A vm ge Daily Net Press Rmi For The Week Ended A The Weather Angnst 8, 1970 Sunny, hazy, warm today and ’^esday, chance of thun^or- 14,768 showers both days. Highs in the 80s to low eos. Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 264 .(TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1970 (Classified Adverttsing on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS Terrorists Slay Bridgeport M an D ies Peruvian Plane Crash Kills American Official In Gunfire MOOTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) — The Tupamaro guerrillas executed American police expert Daniel A. BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP)— A man despribed by police as i, 1970 Mitnone during the night because the Uruguayan gov- , . u . ■ u . ernment refused to release an estimated 150 political an innocent bystander was shot Group of American Students prisoners as ransom tor him and two other kidnapocT T o A M Sn «°?‘SSy' waa lounO Sunday nlsM. Fiva man w,ra LIMA, Peru (AP) — A bound and gagged in1 a 1.1blood- j arrested,. two on murder Peruvian airliner returning ( 0 > Police Catch stained car parked on a city ^ ^ .. <0) tourists from a visit to the i street. He had been shot twice Inca ruins at Machu Picchu irtle" •«. in the head. A bandage covered Telxelra, 37, of 81 See­ crashed Sunday, killing 99 •Id Raik- the chest wound hb suffered tbe father It Siniib. Rebel Chief of the 100 persons aboard, <0 ) when he was kidnaped July 31 children. Police said in loa while driving to work. addition to gunshot wounds. including 49 young Amer­ In Uruguay In Washington the White found beneath 1:his ican exchange students. It House said today the kidnap body, but It was not immediate- was Peru’s worst air dis­ •81. Fo- (MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay murder of Mitrlone was “ a des- ly determined how many aster. lleves her picable act that will be condemn- wounds he suffered. "They were typical United anythisK — The Uruguayan govern- ------------------------- ----------- re to her ment has derived one dividend decency and honor The shooting occurred about States high school students, me IS it o u r from the search for three kid- everywhere.” In a statement 11 p.m. at Homa’s University best mat meir communities he wante re. Sophia naped foreign officials. It has P*"®®® secretary Ronald DriveJn on Main Street near could offer,” said Mrs. Mildred 1. R captured the leader of the Tupa- ^ Ziegler, the White House said the University of Bridgeport, M. Brown of Buffalo, N.Y., i <0) » maro guerrillas sought for six callous murder empha- Police said they were invesUgat- president of me IntemaUonal years. sizes the essential inhumanity of Fellowship, Inc., which spon­ FieM Bte Raul Sendlc, 46, was arrested **’® terrorists.” (See Page Ihree) sored me Peruvian visit by me ( 0 > » RBeU eilly, Friday with a dozena vother r w i c h pper- C I - President Nixon -----has receivedwva youms. u iS y sons during the nationwide eeeurances from Uruguay Pres- Fifteen other youths decided <0) search for U.S. advisers Dan A. *^®"^ George Pacheco Areco to remain in Lima wim me fam­ <o> Mltrione, 60, and Claude L. Ply, that he was firmly determined ilies wim whom mey had spent D a t h e S (O) 86, and Brazilian Consul Aloysio “ ®® means at his disposal Israelis Hit me summer, ramer man make Mares Dias Gomlde, 41. Appar- to bring about Mitrione's re- me trip to me ruins. son about ently Sendlc’s arrest had con- 'ease, Ziegler said, adding: Several omer Americans were 1 Kalian slderable Impact on the Tupa- “ The government of Uruguay ed o t love- Arab Bases aboard but the number was un­ Lana T u r, maros. The rebels Immediately sought, through a variety of certain. ji z , R oger threatened reprisals against the measures to rescue Mr. Mltri- International Fellowship re­ govemment, the diplomatic col- °"® to dissuade his captors In Lebanon ceived from me State Depart­ ony and security forces if harm ^*^m carrying out their threats, ment a list of 49 of its students comes to their “ arrested com- “ The terrorists failure to re- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 14 to 19 years old aboard the thaay Cal^ Panlons.” spond to numerous humanitari- (O) plane. But me airline, LAnsa, Is­ Skew (G> Before the abductions of Mltri- appeals to release a wounded Israeli P*^®®planes atta^edattacked Arab hew <0> sued a list of 64 Americans <0 ) rth^^Tu""*^' me weekenTlnd ^uXo^ces aboard which included three rragar aad omer teen-agers, a 21-year-old ker — K e - toee S u ” ^ ottlcTs^^ut P°'“=® ®®®>®‘> ^he area, re- and four older tourists. TTie air­ aad SlgB had not taken their war on the '"°ved the body from the car But quiet Mrs. Ruth Dobezin, a worker for International Fel­ vian plane crash that killed youths who were in line listed two of me students on government of President Jorge declined to say where they along the Suez Canal lowship, Inc., talks to parents today about a Peru­ Peru under the firm’s auspices. (AP Photofax) IntemaUonal Fellowship's list Pacheco Areco into the foreign taken It. They refused to ‘J*® s®®®"*! ^ay of the Egyp- communlty Ktve official confirmation that it tlan-Israeli cease-fire. as Peruvians, and it was Polio oVv.uo„o fi, was Mitrione’s, but police offi- '” '® attack Sunday on the mought some of mdse It listed '' or^amzaU^ TOt newsmen mere was s°umwest slopes of Mt. Hermon as American might be Peru­ s^lallpt among „y,g was in retallaUon for guerrilla vian. Chanplear p ^ y organizers of a unconfirmed reports clrcplat- Israeli frontier settle- U.S, Youths Killed Aboard Plane Ulie airline said me Lockheed (G) sugar workers union in norm- Electra carried 91 passengers iring taped western Urueuav in the inte e"* U»at a second body had been "'® "‘® military positions two rounds and seven crew members, but 1950s. They>ey Z i l r transfe^d I"""''’ P°>‘®® later the AviaUon Department <0) spokesman said. A Lebanese meir field of operaUons to Mon Were Amons Nation’s Brisrhtest said mere were two more crew reather aad The• aaa,. VChZcar 111In whichWIllUJl iVllLriUnUMitrione's S armyW spokesman" j said me’ raid----- tevideo. me capital wim almost members aboard. a million inhabitants. body was found war ip/t nn»*Do/i oum0<l crops and knocked at an intersection in a electrical power in three vil- ASSOCIATE DPRESS because "he felt he wanted to farm, too, a 600-acre spread at Mary B. Kinsock, 17, accord One man, me copUot, sur­ ■ (C) The Socialists were banned Intersection In a Shew (O) 'ages known to be auerrllla mu_ .............................................‘’^vehave an understandingan understanding of condl- Sullivan In Ashland County, ine to her fnfher vived. Shew (O) several years ago because of worker’s residential secUra*^______ known to be guerrilla County,______ ing to her famer, JJames, allies OIof ^® found In me They were 49 teen-agers who uons in me world.” Ohio, and her interests were __j ’ wreckage of me cockpit. ther aad meir violent pro-Castro stand. "'^® ®®*‘ was an old American-nerican- strongholds—Kfar Shuba, Shaa- were among me smartest, most ba and Jersa. closer to home. Seventeen.venr. oo part In ev- Most of the passengers .had The guerriUasguerrillas are'behevedare believed to "^ademade model which had been talented, most ac'uve and ta^d-' ^ science and mam major f e^7nT^rsch^\>!'tTel\n H other at have taken meir name fmm stolen Sunday Police closed off guerrillas in Lebanon workine mouehtful and ron volunteer tutoring for Marjorie, a cheerleader ' ^ scnooi ottered in flown to Cuzco, me ancient Inca 1 pregnant, miles soumeast o i her daugb- that of Tupac Amaru, a leader 'ntersecUpn, declaring it a I,"'®'* mortars at an Israeli bor- cemed^oungstfrs to be found in y ^ s o r studenU. Christopher e^m there chew- capital 366 ml laalng baby ofot me IncMIncas who was executed “ military zone.” " ^®'‘®®® settlement in Northern Gall- smsmall-town all-to^ America. was ^^®the only son of Mr. and ‘ “ >• ~ v e r „,g n “‘b sa^ m “me ’® ^ima, lor “an 'excursion to me y Donahue, orothy H o- by me Spanish for leadingleadlne- a re-ra PeoplePaonla llvimrHvino- in me areaa .,aid '®®'®®-®“ Sunday "l® y night, wounding one TheyThev were scholars,scholars student Cannlff, ^who w®s president of her lo- school chorus, played tennis and Inca ruins at nearby Macchu bellion in Pam in tha ib^ ' m a a IS ^ ^® of the settlers, the military com- annnali mamharo aiiih nraai were too crushed to discuss ®®' club, a Future Farmers was a horsewoman, and w m Picchu. After me day of sight- 66. Hugo le Scalfa. (0) the Rarth" lye D. 8. Za, h'e,i:‘S.rZ“w7“, la. ,.«a„ ’'“.“g* “ “■£ "a'Z'pS c7«"7l“ . 6,000 mile dnig-sm ug- independence from Spain during gated immediately and me po- ®’®'"'®‘' '5""ng or wounding 20 Many of me girls were among team, in me photography club, peni P y or er p ' jandro Calegari, requested per- me last century. »ce said a passing police patrol attack Sunday on me pretUest, too—prom queens, debater, a boy who loved ^t Brownsville, Ind., Edward mission to return to Cuzco. adllaes — Hunted by Uruguayan police car made me discovery a few positions five miles cheerleaders and drum major- slfHng. skating and swimming. “ He was a smart kid. not t^hlman told how his 16-year- Hm aad (See Page Eight) slnce 1964, Sendlc successfully hours later. norm of me Dead Sea. But a ettes.
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