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XAVIER UNIVERSITY 87th year,-issue 28 week of APRIL 24, 2002 www.xu.edu/ne_wswire/ XU students 'take back the night' BY CHUCK SAMBUCHINO eryone was invited to attend a work­ There will be T­ Contributing Writer shop on relationships and lan­ shirts: for anyone guage entitled "Sex on Campus: going, and students Take Back the Night, an inter- Dynamics Between Men and can either take a national anti violence march, is · Women." Today features a concert sign for the mar:ch. taking place Thursday, April 25, by local folk artist Tracy Walker at or make their own as part of a week-long campaign 8:30 p.m. on the ground floor of with provided sup­ to stop sexual assault and vio- the Gallagher Center.. Walker. is plies. Buses will. lence. being brought to campus courtesy leave at 6:30 p.m. Xavier students have organized of the Xavier Alliance. and transport eyents Monday through Thursday The week concludes on Thurs- . marchers to and in accordance with Cincinnati's day with a march from the Bicen- from downtown 13th annual march of Take Back tennial Commons in downtown Cincinnati. The the Night (TBTN). Cincinnati to the World Peace march ends at 9:30 TBTN is ·designed to inspire ·· Bell in Newport; Ky. There will p.m. action to end violence against be a pre-march speaker, a musi­ Another visible women and children. It is inclu- cal concert by MUSE - a Cin­ aspect of the TBTN sive of all groups who experience cinnati Women's Choir - and a week is "The violence at night. dramatic performance by The . Clothesline After originating in 1976, it be- Trubudors, a. high school drama Project," a visuai came a widespread phenomenon troupe. display that bears and has been an annual occurrence After the congregation witness to violence .in Cincinnati since 1989. crosses the river, survivors of against women. "The march is always around this . abuse and violence. will talk to the Shirts are hung time of year because April is Sexual crowd in a speak-out. The side-by-side. on Assault Awareness Month," said stu- candlelight march back to Ohio clotheslines, each dent coordinator junior Audrey will be in silence representing all one representing a · Martin. "Cincinnati features high- the victims whose voices cannot particular woman's profile cases of battered women. be heard. experience - deco­ Restraining and protective orders "We really want to stress the rated by the survi­ aren't enough. Take Back the inclus.iveness of this whole. vor herself or some­ Night is an awareriess~rais'frig event week," said junior Alley Clary, a one who cares for the city." student coordinator. "'Take about her. Look for NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY JACKSON GOODNIGHT On Monday, XU students got Back the Night' is against all vio­ displays around Junior Elizabeth Whitton states her piece at. Take Back the Night's "Take Back a chance to "Take Back the Mic" Jenee, men and women alike," campus all this the Mic," a Xavier event which. is part of an international campaign to end at an open-mic event. Tuesday's Students are encouraged to week. sexual assult and violence against both men and women. theme encouraged students not .to . come to the .Bue.nger circle at .6. '.'The i:esponse. wear make-up, celebrating natu- p.m. this Thursday where food from students, thus far, has been in­ lot of support downtown on Thurs­ mation, contact Martin or Clary at ral beauty. Later that night, ev- and beverages will be served. credible. We're hoping to bring a day," said Clary. For more infor- 924-5948. Spring breakaway, natural high BY CHUCK SAMBUCHINO it helps. The point totals have signifies the halfway point in the Contributing Writer started and all the teams are week and about the time when This week, dorm wings, club fighting for T-shirts the respect teams get serious. Fellow students· sports members and other stu­ of the other teams. Some indi­ are encouraged to come and cheer dents are continuing the annual vidual events have a local spon­ on the teams. tradition of competing head-to­ sor, which donates prizes to the Everything comes to a head on head in Spring Breakaway. It's a winning team. Friday, when all the teams duke it surefire way to get rid of those "It's a lot looser than our regu­ out in a pair of grueling events at pre-final boredom blues and en­ lar intramural leagues," said Matt the Village. The tug-o-war starts joy the spring weather. Turner, the assistant director of at 3 p.m. and is immediately fol­ Take one glance at the list of intramural and club sports. "It's lowed by one-on-one mud wres- events scheduled - scooter not just sport-oriented. The big­ . tling duels. After. the last event is races,. wiffle ball, bat spin relay gest reason this is popular every finished, the points are totaled and and a lip sync contest - and year is· because it manages to the. winner is ~ailed afterw·ar9. i!l you'll know· this isn't your typi­ combine fun, creativity and com- an awards ceremony. cal. in'tramural function Teams petition." · "It's a great bonding experi­ of men, women and faculty are It may start off good-natured, ence for friends, be it a collective competing in 13 events from with friends on opposing teams wing event or just a group of Monday through Friday all over smiling and joking with each friends looking for some fun," campus. other about stuff they did over said Turner. "There's always a . With. up to 25 people on a. the weekend, but all those ges­ good turnout on Friday with the single team, it's not as structured tures.fade as the days go .on. The events and awards. We hope to NEWSWIRE PMOTO BY JACKSON GOODNIGHT as you'd think. Noi every mem­ lip-sync contest --'- today at 7 see more support at the other Sophomore Pat Mcloughlin reminisces while participating in a ber has to be at every event, but p.m. in the Gallagher Center - events like lip-sync as well." Spring Breakaway tricycle event. ©2002 The Xavier Newswire All rights reserved NEWS: OP-ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: •·"'.·''°"'"'''"'fND!!jl:·;;;,~7~~1)'.J~':Pjij5·•:· .. ~·'°";";7~4"'•5•·;!·ii.'"2·•-2•'· ~!~'.Cm.!J!it\~il;ffifilm1:; .1l~)"1"t:. .... t.IJ!;L:.J Xavier Singers Potential Sodexho · Women's tennis takes 'Scorpion King' stings Advertising (513) 745-3561 ··~"'"'*·1PWiiRJ;;!J!i'~l,"J,'7!.'J~~l"',,!:li,"'(-'""'PX'lllW'''"'!••'"·~,1111 take the stage solutions second at A-JO's ml\2ii~~~~Ji!itil.l:~:/1 ~ll~11ilb~ii~~i9,i Editor-in-Chief {513) 745-3607 PAGE3 PAGE 10· PAGE 12 PAGE 16 .· . · ., " · · ·A D M A J 0 .R E M · D E I G L 0 R I A M .. · . 2 week of APRIL 24, 2002 CAMPUS NEWS BRIEFS >Elizabeth Boneau, Editor Dave Chappelle >News Room: 745-3122 >xunews@ho~ail.com · Library survey comes to campus What are your perceptions of BY CHUCK SAMBUCHINO and expectations for Xavier Senior News Editor median in the spring," said Stock University's Library? Xavier fac­ Comedian and movie star Dave "Last year, Jimmy Fallon gathered ulty, staff and students are invited Chappelle will perform on campus agood audience; however, this year to share these thoughts through a in the Cintas Center arena at 8 p.m; we expect even more students to· Web-based survey. Saturday, April 27. He will wrap attend as well as individuals from The survey is part of a national. up a huge day of events on cam- the Cincinnati area." effort by college· and university pus which includes game booths Chappelle's performance will libraries to measure the'quality of and musical acts from STYUKA culminate STYUKA 2002. Game library services. and to identify 2002. booths will be open from 3p:m. to the best practices. The survey site, "Dave Chappelle is excited 7 p.m. outside of Husman Hall on http://survey.libqual.org/, will be about coming to Xavier," assured the Cintas side. There will be mu­ available for three weeks starting sophomore SAC member Ashley sical acts all throughout the after~ April8. Stock of the special eventS coni- noon, including the XU Singers. When· you receive the email mittee. "We're equally as excited . Tickets will be sold onWednes- notice of. this survey, please take to have him." day, Thursday and Friday in the a few minutes to complete it, or Chappelle, whose movie.cred- Gallagher Student Center on the · go to the Web site and complete its include "The Nutty Professor," first floor . .They will be $3 for stu­ the survey. In· appreciation, four "Con Air" and the cult classic "Half dents and $10 for non-students, all randomly selected participants Baked,"~s visiting colleges around . first-come, fir~t-serve.All Cards are will receiv.e:.a $.25 gift c.ertificate the, ~~unµ-y .0.Q J~is 9om,e,dy t~1=1r.
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