OPEN ACCESS Aff arfcfes pubffshed fn the Journaf of Threatened Taxa are regfstered under Creafve Commons Atrfbufon 4.0 Interna - fonaf Lfcense unfess otherwfse menfoned. JoTT affows unrestrfcted use of arfcfes fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfstrfbufon by provfdfng adequate credft to the authors and the source of pubffcafon. Journaf of Threatened Taxa The fnternafonaf journaf of conservafon and taxonomy www.threatenedtaxa.org ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnt) Commnunfcatfon Descrfptfon of a new specfes of Umafrfa Hayat (Hymenoptera: Apheffnfdae) wfth addftfonaf dfstrfbutfon records of apheffnfds from Indfa Sagadaf Manfckavasagam, Chakaravarthy Menakadevf & Manf Ayyamperumaf 26 June 2016 | Vof. 8 | No. 6 | Pp. 8893–8897 10.11609/jot.2085.8.6. 8893-8897 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Poffcfes and Gufdeffnes vfsft htp://threatenedtaxa.org/About_JoTT.asp For Arfcfe Submfssfon Gufdeffnes vfsft htp://threatenedtaxa.org/Submfssfon_Gufdeffnes.asp For Poffcfes agafnst Scfenffc Mfsconduct vfsft htp://threatenedtaxa.org/JoTT_Poffcy_agafnst_Scfenffc_Mfsconduct.asp For reprfnts contact <[email protected]> Pubffsher/Host Partner Threatened Taxa Journaf of Threatened Taxa | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 26 June 2016 | 8(6): 8893–8897 Descrfptfon of a new specfes of Umafrfa Hayat (Hymenoptera: Apheffnfdae) wfth addftfonaf dfstrfbutfon records of apheffnfds from Indfa ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnt) Communfcatfon Short Sagadaf Manfckavasagam 1 , Chakaravarthy Menakadevf 2 & Manf Ayyamperumaf 3 OPEN ACCESS 1,2,3 Parasftofd Taxonomy and Bfocontrof Laboratory, Department of Entomofogy, Facufty of Agrfcufture, Annamafaf Unfversfty, Chfdambaram, Tamff Nadu 608002, Indfa 1 [email protected] (correspondfng author), 2 [email protected] , 3 [email protected] Abstract: A new specfes, Umafrfa chfdambaramensfs Manfckavasagam U. chfdambaramensfs from Tamff Nadu. A further fve & Ayyamperumaf, fs descrfbed from Tamff Nadu, Indfa. A key to the specfes of apheffnfds are reported as new dfstrfbufon known specfes of Umafrfa Hayat fs gfven, and addffonaf dfstrfbufon records of 10 specfes of apheffnfds from Indfa are afso reported. records for Tamff Nadu, three specfes for Manfpur, two for Nagafand and one each for Andhra Pradesh and Bfhar. Keywords: Andhra Pradesh, Bfhar, Chafcfdofdea, Key, Manfpur, Nagafand, Indfa, new records, Tamff Nadu. Materfaf and Methods Abbrevfafons: F1, F2, F3 = Funfcfe segments 1, 2 and 3. TI, TII, etc. Coffecfons were made usfng mafafse traps fn the = Tergftes 1, 2, etc. of gaster. BAU - Bfhar Agrfcufturaf Unfversfty, Bhagafpur, Bfhar, Indfa; EDAU - Entomofogy Department, Annamafaf coastaf mangrove forest of Pfchavaram, Cuddafore, Unfversfty, Chfdambaram, Tamff Nadu, Indfa; NBAIR - Nafonaf Bureau Tamff Nadu and afso from Andhra Pradesh, Manfpur, of Agrfcufturaf Insect Resources, Bengafuru, Karnataka, Indfa (Formerfy Nagafand, Hfmachaf Pradesh and Bfhar. Specfmens NBAII). fnffaffy preserved fn afcohof were drfed usfng hexamethyfdfsffazane (HMDS) as descrfbed by Brown The famffy Apheffnfdae (Hymenoptera: Chafcfdofdea), (1993) and then card mounted. They were sffde as defned by Heraty et af. (2013), fs presentfy represented mounted as descrfbed by Noyes (1982), ff necessary, for fn the Indfan fauna by 248 specfes fn 23 genera up to specfes fdenffcafon. Aff the measurements are gfven fn December 2015. The genus Umafrfa was descrfbed mffffmeters. by Hayat (2014) wfth U. fafba as the type specfes. He afso descrfbed another specfes U. zeera Hayat fn the same paper. Here we descrfbe another new specfes, DOI : htp://dx.dof.org/10.11609/jot.2085.8.6. 8893-8897 | ZooBank: urn:fsfd:zoobank.org:pub:7818C69F-6064-4143-9677-9E62E97A5617 Edftor: Mohammad Hayat, Affgarh Musffm Unfversfty, Affgarh, Indfa. Date of pubffcafon: 26 June 2016 (onffne & prfnt) Manuscrfpt detaffs: Ms # 2085 | Recefved 23 June 2015 | Ffnaf recefved 30 May 2016 | Ffnaffy accepted 03 June 2016 Cftafon: Manfckavasagam, S., C. Menakadevf & M. Ayyamperumaf (2016). Descrfpfon of a new specfes of Umafrfa Hayat (Hymenoptera: Apheffnfdae) wfth ad - dffonaf dfstrfbufon records of apheffnfds from Indfa. Journaf of Threatened Taxa 8(6): 8893–8897 ; htp://dx.dof.org/10.11609/jot.2085.8.6. 8893-8897 Copyrfght: © Manfckavasagam et af. 2016 . Creafve Commons Atrfbufon 4.0 Internafonaf Lfcense. JoTT affows unrestrfcted use of thfs arfcfe fn any medfum, reproducfon and dfstrfbufon by provfdfng adequate credft to the authors and the source of pubffcafon. Fundfng: Annamafaf Unfversfty. Conffct of Interest: The authors decfare no compefng fnterests. Acknowfedgements: The authors thank the feffow fab mates for coffecfon of specfmens, Messrs. S. Pafanfvef, K. Saravanan, N. Gowthaman, J. Gowrf Prakash (from Tamff Nadu), T. Krfshna Chaftanya (From Tamff Nadu and Andhra Pradesh) AbhfnavLOGOs Kumar (from Bfhar) and Sophfs Sfngh (from Manfpur and Nagafand) and the authorffes of Annamafaf Unfversfty for the facffffes provfded. 8893 Umafrfa chfdambaramensfs sp. nov. Manfck avasagam et af. Resufts 1 Umafrfa chfdambaramensfs Manfckavasagam & Ayyamperumaf, sp. nov. (Images 1–8) urn:fsfd:zoobank.org:act:A0E9032A-2BBC-4E8C-A2D3-9EE25FF46684 Materfaf examfned Hofotype: EDAU/Aph/003/2015, 20.xf.2012 femafe (on card), fabefed “ Umafrfa chfdambaramensfs sp. nov . Pfchavaram mangrove forest, Chfdambaram, Mafafse trap, Tamff Nadu, Indfa, coff. C. Menakadevf ” Paratypes: 4 femafes (EDAU/Aph/003/2015): 3 femafes (one on card, 2 on sffdes), 20.xf.2012, wfth same data as on hofotype; 1 femafe, Annamafaf Unfversfty 2 premfses, Chfdambaram, 18.x.2013, coff. C. Menakadevf. Reared from cockroach ootheca coffected from curry feaves pfant. Femafe: (Image 1) 3 Hofotype. Length, 1.0mm. Head fargefy orange to yeffowfsh; frons and mafar space orange. Antenna wfth scape orange yeffow; pedfcef orange brown; F1–F3 orange; cfava yeffow. Pronotum, mfd fobe of mesoscutum, axfffa and scuteffum orange; sfde fobes of mesoscutum orange yeffow; sfdes of propodeum and 4 mesopfeuron orange brown. Fore wfng wfth a verfcaf streak befow parasfgma to posterfor wfng margfn, wfth an ovaf fnfuscate patch apfcaf to verfcaf streak, above the posterfor wfng margfn, and the apfcaf haff of wfng fn front of the above two smoky or ffghtfy fnfuscate, wfng base to verfcaf streak hyaffne. Hfnd wfng ffghtfy 5 6 fnfuscate. Legs wfth coxae, trochanters and tarsf whfte and remafnfng parts of fegs yeffowfsh-brown. Gaster bfack wfth TI and TII orange (Image 1). Head, fn frontaf vfew, sffghtfy hfgher than broad; mfnfmum wfdth of frontovertex 0.54× head wfdth; frons wfth a fne fongftudfnaf groove fn front of anterfor oceffus; mafar space 0.45× eye hefght; frontovertex and face smooth; head wfth very fne short numerous hyaffne setae, fn addffon to four fong brown setae 7 just behfnd posterfor ocefff (Image 2). Antennaf scape 8 4.25× as fong as broad; pedfcef fonger than F1 and F2 combfned; funfcfe segments transverse; cfava 2.4× as fong as broad, and as fong as pedfcef and funfcfe combfned; fongftudfnaf sensfffae absent fn funfcfe, but 4 fn cfava (Image 3). Measurements fn mm: head wfdth: hefght 0.29: 0.33. Lengh:wfdth, scape 0.17:0.04, pedfcef 0.05: 0.03, F1 0.02:0.03, F2 0.02:0.03, F3 0.02:0.04, cfava 0.12 :0.05. Images 1–8. Umafrfa chfdambaramensfs sp. nov. Mesosoma (Image 5). Pronotum wfth very fne, 1 - Habftus fmage; 2 - Head frontaf vfew; 3 - Antenna; 4 - Fore wfng; 5 - Mesosoma; 6 - Scuteffum magnffed; 7 - Metasoma wfth ovfposftor; pofygonaf, transversefy efongate refcufate scufpture; 8 - Mfd feg 8894 Journaf of Threatened Taxa | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 26 June 2016 | 8(6): 8893–8897 Umairia chidambaramensis sp. nov. Manickavasagam et al. mid lobe of mesoscutum with a median longitudinal Distribution in India: Jammu & Kashmir (Hayat, ridge running to the entire length of scutum; side lobe of 1998), Mizoram (Hayat et al. 2014), Manipur (new mesoscutum smooth; axilla without polygonal reticulate record). sculpture; scutellum with raised polygonal reticulate Host: Aphids on Phaseolus radiatus (Hayat, 1998). sculpture, cells slightly elongate (Image 6); metanotum medially and propodeum medially in a triangular area 2. Aphelinus asychis Walker with fine polygonal reticulation; propodeum on each side Specimen examined: 9.i.2015, India, Nagaland, distal to spiracle with four setae; setae on mesosomal Zeluma, one female through yellow pan trap from forest tergites as follows: each half of pronotal collar with three ecosystem, coll. Sophis Singh. setae and a long seta at posterolateral corner, mid lobe Distribution in India: Assam, Himachal Pradesh, of mesoscutum with a pair of long, dark setae in about Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Tamil anterior third, and a curved line of 6 small setae; each Nadu, Uttarakhand and West Bengal (Hayat 1998), side lobe of mesoscutum with three small and one long Nagaland (new record). setae; distance between posterior pair of scutellar setae Hosts: Brevicoryne brassicae on cabbage; Lipaphis 3.6× the distance between anterior pair. Fore wing 2.53× erysimi on Brassicas; Myzus persicae on brassicas, as long as broad; costal cell 1.25× as long as marginal Brassica oleracea, Solanum tuberosum (Hayat, 1998). vein; stigmal vein small with four sensilla (Image 4). Hind wing 5.45× as long as broad; marginal fringe 0.16× wing 3. Aphelinus basilicus Hayat width. Measurements in mm: mesosoma length, 0.38; Specimens examined: 7.i.2015, India, Manipur, mesoscutum length, 0.20; width of axilla, 0.04; width at Senapati, one female through yellow pan trap from anterior margin of scutellum,
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