1913. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1503 the statement that the hearings were half over and the state­ Maj. Paul F. Straub, Medical Corps, to be lieutenant colonel· ment-which is the fact-that this was done on the second day. from l\Iay 9, H>13, vice Lieut. Col. Walter D. l\IcCaw, promoted.' Mr. PENROSE. Four years ago a resolution was passed re­ Capt. Jn.mes L. Bevans, Medical Corps, to be major from May quiring the oath before the proceedings were begun; but, of 9, 1913; vice l\Iaj. Paul F. Straub, promoted. co·urse, our friends will learn as the proceedings advance. INFANTRY ABM. Mr. LA FOLLETTE. I ask leave to insert at the right place Second Lieut. Walter R. Wheeler, Fifteenth Infantry, to be· in my amendment the words " shall answer under oath." I first lieutenant from April 26, Ul13, vice First Lieut. Charles F. desire to make that addition to it. Conry, Tenth Infantry, who died April 25, 1913. The VICE PRESIDENT. It will be so understood. The Second Lieut. George F. N. Dailey, Twentieth Infantry, to be an1endment of the Senator from Wisconsin, as modified, will lie first lieutenant from April 30, 1913, vice First Lieut. Russell C. on ~e table .and be p~·inted. Hand, Thirteenth Infantry, promoted. EXECUTIVE SESSION. PROMOTION IN THE NAVY. 1\Ir. BACON. Mr. President, I renew my motion that the Senate proceed to th.e consideration of executive business. Asst. Surg. William H. Connor to be a passed assistant sur­ The VICE PRESIDEl\TT. The q·uestion is upon the motion geon in the Navy from the 28th day of l\Iarch, 191&- of the Senator from Georgia that the Senate ' proceed to the consideration of executive business. [Putting the question.] CONFIRMATION. The Chair is in doubt. Executive nomination confirmed by the Senate May 13, 1913. 1\Ir. KERN. I ask for a division. Mr. PENU.OSE. I call for the yeas and nays, 1\Ir. President. POSTMASTER. The yeas and nays were ordered, and the Secretary proceeded SOUTH CAROLIN A. to call the roll. P. M. Murray at Walterboro. Mr. CHILTON (when his name was called). I have a gen­ eral pair with the junior Senator from Maryland [Mr. JACK­ SIJ!'{]. As he is absent, I will withhold my vote. SENATE. l\fr. GALLINGER (when his name was called). I have a general pair with the junior Senator from New York [Mr. WEDNESDAY, May 14, 1913. O'GoRMAN]. I transfer that pair to the junior Senator from The Senate met at 12 o'clock m. Maine [Mr. BURLEIGH] arid will vote. I vote "nay." Prayer by Rev. W. V. '.rudor, D. D., of the city of Washington. Mr. POMERENR (when his name was called). I have-a pair The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approYed. with the junior Senator from North Dakota [Mr. GRONNA], and therefore withhold my vote. THE REPUBLIC OF CHIN A. Mr. ASHURST (when the name of ?irr. SMITH of Arizona The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate'. was called). My colleague [Mr. SMITH] is necessarily absent a cablegram from the Shansi Provincial Assembly, China, which from the Senate on important business. During his absence he will be read. is paired with the Senator from New Mexico [Mr. FALL.] The Secretary read the cablegram, as follows : The roll call was concluded. [Cablegram.] l\fr. CATRON. My colleague [Mr. FALL] is necessarily ab­ TAIYUA~Fus, CHINA, May 10, 191,. sent. As announced by the Senator from Arizona, he is paired To the President, Senate, and Rept·esentat-ives of the American Reptibl!a, with the Senator from Arizona [Mr. SMITH]. Washt.ngt01i : The people of Shansi Province, China, send greetings. The Republie. l\fr. GALLINGER. I am directed to announced that the of China is new properly established, and news of your esteemed Gov­ Senator from Dela ware [Mr. nu PONT] is paired with the ernment's recognition has been received with the utmost pleasure and Senator from '.rexas [Mr. CULBERSON] and that the Senator gratitude. The day before yesterday, the 8th May, the Chinese people everywhere assembled to celebrate and offer thanks for your Govern-· from North Dakota [Mr. l\IcCuMBER] is paired with the Senator ment's recognition. The people of Shansi were no exception, and assem-· from Maryland [Mr. SMqH]. bled to celebrate in tens of thousands in grateful celebration of this Mr. POUERENE. I transfer my pair to the senior Senator auspicious occasion. The presence of an American citizen enhanced the ceremony, and together we joined in givin"' cheers for the Republics from Nev·ada [Mr. NEWLANDS] and will vote. I vote "yea." of America and China, respectively. The Chinese people also unitedly The result was announced-yeas 48, nays 34, as follows: expressed the fervent hope that the American and Chinese Republics YEAS-48. may be of mutual assistance in the furtherance of universal peace. Ashurst Johnson, Me. Pittman Smith, Ga. SH.ANSI PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY. Bacon Johnston, Ala. Poindexter Smith, S. C. The VICE PRESIDE~"T. The cablegram will lie on the table. Bankhead. Kern Pomerene Stone Bryan . La Follette Ransdell Swanson MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Chamberlain Lane Reed Thomas Clarke, Ark. Lea Robinson Thompson A message from the House of Ileprerentatives, by J. C. South, Fletcher Lewis Saulsbury Thornton its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed- the fol-· Gore Martin, Va. Shafroth Tillman lowing bills and joint resolutions, in which it requested the Hitchcock Martine, N. J. Sheppard Vardaman Hollis Myers Shlelds Walsh concurrence of the Senate: Hughes Overman Shively Williams H. R. 32. An act to provide for the appointment of an addi­ James Owen Simmons Works tional district judge in and for the eastern district of Penn­ NAYS-34. .sylvania; Borah Colt McLean Smoot Bradley Cummins Nelson Stephenson H. R. 4234. An act providing certain legislation for the Brady Dillingham Norris Sterling Panama California Exposition to be held in San Diego, Cal., • Brandegee Gallinger Oliver Sutherland during the year 1915; Bristow Goff Pa~e Townsend Burton Jones P enrose Warren H.J. Res. 80. Joint resolution making appropriations to sup­ Cah·on Kenyon Perkins Weeks. ply urgent deficiencies in certain appropriations for the postal Clapp Lippitt Root service for the fiscal year 1913 ; and Clark, Wyo. Lodge Smith, Mich. H.J. Res. 82. Authorizing the President to accept an invita­ NOT VOTING-14. Burleigh du Pont McCumber Smith, Ariz. tio_n to participate in the international conference on education. Chilton · Fall Newlands Smith, Md. PERSONAL EXPLANATION-PROPOSED TARIFF HEARINGS. Crawford Oronna O'Gorman Culberson Jackson Sherman Mr. SHEPPARD. Mr. President, I rise to a question of per­ · So the motion was agreed to, and the Senate proceeded to sonal privilege. the consideration of executive business. After four hours and · The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Texas will state thirty-fi¥e minutes spent in executive session, the doors were it. reopened, and (at 8 o'clock and 35 minutes p. m.) the Senate l\fr. SHEPPARD. It was stated in the New York World, adjourned until to-morrow, Wednesday, May 14, 1913, at 12 and perhaps other metropolitan newspapers, a few days ago, o'clock meridian. that se¥eral Democratic Senators, including myself, intend to v-0te against the Democratic side on the question of public hearings on the tariff bill. NOMINATIONS. I wish to state that so far as I am concerned the report ig Executive 1J.Ominations received by' the Senate May 13, 1919. utterly --incorrect and absolutely without any foundation. PROMOTIONS IN ·THE ARM.Y. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS . MEDICAL CORPS. ..Mr. LODGE. · Mr. President-- · 1 Lieut. Col. Walter D. l\IcCaw, Medical Corps, to be colonel • The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair was about to nnnounce frotn l\fay 9, 1913, vjce Col. Harry 0. Perley, retired from active that while of opinion that ·the undisposed-of message from the ser\ ice May 8, 1913. House of Representatives with reference to the tariff bill is reg- L-fl5 1504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MAY 14, ularly before the Senate, still, if there be no objection, the Congress ·of the United States and to each Senator and Rep-resentaUve from Massachusetts in Congress. Chair will call for petitions and memorials. In senate, adopted April 25, 1913. Mr. PENROSE. I have no objection to that. In house of .representatives, adopted~ in concurrence, May 5, 1913. Mr. LODGE. It seems to me the.re would be no harm in that A true copy~ course. It will take a very short time to get rid of the routine Attest: FRANK J. DONAHUE, morning business. Secretary of the Oommo111oealth. The VICE PRESIDEl'CT. The Chair had the feeling that {House. No. 226"9.) ~ertain Senators would desire ro present petitions and me­ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MA"S"SACHtl"SETTS, morials, and if there be no objection the Cb.air will pnrsue that EXECUTIVE EPA.RTMENT, course and call for petitions .and memorials. He recognizes Boston, AprU 8, 1913. the Senator from Massachusetts for that purpose. To the honorable senate and ho-use of representa.tives: · I deem it my duty to caU your attention to a course of events which Mr. LODGE. I present certain resolutions of the Legisla­ ls of great importance to t"be people of the Commonwealth and to urge ture of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which I ·ask may you:r cooperation in bringing abont the public action which the situa­ be read, and the accompanying paper referred to in the resolu­ tion demands. tions I ask may be printed in the REoonn without reading. THE RECENT POLITICAL REVOLUTION ORIGINATED IN f.fASSACHUSE.TTS.
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