INIS-mf —14880 34E CONFÉRENCE ANNUELLE DE L'ASSOCIATION NUCLÉAIRE CANADIET 15E CONFÉRENCE ANNUELLE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ NUCLÉAIRE CANADIENNE 5-8 JUIN 1994 - MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC CA9600750 - CA961 ANC COMPTE RENDU ISSN 0706-1293 Association nucléaire canadienne Compte rendu de la 34e conférence annuelle 5-8 juin 1994, Montréal Éditeur A.-M. GIRARD (AECL CANDU) Editor Canadian Nuclear Association 34th annual conference proceedings June 5-8, 1994, Montréal AVANT-PROPOS Ce volume contient les actes des séances techniques de la 34&ne Conférence de l'Association nucléaire canadienne. Comme dans les années passées, la Conférence annuelle de la Société nucléaire canadienne s'est tenue en même temps que la Conférence de l'Association nucléaire canadienne. Les communications ont été rédigées, autant que possible, selon un format standard et sont généralement publiées telles que soumises par les auteurs. Le contenu de chaque communication n'engage que la responsabilité de son auteur. Les actes de la Conférence sont protégés par un droit d'auteur détenu par l'Association nucléaire canadienne. Pour toute demande de renseignements sur ces actes, pour obtenir l'autorisation d'en reproduire une quelconque partie ou pour en commander un exemplaire, s'adresser à: Association nucléaire canadienne 144 me Front ouest, suite 725 Toronto (Ontario) Canada M5J 2L7 FOREWORD This volume contains the Proceedings of the Technical Sessions from the 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Association. As in previous years, the Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society was held in conjunction with the Canadian Nuclear Association Conference. The papers of these Proceedings were prepared as much as possible based on a standard format and are generally published as submitted by the authors. Responsibility for the content of each paper rests solely with the author. These Proceedings are copyrighted by the Canadian Nuclear Association. Requests for further information concerning these Proceedings, permission to reprint any part of these Proceedings, or orders for copies of these Proceedings should be addressed to: Canadian Nuclear Association 144 Front Street West, Suite 725 Toronto, Ontario Canada M5J 2L7 Remerciements L'éditeur remercie toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à la cueillette des différentes communications réunies dans ce compte rendu et, plus particulièrement, Messieurs Henri Bordeleau et Hong M. Huynh d'Hydro-Québec pour leurs précieux conseils quant à la réalisation de ce même compte rendu. Acknowledgements The editor would like to thank all those who gathered the papers published in these Proceedings and, in particular, Mssrs Henri Bordeleau and Hong M. Huynh of Hydro-Québec for their most valuable advice regarding the production of these Proceedings. COMPTE RENDU DE L'ANC/CNA PROCEEDINGS OUVERTURE DE LA CONFÉRENCE DE L'ANC/SNC - OPENING OF THE CNA/CNS CONFERENCE SESSION 1 - Plénière / Plenary DINER DE L'ANC - CNA LUNCHEON SESSION 2 - La nouvelle réglementation en matière d'environnement et ses répercussions sur l'industrie énergétique / New Environmental Regulations and Their Effects on the Energy Industry SESSION 3 - Nouvelles CANDU / CANDU Update SESSION 4 - Gestion du cycle de vie des centrales nucléaires / Life Cycle Management of Nuclear Power Plants SESSION 5 - Évolution de la technologie nucléaire / Evolution of Nuclear Technology SESSION 6 - La technologie de demain / Technologies for Tomorrow SESSION 7 - Combustible nucléaire irradié et stockage des déchets de faible activité / Nuclear Used Fuel and Disposal of Low-Level Waste SESSION 8 - L'économie mondiale et la consommation d'énergie / World Economies and Energy Consumption TABLE DES MATIÈRES / TABLE OF CONTENTS OUVERTURE DE LA CONFÉRENCE DE L'ANC/SNC - OPENING OF THE CNA/CNS CONFERENCE C. Grandmaison - Mot d'accueil/Opening Remarks (Hydro-Québec, Canada) Conférenciers d'honneur/Keynote Addresses: A. McClellan (Minister of Natural Resources of Canada) T.E. Rummery - "Power and the Future Generation" (AECL, Canada) SESSION 1 - Plénière / Plenary T. Going - "Economie Effects of the Canadian Nuclear Industry" (Ernst & Young, Canada) R. Émard - "Economic Impact of Hydro-Quebec's Nuclear Activities" (Hydro-Québec, Canada) N. Ladoux et al. - "Nuclear Energy in France: Assessing its Impacts on the Economy and the Environment" (CEA, France) DÎNER de l'ANC / CNA LUNCHEON G. Saint-Pierre - "Canada's Nuclear Industry - A Leader in the Global Market" (SNC-Lavalin Inc., Canada) SESSION 2 - La nouvelle réglementation en matière d'environnement et ses répercussions sur l'industrie énergétique / New Environmental Regulations and Their Effects on the Energy Industry T. Meadley - "Environmental Assessment: Industry Perspective" (Uranium Saskatchewan, Canada) J.G. McManus - "Environmental Regulations and their Effects on the Nuclear Regulator" (Atomic Energy Control Board, Canada) R.G. Connelly - "The Canadian Environmental Assessment Process: Current Process, Expected Reforms, and Implications for the Nuclear Industry" (Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, Canada) SESSION 3 - Nouvelles CANDU / CANDU Update Hong J.B. - "CANDU in Korea, Present and Future" (Korea Electric Power Corporation, Korea) R. Boucher - "June 1994, Update on Cernavoda" (AECL CANDU, Romania) B.K. Kakaria - "CANDU Market Prospects" (AECL CANDU, Canada) M. Poissonnet • "Uranium Industry Update" (COGEMA Resources Inc., Canada) D.R. Anderson - "Going Global - Growing Small Businesses" (Canatom Inc., Canada) SESSION 4 - Gestion du cycle de vie des centrales nucléaires / Life Cycle Management of Nuclear Power Plants J.-P. Combes et al. - "Lifetime Management of the Nuclear Units in France" (EDF, France) R.W. Durante - "Nuclear Plant Life Cycle Costs" (AECL Technologies Inc., USA) M.H. Ross - "Plant Life Management and the Single Reactor Utility" (Hydro-Québec, Canada) SESSION 5 - Évolution de la technologie nucléaire / Evolution of Nuclear Technology T.S. Andersen - "Westinghouse Advances in Passive Plant Safety - AP600" (Westinghouse Electric Corporation, USA) R.S. Hart - "The CANDU 9" (AECL CANDU, Canada) SESSION 6 - La technologie de demain / Technologies for Tomorrow .v\\ V R. Décoste - "Contributions of the T de V Tokamak to the International Fusion Effort" (Centre canadien de fusion magnétique, Canada) D.P. Dautovich et al. - "CFFTP Development in Fusion Technology" (CFFTP, Canada) E.D. Earle - "Observing the Sun from Two Kilometers Underground" (AECL Research, Canada) SESSION 7 - Combustible nucléaire irradié et stockage des déchets de faible activité / Nuclear Used Fuel and Disposal of Low-Level Waste K.W. Dormuth et al. - "Disposal of Canada's Nuclear Fuel Waste" (AECL Research, Canada) D.R. Champ et al. - "A Perspective on the Management of Low-Level Radioactive Waste" (AECL Research, Canada) R. Ahenakew - "Self-Determination and Economic Development: The Storage of Used Nuclear Fuel - Community Consultation and Participation" (Meadow Lake Tribal Council, Canada) SESSION 8 - L'économie mondiale et la consommation d'énergie / World Economies and Energy Consumption M.T. Tremblay - "Energy Consumption and Economie Development" (Royal Bank, Canada) D.P. Ward et al. - "Meeting the World Energy Needs - The Economie and Environmental Aspects of the Nuclear Option" (Sargent & Lundy, USA) OUVERTURE DE LA CONFERENCE DE L'ANC/SNC - OPENING OF THE CNA/CNS CONFERENCE C. Grandmaison - Mot D'accueil/Opening Remarks (Hydro-Québec, Canada) Conférenciers d'honneur/Keynote Addresses: A. McClellan (Minister of Natural Resources of Canada) T.E. Rummery - "Power and the Future Generation" (AECL, Canada) NOTES POUR UNE ALLOCUTION DE M. CLAUDE GRANDMAISON VICE-PRÉSIDENT, RÉGION MAURICIE HYDRO-QUÉBEC CONFERENCE ANNUELLE DE L'ANC ET DE LA SNC MONTREAL LE 6 JUIN 1994 SALUTATIONS D'USAGE. PERMETTEZ-MOI D'ABORD DE VOUS SOUHAITER À TOUS LA PLUS CORDIALE DES BIENVENUES À MONTRÉAL JE SUIS CONVAINCU QUE CETTE RENCONTRE ANNUELLE SAURA RÉPONDRE AUX ATTENTES DE TOUS LES REPRÉSENTANTS DE L'INDUSTRIE NUCLÉAIRE QUI SONT ICI PRÉSENTS. I WOULD PARTICULARLY LIKE TO EXTEND THIS WARM WELCOME TO THE NUMEROUS PARTICIPANTS FROM ABROAD. INDEED, AS YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED WHILE READING THE PROGRAM, WE WILL ENJOY THE OPPORTUNITY OF EXCHANGING IDEAS WITH SPECIALISTS FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE WORLD. AT THIS TIME, I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO THANK THE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, FOR HAVING ENTRUSTED ME AS HONORARY PRESIDENT OF THIS PRESTIGIOUS CONFERENCE. IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE THAT I ACCEPTED THIS RESPONSIBILITY IN HYDRO-QUEBEC'S NAME AND AS THE VICE-PRESIDENT RESPONSIBLE OF THE ONLY NUCLEAR FACILITY IN OUR NETWORK. AS YOU MAY WELL KNOW, NUCLEAR ENERGY IS MINIMALLY EXPLOITED IN QUÉBEC. INDEED, WE STILL HAVE ABUNDANT HYDRAULIC RESOURCES AT OUR DISPOSAL THAT CAN BE IMPLEMENTED AT A COST THAT IS INFERIOR TO ALL OTHER MEANS OF PRODUCTION. NEVERTHELESS, HYDRO-QUÉBEC WISHES TO MAINTAIN ITS TECHNICAL EXPERTISE IN THE NUCLEAR ENERGY FIELD AND IS ALWAYS ON THE LOOKOUT FOR NEW TECHNOLOGIES. IT IS IN THIS SPIRIT THAT WE HAVE BEEN OPERATING OUR GENTILLY-2 NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, A CANDU-PHW TYPE PLANT, FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS. THIS PLANT PLAYS AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN HYDRO-QUEBEC'S EQUIPMENT POOL. ALTHOUGH IT SUPPLIES BUT 3 PERCENT OF OUR TOTAL PRODUCTION - WHICH REPRESENTS SOME 45 TERAWATTHOURS OVER 10 YEARS -, ITS RELIABILITY ASSURES IT A CONSTANT PRESENCE ON THE NETWORK. HENCE, SINCE THE BEGINNING OF ITS COMMERCIAL OPERATION, GENTILLY-2 HAS ATTAINED A PRODUCTION COEFFICIENT OF OVER 76 PERCENT. LIKE ALL OTHER SOURCES OF ENERGY, NUCLEAR POWER HAS ADVANTAGES AND
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