R+$ ?R?G+ ?RU + ?R$V G+$ Hydraulic Structures ?7$;QQR 47 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Agriculture Course Associate * Master +8|8 &$:|$V &$:8$$ &$:($7 {8$$ {@(VH.J1H1:J {V @*$ {V @} {V @+($7 {V @;+8$$ V: :JRV:+QR%H ]]C1VRH1VJHV @|7+QR%HQJ]]C1VRH1VJHV } %`#VQ%`8$$R_8H$7 } %`#VQ%`8$$R_$ } %`#VQ%`8$$R_+$:QJ } %`#VQ%`8$$R|V: Management } %`#VQ%`8$$R|$VIVJ } %`#VQ%`8$$R|6 VR Environment and Resources Natural Resources Engineering-Environment Natural Resources Engineering-Environment-Environment +QCC%QJ Natural Resources Engineering-Environment-Habitat and *V`7 } %`#VQ%`8$$R801`QJIVJ R{ VIVJ Natural Resources Engineering-Fisheries } %`#VQ%`8$$R+$ } %`#VQ%`8$$RR++$ } %`#VQ%`8$$RR_8H$7 Natural Resources Engineering-Forest Ecology and Sciences Natural Resources Engineering-Forest Engineering Natural Resources Engineering-Forestry Natural Resources Engineering-Forestry-Farm Grove } %`#VQ%`8$$R+8$$ } %`#VQ%`8$$R+: %`: V`.VR } %`#VQ%`8$$R+$:_H Natural Resources Engineering-Range Management Natural Resources Engineering-Watershed Natural Resources Engineering-Wood Industries } %`#VQ%`8$$R+Q #V`Q`I 48 Course Associate * Master +8|8 Natural Resources Engineering-Wood Sciences and Industries +@$$($78$$R$V_ +&($78$$RQQR Industries +&($78$$RQQR Structures +&RQQR `%H %`V +: %`: V`($7 +: %`V]]C1VRH1VJHV +: %`VH1VJHV +V& V$: $VIVJ ]]C1VRH1VJHV + ++QHV]]C1VRH1VJHV +*$ ++:$7 ++($7 + ;+8$$ + ;+8$$R$$ ++8$$R$QJQI7 ++8$$R?+QR%H +7*$ +QC1`V`:+_H +$:QJQ``V.1: V_H :c+$+QR%HQJ]]C1VRH1VJHV R$:80:C%:QJ R+71H:JRQ1CQJV`0:QJ R*$7*$7 R77 (++QHV]]C1VRH1VJHV Water Resources Engineering Watershed Engineering and Sciences Wood Industries and Sciences Wood Technology @+$ 49 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Applied - Science YR(! 50 Applied-Science Course Associate * Master +8|8 Agricultural Machineries-Agricultural Machineries <:QJ Agricultural Machineries-Agricultural Machineries Technician +Q :CVV`01HV :$ 8$$R#(`:J]Q` :8$$ Civil-Water and Waste Water QI]% ?1:`V QI]% 1:`V 8R%H:$ 87R+1V` ?$QJQI1Hc:1`R?:C +($7 &|:1$ Industrial Electricity VR1H1J:C:JR`QI:+++7 +& `1V +V`G: VR `%H %`(VH.J1H1:J +QR%HQJ1JVIVJ& `1V Recycling $@$&R$* Sugar Making Industries-Sugar Cane G(`: (`:J]Q` :QJ G(`: (`:J]Q` :($78$$ Welding 51 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Art ART 52 53 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Art Art Course Associate * Master +8|8 Archeology Architectural Engineering Architecture Architecture and Energy `H.1 VH %`V]]C1VRH1VJHV Architecture Associate Architecture Technology ? Q7&:J ? Q7&&:J +7 Art Research :`]V R|$ |$ |$ V QJV`0:#$? Q`1H:CQJ%IVJ QJV`0:#$? Q`1H:CQJ%IVJ :JR Textures |$1$ |R$ ||$ |R|:I:{V`: %`V |R|$ |R+( V` |R$|$ |:I:H` |:I:{V`: %`V 8R%H:|$ @$R|$ :JHV @$R8$ @$R+$:].7$ +QR%HQJQH1: V Filming Associate $+:1J$ $:].1H]]C1VRH1VJHV $R$:].1H $R&$$ $:].1HQH1: V $R$:].1H ? ]]C1VRH1VJHV ?: ? Q`1H:C:JR%C %`UG=#$ 54 Course Associate * Master +8|8 ? Q`1H:CQJ%IVJ QJV`0:#$ ? Q`1H:CQJ%IVJ QJV`0:#$ ]]C1VRH1VJHV ? Q`1H:CQJ%IVJ#$ ? Q`1HUG=#$ Imaging &|$ Inner Architecture Inner Architecture Associate Museum Handling Museums and Monuments Guidance Music +:1J$ +$:].7 +7$& V`J:QJ:C%1H +Q(`:%I:#VHQJ `%HQJ +|$ V +=$VIVJ :JRQJ `%HQJ #V$+$ 1$($7|$ (|$:C` (V6|$ (V6|$R|$ (V6|$RG|$ (V6|$R(V6+|$ (V6|$ ( V`R|:I:{V`: %`V (`:R1QJ:C`H.1 VH %`V GH.1 VH %`(VH.J1H1:J G|$ G+$ G+$ G+$8$$ G<:QJ G<:(VH.J1H1:J Visual Arts Teacher Training R$ R|$ R|:I:{V`: %`V R$:].1H R?+ R+:1J$ :QJ :QJ]]C1VRH1VJHV :R:QJ 55 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Basic Sciences BASIC SCIENCES 56 57 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Basic Sciences Basic Sciences Course Associate * Master +8|8 7:C.VI17 R$H:C Animal Sciences-Histology and Embryology $$7 ]]C1VR: .VI:H ]]C1VR: .VI:R}71 ]]C1VR: .VI:RU:#VV:`H. ]]C1VR: .VI:R+71H: .VI:H *7 *$7R+7$7 *$7R *$7RR*7 VI:H *$7RR+7$7 *$7RR$H*$7 *$7R*7 *$7R*71H *$7R *$7R$H *$7R*$7 *$7RG$7 *$7R *$7R$H *$7R+$H:C:JRVCC%C:` *$7R++7$7 *$7R+ H1VJHV *$7R+R7 VI:8H$7 *$7R+R$H*$7 *$7R+R++7$7 *$7R+ 7 VI:H *$7R(`$ *71H *$7RG *$7R Sciences *$7R$H *$7R*71H *$7RG$7 58 Course Associate * Master +8|8 Chemistry and Essence Technology Chemistry Teaching .VI17R Chemistry-Environment .VI17R&Q`I:($7 Chemistry-Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry-Marine Chemistry Chemistry-Organic Chemistry .VI17R+VH1RV .VI17R+71H.VI17 .VI17R+77 .VI17R+V Chemistry-Training QI]% V`H1VJHV QI]% R:(7 QI]% RV`7 VI QI]% R& $VJ 7 VI QI]% R$ |z1$8$$ 8HQJQI1H:C:JRQH1:C :H 8R%H:QJ:CV:%`VIVJ :JR :H 8$$+71H 8$$R:8$$ 8$$R8$$ .VI:H 8$$R8$$+71H Engineering Sciences-Environmental Engineering Sciences Environment Sciences Environmental Geology 86 ((`$ 86 ($ $*$7 Geological Remote Sensing Geology $$7R :7+V `$7 $7 Geology-Economical Geology Geology-Engineering Geology Geology-Hydrology $$7R+V `$$7 $$7R+V `$7 $$7R:$:].7+:CVQJ $7 Geology-Tectonics 59 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Basic Sciences Course Associate * Master +8|8 $71H $7R8:` _@V %R1V $7R8:C $7R8$I $7R$:01IV V7 $7R$ QIV V$ $7R$7 {G: 77 *$7R *$7R8H$7 *$7R+ *$7R+QCC%QJ *R?7R`$:].7 *$7 Marine Environment +71H Mathemathics Teaching : .VI:H:C :H : .VI: : .VI:($R((`$ : .VI:R$G: : .VI:R71 : .VI:R . : .VI:R$7R($7 : .VI:R& `1:C: H. Medicinal Chemistry Meteorology *$7R*7 *$7R*$7 }R+71H Nano-Science and Technology-Nano-Chemistry UR+71H U$:].7 U{8$$R{ U{8$$RU U{8$$RUQVCVH `QJ1H +QJ1H +71H +78$$R{U +7R `QJQI7 +7R `Q].71H 60 Course Associate * Master +8|8 +7R QI1H:JRQCVH%C:` +7R*+71H +7R +(7 +7R VQ`$7 +7R} +7R: V +7R(`$ +7QH.VI17 +V: .VI:H +V: .VI:R$G: +V: .VI:R71 +V: .VI:R$7R($7 :H : (VH.J1HRQH:($ 61 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Engineering !+!Q!+ 62 63 AdmissionPrograms of Studies Engineering Engineering Course Associate * Master +8|8 V`8$$ V`8$$R7 V`8$$RQ]:HV V`R ($78$$ (VCVHQII%J1H:R(`:JI11QJ `H.1 VH %`|:1$RH.1 VH %`V & $#G % QIQ08$$ % QIQ0VV(VH.J1H1:J % QIQ0($78$$ % QIQ0RQIQ0VVH.:J1H % QIQ0+7:0VQJ `R % QIQ0#V]:1`:JR:1J R *8$$R* V`1:C *$8:C7 V(VH.J1H1:J *$& :CC:(VH.J1H1:J *$(VH.J1H((`$ *$($78$$ *$R*$$@ :$(VH.J1H1:J V`&{G: 7R V`&+{R Chemical Industries Technical Teacher Chemical Industries

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