Postcard from Outer Brewster : 1 D : Wed, 15 Feb 2006 08:03:44 -0600 There seems to be some confusion as to whether Outer Brewster Island in the Boston Harbor Islands National Park and Recreation Area is an isolated, bleak, lonely, abandoned former industrial site in the middle of nowhere, or a beautiful sanctuary for both wildlife and visitors right in the heart of our great new national park. The situation was complicated somewhat by the recent appearance of a grainy black and white photo- graph which was mistakenly captioned Outer Brews- ter Island, but was in fact another island altogether. To help clarify the matter, and to help you better un- derstand the impacts of the AES proposal to site the largest LNG terminal and storage depot in the country in our Boston Harbor Islands national park, beginning today we are distributing a series of photographs of this spectacular place. Attached (and included )you will find the first in this series, a beautiful photograph by Jeremy D’Entremont, which shows historic Boston Light in the foreground and Outer Brewster Island in the back- ground. Please distribute this image widely - to friends and family, decision makers, opinion leaders, co-workers, elected officials and their staffs, etc. Please credit photographer Jeremy D’Entremont for letting us use his fine work. If you would like a higher resolution version for publi- cation, please contact me by return email. Thanks for your attention to this important matter. Postcard from Outer Brewster : 2 D : Thu, 16 Feb 2006 06:25:00 -0600 Thought you’d like to see this article from today’s Boston Globe. For Foes Of LNG, Image Says It All By Robert Knox, Globe Correspondent February 16, 2006 What’s the cost of putting a liquefied natural gas ter- minal on one of the Boston Harbor Islands? It’s the priceless view of Boston Harbor and Bos- ton Light, one of the best known landmarks on the Massachusetts coast, on the island, part of the Boston Harbor Islands according to Save The Brewsters, a grass-roots National Recreation Area. organization based in Hull that has put up a roadside billboard on busy Route 3A pointing AES Inc. of Arlington, Va., wants a 99-year lease to what it says would be lost if the LNG termi- to build a $500 million LNG regasification plant nal were built. on the island, which is 2 miles from the Hull shore and about 8 miles from downtown Boston. A The billboard, erected on the Weymouth side legislative hearing on a bill to remove the island’s of the Fore River Bridge, features a colorful state park designation, a step toward granting a photograph of the harbor islands, including lease, will take place next month. Outer Brewster Island -- the site of the pro- posed facility -- and its neighbor, Little Brew- AES is one of the world’s largest energy compa- ster, home to Boston Light. Jumping off the ad nies, with operations in 26 companies. While its is the Hull group’s fundamental message: ‘’The proposal to build on Outer Brewster requires a Harbor Islands Are Not For Sale.” two-thirds vote of both houses of the Legislature, its opponents say they are afraid the regional In a statement, the group said siting the ter- energy situation might lead some legislators to minal on Outer Brewster would ‘’irreparably support the company’s plan. destroy natural habitat and marine wildlife, including the harbor’s only major seal popu- Many people are under the erroneous impression lation, on and surrounding Outer Brewster that the LNG terminal in Everett would close if Island while destroying a National Park, meant a new one were to be built on the harbor island, to be preserved for all and not sold for said Lory Newmyer, a spokeswoman for Save The short-term interests.” Brewsters and also the executive director of the Hull Lifesaving Museum. The organization said it put up the billboard to counter efforts by the company proposing Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, state and the LNG terminal and the public relations firm local officials have worried about the possibility of it hired, Regan Communications, to persuade an assault on a tanker serving the Suez-Distrigas the Legislature to approve putting the facility LNG terminal in Everett, close to the population center of Boston. But Newmyer said that since point of her group’s billboard. different companies would own the facilities, the opening of one would have no consequenc- The average LNG tanker ship is 900 feet long, 150 es for the other. feet wide, and 120 feet tall -- and would dwarf Boston Light, at 89 feet tall with a diameter of only Proponents have cited the region’s growing 22 feet, according to Save The Brewsters. Further- hunger for natural gas in pushing for another more, construction work would destroy fisheries LNG terminal in New England. AES has also near the island, and the presence of the tankers sought to bring the local advantages of the would deny the area’s waters to boaters, New- plan home to Hull residents, saying that an myer said. estimated $3.5 million a year in property taxes on the facility would go to their town. But Lefferts said AES proposes to make significant efforts to reduce the effect of the facility on the Jason Lefferts of Regan Communications said Harbor Islands park system. his company has made this argument with Hull officials. AES plans to build most of the facility under- ground, with the tanks protruding only 20 to 30 ‘’The overwhelming [benefit] is, frankly, the feet above the island’s current horizon. The plant money,” he said, pointing out that $3.5 million would be sited on the north side of the island, the would be a significant bump to the town’s tax side farthest away from Point Allerton in Hull and levy. The town currently collects $19.3 million a safe distance from the town, he said. a year in property taxes, according to the asses- sors’ department. Those efforts are not likely to mollify the compa- ny’s opponents. Newmyer said that even if state Lefferts said the $3.5 million could be used and national policy makers decide a new LNG to help pay for the town’s long-term capital terminal is needed, ‘’a national park is the wrong needs, such as school projects and maintenance place.” of the local beaches and harbor. The billboard pushing that view on Route 3A mo- Hull selectmen opposed quick approval of torists will be up for a month. Save The Brewsters the proposal last fall, but are still studying the says the ad costs $1,500, paid for by donations to issue. Newmyer said she hopes the board will the group. take a position before the Legislative commit- tee hearing on March 8. Robert Knox can be reached at rc.knox@gmail. com. She questions proponents’ argument that New w England needs another terminal to receive its supply of natural gas. In fact, LNG facilities are national suppliers, she said, and a terminal on Outer Brewster would serve ‘’anywhere in the whole country, not just New England.” So while New England would gain no special benefit from a second terminal, the Boston area would undertake a bigger burden -- and an increased security risk, Newmeyer said. She said such a facility would mar the natural attractions of the harbor and its islands -- the Postcards from Outer Brewster : 3 D : Fri, 17 Feb 2006 06:23:16 -0600 AS YOU MAY KNOW, THERE IS STILL SOME CONFU- PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS IMAGE WIDELY - TO FRIENDS SION AS TO WHETHER OUTER BREWSTER ISLAND AND FAMILY, DECISION MAKERS, OPINION LEAD- IN THE BOSTON HARBOR ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK ERS, CO-WORKERS, ELECTED OFFICIALS AND THEIR AND RECREATION AREA IS AN ISOLATED, BLEAK, STAFFS, ETC. PLEASE CREDIT PHOTOGRAPHER SHER- LONELY, ABANDONED FORMER INDUSTRIAL SITE IN MAN MORSS FOR LETTING US USE HIS FINE WORK. THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, OR A BEAUTIFUL SANC- IF YOU WOULD LIKE A HIGHER RESOLUTION VERSION TUARY FOR BOTH WILDLIFE AND VISITORS RIGHT IN FOR PUBLICATION, PLEASE CONTACT ME BY RETURN THE HEART OF OUR GREAT NEW NATIONAL PARK. EMAIL. TO HELP CLARIFY THE MATTER, AND TO HELP YOU THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS IMPORTANT BETTER UNDERSTAND THE IMPACTS OF THE AES MATTER. PROPOSAL TO SITE THE LARGEST LNG TERMINAL AND STORAGE DEPOT IN THE COUNTRY IN OUR BOSTON HARBOR ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK, WE HAVE BEGUN TO WE DISTRIBUTE A SERIES OF PHO- TOGRAPHS OF THIS SPECTACULAR PLACE. HERE IS THE THIRD IN THIS SERIES, A MAGNIFICENT PHOTOGRAPH OF BREWTER COVE AND CALF BAY BY SHERMAN MORSS FROM OUTER BREWSTER LOOKING BACK TOWARDS THE REST OF THE PARK. YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY THAT THE NEXT ISLAND IS JUST A FEW HUNDRED FEET AWAY. Postcard from Outer Brewster : 4 S : Herald Flip-Flops on LNG? D : Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:23:15 -0600 In an unsigned President’s Day editorial which appears to endorse both the Fall River and the Boston Harbor Island National Park LNG pro- posals, the Boston Herald asserted that Outer Brewster Island “is an ugly step sister to the other harbor islands - with no chance of being kissed by any public investment to help turn it into an island worthy of being called a “national park.” However, in a piece which ran on page 19 of Sunday’s Herald, reporter Jenna Wolf describes the island as “picturesque” and the photos of the park’s only colony of seals which accompany the piece are captioned “SPECTACULAR VIEWS”.
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