TTASHINGTOy. MONDAY, OCTOBER W2T AUTOMOBILES, ETC. • M 1 S C ELLANEOUS'.* THE EVENING STAR, D. C M 37 SALE—AUTUMMRILES. SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ’ DODGE BARGAINS. O\S RANGES. new and slightly used. all 1926 Coach $675 size*. leas than hall price. Why pay morel Every range guaranteed. J, W. Williams, of Fortune Alb«t 1923 Coupe 325 4* Soldiers GOO tilh n.w. Main -298H. Fifty' GOVERNMENT OFFICE . FURNITURE— 1926 Roadster 475 Slightly used and reconditioned. Desks, tables chair*, file cabinet*, bookcases and 1923 Touring 175 bookshelves, lockers, safe*, stationery cabi- 1924 Touring 375 net*. rugs etc Everythin* to complete your office at a tremendous savin*. H. Baum A 1923 Sedan 200 Son. feed Furniture Dept.. 810 E st. n.w LIVING-ROOM SUITE, used only few weeks” HAWKINS NASH MOTOR beautiful in*, colonial combination desk, at sacrifice. Owner. Mr. Nikki. 811 l.’tth *t COMPANY, INC. n w.. 2nd floor. 4* MARBLE SLAB, about 4 feet hv 7 feet. #5. Conveniently Located. Rlaokistone Inc.. 1407 H st. 1333-1337 14th St. N.W. MICROSCOPE.’ Bosch' & Lamb stand. 2 ml immersion lens. 4403 14th st. n.w. Apt. 2. Main 5780. < !L PAINTINGS—Three: 2 mattresses, 7 cots. 1 *uitar. Call Cl. 37411. between 1927 Jordan Line *‘B” Sedan. P and J. 4* (DEMONSTRATOR.! PIANO, high-grade *>h»ver. contents of bed- room. livin* room and kitchen: reasonable Driven only a few thousand mi!***—fulls for cash: no dealers. Ant. 17. "000 H st equipped—guaranteed an good as new. tuw. 3* _ OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. PIANO—Chu kerin*. parlor trand: price, i $175. Must sell at OPce. 1745 A st. s.e. NEUMEYER MOTOR CO . Phone Line 8383. Cash or terms. 5* 1825 14th St. No; in 93 ”9 PIANOS—We are offering special reduction* on new and used crands and uprights: grand* as low as #375: used uprights from L. P. STEUART. 505 up: crands and upriehts for rent: pianos taken in exchange on Victrolas: pianos shipped and moved. Hueo Worcli. Pontiac. Oakland. ?aeked.110 G. Est. 187i>. PLAYER-PIANO, very low price: double Buy now, don’t wait. The fol- bra«s bed: ladv’n black coat, size 40. 3800 14tb st. n.w.. Ai>t, 407, lowing cars have been recondi- REFRIGERATOR, praetieally new. 50-pound capacity, #8.75: saxophone, silver. Conn. E- tioned and are in perfect condi- flnt -1 * alto. 550. West 1102-J. tion : REFRIGERATORS—New and second-hand for all purposes McCray Refricerator Co.. n.w K>VKI> IMIMN Oakland Landau. 1927 SBOO 522 13th st. »Mra ,m wSMKV n tl*M!«ni. Oakland Coach. 1926 too RUGS. Oriental’ finest quality and weaves; the persecutors or to save them from destruction. He Oakland Coupe. 1925 4M» . \ , they they soldiers sent him prisoner. Through prices. flights. au! ™ c,„uhr considered a crime. Also frowned to tnke Coupe. I.V) all sizes: lowest Walk two soldier Os fortune was a clergyman. But on The powerful Narragansett Oakland 1923 save money. ave.3* Theirs was wilderness he fled until he came to a river. Crossing chose the latter course 1203 Connecticut 'n I- and™ hermle?* amSoments. banded with the Pequot tribes to attack Chevrolet Coach. 1926: 2 4<u* portahle. valor, he , opposite shore, he was had Coupe. n.i<» SEWING MACHINE, electric with his his adventures and the services , ss rree d Tlo t in keeping with any of in a canoe to the he realized Indians Chevrolet 1025 guaranteed, ove Puritan "Wiilvg-Knlght Touring. 4">rt attachments' perfect condition: entitle him to place of they bred of hardy at last beyond the limits of Massachusetts. Here and overwhelm th* >o«m 1925 hargsln somebody. Address Box rendered America a Eut a®race ? Ford Sedans. 1925: for CC-S r ‘mThe BE Ford 2 225 Star rno,t ,^h..«e . later heeoeie the huhv.the 4-door Sedan 1026 375 office. THIS,, ,i,l, the tastans kto -e & Essex Coach. 1926 450 SEWING MACHINES—D.h. Sinser. 515: h; SKS SST tSSTSUUW Pontiac Landau. 1927 675 New Home. 515' Standard. sls: New Meal Essex Coach. 1027 t;so 510: others at 55: all *nar. New machines »*<¦;¦ wiiLn,,. rpn. Open evening® 53 Renfinr and renainn*. ' Sew. Mch. Shop. 313 Pa. nvc. s.e. L. 275 . than did .he and drew These cars are in good condi- S.E. he tad Ahead,- hie fame acholhr h-mlev reltalon Purjta™ ; now SINGER portable electric with knee control l"rmirrled. Uaet'cJ “S PuStaTh' »lA?rt'aVth£ eiusht tion and light. at a bargain a'so qpnsole Singer, mechanically; new tires only 880 on time. 1017 Conn. ave. Frank- lin 0242. and paint on some of them. SODS—High-grade sods rich topsoil, soil well manure, lawns (Traded and nut 1 rotted him an no 11 ,ingei a •** USED CAR* DEPT., In order Lincoln 204. 4* looked on as that Indians were human beings Island. Admirers of Williams heard where he was have rested from his labors, he remained * to settlers The idea In the TIRES 3O*3H. 52.25* 20x4 40. 52.85: th 1 such was the last straw in and hurried from Massachusetts to join him. Others in colonial and religious affairs as 1444 P ST. N.W. 32x4 53 50: 35x5 55.50- all other sizes in C.'t c bia left T-’ncMnH for Massachusetts and should be treated as stock. RADIO TIRE MOO H n.e. « TWIN BEDS, mattresses, dresser desk and M sss HA’T. \imswmr. OWENS. chair. Pink enamel; very reasonable. 3812 B Srx » fSSHsS Touring 13th st. n.w. 1925 Chevrolet SIOO TYPEWRITER BARGAINS: prices cut ’* on 1926 Chevrolet Coach 365 yourself: 1925 Chevrolet Coach 306 all makes: see for rents reduced. < <«*«,. ™. »h« 1025 Open cvemnes. 1431 East Capitol st. Lin tow pjrxs, '•=,«o„™ us* l. Chevrolet Sedan 38"> ' ¦sssSf. »ssr 1925 Chevrolet Sedan 425 coin 32. 1927 Chevrolet Coach 400 bargain TYPEWRITERS. latest models: b 1927 Chevrolet Imperial. prices: repaired: guaranteed hy sot aces nasa an mat ne n all mokes serv- that God 'as pleased natives grew to love and obey him as a wise father. colonists alike mourned him deeply as one of the demonstrator 815 ice Standard Typewriter Exchanee. 000 bravest, wisest, best men the New World had known. 1925 Ford Touring 125 loth n.w. Main 3032. V* among them, and put crazy Williams heard of the plan to seize him. He escaped Then it was that Williams suddenly found he had a 1924 Ford Touring 75 bucM refure Copyright, 1925 Coupe 165 avenge . TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. Adams Dinkins witches. To kiss one’s wife from his home in -Salem just in time to avoid the chance to either himself on his Massachusetts 1927. Ford 1891 Underwoods L C. Smiths. Royals Sd women to death as 1923 Ford Touring 60 mo ; 3 fffos. in adv.. 58,25: 0 mos,, 51 5 1925 Ford Delivery Ido S 3 25 BALB--AUTOMOBILKB. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. Ford Tudor Sedan 150 TYPEWRITERS —All makes standard key- SALK—AITOMOBILES. SALK—AUTOMOBILKS. board. large and portable. Rebuilt No. 5 (fnnllniirrt.) PACKARD SIX SEDAN. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. HUPMOBILE -8” SEDAN, E-Z Terms. Underwoods 845. Washington Typewriter cwfevsTEIT'ROADSTER. "Vi perfect < oniii- sedans, 6 SSO up REO 807 13th n.w. ¦ 5780. BUI Civ Very good condition: dine wheel*, mant ' Tudor choice of Late 1926. Exchanee. FrnnklinlOl4. _ rail’ Mr.' Barton. Main extras. Price. $725 Terms to suit. Coupes, choice of 4 17r> up FLYING CLOUD OWENS MOTOR CO, INC., OFFICE FURNITURE DODGE Cheap t<> quick buyer, pood 1920 USED CARS. Tourings, choice of 10 66 up FROM U. S GOVT. iedan: will demonstrate -W t,mf LINCOLN SALESROOM, Runabout*, choice of 10 ......... 35 up Demonstrators. In wonderful condition, fully Complete line of desks, file cabinets, lock- Col. 14th *L Conn. One-ton light deliveries, office chsirs and tables: tremendous s.ov- Monday. 10412. ~81. 1130 Ave. N.W. i trucks and 150 up 6323 Ga. Ave" Col. 8470. ers 1 STANLEY H. HORNER. Inc.. frank. 8542. open mid closed bodies equipped. Your car in trade. ines Everything von want for your office DODGETbUPE late »23: touring. condition, Ready for Immediate delivery, a brougham, pood rubber: parking light #IOO < ash. Nash sport A-l and coupe, fully equipped. All Open Evenings and Sundays. WASHINGTON SALVAGE CO.. _:**— 1015-1111 14th St. NAY. new tires 300 sedan, Victoria Attractive terms. Furniture Dept. 310 Bth St. N.W. 104 17th *t. s.e. Line. carry new-car guaranties. Substantial reduc- ROADSTER AND TOURING, both M. 58(X). SOME CARS VAN BE tion*. Your car in trade: convenient terms. Padgett-Joyce Motor Co. DODGE newly repainted with Duco, CHRYSLER OF THE ABOVE always a Flying OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. Show Cases and Store fixtures. late models: lots BOUGHT $25 CASH. BALANCE. $4 PER You wanted Reo Cloud—- perfect mechanical condition, your opportunity. both in nai- USED WEEK. here ie Ruse & Company, of rxtrn equipment: c»nl> do>\n. ’24 Dodge A Sedan $350 OAKLAND—PONTIAC. monthly NEUMEYER MOTOR CO. ’’ ance very easv payments. Ourisman car department open 7 p.tn. tore Resident salesman. Lincoln 8402 house service CAR DEPARTMENT. Used until THE TREW MOTOR CO., Chevrolet. 625 H st. n.e.. the '26 Buick Master 6 Coupe. 1,050 Sunday*. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1825 14th. X. 9329. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. built- open niphts and Sundays. Lincoln M. 4173. HORSES. ’25 Chevrolet Sedan 375 STEUART MOTOR CO., 1509 14th N.W. Hudson 5-pass. Sedan; like new S9OO double teams, suitable for any kind J Open Evening*—Sundays Until 5 P.M.
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