I IRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1964 FAG* THIRTY.TWO iianctr^atifr lEvrains U m llt Avorace Daily Net Pnaa Rna The Woathor For the Week Haded Foreeest of O. S. Weather KovcMber 81, 1884 Trinity Past Noble Grandt of Olondy, breeey. milder toalglit, Sunset Rebekah Lodge will en- Town Seeks low 48-SO; breemy tomorrow, rsia About Town twtain the Trinity Past Noble 14 ,1 4 3 ending In the morning, high hi the Grands Association at a Christ­ Member of Ike MimchMt«r Chapter of mas Party Monday at 8 p.m. in Plant Site BareM ut SOe. BPBBSQSA wUl rehearse to­ Odd Fellows Hall. Members Manchester— A City of Village Charm night at 8 at Bunce School, are reminded to bring a small Olcott St. AU men interested in Christmas gift. Mrs.' Robert After-the-Holiday Armstrong and committee well For Pioneer barbershop style singing are MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1964 (CiMelfled AdvertieiBg on Page 10) PRICE SEVEN CENTS welcome. No musical knowl­ serve refreshments. Mr.s. Ma­ VOL. L x x x r v , NO. 50 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) edge is necessary and there are bel Dowd will be in charge of The town development com­ BO voice trials. entertainment. mission met Wednesday evening with several town directors to Perennial Planters Garden The British American Club’s discuss efforts at relocating the Club win meet Monday at 7 annual Children's Christmas Pioneer Parachute Co. in a new p.m. at the home of Mrs. R. B. party will be held Sunday, Dee. factory In Manchester. Shaw, «01 W. Middle Tpke., 20, at 2 p.m. at the clubhouse. The commission is working with the management of the Mariner 4 Takes Off, and will proceed to Comstock Members are reminded to reg­ Ferre A Co., Wethersfield, ister their children before Sat- 300-employe firm, which is cur­ Where Mrs. Richard G. Willard usday, Dec. 5. The age limit rently located in an old Cheney will give a Christmas demon­ for children is 8 years of age Mill building on Forest St. FOR THE WEEKEND stration at 7:30. There will be by Dec. 25. Pioneer proposed moving to another Manchester site about a business meeting at the Farm this time last year, but can­ Shop after the demonstratrion. Lawrence J. Roger Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. celed its plans and renewed its Early Maneuvers OK lea.se at its current location. Marine Lance Cpl. Gilbert W. Roger Sr., 19 Clyde Rd.. has recently been pledged to mem­ Commission members and Dupont, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heads TDC tov/n directors plan a meeting George E. Dupont, 117 Ridge bership to Alpha Tan Omega Alfred P. Werbner, 40 Marion CAPE KENNEDYY Fla. before Mariner 4 soars past' A towering, 100-foot Atlas-Ag-'-S-Agena second stage propelled social fraternity at Worcester with Pioneer management to Mars into orbit about the sun, a ena rocket started Mariner 4 on St., and Marine I«n ce Cpl. Dr., has been re-elected chair­ discuss local sites. (A P )— Mariner 4 rocketed itself into orbit 115 miles above Polytechnic Institute. O IV E / first television camera 4s to take 22 Its way, blasting off from Cape Kenneth W. Cotton Jr., son of man of the town development Francis J. Mahoney, chair­ the earth as a flying launch Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Cot­ into space today, and the pictures, and instruments are to Kennedy exactly on schedule, at platform. Forty-two minutes Connecticut Federation of commission for a one-year man of the board of direceors, ton Sr., 10 Earl St., are serv­ term. He was first elected to flight control center re­ study atmospheric density, radi­ 9:22 a.m., with a surge of flam­ after launching, when the Agcna Democratic Women’s Clubs said after the town elections in National ing power from its three booster ^7 / ing with the Marine Battalion the po.sf in 1963. October that he plans to con­ ported it apparently exe­ ation and other scientific se­ was in a desired position above will meet Tue.sday at 10:30 a.m. engines. Lading Team 3/3. which was Werbner has reappointed centrate board efforts to keep cuted early maneuvers suc­ crets. the Indian Ocean, it re.started at the Hotel Statler, Hartford. FIRST NA'nONAL SURiRMARMTS S t o r e s A critical hurdle was cleared recently awarded a plaque for Atty. Joseph Conti. 241 Sum­ existing industry in town and Although preliminary data its engine and boosted Mariner Mrs. S. Aubrey McGann. pre.s- cessfully on the start of an five minutes, 22 seconds, after 4 into spare. assisting in flood relief opera­ mit St., to continue as secre- i and locate more new industry indicated early phases of the ident. will preside. There will intended 7'/o-month jour­ launching, when a protective Officials reported that the tions in South Viet Nam. tary of the commission, also for | here, helping broaden the town's OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. launching were succe.ssful, the be a Christmas Luncheon for ney to Mars. National Aeronautics and Space metal shroud separated from spacecraft separated from its all members and guests at 1 a one-year term. |tax base. ■Die Steward of the Elks Development chairman Al­ 'The electronic explorer, which Administration .said several the spacecraft. launch platform, and that the Club, Bissell St., has announced p.m. in the Terrace Room. Werimer's re-election at a Structural faihire of a shroud flight appeared normal at that fred Werbner announced that repre.sents the United Stale.s' hours would be required to de­ iSiat no clams will be served Reservations may be made with development commi.ssion meet­ made of weaker material ruined time. A tracking station at ing Wednesday was unanimous. some members of the town com­ termine whether the craft was tonight at the club due to the Mrs. John F. CHfford. 95 Ol­ la.st chance for a clo.se look at on a precise course, or whether the Mariner 3 launching to Mars Woomcra, Australia, reported Besides seiving as sales man­ Thanksgiving holiday. cott Dr., before tomorrow. mission had atended the 16th Mars for two years, was sched­ radio signals would have to be earlier this month. 1 receiving .signals from the ager for the Jarvis Realty Co., annual Connecticut Develop­ The control center reported streaking payload. Werbner is president of the uled to fly across .32,'j million sent to fire a steering motor to '' ment Conference during the jockey it onto the correct path. radio data Indicated no hitch If all goes well. Mariner 4 will Manchester Chamber of Com­ miles of space before passing summer. A spokesman said definite with the protective covering j streak within 8,600 miles merce, a past president of the within 8,600 miles of Mars next ot Manchester became a confer­ information was expected late today. Manchester Board of Realtors, July 14. ence member twg years ago. During a 30-minute encounter. this afternoon. After shroud ejection, the (See Page Three) Tickets Now On Sale and a member of the town in­ The commLssiop is also work­ surance .and realty advisory ing on a survey of town cul­ committees. tural resources for the Connec­ THE MANCHESTER MESSIAH CHORUS Atty, Conti, who became a ELEVENTH ANNUAL PRESENTATION ticut Commission on the Arts, ROUND ROAST n.ember of the Connecticut and is prepared to attend ses­ Jury Finds SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1964 — 8:15 P.M. Bar in 1962, is associated in sions of the Manchester Com­ Monehester High School - Bailey Auditorium practice with Atty. Paul R. munity Colleges lecture aeries Groobert. on community development. Cigarettes Hie Connecticut Bank and Trust Company He served as chairman for TOP or BOnOM 893 Main Street the 1963 mental health cam­ Ray Beller’s Milsic Shop— 1013 Main Street paign in Manchester. He is a Safe to Use Potterton's, Inc.— 130 Center Street member of the Democratic Lighting Ceremony Officially Opens Holiday Season and will be available at the High School LEE’S FLORIST Town Committee. ROUND POT ROAST ,, MIAMI.Fla. (API — A feder­ Box Office thaf*evening Young Peter Garman (41/ 2) gets a big boost from last night officially opened the holiday season here. and GIFT SHOP al court jury has found that cig­ Santa as he turns on the holiday lights in Man­ Peter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garman, Rt. 44A, Bolton—643-8089 I Wg GIVE / arettes "are reasonable safe FREE chester’s downtown shopping area. The ceremony 68 Bowers St. (Herald photo by Saternis.) and wholesome for human con­ • YES WE DELIVER • H pJI All Cut From sumption." Beauty Advice Flowers for all occasions; The verdict, reached Friday Weddings, Funerals, Cut IJVampSJ Heavy Western Steer Beef None Stopped night after two hours of deliber­ Flowers and Corsages . Events Special ^Hot Line ’ ation, denied damages to the ARTHUR DRUG W O O N S O C K'fe T, R.I. estate of Edwin L. Green of Mi­ When You (AP) — A Ma.ssacliJisetts ami, a three-packs-a-day smok­ man hurl in a traffic ac­ er who died of lung cancer in In State 1957. Think of CINTIR CUT FOT ROAST LB Available for Pope cident lay unconscious on BOnOM ROUND the highway, ignored by Green's e.state had sued the APPLES more than 30 pa.ssing American Tobacco Co., for $1.5 VATICAN CITY (A P )— Pope Paul VI will have his motorists. j million, contending that the can­ COATS As Advertised Police Seek Woonsocket police said cer was caused by smoking 4PPLE Think LB own “ hot line" to keep contact with the Vatican while Byron Cochrane Jr.
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