The Resources Agency of California Department of Fish and Game A BIBLIOGRAPHY AND HOST LIST FOR THE YELLOW GRUB, CLINOSTOMUM MARGINATUM (RUDOLPBI, 18191,/ A COMMON DIGENETIC TREMATODE OF FISHES—/ LEE W. MILLER Region 5; Inland Fisheries— SUMMARY The yellow grub is distributed over most of North America. It is economically important in some commercial and sport fisheries because it renders fish undesirable for human consumption. A check list of fish hosts shows that C. marginatum occurs in 15 families and 67 species of North American freshwater fishes. Feasible methods of breaking the life cycle and controlling the parasite are not presently available for wide applica- tion. 1 /Submitted December 1966. Inland Fisheries Administrative Report No. 66-17. ./Now with Inland Fisheries Branch. 0 46 ... :.1 -3- INTRODUCTION The yellow grub, Clinostomum marginatum, has economic importance in many fisher- ies. The metacercarial stage of this parasite ranges from t to i inch in length, and is most often found .under the skin or in the musculature of fishes. It is most evident to fishermen when cleaning their catch. Infested fish are esthetically undesirable for human consumption, and are often the cause of angler inquiries to conservation and public health agencies. Members of this genus have been reported as an aberrant parasite in man (Kamo, Ogiwo, and Hatsushika, 1962). This bibliography was compiled to provide a reference source on the ecology and hosts of C. marginatum. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to Dr.'.Carl L. Hubbs for the use of his extensive library for this research. I also thank the California Resources Agency Library staff for assistance in obtaining materials, and Richard Haley and Marvin J. Wballs for reviewing the manuscript. TAXONOMY AND DISTRIBUTION Clinostomum marginatuxa is a digenetic trematode of the Family Clinostomidae. A complete classification of the group may be found in Yamaguti (1958). Osborn (1911) snirmarizes the early literature and lists many of the synonyms for the species. Nigrelli (1936) reviews some papers on the taxonomy of the genus. He considers C. marginatum (Rudolphi, 1619) synonymous with C. complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) because of similar morphology, hosts, and geographical distribu- tion. Price (1938) lists the two as synonyms. The known zoogeography of this parasite is greatly extended, based on this synonymy. The metacercarial stage of C. marginatum has been reported in numerous fish parasite surveys throughout North America. Nigrelli (1936) reports its occurrence in fish from Central and South America. The distribution of C. complanatum, according to Yamaguti (1958) is cosmopolitan, having been re-ported in Europe, Australia, and Africa (Chapham, 1945), in addition to North America (Forney, 1955; MacLulich, 1943). The evidence supporting the synonymy of C. complanatum and C. marginatum appears to be sufficient. The name Clinostomum complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) precedes Clinostomum marginatum (Rudolphi, 1819), but C. marainatum has been commonly used in North America. ECOLOGY Life Cycle The life cycle of the yellow grub was first described by Hunter and Hunter (1935b) and has since been summarized by Meyer (1954), Klaas (1963), Davis (1953), and others. A brief outline of this cycle is shown in Figure 1. Although the life cycle of C. marginatum has been known since the work of Hunter and Hunter (1935b) the ecological conditions which contribute to infestation of fish populations are not well known. -4- DEFINITIVE HOST FIRST INTERMEDIATE HOST BIRDS Snails of the genus Helisoma Great blue heron,.Ardea herodi4s, and other wading birds Spo cyst and redial stages NLn small livers Adult flukes buccal cavity and sophagus 1 SECOND INTERMEDIATE HOST .Fish - of many species Metacercariai stage encj. throughout body tissues FIGURE 1. The life cycle of Clinostromum mar ' natum adapted from Hunter and Hunter 70E77 -5- Hunter and Hunter (1930) indicate that the infestation of yellow perch was highest in shallow, weedy water. Van Cleave and Mueller (1934) also found that C. marginatum was more prevalent in yellow perch from the shallow Wilber in Oneida Lake. Nigrelli (1936) noted that the orders of fish with the highest nutber of species infested were warmwater pond fishes. The fish hosts listed herein are primarily lacustrine fishes but there are several lotic fishes represented also. Intense parasitism of many stream fishes has occurred when these fish have been confined to lake or pond situations (Linton, 1911; Uzmann and Douglas, 1966). Infestations of fish confined strictly to stream habitats usually are not severe. Baker (1945) observed that snails of the genus Helisoma are littoral and are seldom found below 15 feet. This would indicate that cercariae to fish contact would be greatest in shallow littoral areas. Most of the literature regarding C. marginatum has been restricted to fish parasite surveys. However, Klaas (1963) intensely studied some of the ecological factors associated with the occurrence of C. mEgIulLa in several ponds in eastern Kansas. He found no correlation between any environmental factor and the degree of parasit- tan,. Heavily infested fish populations existed in ponds where the incidence of infected snails was very low or where no snails were found. The production of cercariae by infected snails is such that a few infected snails could infect large numbers of fish (Edney, 1950). Fischthal (1953) discusses many of the ecological factors as they relate to para- sitism of fishes. Factors which may be involved with C. marginatum infestations are water depth; thermal and chemical stratification; abundance-of weeds, snails and herons; fish behavior and habitat preference; population dynamics of snail populations (Edney, 1950; Klaas, 1963) and the physiological condition of the host to name a few. Effects on Fish Epizootics of C. marginatum have been reported for the-yelliow perch (Elliot and Russert, 1949; Van Cleave and Mueller, 1934),. black bullhead (Meyer, 1958; Forney, 1955), channel catfish (Edney, 1940), and steelhead trout (Uzmann and Douglas, 1966). Swartz (1956) observed the death of Noturus muirus in captivity and attributed death to. an infestation of C. mar inatum. Forney (1955) found infes- tations of the black bullhead in Clear—Lake, Iowa, which exceeded 500 cysts per fish. Young-of-the-year fish were found emaciated and dying in some areas of the lake. Fish host specificity appears to be nearly nonexistent for this parasite. Klaas (1963) found the highest rate of infestation and the highest number of cysts per fish in the black bullhead. I have observed heavy infestation of the white catfish at Lower Otay Reservoir and the threadfin shad at El Capitan Reservoir in San Diego County, California. These high infestations appear to be related to extrinsic environmental factors since the same species may be lightly infested in other parts of the same body of water or in other waters. The severe parasitism of steelhead trout reported by Uzmann and Douglas (1966) occurred in a lake which had been stocked with fingerling steelhead. The occur- rence of C. marginatum in steelhead has been reported before only-by Haderlie (1953). This rare epizootic in the steelhead is Apparently . related-tO its confinement to a lacustrine environment favorable to fish to cercaria contact (Nigrelli, 1936). -6- It is interesting to note that the carp has not been reported as a host for this parasite, although it has been examined in many fieh parasite surveys. This - species is common in lacustzine environs and is usually found in the shallow water .habitat of the snail vector.. Results of experimental infestation of carp would be interesting. The heavy scales of carp may be a barrier to penetration of the cercariae, whereas the lack of scales in members of the Family Ictaluridae may partially explain the occurrence of severe infestations in' that group. Although Forney (1955) found black bullheads to be emaciated by C. marginatum, Elliot and Russert (1949) and Rabideau.and Self (1953) found no correlation between te parasite burden and con&ition factors of parasitized fish. However, Elliot 1 esert found that older, larger fish had a heavier parasite burden than Ty,tnger, smaller fish. D):ly reports of Van Cleave and Mueller (1934) and Smallwood (1914) that fish lose their parasites during the winter in temperate climates, have been involidatei by studies of Fischthal (1949) which showed that overwinter loss of metazc:cariae fish is insignificant. HOST OF CLINOSTOMUM MARGINATUM Fish Hosts A check list of fish hosts for the metacercarial:stage of C. marginatum nay'prove v: .7A to fishery. menegers, parasitologists, and researchers. An extensive s en ' e literature pertaining to this parasite in North America was made. Omissf. .8 list:or in the bibliography are the fault of the author. No attempt has Leen made to report fish hosts for this species outside North America. C. marginatum occurs in 15 families and 67 species of freshwater and estuarine fishes. Nomenclature appearing in the original publications has been revised wherever possible to conform wi:th the American Fisheries Society's special publi- cation No. 24 A List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes, second edition, (1960). The number following each common name is the author reference: number appearing in the bibliography. The abbreviation SD refers to the occurrence of marginatum in San Diego County (data, unpublished) Scientific Name Common Name Reference LepisOsteidae , Lepisostetja ple_ityrhincus DeKay Florida gar 6
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