South 9s Oldest Newspaper t IN COUNTY $3.50 Thursday, August 17, 1967 Price 10c Per Copy Vol. No. 171 - No. 39 SUBSCRIPTIONS: IN STATE $4.00 Georgetown, S. C. 29440 OUT OF STATE $4.50 Georgetown i Democrats IPCo. Plans $1,250,000 To Organize Democrats of the City of Georgetown will meet at 8 P. M., Water Treatment System August 22 to organize the city's seven precinct clubs. International Paper Company A city convention will be held will spend more than $1,250,000 m at 8 P. M., August 29 in the at its Georgetown Mill this year Georgetown County Memorial for equipment to clarify mill Library to establish an organiza­ $210,000 More waste water being discharged into tion for the forthcoming George­ the Sampit River and Winyah town Democratic Primary when Bay. the party will nominate candidates for three seats on City Council. In Sewerage According to J. F. Mixson, Georgetown Mill Manager, plans Councilmen whose terms ar? for installing a new waste water expiring this year are Mrs. Rebn clarifier have been finalized and Y. Bruorton, Cecil W. Schneider Bonds Voted some of the necessary equipment and Irving Schwartz. has been ordered. He stated that The August 22 meeting place for An increase of $210,000 in tht construction will begin in the near the individual Democratic clubs bond issue of the City of George­ future and that the clarifier will and their present presidents are: town for a sewage treatment plant be in operation early next year. Club 1, Georgetown County Li­ was authorized by City Council The waste clarifier will remove brary, John T. Walker; Club 2. Monday. Longshoremen's Union Hall at settleable solids from water user! Hawkins and Kaminski, Eugene A total bond issue of $1,010,000 in the mill's pulp and paper proc­ Johnson; Club 3, Winyah High will represent the city's share of esses. The settled solids will be School Auditorium, Rev. Joseph J. financing Georgetown's first treat­ further concentrated, dewatered Grant; Club 4, National Guard ment system. and burned in a furnace. The Armory, J. M. Hills; Club 5, Mary­ Earlier, an $800,000 bond issue clarified water, from which the NEW QUEEN—Barbara Ward (center), chosen Miss Andrews at the Jaycee-sponsored ville School, H. A. Thompson; was approved, but this was in­ solids have been removed, will be pageant, is seen with first runnerup Maxine Parsons (left) and second runnerup Susan Club 6, Loyal Motor Company creased by $210,000 in view of a- further treated by passing it through oxidation lagoons or Terry (right). Garage, L. H. Hutto; Club 7. mount of the bids for construction Blanche Holmes Store at 1816 of the sewerage system. ponds. Hawkins St., Alex Alford. The bonds were sold to the Rob­ In the oxidation process, addi­ Both the Club 1 meeting and the inson-Humphrey Co. of Charles­ tional oxygen demand is removed City Convention, earlier announc­ ton for an interest of 4.18 per cent. from the water, thus decreasing Barbara Ward Wins ed to meet at the Courthouse, will Rather than try to cut segments the oxygen requirements of the now be held at the County Li­ out of the proposed treatment waste water before its discharge brary. system already approved by both into the river. All of the process state and federal agencies, City water at the Georgetown Mill will Council agreed to seek additional AWARD WINNER—Citadel Camper Carlton Bourne, a bo treated in this manner. financing. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bourne, Georgetown, was pre­ Upon completion of the waste Miss Andrews Title Vandals Choose sented the coveted Mark Clark Award by Gen. Hugh P. clarifier system, approximately 30 The- City of Georgetown, which Barbara Ward was named "Misj The girls were judged in street The pageant, emceed by Johnny Courthouse And has a Class A bond rating, has Harris, president of The Citadel, recently at graduation ex­ million gallons of process water Andrews 1967-68" before a large clothes, evening gown, and swim Eagle of Manning, was under the been ordered by the State Water ercises at the enid of the second 1967 session of The Citadel will be treated daily in the Pollution Control Authority, to Georgetown Mill. This is about crowd at the Andrews High suit competition. Barbara was the direction of Delores Gilmer and Summer Camp for Boys. Bourne was also awarded the School auditorium last Friday winner in all three preliminary e- Shirley Kellahan. Church As Targets treat sewage, all of which now is twenty times as much water ss is Physical Fitness Award the Table Tennis Award, and the used each day in the entire «ity night. vents, and upon her selection in Music was furnished by the Vandals chose two diverse in­ dumped raw into waterways a- round the city. Trap Shooting Championship. of Georgetown. thc finals was crowned by Shirley "Shells" of Andrews. Bob Clemons stitutions as targets for breakins Kellahan, the outgoing queen. sang "The Miss Andrews Song", Specifications hav* bee* aata- in Georgetown during the past blished by the SMtb Carolina and Delores Gilmer gang "A week, the Georgetown County First runner-up in the Jaycee- Stranger in Paradise." Pollution Control Authority f*\- sponsored pageant was Maxine Courthouse and the Presbyterian raaintniii'ng the n; • lyof water! Parsons. Susan Terry was second Judges were Earl Brown, Mrs. Church. all streams in the State, runner-up, and Linda Watford Johnny Eagle, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Apparently gaining entrance to Andrews Medical Needs tional Ptper Company \ was elected "Miss Congeniality." Granger, and Miss Linda Harris. the Courthouse Annex through a % •* ported legislation *rm& side door, a door window in the with State agencies In helpMB^^^ hall to the Clerk of Court's office tablish standards for streams i%>! was smashed. Also a window in protect the waters in South Caro­ ENDOWMENT FUND lina. Contributing to the endowment Teacher Shortage a door at the interior entrance to Reviewed In Survey fund of the Georgetown County the new Courthouse addition was broken. The Georgetown Mill maintains Memorial Hospital were J. P. and A survey sponsored by the An­ for improvements. which point up the impraclicality a full time laboratory staff headed Elizabeth Thomas and Mr. and drews Jaycees indicates that the 2. Build and equip doctors' of­ of building a hospital in Andrews by a chemical engineer that con­ No items were detected as mis­ construction of a hospital in An­ Mrs. Richard Kaminski and Mr. Remains Critical sing. fices for two physicians, giving at this time. stantly keeps check on the quality and Mrs. R. Ernest Beaty in mem­ drews at this time would not be them an option to buy after two of air and water in and around Upon entering the Presbyterian economically feasible. The Andrews trade area ex­ . ory of F. L. Siau, Sr. A "critical shortage" of teachers Church, an effort was made to years. This arrangement is de­ the Georgetown Mill. In addition, Also contributions have been for the Georgetown County School break into a soft drink machine In an effort to find some an­ signed to attract to Andrews a tends 10 to 12 miles from the city the mill employs Dr. George F. made by Mrs. Ralph M. Ford and System still exists, Superintendant and walls in the Sunday School swers to improved medical care in team of young doctors just fin­ and has a population of about Meenaghan, Professor of Chemi­ R. M. Ford, Jr. in memory of Miss. cal Engineering at Clemson Uni­ William Young commented this All Schools building were defaced in one of the area, the Jaycees brought in ishing their training. 12,500. From this area there are Frances Milam and F. L. Siau, Sr. week. Gibson Howell, a consulting firm versity as a consultant in its air a continuing series of breakins at 16 to 30 patients admitted to hos­ the church. of Suffolk, Virginia. 3. Work out an arrangement and water management programs. YOUTH ACTIVITIES WEEK "Twenty-five vacancies exist in In County Funds to finance the survey with Georgetown County Memo­ pitals each month, with an aver­ In addition to the clarifier, the Wayne Methodist Church invites the County schools which open on were raised by solicitation of lo­ rial Hospital to establish, as a age stay of 7.5 days. Georgetown Mill is now installing all young people of Junior High August 31, and recruiting at this cal merchants. It is felt that the branch of the hospital an out­ an entrainment separator for one time of the year is extremely dif­ Salvation Army money was well spent because tne patient clinic in Andrews for diag­ Andrews is only 18 miles from of the evaporator systems to re­ and Senior High ages to attend it- the Georgetown hospital and 24 annual Youth Activities Week to ficult. Open Aug. 31 community now has some con­ nosis and treatment of ambulatory duce the oxygen demand of mill Begins $25,000 crete, practical goals to work to­ patients. miles from the Kingstree hospital. waste water. Also, a $4'0 million be held at Wayne Methodist "Last-minute resignations have From anywhere in the area one Church August 20-25 from 7:30 to All public schools in George­ ward. power recovery boiler is now in worsened an already bad situa­ Fund Campaign 4. Establish a convalescent nurs­ of these hospitals can be reached the final stages of construction. 9:30 P. M. tion, and we are very discouraged. town County will start the While discounting the building ing home with nurses, therapists, of a hospital until a population in about 30 minutes.
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