nutrients Review Cocoa Bean Shell—A By-Product with Nutritional Properties and Biofunctional Potential Olga Rojo-Poveda 1,2,* , Letricia Barbosa-Pereira 2,3 , Giuseppe Zeppa 2,* and Caroline Stévigny 1,* 1 RD3 Department-Unit of Pharmacognosy, Bioanalysis and Drug Discovery, Faculty of Pharmacy, Université libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Brussels, Belgium 2 Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Sciences (DISAFA), University of Turin, 10095 Grugliasco, Italy 3 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected] (O.R.-P.); [email protected] (G.Z.); [email protected] (C.S.) Received: 20 March 2020; Accepted: 15 April 2020; Published: 17 April 2020 Abstract: Cocoa bean shells (CBS) are one of the main by-products from the transformation of cocoa beans, representing 10%-17% of the total cocoa bean weight. Hence, their disposal could lead to environmental and economic issues. As CBS could be a source of nutrients and interesting compounds, such as fiber (around 50% w/w), cocoa volatile compounds, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and a large spectrum of polyphenols, CBS may be a valuable ingredient/additive for innovative and functional foods. In fact, the valorization of food by-products within the frame of a circular economy is becoming crucial due to economic and environmental reasons. The aim of this review is to look over the chemical and nutritional composition of CBS and to revise the several uses that have been proposed in order to valorize this by-product for food, livestock feed, or industrial usages, but also for different medical applications. A special focus will be directed to studies that have reported the biofunctional potential of CBS for human health, such as antibacterial, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, antidiabetic, or neuroprotective activities, benefits for the cardiovascular system, or an anti-inflammatory capacity. Keywords: cocoa by-product; biofunctional; bioactivity; polyphenols; flavonoids; methylxanthines; theobromine; antibacterial; anticarcinogenic; antidiabetic 1. Introduction One part of the fruit from the plant Theobroma cacao L. is the well-known cocoa bean, which is the main raw material for chocolate manufacturing. Cocoa bean production takes place mainly in tropical areas, and it reaches more than 4.7 million tons per year worldwide, from which 76.3%, 17.4%, and 6.3%, were estimated to be produced in Africa, America, and Asia and Oceania, respectively, during the harvest season of 2018/2019 (Figure1A). Cocoa bean exportation constitutes about 71% of the total produced volume [1], and, although Europe is not a producing continent, its processing of cocoa beans reaches 1.7 million tons, leading the statistics over other continents [2] (Figure1B). After being harvested, cocoa beans are first separated from their pods, then they are subjected to fermentation, followed by a drying phase. At this point, cocoa beans are transferred to the chocolate production industries, where they are roasted and winnowed in order to separate them from their shells, since no more than a 5% of shell is allowed on cocoa products according to the Codex Alimentarius [3–5]. Nutrients 2020, 12, 1123; doi:10.3390/nu12041123 www.mdpi.com/journal/nutrients NutrientsNutrients2020 2020, 12,, 12 1123, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of2 29of 29 Nutrients 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 29 FigureFigure 1. Forecast1. Forecast of global of global cocoa cocoa bean bean production production (A) and (A global) and cocoaglobal grinding cocoa grinding (B) during (B the) during season the Figure 1. Forecast of global cocoa bean production (A) and global cocoa grinding (B) during the of 2018season/2019. of 2018/2019. Adapted fromAdapted [2]. from [2]. season of 2018/2019. Adapted from [2]. CocoaCocoa production production generates generates substantial substantial quantities quantities of of waste. waste. Indeed, Indeed, only only 10% 10% of of the the total total cocoa cocoa fruitfruitCocoa weight weight production is is used used for for generates its its commercialization, commercialization, substantial quantities whilewhile thethe of waste.remaining Indeed, 90% 90% only is is discarded discarded 10% of the as as totalwaste waste cocoa or or by- by-productsfruitproducts weight [6,7]. [is6 ,7used]. One One for of of its these commercialization, by-products isis thewhilethe externalex ternalthe remaining tegument tegument 90% that that is cover coverdiscarded the the cocoa cocoaas waste beans, beans, or also by- also knownproductsknown as [6,7].as cocoa cocoa One bean bean of shellsthese shells (CBS;by-products (CBS; Figure Figure 2is), the2), which whichexternal are are generated tegument generated duringthat during cover the the cocoathe cocoa cocoa bean beanbeans, roasting roasting also process,knownprocess, as as ascocoa already already bean mentioned. mentioned. shells (CBS; CBS CBS Figure constitute constitute 2), aboutwhich about 10%–17%are 10%–17% generated of of the the during total total cocoa thecocoa cocoa bean bean weightbean weight roasting [8 ][8] and and someprocess,some studies studies as already have have revealedmentioned. revealed that that CBS these these constitute percentages percentages about are 10%–17%are likely likely to ofto vary thevary dependingtotal depending cocoa onbean on the theweight fermentation fermentation [8] and typesometype of studies of cocoa cocoa beanshave beans revealed [9 ].[9]. that these percentages are likely to vary depending on the fermentation type of cocoa beans [9]. FigureFigure 2. 2.Cocoa Cocoa beans beans and and their their processing processing by-products. by-products. Adapted Adapted from from [10 [10,11],11]. Figure 2. Cocoa beans and their processing by-products. Adapted from [10,11]. TakingTaking into into account account the weightthe weight percentage percentage of CBS of andCBS the and aforementioned the aforementioned cocoa productioncocoa production data, thisdata, wouldTaking this mean would into thataccount mean more that the than moreweight 700 than thousand percentage 700 thousand tons of of CBS CBS tons and waste of CBSthe is aforementioned producedwaste is produced worldwide, cocoa worldwide, fromproduction which from moredata,which thanthis morewould 250 thousand than mean 250 that tons thousand more is only than producedtons 700 is thousand only in Europe. produced tons Toof give CBSin Europe. anwaste idea is of Toproduced this, give the anproduction worldwide, idea of this, of from one the kgwhichproduction of chocolate more thanof would one 250 kg produce thousand of chocolate an outputtons would is ofonly 98 produce gproduced of CBS an [12 outputin]. 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Moreover, non-human [14] and its toxicityconsiderable mammals in aquatic [15]. amounts Moreover, animals of theobromine, has its alsotoxicity been inwhich reported aquatic has [ 16animalsbeen]. reported has also to beenbe toxicreportedDespite for some [16]. being non-human considered mammals a by-product, [15]. theMoreover, nutritional its compositiontoxicity in aquatic of CBS animals does not has diff eralso hugely been fromreported thatDespite [16]. of cocoa being beans, considered except for a by-product, fats, which arethe much nutritional more presentcomposition in cocoa of beans,CBS does while not fibers differ predominatehugelyDespite from thebeing that shells ofconsidered cocoa [17]. Besides,beans, a by-product, except CBS also for containsfats, the whichnutr considerableitional are much composition quantitiesmore present of of CBS interesting in cocoa does beans,not bioactive differ while compounds,hugelyfibers from predominate suchthat asof polyphenols,cocoa the shellsbeans, [17]. except which Besides, arefor knownfats, CBS which toalso be arecontains responsible much considerablemore for present the diff quantitieserent in cocoa nutrition-related beans, of interesting while healthfibersbioactive predominate benefits compounds, provided the shells bysuch cocoa [17].as [polyphenols, 18Besides,]. CBS whic alsoh contains are known considerable to be responsible quantities for of theinteresting different bioactivenutrition-relatedRecently, compounds, the bioconversion
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