USOO8563 018B2 (12) UnitedO States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,563,018 B2 Burke (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 22, 2013 (54) FOAMABLE PESTICIDE COMPOSITIONS WO 0205294.0 A1 T 2002 WO 2007104720 A1 9, 2007 (75) Inventor: Terrence R. Burke, Kirkwood, MO WO 2009036797 A1 3f2009 (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: BASF Corporation, Florham Park, NJ International Search Report and Written Opinion for International (US) Application No. PCT/US2010/032795 mailed Jul. 21, 2010, 18 pageS. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Mrsial Sally PS f PREMISE Foam, Bayer Environmen al Science, Jun. I Z. pageS. patent 1s st Olisted under 35 Product Label for PREMISE Foam, Bayer Environmental Science, Material Safety Data Sheet for FASTOUT CS Foam. Whitmire (21) Appl. No.: 12/769,403 Micro-Gen Research Laboratories, Inc., Nov. 21, 2006, 2 pages. Product Label for Label for FASTOUT CS Foam, Whitmire Micro (22) Filed: Apr. 28, 2010 Gen Research Laboratories, Inc., 2007, 2 pages. 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Ready-to-use foamable pesticide compositions that contain a 2011/0224075 A1 9, 2011 Kordes et al. particulate pesticide Suspended therein and applicators for dispensing such compositions. Methods for treating pests FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Such as arthropods by contacting pests with Such composi CN 101081024 A 12/2007 tions are also provided. EP 0400914 A1 5, 1990 EP 04009 14 A1 12, 1990 11 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Oct. 22, 2013 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,563,018 B2 FIG. 1 U.S. Patent Oct. 22, 2013 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,563,018 B2 FIG. 2 , 138 140 125 U.S. Patent Oct. 22, 2013 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,563,018 B2 US 8,563,018 B2 1. 2 FOAMABLE PESTCIDE COMPOSITIONS Such as landscape timber or open area ground Surfaces. Com positions used for conventional exterior applications are typi CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED cally applied in liquid form, which renders it difficult for the APPLICATIONS person applying the treatment to readily determine which areas have been treated and which have not. This can result in This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional under- or over-application of the composition. Application No. 61/173,283, filed Apr. 28, 2009, and of U.S. There is a also a continuing need for compositions, appli Provisional No. 61/237,977, filed Aug. 28, 2009, both of cation devices and associated application methods that enable which are incorporated herein in their entirety. toxic compounds to be applied over broad Surfaces Such as 10 around the exterior perimeter of a building structure, land BACKGROUND scape materials, ground Surfaces, and the like. There is also a need for Such compositions, application devices and applica The field of the disclosure relates to pesticide compositions tion methods that enable persons applying the compositions and, more particularly, ready-to-use foamable pesticide com to track where the composition has been applied during a positions that contain a particulate pesticide. The field of the 15 treatment process. disclosure also relates to pesticide applicators and methods for controlling pests. The pesticide compositions of embodi SUMMARY ments of the present disclosure are well-suited for general application but are particularly well-suited for treating arthro In one aspect of the present disclosure, a ready-to-use pods including insects and, particularly, for treating termites, foamable pesticide composition comprises a diluent, a par ants, cockroaches and beetles. ticulate pesticide Suspended in the diluent, a thickening agent Insects and other arthropod pests can have negative effects and a surfactant system comprising at least one Surfactant. on the quality of human life. For instance, when found in the In another aspect of the present disclosure, a pesticide home, insects and other arthropods can be a source of annoy applicator for applying pesticide to pests includes a container ance due purely to their presence. They may also spread 25 and a pesticide composition within the container. The pesti disease and allergens. Additionally, when found on plants and cide composition includes a diluent, a particulate pesticide crops, insects and other pest arthropods can destroy foliage Suspended in the diluent, a thickening agent and a surfactant and fruit, and may adversely affect plant and crop growth, system comprising at least one Surfactant. quality, and yield. Various refinements exist of the features noted in relation to Among the insects which are particularly undesirable are 30 the above-mentioned aspects of the present invention. Further termites. Termites are well known for their destructive effects features may also be incorporated in the above-mentioned on residences, businesses and various other structures. The aspects of the present invention as well. These refinements damage from termite infestations results in huge economic and additional features may exist individually or in any com losses, structural safety concerns, and destruction of archi bination. For instance, various features discussed below in tecturally valuable structures. Ants are also particularly unde 35 relation to any of the illustrated embodiments of the present sirable. Some species of ants are known to damage crops and invention may be incorporated into any of the above-de others may bite humans or pets as an attack or defense mecha scribed aspects of the present invention, alone or in any com nism. Cockroaches and beetles are also undesirable pests. bination. Cockroaches may carry a number of organisms that cause disease and beetles are known to damage food and residential 40 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS and commercial structures. It is domestically and commercially desirable to control FIG. 1 is a front-side view of a pesticide applicator accord termites and ants through the use of pesticide products. It is ing to one embodiment of the present disclosure; also desirable to control other crawling arthropods, such as FIG. 2 is a front-side view of a pesticide applicator accord cockroaches, beetles, earwigs, silverfish, crickets, spiders, 45 ing to a second embodiment of the present disclosure; and centipedes, millipedes, Scorpions, pillbugs, Sowbugs and FIG.3 is an exploded perspective view of a pesticide appli various flying insects including flies, mosquitoes, gnats, cator according to a third embodiment of the present disclo moths, wasps, hornets, bees and the like. SUC. Abroad range of compounds have been found to be toxic to Corresponding reference characters indicate correspond insects and other arthropods such that formulations contain 50 ing parts throughout the drawings. ing the compounds may be used for their control. However, many arthropods inhabit spaces and Voids both inside and DETAILED DESCRIPTION outside residential and commercial structures in which it is difficult to apply the compounds. For instance, pests may Among the provisions of the present disclosure are ready inhabit voids within walls that contain plumbing and electri 55 to-use foamable pesticide compositions, pesticide applicators cal structures that limit application of a pesticide.
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