x .n* * V 'J FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1961 PAGE EIGHTEEN MmtrfjftBtrr Enrtting ifrralb Average Daily Net Preea Ron The Weather For tke WwA EnOed Fere eg at e f U. S. Weather W m am Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Muohsetsr HSgh SchMl p«d- DMember 18, 1884 Tbe Manchester Council of uats. She usortvsd the Ohurt^MB will have a dinner Ladles of Columbus, will spon­ Four Elected FREE GtolCM o M tiOMm m , • About Town sor a rummage sale on Wednes­ scholwnhlp that year • n d v w to 18 hidMG meemmmlkMmi lavr to- meeting Monday at 8:30 p.m. at Announce Engagements a member o f the National Hon­ 14,151 iJlattrljTHtTr lEuTtitttg IbraUi South Methodist Ouirch. There day beginning at 9:30 a.m., at Beauty Adviea nightn«or te; Mgh iMM«i«*r M - or Society. At Central, Mis* BbmlMr « ( the Audit Mr*. Bonnie F. Terrio of M will be a Miort devotional serv­ Mott's Supermarket. Good used To Education McHugh 1* In the chorus, a Bui MU « f Ctreulatfoa 88. Wk center 8t., 1* among the ice after the dinner. Henry clothing, bric-a-brac and house­ ARTHUR DRUG Manchetter— A City of Village Charm candidate* for the graduate de­ hold articles should be brought member of the Student Hld- Janssen, president, will conduct uoation Association, and a P ^ ' gree o f master of ediieation at to Mott’s Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Honor Unit a business meeting. Harry S. For additional information, con­ tlclpant in Intramural sport#. Marquette University tai Mil­ Maidment will speak on “Boy (TEN FAGBS—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1965 (Classified Adxrertislng on Fogs 8) PRICE SEVEN CENTS waukee, Wia. tact Mrs. George Willard Jr., Miss Wisniewski, daughter of VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 98 Scouting." 75 Steep Hollow Lane, or Mrs. Four Manchester resident* Mr and Mrs. Edward Wisniew­ James Tanl, 90 Concord Rd. were recently initiated into the ski of 118 Washington St„ is The Junior Century Club will Bollcrman Richard J. Baggc uponsor a Square Dance Sat­ national honor society in ed­ also a 1961 Manchester High of the U. S. Navy, son of Mr. George N. urday. Feb. IS from '8 p.m. to The British American Club ucation — Kappa D elta PI. graduate. She Is a member of and Mrs. Richard J. Baggc of will .sponsor a dance tomorrow the o e s e Rifle Association, the midnight at City View Dance Three attend Central Connec­ Converse Hall, Keeney St. Bob William* M Ferguson Rd., participated from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. for mem­ Secondary Education Associa- will call. Tickets for members in amphibious landing opera­ bers and guests. Tony O’Bright ticut State College in New Uon. and the Association for PAINTING AND tions udiUe serving aboard the and his orche.stra will play. Britain and one attends Wllli- Childhood Education. Bad Cold Puts President Johnson in Hospital and guests may be obtained b E C O R A T IN G from Mrs. Bruce FVjwler. 41 guided missile destroyer USS mantlc State College. The engagements of both Baldwin Rd., Mrs. Benton Os­ Tattnall. The exercl.se took Steamers, cherrystone clams Miss McHugh and Miss Wis­ PHONE 84S-2804 ' ’The c e s e students are Miss niewski were announced last good. 145 Cross Dr., Vernon, or place on the beaches of Porto and clam chowder will be Joanne M cH ugh and Miss Can Evenings — 6 t« i Mrs. James Spencer, 32 Many Scudo and Cape Teulada, Sardi­ served tonight from 7 to 9 at Carole Wisniewski, seniors ma­ week. Lene. Vernon. Sandwiches will nia.^ the Elks Club. Bissell St. Mem­ joring in elementary education; Miss Parciak, a 1962 Man­ be served and setups provided. bers, their wives and guests are and Miss Bernadette Parciak, a chester High graduate, is the ‘No Alarm Whatever* Mrs. Maitland Richardson is welcome. junior studying mathematics, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ches­ Storm Strikes East^ Abe E. Miller Post, American co-leader and Mias Grace C. htrs. Beverly Treadwell, the ter Parciak of 77 North St. She Legion Auxiliary, South Wind­ Collins junior leader of a newly Manchester Cedarettes wilt Wllllmantlc student, is a jun­ is a member of the Student sor, will sponsor a pubKc card formed Buttons and Batter meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at ior also majoring In elementary EMucatlon Association, and for­ CAR RENTALS Medical Experts Say party tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the group of the 4-H Club. The Center Congregational Church education. merly belonged to the French Legion Hall, Main St., South group meets each Wednesday for the election of officers. Uost- Kappa Delta Pi elect* its Club and the Newman Club, or LEASIN8 Windsor. Refrestunents will be at 3:30 p.m. at the home of e.sscs will be Mrs. John Buck Lorinx photo members on the basis of “high and played intramural volley- Roads Hazardous WASHINGTON (A P )— President Johnson was taken Fracchia pholor^ Mrs. Carlton Welsh, 466 Wood­ served. and Mrs. David Frazier. The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss intellectual, professional, and * All Mokes ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I I. I ■ I to the Bethesda Naval Hospital in the dark hours this land St. personal standards.” Mrs. Treadwell resides with Corenda Lynn Morra of Bolton Ruth S. Durkee of Rockville to her husband, Cecil Treadwell • A ll M ode ls NEW YORK (AP) __ (^northwest Kansas. In eastem ^rleans, damaging 100 homes, a morning suffering from what his physician called a The executive board of the to John Brennon Haugh of James H. Darby of Manchester The national honorary so­ Colorado two main highways grocery store and two house "respiratory infection.” At the hospital he spent “ a Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ger- ciety strives to encourage high Jr. at 124 Hackmatack St. A * All Times Stormy weather, with Ladies of the As.sumption will Manchester has been announced has been announced by her par­ 1945 graduate of Manchester were closed. Six Inches of snow trailers. Fire officials estimated rather restless night.” hardt of 128 Wetherell St. were meet Monday at 8:15 p.m. in by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. standards by honoring educa­ snow, sleet, rain and strong fell In La Junta, Colo., with the damage at |100,(KXI. A small ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. tional achievements and con­ H l^ School, Mrs. Treadwell at­ But White' House press secretary George E. Reedy CORRECTION recently installed a.s presidents the Assumption School library. Richard P. Morra of Tinker Purkee of 2 Alpert Rd., Rock­ Paul Dodge PontkK winds, swept across areas wet belt extending southward twister lashed Albany, La., rip­ of Lutherweds of Emanuel tributions. tained the highest scholastic told newsmen at an 8 a.m. briefing there was “ no alarm Pond Rd., Bolton, Her father is ville. honors at Willlmantlc the past INC. in the eastern half of the into the Oklahoma Panhandle. ping a tin roof off a chicken Lutheran Church at a supper- Miss McHugh, daughter of shed and killing 5,000 chickens During Pcntiade Days The Salvation Army Men's first selectman of Bolton. Her fiance is the son of Mr. two years. The ’Treadwells have S78 MAIN STREET Four men from El Dorado, whatever” about the President’s condition. meeting at the church. Other Her fiance is the son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh of nation today. Kan., were killed Friday when valued at tX.OOO. Fellowship will meet tomorrow and Mrs. James H. Darby, 24 209 Hlllstown Rd., is a 1961 two daughter*. Phone 849-2881 Hazardous drixring condlticms But White House press secre-.4,------------------------------------------------ Liggett Drug is selling officers are Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ and Mrs. Samuel Haugh, 71 their light plane crashed In a More than 5(4 inches of rain tary George E. Reedy told’ liam Malan, vice presidents; Mr, at 7 p.m. at the church. There Jordt St. are forecast for Uie state of words — "that he had awakened 1,000 Saccharin tab­ will be a social time after a Garden St. snowstorm at Syracuse, Kan., drenched New Orleans and newsmen at an 8 a.m. briefing and Mrs. James Stratford, sec­ Miss Morra 1s a 1962 grad­ Mi.ss Durkee is a graduate of (Connecticut, Snow is expected near the (Colorado line. very early In the morning feel­ business meeting. Rham High School. Hebron, and to fan most of the day oxrer the nearly 4 inches doused Mobile, there wa.s "no alarm whatever" lets for 18c, not 100 retaries, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale uate of Manchester High School Ala. Rain splashed wide areas ing this pain and feeling this is attending the University of northern half of the state with From 6 to 12 inches of snow, about the President’s condition. miserable cough.” as advertised Thurs­ Starr, tre€isurers. and a 1964 graduate of Morse In the middle and lower Missis­ John.son was brought from the The Perennial Planters Gar­ Hartford. She is a medical sec­ snow mixed with freezing rain along with gxisty winds, was in Johnson sat in the rear of the College. Hartford. She is em­ prospect in western New York sippi valleys, the middle Atlan­ White House to the hospital by day. Emanuel Lutheran Church den Club will meet Monday at 8 ployed at Owens-Coming Fiber- retary to Dr. Joseph C. Carpen- PREMIUM over the southern portion. AU ambulance bringing him from rain is expected tonight and State. tic states and along the Pacific ambulance. But he walked to. will have an informal reception p.m.
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