L I 3canograpny tor Limb Length Determination I. Kevin]. O'Conno,·. DPM,* John F. Grady. DPM,t and " MiCf"ael Hollander, DPM:t .1' Clinical measurement of limb length i.s taken from the su­ perior aspect of the anterior supeJior iliac spine (ASrS) to the distal aspect ofthe media.l malleolus usIng a tape measure. This measurement is best employed asi'an initial clinical assessment but 1.S not to be used as a definitive measure. The ASIS can. be difflcult to palpate in obese or ml"scl.llar patients. Also) soft­ tissue contractures i.n the Mp or leg and differences in muscle size of the two extremiti.es may make this measurement inac­ curate. When a tape measure is used, a decrease in leg length may be produced by genll valgllm an,d an increase in leg length may be produced by genu varum.s Many authors have stated that cli.nical measurement is inaCCll1."ate and often misleading. Eicher'" found the degree of accuracy with a tape measure to he ±O.5 cm. Beal£ states that differences of0.5 inch or less with tape measurement may be assumed to be unreliable. Clarke's:; study showed that Nro experienced examin.ers using a tape mea.­ sure from the ASIS to the medial m.alleolus came within 5 mm of each oth.er's measurement in only 20 of 50 cases. Ifa limb length ineq1lality is to be accommodated, a more quantitative measurement is needed. Another clinical measurement for limb length inequality 1,nvolves palpati,on of the iliac crests. Examiners attempt to es­ timate the degree ofasymmetry to the nearest 5 rom." In a study conducted by Clarke , two examiners using this method were '" Former R(I!8ell.~ch Fellow, Depru1:ment QfOrthopedic Sciences. Dr. WiIlitlm M. Scholl College ofPodi9.tTi~ Medicine, Chici\l.go, Illin~iij; Cummtly In plivllte p.racUce, Chi­ cap:o, lUinois .~ Diplomate, Americ!\l\ BON'd of Podiatric Surgeri'; Fellow, American College (If Foot Surgeons; and Director, Sport> Medicine Center, Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podialric Mef,!jclne, Chic:'lgo. IlUnoi~ *Diplomate, American Bt)aro of Podiatric Sttrgery; and Clinical Associate Professor, Dr. Wil1i:'l.ltl M. Scholl College of Podi/lt:rtc Medici.ne, Chicago, IlHnoi~ CUfl.ic.~ in Podiatric Medlr;ine and Sttrgery-Vol. 5, No.2, April 1988 267 ':",. 268 KEVIN O'CONN01\, JOHN Gl\IIOY AND MICHAEJ. HOU.ANDltR co,rr.ect w.tthin, 5 mm ofthe radiographic results in only 16 of 50 cases. Various radiographic techniques have been employed for limb length measurement. Teleradj,ography involves a single exposure on one large film. This techn.ique demonstrates the B relative length of the two limbs. Vogel states that poor magM nification and inconsistent radiolucency with this technique re­ sult in undependable resuJ.ts. Scanography uses a long expo­ sure from a moving tube, collimated by a lead diaphragm to Q narrow-slit glass beam/oj Although thi.s technique is accurate, Aitken and colleaguesl state that it involves a .long exposure time, a high radiation dose. and considerable wear on the ra­ diographic tube. The radiographic technique most frequently employed is orthoroentgenography. The patient lies supine on a special frame, on which a metal rule is 'placed between the legs. Three successive exposures are centered over the hips, kn,ees, and ankles.s Each femur and tibia are then measured by extending a right angle from the ,Tuler to the bony site to be measttred.7 ThIs technique requires precise centering of the ruler. Ai,tken 1 and colleagues state that axial decenteJ;'ing results in inaccurate measurements. Another problem with this tech­ nique is excessive radiation exposure. Gofron and T11leman5 cite movement of the legs between exposures an.d inaccurate positioning as major sources ofen·or. Also, Glass and PoznanskjO report that examination gives information in only one plane and does notpel'mitdetermination offlexioll ofthe limb, which wiU r.esult i.n elToneous shortening. CT SCANNER A new method of determining limb length discrepancy is computed tomography (CT) scanograms (Figs. 1 to 6). The pa· tient lies supine on tbe CT scanner table with both legs in full extension. I:; Two fron.tal views are obtained-one of the femur and one ofthe tibia.s Cursors, or markers, are then placed over each femur at the most superior aspect and at each medial fem M oral condyle distally.7 The cursor is then placed over the medial tibial plateau and the tibial plafond. Measurements ofthe femur and tibia are then calculated by the computer and repeated three times for each extremity and averaged.7 The length of this procedure averages 10 to 15 minutes. A lateral view ofthe lower extremity is also indicated on the basis of'studies conducted by Glass and Poznanski.1) They determined that flexion at the knee will result in an apparent shortening of the tibia. Very little, if ,ANO!n of 50 d for Ingle 5 the mag• .e 00­ ~xpo· to a rate, ,sure e ra­ ::'1 )TItly j" eon the lips, i by I be the ults Figure L Section of CT scanogram showi.ng cursor placemElnt and scale ~ch- for measurement of right femoral selmlent. lane ~ate iki5 mdvm is la· ],11 ur er n­ aI .II" !d is :!r Figure 2. Section of CT scanogram showing cursor placement and scale for meaS1.1rement of right knee segment. 269 Figure 3. Section ofCT sennog-raro. showing cursor plaoement and ~cale for me~tlrement of right tibial segment. Figure 4. Section ofCT scanogram showin~ cursor placement and scale for mea~nm~ment of left femoral segment. Figure 5. Section .ofCT scanogmm showmgcursor placement and scale. for measurement ofleft knee segment Figure 6. Section ofCT scanogram showing curSor placement amI scale fur measurement of left tibial segment. f' " I,' "':', ,; 272 KEVIN O'CONNOIl, JOHN GRADY ANO MICHAEL HOLLANDF..R any. change in femoral length OCCllrs. They suggested that the knees be held In place with Velc.to straps. There a,re many ad­ yantages of using CT scanograms for limb length measure" ments. The measurements are more precise and accurate the cost is compatible with conventional techni.ques, less ti~e is ,required, and, most important, Aitken and colleagues1 showed that the radiation dose is 3 to 6 times less than that from the conventional technique. CASE I On February 14" 1986, a 28-year-old white female pre­ sented to the Sports Medicine Clinic at the William M. Scbol1 College of Podi.atric Medicine. She reported a 3- to 4-year his­ tory of low back pain that occurred a day or two after running. The symptoms were now present after walking. The patient, a professional photographer, carried her heavy equipment on shoulder straps. She had not been running for the past year because of the ba.ck pain. The patient received previous treat­ ments from other doctors that consisted oforal antiJnflamma'tory drugs, muscle relaxants, ice, physical therapy, and leg lifts, whi.ch gave her only temporary relief. Her medical history was unremarkable except for a com­ plaint of "psoriatic lesions" and her back pain. Examination revealed. pain on palpation in the lumbosac.tal area on bQth sides ofthe spina1 column. The patient's right shoulder and right side of the pelvis appeared lower than the left ones in bot~ stance and gait. Her knees were intern.ally rotated in stance and gait, and her malleohu- positi.on was external bilaterally. The left limb was 0.5 em longer.than the right limb by measurement of ASIS to ipsilateral medii! malleolus. Subtalar neutral was ~ de­ grees varus bilaterally and forefoot neutral was 2 degrees valgus bilaterally. Her feet were mildly pronated in stanCE. Initial treatment consisted of a low-dye strapping with a metatarsallongitudi.nal pad bilaterally, and an eighth-inch heel lift was added to he,r light shoe. When the patient returned ]. week later, she related an 80 per eell,t improvement in her back symptoms. She .was scheduled for a CT seanograrn to evaluate Hmb length to verify the difference. The scanogram revealed a 0.5-em difference, with the left limb being longer. A S-mm heel lift: was added to her right orthosis. The patient has remai.ned comfortable. even on a vacation dUring which she hiked 4 or more miles per day and carried a backpack and a tent. CT Sc,\NOGMI'HY FOR I..u.m J... Ii:NGTH DETERMINATION 273 In thIs case, the CT scanogram was used to quantitate the limb length dtfference to detelmine the exact height of heel lift that was needed.. CASE II On August 14, 1986, a ,36-yea.r:-old male handball player presented with a chief complaint ofpain in the right knee. The paIn had a. gradual ~nset ~nd had worsened with ti.me. In his unsuccessful Quest for rehef, he had been to two orthopedic surgeons as well as to his family ph,}!:sician. The pain bad been present for 4 months. On physical examination, some crepj,tus was noted in his right knee on active extension, and the patient had a positive Clark's test. Synovial eflhsion was palpable and obvious. Di­ agno~js of the patellofemoral compreiision syndrome was made on the right side. Limb length was measured :&.01.11 the ASIS to . the medial malleolus, demonstrating the limb to be 0.5 inch longer on the right iiide. ­ Foot examination. revealed a right partially compensated rearfoot varu.s deformity that :was symmetric right to left. Before his rearfont varus deformity cou.ld. be accommodc\ted, aCT scan­ ogram was obtained.
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