’7 VOLUME XXV—NO. 14 THBST.jram Nswa, I KNMAUKBKNT AlVlNirNf'BR. RBfT MWABIHT. OMJRTT C’lJUHPS BMR ILL. Mlaa Jennie Dastar, who for the Cotapllnittltary Uv*. Theme Walker, sea of Gonaty Cletit |a»t one and one-half yeara haa been Mrs. Narlaon Rohetta a reception u pf aad Mrs. John Walker. Is III with tlLLIIfFMLT city* reporter for the tU. Johna Newa will be dean la the Methodist Rpia* typheid fever to Detroit Mr. Walker completed her work Saturday. The an* ropal church partora PrMay eranliic agent the letter part of the weak la ri'peirent of Mlaa Heater, who la a by the laatnbe ra of the ehureh. the Detroit and Mrs. Walhar want to that dauchter of Mr. and Mra. A. II. Dex ­ choir and the choir rooitnlttae. Pro- dl WL dty Satariay to aaeiit to earlag fcir ter and Mr. Howard H. Karrher. la feaaor Roharta. who haa baan orsan* him. The youag man. who boa beoa nnnounred and the marriaae will take lat In the Mathodlst Kplacopal church sanasid In eleerlcal work to Dotrolt rLB.tH.\5ST AFFIIM HBL» IT THB place within a few weeka. A new for the past thtwa yeara, will Saleh hie CLAI for aanm Btne. Is dolaa well at this home la belnp built for tbeoi on Mead work Sunday evenlac with a .time. noniNi Ts Ml A* IIUHK BKNKHT LABMIfl. farewell miieieal program. ITofsaeor c. B. Smith, treet. Mlaa Acnea Stead a araduate BIAW. of the St. Johns hipb achool in the and Mra. KoherU bare made many jo Im and bolH friends slaoe coailaff to St. Johns and claaa of ItlS. basan work aa reporter six years aho. Mn fur The N:'wa thia week. the Metbodtat people invite nil who Tom Tier. wHa Is attaadlag eahool nmsmmmm wish to come to the reeeptlon and Kreeahousc 24xlSt fi. bore fram Knreha. burned Ika appar A .tIBW NPASnn.NT. musical pranram. I^rofasaor and Mia. btisiaeaa hns tmma$ M part of hla arm real badly Snaday Roberts will continue to reside In St. moralng. at hls baarilag plaaa. tha For MNue time past The Newa has ^Is pinac every fmm d I IRhi aai nt Johns eren alter Mr. Roherts bevtoa h ome of Mt. Brown oa West Gaos St fumlahed seaaoaable articlee pertain* the praaent tlapRa I MAI JllffIVBR HBRTBII Aim PIlfB PRO. Inp to fnrtna and farmlnp. With tbia his work as oranalst of St. Maly's tthawt IfjMt Hls arm la dolaa niaoly at praamt lasue we start to public a new de­ Catholic church In L4Uislni(. Deeem* aquare fast of sMBi but Is vary painful. It will probably <1R.IV RBBBBMIB. build aaother IdM* t partment under the head of "The Bus* her H be qnlla a while before It will ha able Me has enjoyed a to he of aoe. T. ■. C. A. Ineas Parmer's Ftm*-" Theae articles from the drat aMl Nl«t*n IRr PMailjr Mai Rf Bi«« are wiitteo by experts from dlSereni Inn every yanr. MfWRpa Tallap Ba^atM Bait t«ru of the country and the "busi ­ ness farmer” of Clinton conaty wll! C.C.iU . Mr. Sodth haw h adi A gin, Dans Mllaworth Talli find them practical and heliiul as p n HH IP ^ ipi tieer In The 8L J was '.mm TiieeSay Hwvnlng; I well as Intereetlns. knows that adawi PUTS. bar 4. to Mr. and Mm 'nkr annual minion of tbr Yaliup Mr. Smith ban. a dnnm hmn stnra TallmodMe. The yanng man etartnd fni/ftly waa hrM Saturday. No«-m)ber life rt^t by beiwInB • tMpoBHor HOBS re RATTLE CRBBR. OKPIf’BRN ELRCTIR IHNI THK RR. durlnit the wtatdT nMMha far the onn- 1<»I, at the home of Mr. ai^ Mr*. Km* M. Ant«)nlo. who has modurted a venleoro of hls ■MM onoinnerB. He ihe dny of hls Urth to the Stole Snv> togs bank of which hls fniher Is pay ­ Laat yanr Cttatoa eanat y seat M Sila- • Hi Lairkina on Clinton Ave. There line fniii more In this city for the pnst tMTflNI TIAR. oeeuples part of tha diare with Pan gataa. TMa year tha aim la Si. were .SI relatlv«>a preaent. only four five years, left the latter part of last h Dexter on CtinMi Awwnue. Daring ing teller. heina abaent. the summer bualBMa af jsople rlalt The eonfareace baglaa at 4:IS aa week for Battle Creek where he will Friday b) elactlun of oHaava. la Ha 7*he home of Mr. and Mra. lauitlna rondurt a business. His St. Johns 1 There wwie about forty-live pres ­ bis Kreeahonsea Mhlijh are loaatad Bom to Mr. aad Mrs. Ward Bltalbna ent at the monthly meeting of the C. Sunday. November 3. a boy. evaalag a haadast la to ha orttoH. waa decorated with autumn leavea. ftiende wlMi him sureess. near the SI. JohiSdanMMfT. ramatlooa and Hallowe ’en decora* ('. A. which wna held at the homo of The boya srlU ba addraoaad bp Qav. tiona. The older relatirea were a«at* Mrs. Pred Swnln on Church St. OM- Perris. A. B. Rah arts aad C. G. Mdllh- ed at a lonn table by themaelvea and mOIMK M liS HK rers were elected as follows; Preel- ALQMIH MAMM. soa of New York City. BataiHs MIimRC m ImD riTL Ideoi. Mrs. Rdan Mummer>: first vice the rniiagrr onea at different tablea 'S The gBBto between the high acboal momlag bapa ffoot dMMraot parti df throushout the rooma. PVturtean of j president. Mrs. D. !«. Hunt; second sad alamal laaaw. wbldi tehee plaoe the stale will raad papara mP a Hto vice president. Mrs. Oeo. Chapman ; cuasloa will ba lad bp Mr. MHo Mil the alataan jtrandchlldren were prea* nr on Thfinhoglvlss day. Tbunulay. tarn mu ent and all of the nineteen irreat* eaerehury. Mrs. Chalmer Redfem; Novaraher tTth. prom leae to ba vary Saturday aflotaasa wUl basNas dear araniehildren. trenanner. Mm. C. U Sllsbury. 1 ------------ excitlag. Tha hliffi eahool haa a Has MAWl HMMM HMJUIMm POM ST. to laaraaltoa aad aiHt-aartssk aHto- After dinner waa aenred Mra. Prank PfIRTLAND MAR HAN THRILURfl mlag. etc. Shtorday MHLM III taam which haa not last a shMc yat will ba a W. Kaapp of ninsham preatded for RXFBRIBRrB. Matt Mnlln. In behalf of the society ' The aluoat alsa has a Saa Itoa-ap gad jeMWS ARM CURTMR OSVRTT. i the provratn which opened with the piwaented Mlaa Basle Durkoe with two t mm muataal I la praettotog avary day. Hathnalaala turaa. Oa aoaqiany alnilas. "Nearer. My (lod to hsanttlMl sllvar spoons. Mlaa Durkae any It wHl ba the haat gaam f&L raMrad from the praaMoncy after two P. B. Wntosrorth. exoeator of tho Roberta will adirsaa the Thea." A history of the Tallnp fam* Will Young luckily eacapvd serlona Mra. R. O. BM Thaaa la tha alamal Itoa-ag aia Mart Mramias Doas'Ortaaaa satote vMSarad iiy followed, read by Mra. Oaorse lnjur> and perhaps death, a day or so years of eiirneaMul work. The aamtmamaa will cloae King'* Daughtem.gt g ■y Impart at Seh amy. Laaa Hnlee. Iaainii Brua- hla SmU gaaeuat aad maia tha sattN- A'allup of ninttham. ago. In the meat market with wbleb he After the buslnoas meeting refraoh- son. Pwalaayi Putt Paul Pack. Laa menta were served and e social time meeting last waMi T9 amat of tha eataUi Thursday. Oalohar After the readlnic of the hlatory. of* Is cfmnected. when a cartrldBe. which They decided to SItoS an tovttotlaa Hart. Otek Patereoa, Lsoa Crampton. It will I he waa trying to smoke, along with hls wae enjoyed by all. 20. In that satata. altar moMag a oMar bapa. who sarall fleara were elected for the eaaalac through the eiMaliwe WllltoB! Pwrl. Hurvay Oarrtagloa. laags n umber of aamll baguaata aad year: Preaidant, (leorve Yaliup tobacco, exploded. It was due to the RalpA Wlgglaa. HolUa Bottom. Tran- win ba a 50 eaat TAHIR TS ARR AHMOB. next annual eiada to ha lagartaa aad altar glvlag to tha SL Blngbam; secretary. Mra. Perry Teed, fact that the bullet kindly went la an heM to St. Johns ag Stfl . Mm Da- cia Taft, Lao Sahaeador f and Uaoyge r*o rsata maaa tm.___ _ Olive; and treasurer. Perry Teed. oppoaHe direction that Hill Is still eon Sayers Hulae. oldest son of Mr. and Jahaa Cn aiman dary at tha Kalghu aad group anppar. The ear Witt H. Hunt la a n of the ex- Templar, a legacy of Itti. and to tho Olive The next reunloa will be held necled with the nierrantile iatereots of i Mm Charlea Hulae was declared In- ecutive board, whith this fall. to Wagtnaw aad back from St. M I’ortland. laane by Dra. W. A. Scott and A. O. Mtomaa'a Club, a lagMy of $!•••. to ba la oaly IMO. Boya oaa Mart about .Stivetnber lat. 1914. at the home used tor charttobls purpoaaa. tor da- of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Teed to Olive. Peeling in the pocket of bis coat for BalunUy morning. November 1. The eoBventloa la attsadad by about I woama of the Hploeopal ohumh Johas at 12:20 on Friday Jnal i bis Bull Durham (hls occupation coni- afternoon he was taken by ISO delegates aaS tha drelc hare la!«^ plaaatog a vary ualqiia eatartala- sarvlag woman of Cllaton Goaaty. Thankagtrtag aad get to SM The program was cloaed by songs and very anxious to oacure the next ana, ! ment at tha home of Mr. aad Mm tbars wna aa Inbarltnaas tax ol MQS.
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