SAM Gets Ahead Since Birth in '48 Duquesne's chapter of the Society for' the Advance­ ment of Management is sho^t on history, hut long on initiative and progress. The local managers lotaulated their organization,in the spring ol 1948. but could not function officially until late that same year. Ur. J. P. Nilaml. head of the management department in bus. Ad. first broached the idea of lloraUng a stu­ dent chapter here at the'Universttj. After several in­ formal gahterings. the group elected Regis CI ougtierty as chairman of the Student Organizing Committee. Then SAM a membership drive go£underway.<f While awaiting official approval ol their charter Emcvtiv* oHicn and cn—ilim IM4I of rtw Sectary for Gwnerwl conference ehqinwn, Richer* • status from national SAM headquarters in Nee. \ ork. the Advcnceimnt of Management m««t with Mr. mm plant for the Iwemcsleuia SAM ItklmM* \ their faculty odvi»or (extreme left) f.1 V (Continued on Poo* 2) \ bin wf hli »oriou« iwyffa. v Student Managers DUQUESNE Conduct Conference Dufruesne's SAM chapter has cut rtut a btjt test for its rhanagnr- lal capabilities next Thursday, March 8. They've scheduled an imVERSITY all-day raanagdment conference for the Pittsburgh Room of Che William Penn H^tel. WWi -\ j\." VstuineJd-No.Vi Pittsburgh, Pq. Fridoy, March 2.1951 Meetings of this nature are not uncoramom lp any business rora- mualty, but this one ta unique |a New Student Council Takes that it's the first one tomnletA motivated and arranged by «r itL Office; Elects President defj group. ' . ' • Ballots from the rural precincts nave Anally been tabulated and Toe confttb which is expected to *et underway at 9 a.tn. will feat- i the results of last Monday's Student Council election are.noyf offi­ ure a parafJe /or prominent .meat, cial. Twenty new councilmeh, were swept into office fcn the wave speaker* who are expam in the of bBllntswhich, overflowed onto ine floor in the Dean of Men's of- field of m-tnagement. HlghiiabUng ^rice.^fweuiy-ohe percent of the\ the day 'a oaatorirsl brigad* wili be eligible student body'participated Da, L111 ian till breth. noted, author in tne election.- ..- * \ Biology Teachers and lecturer, •' In their first official meeting on Dr. Gywelh Speaa* Tuesday the new Council elected To Confer Here |Dr. Ollbftth. mother pf II chijftt- •John Kooser,; Bus.' Ad. candidate, rs|a. grahdnjothef of IS ^ad real-life to be president for the coming year. The \ nticrosco^e watchers of bfroinp of'!Cheaper by the Doze ,"f, ' COLLEGE -l; Pittsburgh will bring DuqueSne into will speai at 4 ryu.: on " r tj* " There Mere no split tickets: sharp focus tomorrow-wheji local TJreada in ^anage'meot !*' '' biology teachers congregate-here among the "solid scientist" of the! The Student managers have ar* for the second annual biology in­ College, jrhey strung along with: rjoiged the|r cohferei.ee in two i ea* stitute. A featured speaker will be Joseph Kissane, junior, and George! alonh. Geerge P. .Souta, pus., Ad. pr. Adrian Poitras. assistant, pro­ Kushner, isenior. ,• - 'JSI-will moderate the -morning ies- : : fessor of zoology, who will dis­ . mis AD . : r •ion and Jnhn J. Kom. !)ua. Ad. cuss. "The Isolation and Cukure Returns from the downtown disth Tammies Present Single BSt will prvMde in the kfternooi of Fungi." \ ( net showed a big Bus. Ad. margin, \ fclr. [R.1 Conrad{Coop|r, vice nres- for-Janes L. Doyle, sophomore;. 300 «* Attend - Performance at Mosque- ideht of (nduatrial ei^tlneenns for John 'Kooser. junior; and Leo Theinstltute. is being ^sponsored Syria Mosque will rlflgf#tth\tiie mslodies nf siovene. Croatian, L'.S. steel of Ofsawarij will present Claugherty, senior. by the Pittsburgh DiocesaivScience and Serttan tolkjusiepfhen \&kUnWwity ilkmburiuana make ihe feaUwddreas eatiL|ed "l)i«vv(qp- MUSIC and Mathematics Associaticjh. More ment arid' Application; of lndua*>ial tiieir annual anpearance Sunday night. The Hooper St. machine will have than 300 Diocesan teachers are S>o*fciea.f at 9:,13 alii". Mr. Ddoald!? a feminine -influence for this term. expected to attend. ' \ The *show will get off* to a fast s*irt with the rythmic dances b. MiinrbJ, vice (sre»ld)ent'of Thomp- Music School elected'three women- • ' . VI songs and music typical .of the' Balkan, peasant's. Tne second hall |soh aind; Co. and Mr. John'T. Ryan, Marion Zbalisner, freshman; Doro­ The meeting will begin in theij s dedicated to the roik music of ;' fcxemtivf vice prc!>le*nt of Mine w thy Becker, sophomore; and Gloria Campus Theater at 9:15 ? "with eir,^jvthe' esten| United States. The Topper and tails {safety Ahpllaneea Qt. *Ui follow 'Cqsentino, junior - to do its tegis- ihvpcatiop by ' Rev. J., Gerald cpwboy music, singing anil square jhim ^efcW« the-lunch tlm> tntepia- lating. ' , ' • ,. Wals'V University vice president. icing created Quite a sensation Begins Casting PHARMACY Rev. Thomas Qulgley. superintend­ it was prevented before fniro- i. nw*«/ an J**** 8) Balloting on the first floor ward ent of Catholic schools in. this p^anVudlences. iUusJc of_ihe Lfctin Casting, far Tower and Tails' '» of Caaevin Hall provided a slim diocese wili be present. J L Americas' and a modem sfene ilill annual musical production will be margin, for the Pharmacy ticket of Font Sections close thfe program. held on Monday. Wednesday, and NFCCSCooeri Friday. March 5. 7, and 9; ui the Robert Nierman, freshman; Yfilliam Kour sections will; be held in VatleS PU Sinclair, sophomore: Michael Nutz, various parts of the Campus. Gene­ Carpus Theater at «U» h.ir. thia Variety t*K a Tambmlttan spec- In Benefit Gam* junior, and William Derek, senior. tics, Oenetics and Evolution, Ecol­ year TAT will present "The Vaga­ falty.i As o»\crlUc put it, "Taav EDUCATION ogy, and Visual -Aids are the main bond .King. • • t«y Rodolf PrUM. Tne. KPCCS guintet handed- a burltaan concerV" is a way of say­ Early sporadic returns froth the subjects to be discussed by-the select^: toars ol au-atars from St. ing many things;;master (ousician- All singers, dancers, and actors upstairs Canevia districts swelled speakers. The speakers will be VinceiV College a sound 118-51 ship, dance artistry, -super^ show- are cordially Invited to audi Hon • Into a landslide for Education nom­ from the faculties of colleges in trouncing'before 1100 fans atitetoa manship and. a woiiderriil efeniBg for this major production <HU«h inees - John Chuprinsll. freshman. Pittsburgh and there will be a rep­ hi" tJit 'to Greensburg last .Week. 'Of entertalnment.'N V \ ! utilizes,« singing chorus and,or­ Martha Cardie, sophomore; Ann Mo resentative from Carnegie Museun. The contest was played tor the The Tammie group Is diredted chestra in addition to dancers and Shane, junior and Alex Gozur, MainSpeaker \ Overseas fteJtef Benefit by Matt jouie who IS assisted W. lead Acting pans. senior. Principal speaker -.ill be Lbs waiter Kolar. Toth are olaytngm™^ I.eo, Clougherty wtth 15 points NURSING. .The Production will be under Rev. Mairmilian u. puman, St. bars of the two hour Taiajnie aho«i.\ paced^the winners along .with' Artx lirectton of lir. Frederic UeFels The all-fenlnine constituent Vincent's CoUege. whb wili dis­ and, Morgan who chipped In 10 gsferfanaera body from the Nursing School carv­ cuss "LOtanical Interpretation of poiste each. Stark and Danko apear- ed out a clear cut decisio.1 in favor Aerial Photographs." There are twenty-three lmllCi^|. ROTC To March baadsd the Dsarcato wtth 1) and, of Irene Rodgers. freshman; Mary era In the group, all fall time stu­ 10 points respwc-uvely. Lou Frantz, sbpbbmore; Dora Ritz- dents In toe I'rliversiry. veteran InSjt. Pat's I*arad4 '1 soloists include: Frances AdJer. Additional are being- ert. junior! and Marilyn Dippel, titions for nomlaations to the stu­ T/tm. Thorns inland. Instruc­ planned be Cleveland. Ohio; Steve Koyacev. NFCO* and Other ORlcen dent council before election day. tor in Ak Force (tOTC. ana falthtui nelghborlag Kenosha. Iris.; MarilynXazic.Gary. Other officers selected in Tues­ The'Dean of Ken has allowed these follower of dye Irish clan, has an­ Indiana; and Rudnlph 'aody. Aav day's initial meeting .*ere; Joseph classes until \iarch 9 to file signed nounced that over 190 Ak students Kissane, vice president; Gloria petitions If jtbey ; wish to seat a brldge. Pa. hsve volunteered to vaniclpate u> Class Rings | Cosentino, secretary; and Mary Lou member in the Council. Tlcmrti A the A. Patrttk's Day parade, Sat­ Prantz, treasurer. A special election will be ar­ There IS etu£ time In get Uckeu. urday, lurch it. Sealars whs wait to /set caaaa- Freshman and sophomore classes ranged to determine the rwnraaenta- for this ouhrtandtng musical »ro- The students plan to for. m a • aTaaaf* wmlTwalaM ^w»»T«lawM«w»wwl •¥• •Tw>¥aW in the College, and the freshman tln from these classes after their caa be pur-based at at toe student lounge, Hal smal to.ee toelr orOrs to Oae class in Bus. Ad. submitted no pe­ petitions are received. oa wlctooyst. to the parade area. ;( waakwwmi hetore afcrcw t*. if y i Friday, March 2; 1951 Nice Goingl Fr. MacNamara 's Ban' Another basketball season for the Fled and Blue has Gets"Dowi 1 Bedt" Just abbbt'run Its course. When the Dukes put the lid • on their '50-'51 eltort tomorrow night at Geneva, they The Dean of Men took n oves this week to. overtoil can look back, on a very satlslactory campaign. ;' • ,'some of the unsavory conditions resulting trora' the - University's location (n. a large city's UansiSonai The, present crew had several obstacle* toI;t>vav,' zone.
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